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1、 Since you”re from Argentina, I”d have to ask you about soccer. 你来自阿根廷,所以我想问和足球有关的问题。 Yes, sure. What do you want to know about soccer?好啊。有关足球你想知道什么? Argentina is really famous for soccer. 阿根廷的足球运动特别知名。 Right. 对。 Because I”ve seen it from the news but I don”t have the feeling or I don”t really knowh

2、ow Argentinian people live football. 这是我在新闻里看到的,可是我没有这种感觉,我真的不知道阿根廷人这么喜爱足球。 OK, let me tell you that for us, football is something like natural. 好,我来跟你说一下,对我们来说,足球就像自然一样。 What do you mean by that?这是什么意思? It”s like when especially if you are a boy, when you come back from school after havinglunch wha

3、t we do is like going with your friends to play soccer on the street. 尤其是孩提时代,吃完午饭从学校回来以后,我们喜爱和朋友在街上踢足球。 On the street?在街上? Yes. Like this, meaning that everybody has the experience of playing soccer. 就是说全部人都有踢球的经受。 Yeah, I have it myself too. I used to do that when I was a kid. 好。我也踢过球。我小时候也踢过。 So

4、meaning that in Chile it”s kind of the same?你是说智利也是这样的吗? Yeah, I think you, since you can run and kick the ball, I mean everyone practice footballor soccer. 对,奔驰、踢球,全部人都在练习踢球。 How about the teams?那球队呢? What about them?球队怎么了? How you choose a team in your country?你怎么在你们国家选择一个支持的球队? That”s, I think th

5、at”s an issue. You have to choose just one team basically. 这是个问题。你只能选择一个球队。 What do you mean just one team?只能选一个是什么意思? You can”t support several teams, it”s just one. 你不能支持许多球队,只能支持一个球队。 I see and it should be the same through all your life or can we, or you can change?我明白了,就是一生中只能支持一个球队,可以转变支持的球队吗?

6、 OK, you can change but it”s not really, it”s not allowed actually by your friends or yourfamily. 可以,不过你的朋友和家人不会允许你这么做。 Sorry, does anybody change team?愧疚,那有人改为支持别的队吗? I”ve seen some people who have changed but they”re not really like into soccer. Ifyou”re really into soccer you would never change i

7、t and not because of your group or notbecause of society, because if you”re really into football that”s if you choose a team, that”s theteam you support forever. 我知道有些人转变了支持的球队,不过他们不太喜爱足球。假如你真的很喜爱足球,你不会更改你支持的球队,这并不是由于你所在的社交圈子,而是由于你真的很喜爱足球,假如你选择支持一个球队,那那支球队就是你会永久支持的球队。 Because in Argentina it is said

8、 there are two things that you cannot change, your mumand your team. 在阿根廷,人们说有两件事不会转变,你的母亲和你支持的球队。 OK, that”s good. 好,这很好。 No matter how bad things are for your team, you have to support, you will supportthe same team all your life. 无论你支持的球队状况有多糟糕,你也必需要连续支持他们,你一生都只能支持这支球队。 Yeah, we don”t have that s

9、aying in Chile but I think it”s pretty much the same. Youshouldn”t change your team. 好,我们智利并没有这种说法,不过我想智利的状况也是一样的。你不应当更改你支持的球队。 【篇二】谈论足球的英语情景口语对话 So how about in tournament time?竞赛时间呢? How?怎么了? How do you live that?一般有竞赛时你们是怎么过的? Well if it”s an important tournament, like World Cup or Copa America,

10、we would watchthe matches like normally watch and. 假如是世界杯或美洲杯这样的重要竞赛,我们会正常观看竞赛 What do you mean normally watch?正常观看是什么意思? Normally watch means even if you have classes, even if you are working, if there”s amatch in between you”re going to watch it. 就是说即使要上课或是要上班,假如有重要竞赛,我们还是会观看。 So wait a second. If

11、 you are working, suppose you are working in your office and thematches are three pm meaning like working hours or the match is at ten am like it”s schoolhours you still watch the match?等一下。假如你在上班,比方你在办公室工作,竞赛在下午3点开头,这时还是工作时间,或是在上午10点开头,这时学生还要上课,那你们也会看竞赛吗? Yeah, yeah. You get a TV at the office or y

12、our classroom and you watch the game. 对,没错。办公室和教室里有电视,可以看竞赛。 Really?真的吗? Yeah, we stop working because otherwise you wouldn”t do anything anyway. 对,我们会停下手里的工作,由于不然你也做不了什么。 So you stop working, you stop studying?你们会停顿工作,停顿学习? Yes. You stop everything that you are doing for watching the match?你们停下手头上的

