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1、III.重点短语1- die_fn)m 死于2 (be)Med_to有关系的/有关联的4share with sb. 与某人分享5 belong。属于6 become/be_addicted_to 对 上瘾;沉迷于7- break_into破门而入;强行闯入8in_danger处于危险之中经典句式1 Smoking allows cocaine to reach the brain very quickly. 吸入的方式可以让可卡因很快进入大脑。2 Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and blood pressure 使用可卡因会加快使

2、用者的心率并使血压升高。3 Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.现在我在一家戒毒中心工作5帮助其他人戒毒。篇章理解Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.1 Users become addicted to crack cocaine more easily if they smoke it because .A crack cocaine is the most addictive form of cocaine

3、B smoking is much easier than injectionC smoking allows cocaine to reach the brain very quicklyD crack cocaine is much cheaper than other drugs答案:c2 From Adam Rousefs story, we learn that A though cocaine is addictive, you can give it up if you want toB cannabis has the same dangers as crack cocaine

4、C once you become addicted to drugs, youll never get away from themD Adam Rouse didnt follow the doctors adviceA3 Why did that man offer Adam some crack cocaine? A To see Adam in terrible pain.B To send Adam to the police station.C To make more money from Adam.D To find a job in a centre for Adam4 T

5、he writer tells us the danger of taking drugs by means ofA introducing the harm of cocaine B telling his own terrible experiences C comparing cannabis and crack cocaine D describing the cruelty of drug dealersB新课堂互动探究知识点详重点词汇、短语1 be related to与 有关系的Thirteen people die (every hour/every day)from illn

6、esses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer、bronchitis and heart disease.(教材Pl 1) 平均(每小时/每天)有13人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,比如癌症,支 气管炎和心脏病。These two things were related to each other.这两件事相互联系。These diseases are related to serious air pollution.这些疾病与严重的空气污染有关。归纳拓展(1 )relate sth. to/with sth.把 与 联系起来be related to与

7、 有关系;和 有关联(2) relation 联系;交往in relation to 关于;涉及It is difficult to relate cause with effect in this case. 这起案件中的动机和结果很难联系起来。I have a lot to say in relation to the plan to travel to Mars, even to settle there.关于去火星旅行,甚至在那定居的计划,我有很多话要说。 温馨提示:be related totoJ介词/后面要加名词或动名词。即学即用完成句子(1)我对任何与我哥哥有关的事情都感兴趣。I

8、m interested in anything related_to_ my_brothei(2)财富几乎不与幸福相Wealth is_seld0melated_to happiness.(3)我觉丽丽乔冠孩子联系在一起oI find it difficult to relate_him_to_a_bad_b0y2. reduce vt减少Some fat people try to reduce their weight.一些肥胖的人努力减肥。I have talked to him,but he still won!t reduce the rent of our house. 我和他谈

9、了,但他仍不愿减少我们的房租。(1) 把 减少到 把 减少 了 (2)reduce. to (doing) sth使 沦落到(更坏的)境地/(做)某事!i!名师点津reduce和介词to搭配时,后接具体数字,与by搭配 时,通常接百分数或具体数字,有类似用法的还有decrease, increase, rise 等 o(1 )They reduced the prices by 20%. You had better go and buy something in a huny.他们把价格降低了20%,你最好赶紧去买东西。(2)The expenses

10、 have_beeneduced_l o (己降至Q )lfi00yuan.3 belong to属于;是 的成员Read parts 1 6 and decide which article they belong to.(教材P13) 阅读16部分,判断它们分别属于哪篇文章。用法分析belong to不用于进行时态,也没有被动语态。后面 接人称代词作宾语时,要用宾格形式,不用物主代词形式。I realized that he and I belonged to different worlds.我意识到我和他不是一路人。I should not be surprised about som

11、e of her comments, bearing in mind the party she belongs to.想到她所属的那个党派,我对她的一些评论并不感到惊讶。常见的不用于进行时态,且无被动语态的动词或动词短语有: appear (出现),disappear (S失),happen (发生),last (持续),break out (爆 交),come true (实现),fall asleep (入睡),take place (发生)等。Her dream to swim across the channel has come tnie.她横渡海峡的梦想实现了。The meeti

12、ng lasted from two ofclock till six oclock.会议由两点一直持续到六点。即学即用语法填空Professor Li always tells his students that the future belongs (belong) to the well-educatedShe belonged to a high-minded group of ladies who met and discussed works of literature(2)完成句子1你是网球俱乐部的成员吗?Do you belong to the tennis club?2把椅子

13、放回原处。Put the chair where it belongs.3我的书在桌子上。The book on the table bel0ngs_to_me.4. addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt使成瘾;使沉溺于Tm 19 years old and I used to be a dmg addict.(教材P12) 我今年19岁,过去曾是个吸毒成瘾的人。He spends most of his time working,so he is a work addict.他大部 分时间都花费在工作上,因此他是个对工作上瘾的人。Nowadays many teenagers

14、addict themselves to playing computer games and it is becoming a social problem.现如今许多青少年沉迷于玩电脑游戏,这正成为一个社会问题。addicted adj.上瘾的;入迷的be/become addicted to .沉迷于 ;迷上addictive adj.使人上瘾的 addiction n.上瘾;Her son is addicted to computer games 她儿子对电脑游戏入了迷。Paul is now fighting his addiction to alcohol. 保罗现在正在努力戒酒

15、。I find the folk music very addictive 我发现这种民间音乐使人很着迷。即学即用语法填空(1)Reading novels addicts (addict) him; that is, he is addicted to it.(2)This medicine is addictive (addict), so dont take too much or youll be addicted (addict).(3)The British are addicted to working (work) in gardens.(4)And when you have

