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1、andrepeatdialogueinactivity1Step2Presentation1.播放儿歌兔子舞,让全体学生起立,带上动作跟唱儿歌。2.left,right,around,go,go.然后询问:Whatsmeaningofaround?接着以同样方式学习turnright。3、老师出示这两个词组的卡片,分层次操练词组。4.引出词组goon,分层次操练该词组。5.Playgame:用形象的动作来学习这几个重点词:on,right.DoasIsay:3say1Listencarefullyanswerquestions. a.DidDoudoufindits? 2Listentape,


3、读。2.请学生做小老师领读。3.小组学习为主,分角色读。带头饰情景表演:A扮演Amy,B扮演Sam,C扮演老爷爷,D扮演女主人。5.出示一幅地图,让学生跟同桌相互询问路线,练习对话A:Wheres,B:on5Summary1.总结本节课所学内容。给获胜小组发放小奖品,肯定和表扬表现好的每一个小组。6Homework画一幅图画,上面有许多的建筑物和道路,用英语说一说如何到想去的地方。五、板书设计ModuleUniton.leftrightWheres Go straight on .Then Turnleftstreetexcusemesupermarketbesidescinemaunit 2

4、 Its at the station一、教学内容:学习问路和指路。二、教学目标(一)知识目标:1.学习单词station up down near2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is updown the up down2 能运用句子Its at the station.来描述位置。(三) 情感目标:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。三 教学重点、难点:1.认读单词station 和理解方位介词up down near at,并明白他们表示的方位。2.运用句子Its at the station.描述位置四 、教学用具:磁带、录音

5、机、课件、单词卡片、市区地图、五、 教学步骤(一)Warmingup1.教师板书 “supermarket”,学生认读单词;师在黑板上画出本市的平面和标上“supermarket”.T:“Excuse me,where is supermarket?”S1“Turn right. Go straight on and turn left.” S2:“Turn left. Go straight on.”师示出“school”学生认读“Excuse me,where is the school?” S3 S4.等回答。(二 ) Presentation1 .T:“Li Hong will go

6、to GuangZhou next week Excuse me, where is the station?”师示出词卡“station”范读单词,T:“Where is the station?” “station”,S5S6:Turn left.Go straight on. Its next to the zoo.2. 师播放火车轰鸣的声音,T:“Lets guess,what is this?”; T:“Oh,its a train. train,train. ”师教读单词“train”。3. 师呈现Thomas 上小山的画面,T:“Wheres the train?”,T:“Its

7、 up the ?“Its down the ,down,down the ”5 Thomas驶向农庄的房屋,T:“Where is the train.?.T:Its near the ? Its at the station.”6.师检查学生朗读单词,学生跟随师读短语Up ,up ,stand up.Down, down, sit down.Near, near, near the 1. 师示出一张公园的平面图,从school, left, turn right, go straight on说说,比一比哪一位学生是最佳向导。(五)Summary 朗读歌谣Where is the trai

8、n?Its up the the .(六)Homework回家教父母亲用方向短语说说从自家到超市、市场等该怎样走。(七)板书设计Unit 2 It at the station.Where is Train 1?Its up the Greeting.chantlastmoduletogether.Showsomepicturesaskstudentssomethingaboutpictures. StepLearnnewwordsBeforewelearntext,words:these,reading,takingpictures,watchingTV,playingwithtoytrai

9、n.2Listening(1)Playlistencarefully. (2)Listenagainpointsentences“-ing”并圈出来。(3)timessentences.Tryimitatetonepronunciation.3.重点学习:Shesreadingbook.HesLook,Im4.Practice(1) AsklookatPage10then(2)Takeoutmagicbox.Asktakepicturefromboxdescribepicture.让学生看图片说出盼盼的活动。Sumwhatlearntduringthisperiod.Reviewtrain.A

10、ndreviewsentences:TV.textseveralCopytranslation.(六、板书设计: Module Shespictures HesrunningUnit 2 What are you doing?一、教学目标:情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。知识目标:掌握句型What are you doing?能力目标:能询问别人正在做什么,描述自己在做什么。二、教学重点;1. 学习句型:What are you doing? Im 2. 掌握词组:Listen to及动词的ing 形式:doing ,listening, watching, reading 三、教学难点:掌