13、一切事情,去看竞赛? Yeah. It”s kind of the same in Argentina. 这和阿根廷一样。 You see because it”s really important, like football is really important for us so if you”resupporting your team, if it”s your national team everyone gets involved. 由于这真的很重要,足球对我们来说特别重要,假如有你支持的球队,假如有国家队的竞赛,那全部人都会关注竞赛。 In my country the ra

14、ting of the matches is like more than thirty each time. 在我们国家,每次足球竞赛的收视率都超过30%。 Yeah, yeah, it”s the same in Chile. It”s really successful when you broadcast the match. 对,智利也是这样。传播竞赛会取得特别大的胜利。 【篇三】谈论足球的英语情景口语对话 How are the emotions? How do you live soccer from an emotional point of view?那心情呢?你在看足球直播

15、时心情是怎样的? Wow, that”s, if it”s an important match you will really get into it even if you”re not inthe stadium you”re watching it like on tele you will shout at the screen and you will shout. 哇,假如是重要的竞赛,你就会陷入其中,即使你不在现场看球,你是通过电视看转播,那你也会隔着屏幕呐喊 Which kind of things will you shout?你会由于什么状况而大喊? Pretty muc

16、h insults to all the players and the referee. 通常是骂球员和裁判。 Insults?骂他们? Like if they are not doing well you insult them?假如他们踢得不好,你会骂他们? Yeah, obviously. 固然会。 On the television?隔着电视屏幕? Even in front of the television, yeah. It might sound, it might sound a bit weird but atthe same time we see football

17、and we live football as a kind of stress relief therapy. 对,就在电视屏幕前。听起来可能有点儿惊奇,不过看足球直播对我们来说是一种缓解压力的疗法。 I see. So if they are doing well, OK, you say like come on let”s go and everything isfine?我明白了。假如他们踢得很好,那你会喊“加油,冲啊,很好”吗? If they are not doing as well as you would like to, you will insult them in f

18、ront of thetelevision?假如他们的表现没有你想的那么好,那你就会在电视机前骂他们? Yeah, and sometimes with people we get to the point that when they cry if their teamloses and I”ve seen that many times. 对,有时人们会由于他们支持的球队输球而哭泣,我看到过许多次。 Wait, are you talking about men, Latin American men, crying?等等,你是说拉美男人会哭吗? Yeah, macho Latino me

19、n crying because of football, yeah. 对,布满男子气概的拉美男人会由于球队输球而哭泣。 I see. 我了解了。 【篇四】谈论足球的英语情景口语对话 How about women? How do they live football, soccer?女性呢?她们在看足球竞赛直播时是怎样的? Well recently they are getting more and more into football and if you go to the stadiumyou can see more and more women come in and once

20、they get into football it”s really commonto see them at the stadium for example. So and it”s really nice because it used to be a kind ofactivity just for men, like supporting teams, knowing about football, going to the stadium butnow it”s more like you get a lot of couples there and you get a lot of

21、 families so I think it”s agood point that women are getting more and more involved. So are you involved in football,are you into football?最近喜爱足球的女性越来越多,假如你去体育场看竞赛你会发觉,现场有许多女性球迷,假如她们喜爱上足球,那她们就会去现场看球。这特别好,由于足球以前是男性的运动,一般都是男性有支持的球队、了解足球、去现场看球,不过现在一般都是情侣、一家人一起去看球,所以我认为有越来越多的女性喜爱足球特别好。你喜爱足球吗? Actually,

22、I”m kind of a weird case for my country because I”m not very interested insoccer but still I know when there is a match, about the result and I have my favorite team aswell but I don”t watch the match but I”m very, very weird. I”m not the rule at all. I”m kind ofthe exception. 实际上,在我们国家,我算是惊奇的人,由于我对

23、足球不太感兴趣,不过我知道什么时候有竞赛,也知道竞赛结果,我有喜爱的球队,不过我不看足球竞赛,我真的是很惊奇的人。我和大家不一样,我是个特例。 So basically in Argentina women would be interested in football?阿根廷女性也对足球感兴趣吗? Women are like this, the same as in Chile, they are getting more and more involvedwith soccer. In the past it was like a social activity that you are

24、 a woman and you are with yourfamily, your father, your brother, your boyfriend, your husband and you shared the momentand now more and more they are, I mean women are playing soccer, going to the stadium orwe can see like girls meeting for watching the match. 和智利一样,她们越来越喜爱足球。以前看足球竞赛是一种社交活动,女性通常是陪爸爸、兄弟、男友、丈夫等家人去看竞赛,和他们共度时间,但是现在有许多女性踢足球,去现场看足球竞赛的女性也越来越多,还有女生会相约一起看竞赛。 Wow, that”s good. 哇,这很好。

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