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届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 A land of diversity教师用书 新人教版选修8Word文件下载.docx

1、进口税 customer n顾客10.majority n大多数;大半major adj.主要的 vi.主修 n专业 minority n少数11.elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人election n选举12.distinct adj.清晰的;明显(确)的distinction n差别;区分;卓著13.applicant n申请人apply vi.申请application n申请书;申请14.apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的apparently adv.显然地;显而易见地15.indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示indication n迹象;标示i

2、ndicator n指示器;指示信号16.crossing n横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道cross n十字;交叉 adj.交叉的;生气的 v使交叉;横过across prep.在的对面(过)1.He won the election and was elected president of the country. (elect)2.He indicated that an indicator should give me some indications of how I did in the test.(indicate)3.The results of the survey fell

3、 into distinct groups. The old were scholars of great distinction while the young were the opposite. (distinct)4.Apparently,_she took no notice of the apparent mistakes in the accident.(apparent)5.All the applicants can apply in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their applicati

4、ons before May 6th. (apply)6.One of the major problems is that a majority of the graduates who major in English find it difficult to find a good job. (majority)7.“Walk across this street and turn left at the first crossing.” the boy told the lady. (cross)8.If a customer wants to bring the goods he b

5、uys abroad back to inland, he has to pay some customs when he passes through the Customs. (custom)1.与“雇用;辞退”有关的词汇hire n&vt.雇用employ vt. 雇用take on 雇用fire vt. 解雇dismiss vt. 解雇discharge vt. 辞退lay off 解雇turn away 解雇2.单复数意义不同的名词小结custom (风俗)customs (海关)manner (方式)manners (礼貌)paper (纸)papers (文件)art (艺术)a

6、rts (文科)arm (手臂)arms (武器)brain (脑袋)brains (脑力)work (工作)works (作品)short (短的)shorts (短裤)3.“多数与少数”面面观major adj.主要的majority n. 大多数minor adj. 少数的minority n. 少数4.以后缀“ing”结尾的名词crossing 十字路口singing 唱歌swimming 游泳writing 写作二、短语用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.live_on继续存在;继续生存2.make_a_life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等3.mark_out 标出界线4.keep_u

7、p 坚持;维持;沿袭 5.take_in 包括;吸收;欺骗;理解6.apply_for 申请;请示得到7.occur_to_sb. 某人突然想到8.by_means_of 用办法;借助于9.back_to_back 背靠背10.team_up_with 与合作11.a_great/good_many 许多;很多12.the_majority_of 大多数1.In some rural places of China, some people still prefer keeping_up their traditional lifestyle. 2.After 15 years in the

8、USA, he has finally made his decision to apply_for_American citizenship.3.While you are reading an article, youd better mark_out the key words and topic sentences.4.The trade caused me $500 worth of loss.Pity! You didnt listen to my advice; otherwise, you would not have been taken_in.5.You can team_

9、up_with one other class member if you cant finish it on time.1.“v.out”结构的短语荟萃mark out标出界线turn out 结果是make out 理解;辨认出work out锻炼cut out 删去come out 出版;开花2.“”结构短语荟萃break in强行闯入give in 屈服;投降turn in 上交三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least f

10、ifteen thousand years ago.然而,可能至少在15 000年前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。it is likely that .“有可能”。对我们学生而言参观长城有可能是一次难忘的经历。It_is_likely_that_a visit to the Great Wall for us students is an unforgettable experience.2.That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.那就是今天有超过40%的加利福

11、尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。That is why .“那就是的原因”。他迷恋电脑游戏,那就是他不得不辍学的原因。He is addicted to computer games, and that_is_why_he_has_to drop out of school.3.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixt

12、ure of many races and cultures.人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在一种明显的、主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族、多文化的混合体。It is believed that .“人们认为/相信”,其构成为:Itbe过去分词that从句。人们认为澳大利亚的历史始于18世纪末期。It_is_believed_that Australian history began at the end of the eighteenth century.America is a multicultural society, and the majorit

13、y of Americans are white people. Every American citizen of over 18 years old has right to vote and to be elected by law. The qualified voters elect their president by means of voting in the public election. It seems quite fair, but many black people are not allowed to vote in some states. Thats why

14、we say the right to vote is actually unfair.1majority n大多数;大半(1)a/the majority of . 大多数in the/a majority 占多数(2)minority n. 少数in the/a minority 占少数(3)major n&v. 主修;专业major in 主修;以为专业So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority (major) of people.(2014安徽

15、高考)因此,我们可以设想历史建筑物对于大多数人来说既有吸引力又很重要。An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are (be) against it.看来达成协议是不可能了,因为大多数委员会成员表示反对。I graduated from Chongqing Normal University and majored in information management.我毕业于重庆师范大学信息管理专业。名师指津the/a majority of名词,表示“大多数”,谓语动词

