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1、A. Turn down the radio B. Close the window C. Go to bed2. Who will probably get the stamps?A. The woman B. The mans classmate C. The womans sister3. Why cant the woman go with the man ?A. Shes a little tired B. Shes going to listen to music C. Shes going to the library.4. When will the man arrive ho

2、me?A. At 10:00 B. At 11:00 C. At 12:005. Where does the conversation take place?A. At home B. In a travel agency C. In a hotel第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分;满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What d

3、oes the woman ask the man to send?A. A report. B. An e-mail. C. A letter.7. For whom will the man reserve the room in the Garden Hotel?A. For the woman. B. For Mr. Benson. C. For Mr. Black.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. Where is the hotel located?A. Out of the city. B. Near the harbor. C. In the center of t

4、he city.9. When will the speakers meet?A. On Friday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. Whats the conversation about?A. Buying a flat. B. Renting a flat. C. Visiting a flat.11. How many bedrooms are there in this flat?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.12. When can the woman move in?A. Ri

5、ght now. B. In two weeks. C. In October.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16 四个小题。13. Whats the man looking for?A. A monument. B. A pub. C. A hall.14. Whats the Mond?A. A road. B. A hill. C. A monument.15. How will the man get there probably?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.16. What do you think of the woman?A. She i

6、s helpful. B. She is impatient. C. She is rude.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.Why is Lily sitting in the trolley(手推车)?A. She is too heavy for her mother to carry. B. Her mother wants to talk to Mrs. Bell.C. Her mother has bought too many things.18. Whats Lily doing when Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Young are talkin

7、g?A. She hides a bottle of wine in Mrs. Youngs handbag.B. She is playing with a bottle of whisky.C. She is playing with the things her mother has bought.19. What can we learn from the speech?A. Mrs. Bell steals a bottle of whisky. B. The detective finds the whisky in Mrs. Bells handbag.C. Mrs. Young

8、 asks her daughter to steal a bottle of whisky.20. What does the speech tell us?A. Lily is a shy girl. B. Mrs. Bell is a forgetful person.C. People sometimes can hardly explain themselves.第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A In the coming months, we are bringing together

9、artists form all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeares plays in their own language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.National Theatre of China Beijing |ChineseThis great occasion(盛会) will be the National Theatre of Chinas first visit to th

10、e UK. The companys productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeares Richard will be directed by the Nationals Associate Director,Wang Xiaoying.Date & Time : Saturday 28 April,2.30pm & Sunday 29 April,1.30pm & 6.30pmMarjanishvili Theatre Tbilisi | Georgia

11、n One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, founded in 1928,appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of It is helmed(指导)by the companys Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.Friday 18May,2.30pm & Saturday 19May,7.30pmDefinitely Theatre London | B

12、ritish Sign Language (BSL)By translating the rich and humorous text of Loves Labors Lost into the physical language of BSL, Definitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeares comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

13、Tuesday 22 May,2.30pm & Wednesday 23 May,7.30pmHabima National Theatre Tel Aviv | HebrewThe Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide ,Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s,Since 1958, they have been recognized as th

14、e national theatre of Israel .This production of Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.Monday 28May,7.30 & Tuesday 29 May,7.30pm21.which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?A. Richard . B. Lovers Labors LostC. As You Like It D. The Merchant of Veni

15、ce22.What is special about Definitely Theatre?A .It has two groups of actors B. It is the leading theatre in LondonC. It performs plays in BSL D. It is good at producing comedies23.When can you see a play in Hebrew?A. On Saturday 28 April. B. On Sunday 29 AprilC. On Tuesday 22 May. D. On Tuesday 29

16、MayBBenjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before a visitor told him he needed one. In those days , a brush was made from camels hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair w

17、ould work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look ragged (蓬乱). His father said that the cat must be sick. Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.The cats lot was about to

18、improve. That year, one of Benjamins cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamins drawings. When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings (版画)by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Ben

19、jamin had ever seen. In 1747,when Benjamin was nine years old,Mr. Pennington returned for another visit .He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamins parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit. In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for cre

20、ating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape (风景) painting. William Williams ,a well-known painter, came to see him work . Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home .The books were long and dull. Benjamin could read only a little, having been a po

21、or student. But he later said,” Those two books were my companions by day, and under my pillow at night.”While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.24.Whatisthetextma

22、inlyabout?A.BenjaminsvisittoPhiladelphia.B.WilliamsinfluenceonBenjamin.C.Thebeginningoflifeasanartist.D.friendshipbetweenBenjaminandPennington.25. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?A. The cat would be closely watched. B. The cat would get some medical care.C. Benjamin would le

23、ave his home shortly. D. Benjamin would have real brushes soon.26. What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent?A. He took him to see painting exhibitions. B. He provided him with painting materials.C. He sent him to a school in Philadelphia. D. He taught him how to make engravings.27.

24、 Williams two books helped Benjamin to _.A. master the use of paints B. appreciate landscape paintingsC. get to know other painters D. make up his mind to be a painterCAfter years of heated debate, gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Fourteen wolves were caught in Canada and

25、transported to the park. By last year, the Yellowstone wolf population had grown to more than 170 wolves.Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States, but they were gradually displaced by human development. By the 1920s, wolves had pract

26、ically disappeared from the Yellowstone area. They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.The disappearance of the wolves had many unexpected results. Deer and elk populations major food sources (来源) for the wolf grew rapidly. These animals consumed

27、large amounts of vegetation (植被), which reduced plant diversity in the park. In the absence of wolves, coyote populations also grew quickly. The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park s red foxes, and completely drove away the park s beavers.As early as 1966,biologists asked the government to

28、 consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park. They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems. Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets. The government spent nearly 30 years coming up with a plan to reintrod

29、uce the wolves. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone. Today, the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone. Elk, deer, and coyote populations are down, while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback. The Yel

30、lowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.28.What is the text mainly about?A. Wildlife research in the United States.B. Plant diversity in the Yellowstone area.C. The conflict between farmers and gray wolves.D. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park.29.What does the underlined word “displaced” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Tested. B. Separated. C. Forced out. D. Tracked down.30.What did the disappearance of gray wolves bring about?A. Damage to local ecology. B.A decline in the parks in

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