16、 an addiction (addict), you struggle with it.5 used to过去常常Tm 19 years old and I used to be a dmg addict. (教材P12)我19岁,曾经是个吸毒上瘾的人。I used to smoke but I gave up several years ago. 我以前吸烟,但几年前戒掉了。be used to do sth.被用来做某事be/get/become used to (doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事 The small house is used to hold some books

17、这座小房子用来放书。The old man has got used to living in the city 这位老人习惯了住在城里。易混辨析used to/wouldused to表示“过去常常,但现在不再那样了” 。强调过 去与现在的对比,可表示动作或状态。would强调特定情况下的倾向,表示过去的习惯性动作 或反复岀现的动作5但不表示状态。I used to drink black tea,but now I drink green tea. 我过去常喝红茶,但现在喝绿茶。Whenever I was in trouble,he would help me. 每当我有困难时,他总是帮

18、助我。辨析used to do.Jbe used to doing/be used to doused to do表示“过去常常”(暗含“现在已经不 再”之意),其中to是不定式符号、后 跟动词原形。be used to doing系动词be也可换作get,表示“习惯于做某 事” ;to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词be used to do可看作是动词use的被动语态,主语一般 是物,表示“被用来做某事”,to是不定 式符号,后面跟动词原形。The flat was really very nice, but compared with what wed been used to, it was

19、 a terrible let-down.这套公寓真的很不错,但比起我们以往住的地方,那就差太远 了。2He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand. 他指向那所房子原来所在的地方。3Modern information technology and teaching tools are used to make the course more lively.利用现代化信息技术和教学工具使课程更加形象生动。(1)完成句子1怀特先生过去常常住在中国,所以习惯吃中国菜。Mr White usedto live in China, so h

20、e is_used_to Chinese dishes.2木头可以用来做桌子和椅子。Wood can be used to make desks and chairs.耐心些!很快你就会习惯这儿的生活的。Be patient, and you will be_used_t0he_life here soon.(2)单句改错We have been used to depend upon our parents and teachers depend dependingIn our school there used to have a big tree which is said to hav

21、e lived more than 100 years.第一个 havebe3My little sister used to be naughty, and now she is quiet and shy andbut6 in danger处境危险的;处于危险之中Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users注射毒品的人如果和其他吸毒者共用注射针头的话,他们会面临 更多危险。Little did he care about his own safety, tho

22、ugh he was in great danger himself.虽然他自己处在极大的危险中5但他几乎不关心自己的安全。常用结构out of danger脱离危险be a danger to.对 是个威胁in danger of.有 的危险With effective measures, the situation was out of dange匚 由于采取了有效措施,形势转危为安。The narrow bridge is a danger to traffic.这座狭窄的桥梁对交通造成了威胁。dangerous adj.危险的 endanger v.危害 endangered adj濒

23、危的The percentage of endangered species has actually fallen since 2000. 自从2000年以来,濒危物种的比例有所下降。(1)语法填空Many schools were in danger of being_closed (close) because the children were bused out to other neighborhoodsThe operation is a success and now the patient is out of dange匸(3)The doctors announced th

24、at he was no longer in danger.完成句子1索马里海盗对于各国的船只确实是个威胁。The Somali pirates are really q_danger_t0 all nations* ships.2手术后,医生们说他已脱离了危险。After the operation, doctors said he was oipfLdanger.7 break into破门而入;The next day,I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.(教材Pl 3)第二天,我闯进了一户人家

25、,偷走了一台电视机和一台录像机。When I arrived home,I found my house broken into. 当我到家时,我发现有人闯入了我家。break down出故障;垮掉 break in强行进入;插嘴break up拆散;分裂;分解;驱散 break out爆发;突然发生Our car broke down on the way. 我们的车在半路上坏了。A big fire broke out in the kitchen. 突然间厨房里着起了大火。m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up. 我听说S

26、ue和Paul分手了,我很惊讶。break into/break inbreak into及物动词词组,后面必须接宾语。break into还有突然 起来之思。break in不及物动词词组,后面不能接宾语。除了表 示“闯入”外还可表示“打断,插话”。He broke into tears at the bad news.听到这个坏消息,他突然哭了起来。Thieves broke in when I was out.= Thieves broke into my house when I was out.我岀去时,盗贼破门闯入了我家。即学即用用break短语的适当形式填空(1)His musi

27、c style broke_away from the old tradition.(2)A terrible earthquake broke out in the middle January in Haiti.(3)My car brokjdown on the way to the airport.(4)Please don!t breakjn when others are talking.(5)Her health broke_down under the pressure of work.8 take onefs advice接受/听从某人的建议He told me that I

28、 could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine,so Itook his advice and stopped immediately.(教材P13)他告诉我要是不停止吸食强效纯可卡因我就可能会死去,我听取了医生的劝告,立刻停了。He refused to take his teachefs advice and failed to pass the exam again.他拒绝听从老师的建议,结果考试又未通过。归纳拓展 _follow/take ones advice 采纳某人的建议 ask sb. for advice=ask sb.s ad

29、vice 征求某人的建议 give sb. some advice on sth.就某事给某人提建议 a piece of advice 一条建议advise M建议advise doing sth.建议做某事advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事advise that.(should)do 建议 做某事Marx gave us some good advice on how to learn a foreign language. 关于如何学好外语,马克思给我们提了些好建议。I want to ask your advice about where to stay in Beijing. 我想征求你的建议,到北京住在哪里好。Passengers are advised to take good care of their bags. 建议乘客们看管好自己的提包。1I advised her not_to_ckive (不要开车)after drinking.2There wi

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