16、的数与of后面的名词相一致;the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可。2elect vt.选择;选举某人(1)elect sb. (as/to be) 职位 be elected职位 (职位前无冠词)(2)election n 选举Donald Trump was_elected (elect) as the new president of the United States.唐纳德特朗普被选为美国的新任总统。If I am lucky enough to win the_election (elect), the first thing I will do is to e

17、nrich our students afterclass activities.如果我足够幸运能赢得选举,我要做的第一件事就是丰富学生的课外活动。He was_elected_president_of the company, and the news came, in fact, as a surprise.他被选为公司的主席,实际上,这个消息一出来就给人们一个惊讶。3by means of通过;用办法;by this means 用这种方法by all means 当然可以;没问题by no means 决不;一点也不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装语序)Only by_this_means

18、 is it possible to persuade him out of smoking.只有用这种方法才能说服他不抽烟。Furthermore, punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.Furthermore, by no means is_punishment a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.此外,惩罚绝不是一个帮助他们在精神上和身体上健康成长的明智选择。Every pos

19、sible means has (have) been tried, but none worked.每种可能的方法都试过了,但是没有一种起作用的。4This/That is why .这/那就是的原因That_is_why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.this/that is because . 这/那是因为this is the reason why . 这就是的原因the reason why .is that . 的原因是(why引导的是定语从句)the reaso

20、n that . is . 的原因是(that引导的同位语从句)Tom overslept this morning. That is why he was late for work.汤姆今天早晨睡过头了。那是他上班迟到的原因。The reason_that he was ill yesterday is such a bad excuse.那个他昨天生病的理由真是个糟糕的借口。The reason why he has had such a success is that he never gives up.他取得如此成功的原因是他从不放弃。Mr. Li is the manager of

21、 a small company. He makes a busy life so his company runs very well. This year, hed like to hire more workers to expand production. At the beginning, he wanted to take in some migrant workers in order to save money. But it occurred to him that he ought to employ some university graduates in the lon

22、g run.5hire n& vt.租用;(1)on hire 出租for hire 可供出租(2)hire sth. out (to sb.) 把租出去(给某人)There are many bicycles on hire in this area.这地方有许多自行车出租。There are three small boats available for hire.这里有三只可供出租的小船。David used to hire his car out sometimes when he didnt need it himself.大卫过去常常在自己不用车时把车租出去。6occur vi.发

23、生;sth. occurs to sb. 某人突然想起某事It occurs to/strikes/hits sb. that . 某人突然想起It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想起做某事Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use. (2014辽宁高考书面表达)除了你奇妙的创意作品外,你还需要提交一份报告,解释你是怎么想到这个点子的,你用的是什么

24、材料。But it_struck/hit (occurred to) me that one shouldnt lose heart when in trouble.但是我突然想到一个人在陷入困境时不应该失去信心。Didnt it occur to you to_phone (phone) them about it?关于这件事你难道就没想到给他们打个电话?7make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等;谋生(1)make/earn a/ones living 谋生(2)live/lead a .life 过着生活come (back) to life 苏醒;变得活跃; 恢复生气bring

25、 .back to life 使苏醒过来;给活力Happy is the man who can make a living (make_a_life) by his hobby.以爱好谋生的人是幸福的。She had to look for parttime babysitting jobs these years to_make (make) a living.这些年来为了谋生,她不得不去找当临时保姆的活儿。When Alice came_to_life,_she did not know how long she had been lying there.当爱丽丝醒来时,她不知道她已经在

26、那儿躺了多久。8take in包括;理解;收留一词多义写出下列句中take in的含义The farmer took in the lost travelers for the night.收留While reading popular science books, we can take in more basic knowledge.吸收The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.包括Lacking necessary social experience, teenagers tend

27、to be taken in by ill people.欺骗Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words.理解take off 起飞;匆匆离去;脱下take on 呈现;雇用;承担take over 接收;接管;取代take up 占去;占据;开始从事take down 拿下;写下;记下take back 收回;取回There will be many challenges ahead, but I have confidence that Ill take_on the

28、burden.(2013天津高考书面表达)尽管前面有很多挑战,但我有信心勇挑重担。.单句语法填空1She was hired (hire) on the strength of her computer skills.2The majority of the interviewees prefer_(prefer) watching TV at home to going to the cinema.3She became the first black woman to_be_elected (elect) to the Senate.4It suddenly occurred_to him

29、 that he should adopt the homeless child.5We should not have racial (race) discrimination.6I wish to be considered as an applicant (apply) for the position.7Whoever breaks the school rules will surely receive punishment (punish)8The bell indicating (indicate) the end of the class, which interrupted our heated discussion.9Apparently (apparent), the iPods, if used probably, are helpful to ou

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