11、握动词的ing形式 及读音。四、辅助资源:挂图、录音机、磁带、图片五、教学过程:(一) Warming up(1)Greeting.(2)Revision:T:Before class ,let us play a game。I want four of you to come different my 。The one who can do the action first will be the winner。I will give :1. 在学生做出talk to friends动作时, What are you doing? Ss:talk to friendYes,you are t

12、alking to friend。(HeShe is talking to friends。You are the winner。A present for you。Go back to your seat。Today,we will leant a new lesson。(板书句子)What are you doing ? 2. 呈现课文(拿起事先做好的图片)This is father。This is mother。They 。It time for breakfast。But where are the children?What ?What is Sams family doing n

13、ow? Lets listen to the tape. T:Listen again ,and answer the questions:What is SamAmyTom doing?Now who wants to be Sam?The whole class ask milkdrink1.师板书:read,write,listen,playtalk2.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。3齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。(三)Presentation(1)学习新句型1.T:What.。3.T:aretheydoing引入句子:Theyretaijiquan.并板书。4.用类似方法教The


15、2.请自愿上台的学生背朝大家,选择其中的一个数字,教师翻开此卡片的反面示以台下的同学,台下学生根据卡片上的内容做出相应的动作。3.台上的同学必须用英语Theyre动词+ing+宾语来猜测台下同学所做的动作。如果说对了,台下同学要说“Yes”,若连猜3次不中,可用Whatdoing?请求他的朋友,帮忙回答。(五)Homework1.抄写单词:play,drink,2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?Unit 2 Whats the elephant doing?一、话题:Animals二、教学内容: What are they doing?B

16、:Theyre playing football. What is it doing? Its drawing pictures.三、教学目标:(一)Knowledge aims:1Enable the students to learn the four skill sentences by sentence structures in authenticsemi-authentic situations.2Make the students observe things carefully and aims:1Make the students love animals.2Make the

17、 students do everything whole the four skill sentences by Ts questions: Do you like animals?Whats your favourite animal?What can the animal do?Can you ?What is and practiceStep 3.Consolidation andextensionPresentation1. Show a picture of a forest.T:Oh! There are so many animals! Can you tell me wher

18、e they live?OK! Lets go to the forest.2. Look, ask and answer.T shows a big picture of a forest.Look at the forest! The cat family is fishing. The two baby cats are talking.1 T imitates the two baby cats. 2 C1: Look at the What is it doing?C2: Its Ask and answer.T: What else can you see? Look at the

19、 monkey. What is it doing?板书:What is it doing?Its drawing pictures. Pair work You can practice with your partner,using sentences: Look at theWhat is it doing or what is she doing?Learn the structure:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk. Look at the elephant. What is it doing? How do we drin

20、k water?(We drink water with our mouths.)T: The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.(出示单词duck, must, but, trunk来对比,找出发音规律) 板书I amwith my.3. Read and answer. Read and answerHere is a passage about the picture. You can listen and answer the Qs:What is the mother kangaroo doing?Read the passage.F

21、irst, read after the tape, then read with the partner.Listen and find the differences. Id like to read this passage for you. But something are different, you try to find them out. OK?Read the passage together.Module 4Unit 1 Do you want some rice?一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1)学会本课新句型“Doyouwantrice”关于询问对方的意愿及其回答“Ye

22、s,please.”“No,thankyou”。(2)复习旧句型“Havegot.?”及其回答“Yes,It.2.掌握单词及词组:Chinese fast food, want, some, make, nice, chopsticks, difficult,Chinese fast food,makenoodles三、教学难点单词“difficult”“chopsticks”;培养学生学习英语的热情,学生能在学完本课后,能把所学的知识运用到日常生活中,并能初步的认识到中西方文化的差异性。四、辅助资源水果、食物、筷子、课件、单词卡片I.Warmingup:1.演唱歌曲:Rowboat2.Chant:NoodlesII.Revision:1、Guess:T:TodaybringChinesefoodyou.Guess:take? 出示单词:noodles,rice,cake,sweets,peanuts,meat,milk,fish,apple,banana,orange,pear)然后用课件展示食物列表复习。2.复习“Havegot?”句型。Ivelotsfood.Haveanapple?III.Newwords.1.T: Doapples? S1:Yes.Yes,please. T:Doso

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