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1、designed. have been The car/cars has been Present perfectdesigned. were The car/cars was Pastdesigned. had been The car/cars had been Past perfectdesigned. will be The car/cars will be Future The car/cars will have been will have been designed. Future perfect are being designed. is being The car/car

2、s Present progressiveThe car/cars was being were being designed Past progressive Pay attention to the passive voice of “give”. Professor Villa gave Jorge an A. Active to Jorge by Professor Villa. An A was given Passive Passive Jorge was given an A. 1a Doing group work Look at the things on page 68.

3、Number them in the order of their invention. A: I think the telephone was invented before the car. Well, I think the telephone was invented after the car. B:Scottish John L. Baird Televisor 1925 I think the televisor was invented before the computer. A: Well, I think the televisor was invented after

4、 the computer. B: I think the calculator was invented before the plane. A: Well, I think the calculator was invented after the planer. B:1b Listening and matching Listen to the recording and match the inventions with the dates. Tapescript Life must have been difficult when you were a kid. Girl: Oh,

5、not really. Why do you say that?Woman: t have many modern inventions. Like, you probably Well, you didnGirl:t have a telephone, right?didn Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone was invented in 1876. Woman: How about cars? I bet cars werent invented yet. Sure they were. Cars were

6、 invented in 1885. My family had a car. I think you need to take a history class, Alice. Ha, ha! Well, did you have a TV? No, we didnt. The TV was invented around 1927, I think. Some friends of mine had one. But in those days, TVs were really expensive, and we couldnt afford one. And I bet you didnt

7、 have calculators and computers and stuff. Thats something I do know. We learned in school that hand-held calculator were invented in 1971 and personal computers were invented in 1976. Youre right. I didnt have those things when I was young. But I do now!The things in the pictures were invented in t

8、he following order. The telephone was invented in 1876. Cars were invented in 1885. The TV was invented around 1927. The hand-held calculator were invented in 1971. The personal computers were invented in 1976. Now you are going to read the listening tapescript. Blacken the passive voice, circle all

9、 the linking words and underline all the useful expressions. 1c Doing pairwork In pairs, one covers the dates and the other asks him when the things in the pictures on page 68 were invented. Then change roles and practice again. A: I think it was invented in 1876. B: When was the car invented? I thi

10、nk it was invented in 1885. When was the TV invented? I think it was invented around 1927. When was the hand-held calculator invented? I think it was invented in 1971. 2a Listening and numbering Next you are going to listen to a tapescript and number the inventions in the order that you hear them. W

11、hat are those?Boy:re battery-operated slippers. They What are they used for?re used for seeing in the dark. They s cool! Who were they invented by? Oh, that Julie Thompson. And look at this heated ice cream scoop. s used for scooping out really cold ice cream. I know what its for! ItBoy: Right. It w

12、as invented by Chelsea Lanmon. you can move the heels up Boy: My favorite are those shoes with adjustable heels. You knowand down. They were invented by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth. And what are they used for?your shoes. You can make the shoes go from casual to Well, you can change the style of

13、 Boy:dressy. The inventions are heard in the following order. shoes with adjustable heels heated ice cream scoopbattery-operated slippers2b Listening and matching You shall listen to the recording again and match the items in the chart on page 69 in columns A, B, and C. Invention Who was it/ were th

14、ey C: What is it/ are they used invented by? for?Shoes with adjustable heels Battery-operated sneakers Chelsea Lanmon Scooping really cold ice cream Jayce Coziar and Jamie Seeing in the dark Ellsworth Heated ice cream scoop Julie Thompson Changing the style of the shoes 2c Doing pairwork Role play t

15、he conversations using the information in the chart in the middle of page 69. Pay attention to the formation of passive voice. What are the shoes with adjustable heels used for? They are used for changing the style of the shoes. What are the battery-operated sneakers used for? They are used for seei

16、ng in the dark. What is the heated ice cream scoop used for? It is used for scooping really cold ice cream. 3a Doing pairwork There are two kinds of inventions. One is helpful invention, and the other is annoying invention. Now in pairs make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying invent

17、ions. Annoying inventions Helpful inventions Example: telephone alarm clock 1. plane 1. atomic bomb 2. computer 2. missile 3. bike 3. rifle 4. car 4. chemical weapon 5. train 5. alarm clock 3b Doing pairwork In pairs discuss your opinions in 3a with your partner. the most helpful invention? is What

18、do you think A: the light bulb. the most helpful invention isI thinkB: Why is that? Well, it gives people more time to work and play every day. B: the most annoying invention? isWhat do you think A: is the atomic bomb. B: I think the most helpful invention Well, it gives people more power to kill ot

19、hers. B: the less helpful invention? do you think WhatisA: I think the less helpful invention is the car. B: Well, it makes it possible for people to move to distant places faster. 4 Doing groupwork Imagine you are left alone on a small island in the sea. If you are allowed to take five inventions a

20、long with you, what would you take?I like to take the followings with me. knife flashlight handphone telescope gun SECTION B To learn to use passive voice (questions and statements) To read about tea Procedures Warming up by making passive sentences Hello, everyone. This week we learn to use passive

21、 voice (questions and statements). Now we shall begin by making passive sentences (questions and statements). I was frustrated by his reply. His death was caused by his hard work. Was the problem solved?His last hope was given up. His English pronunciation is influenced by his Chinese. His attention

22、 was concentrated on his disease. When was your radio set lost?Was her order obeyed?Was she terrified by her face?When was his house burned?1a Looking and writing On page 71 you will find some adjectives used to describe how food tastes. Look at the pictures and write them under the correct picture.

23、 Note that some pictures have more than one word. Do you like sweet drinks?The crackers arent crisp. They must have got wet. This soup is very salty. I like to drink sour milk. These oranges are as sour as lemons. 1b Writing the names On page 71 you will find in the box some adjectives used to descr

24、ibe food. Now read each of them and write the name of a different food after each of them. Sweet apple crispy crackers salty water sour rice 2a Listening and circling On page 71 in the middle of the page you will find 6 statements. Listen to the recording and circle T or F. Hey, did you know that po

25、tato chips were invented by mistake? Boy1: Really? What do you mean?Boy2: called a chef they were invented by says Well, here on the bag it that Boy1:George Crum. Boy2: When was that? Oh, it was back in 1853. Boy1: So, why was it an accident?where George worked sent back his a customer in the restau

26、rant plate of Boy1: Well, one day fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick. So what happened? Well, George was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really

27、 salty. He thought the customer would hate them. And? And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly-sliced, crispy, salty potato chips. And were still eating them today. What a cool story! Yeah. (The keys: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6.T) N

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