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本文(江苏省苏州市吴中区九年级英语教学质量调研测试题一 牛津版Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省苏州市吴中区九年级英语教学质量调研测试题一 牛津版Word文件下载.docx

1、 the B. the; the; the C. the, a; a D. the; the2- Its a top secret. -Yes, I see.1 will keep the secret _you and me. A. with B. around C. among D. between3. Its a lovely dress but its too expensive. I cant _it. A. spend B. pay C. afford D. cost4. He loves breathing fresh air in the countryside and _in

2、 the morning sunshine. A. sit B. sitting C. sits D. is sitting5. -Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car? -Why _?Im busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing. A. me B.I C. him D. her6. I cant find my watch, but it must be _in this room. A. everywhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D.

3、somewhere7. I dont think looking after children is just _work. A. woman B. womans C. women D. womens8. They all _me good luck when I leave for Shanghai. A. hope B. wish C. want D. like9. -Two tickets for Friday. -Sorry, weve got _left. A. no one B. quite a few C. nothing D. none10. Its better to tea

4、ch a man fishing than _him fish. A. to give B. giving C. to find D. find11. He jumped into the air, _with excitement. A. scream B. screams C. screamed D. screaming12. -Where is Mr. Li? I have something important to tell him. - Im afraid you _find him at the moment. He _the UK. A. may not; has gone t

5、o B. mustnt; has been to C. cant: has gone to D. cannot;13. I have decided _him for his mistake _everyone makes mistakes in life. A. forgiving; but B. to forgive; when C. to forgive; since D. forgiving; until14. -She didnt go to school yesterday, did she? -_, though she was not feeling well. A. No,

6、she didnt B. No, she did C. Yes, she did D. Yes, she didnt15. -Why werent you at the teachers meeting yesterday? -I _for a long distance call from my friend in America. A. waited B. was waiting C. have been waiting D. am waitingB)完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

7、“A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend:Someone who changes your life just by being part of it;Someone who makes you laugh until you cant 16 ;Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world;Someone who convinces(使相信)

8、you that there really is an 17 door just waiting for you to open it.This is Forever Friendship.When youre 18 , and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and . 19 .Your forever friend gets you through the h

9、ard times and the sad times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend 20_. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you, encourages you, holds your 21 and tells you that everything is going to be OK.And if you fin d such a friend, you feel happy, because you 22 not worry. You have a fo

10、rever friend for life, and forever has no 23 .A true friend is someone who gives you a hand and touches your heart. Remember: 24 happens, happens for a reason.How many people have eight true friends in fact? Hardly 25 I know. But some of us have all right friends and good friends.16. A. think B. sto

11、p C. harm D. offer17. A. unpacked B. unlocked C. unfixed D. unbom18. A. high B. above C. across D. down19. A. natural B. full C. funny D. proud20. A. leaves B. travels C. moves D. follows21. A. head B. hand C. heart D. back22. A. need B. must C. may D. have23. A. job B. end C. top D. goal24. A. Howe

12、ver B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Wherever25. A. someone B. everyone C. none D. anyone 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AMy grandfather took me to the small lake on our farm when I was about seven, and he told me to throw a stone into the water. He told me to watch the circles made by the

13、 stone. Then he asked me to think of myself as that stone. You may make lots of splashes in your life, but the waves that come from those splashes will push the peace of all the people around you. he said.Remember that you are responsible(有责任的) for what you put in your circle and that circle will al

14、so push many other circles.You will need to live in a way that allows the good that comes from your circle to send the peace of that goodness to others. The splash that comes from anger and jealousy will send those feelings to other circles. You are responsible for both. That was the first time I le

15、arned that each person gives the inside peace or discord(不和) that goes out into the world. We cannot bring world peace if we are puzzled(迷惑) by inside disagreement, hate, doubt, or anger. We give out the feelings and thoughts that we hold inside, whether we speak them out or not. Whatever is splashi

16、ng around inside of us is coming out into the world, building beauty and discord with all other circles of life.26. What did his grandfather ask him to do when he was seven years old? A. To go fishing in a small lake with him. B. To learn swimming in a small lake. C. To find some stones on the farm.

17、 D. To make water circles and watch them.27. What does the underlined word splashes in the passage mean? A.波纹 B.水滴 C.污点 D.石子28. We cannot bring world peace if _. A. we give out anger or jealousy to others B. we are puzzled by inside disagreement or hate C. We give out inside feelings whenever we dou

18、bt somebody D. All the above29. What does the writer mainly tell us? A. We should learn how to throw a stone. B. We shouldnt give out the feelings that we hold inside. C. We should be responsible for what we put in lifes circle. D. We cant build beauty or discord by our activities.B Some cars do not

19、 run the way they should. Bad smoke from a car can get into the air. This bad smoke is called pollution. Pollution turns the air a grey color. It is very dirty. It is not good for people to breathe this dirty air. To keep pollution down, the States tests cars every two years. This test checks to mak

20、e sure the cars do not pollute the air. If a car does not pass the test, the owner cannot drive it the next year. Some car owners drive their cars even though they cannot pass the test. It is also very bad for the air. People want to find a way to get these cars off the road. So a state program was

21、started that now seems to be helping. In this program the States buys cars that cannot pass the tests or will help pay for repairs. This program has been helping people buy better cars or fix their old ones. It has also been helping to cut down on pollution. To meet the needs for the program, a car

22、must be drivable and the owner must meet certain income (收入) restrictions (限制). In order to get help from the program, a motorist must have a family income of no more than 185% of the national poverty guidelines (贫困线 ) . For a family of four, that would be no more than $32, 653 each year. The state

23、program that takes polluting cars off the road has. just finished its first year, and people say it has been successful. For the past year, the state program has been buying cars that cant pass the tests. Some car owners get as much as $1,000 for their old ones, while others receive as much as $500

24、for repairs. The cars bought by the States through the program are put out of use and sent to dismantlers (拆卸厂) .30. Cars get tested every two years to make sure _. A. the owners can get some money B. they can get repaired on time C. they dont pollute the air D. the government can decide to buy them

25、 or not31. A car owner can get some money from the program if he/she has _. A. a motor B. only one car C. a small family D. low income32. After being bought by the government, a car will be _. A. put out of use B. repaired C. tested again D. reusedC Germs(细菌) are everywhere. You cant see them, but t

26、hey are on your desk, on your computer, and even in the air! Like people, germs move around the world. They fly with us on planes. When food, clothes, and other things travel around the world, germs travel, too. Some germs are safe, but some are dangerous. Germs cause illnesses like colds and the fl

27、u.Warmer Weather Brings Germs The worlds weather is changing. Cooler countries are getting warmer, so insects from hotcountries can move there. Some of these insects, like mosquitoes, carry dangerous germs. These germs cause headaches, fever, and can even kill people.Under Your Skin Your skin protec

28、ts you from germs. It stops some germs, but not all. They can enter your body when you eat, or when you have a cut. Germs are on your hands, too. They enter your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.Fighting Germs Your immune system(免疫系统) protects you, too. When germs get inside your body,

29、your immune system finds and kills them. Special cells(细胞) move around your body and fight germs. They help you stay healthy. Other cells make antibodies. Antibodies help your body find and stop germs. What can you do to fight germs? You should wash your hands with soap and water. Soap kills many ge

30、rms, and water washes them away.33. According to the text, insects _. A. kill germs B. carry germs C. protect germs D. love germs34. The underlined word there refers to _. A. cooler countries B. hot countries C. everywhere D. the world35. Which of the following is right according to the text? A. A1l germs are dange

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