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河南省驻马店市届高三上学期第二次质量检查 英语Word文档格式.docx

1、AHe will have a class at 4:30 BHe will go home immediately after classCHe will go home around 6:004What did the woman do with the magazine?AShe put it away BShe has never seen itCShe saw the book but never touched it5Why doesnt the mans wife want to go abroad?AThey are too poor to go abroadBShes afr

2、aid the hotels there will be very expensiveCHer husband thinks the same as she does 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分。满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8小题。6What time do you think they are having the dialogue?A

3、At breakfast time BAt tea time CAt noon7What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue?AHer parents have gone to Asia for a visitBShe is most probably an American studentCShe regretted not having been to Asia with her parents8Which is right according to the dialogue?APeter has tea at his office

4、 on weekdaysBThe woman likes to have tomato sandwiches but Peter likes bread and butterCThe woman has been to the Great Wall听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9Why does Julia want to leave her present job?ABecause she does not like the jobBBecause she wants to do something differentCBecause she wants to travel and tea

5、ch English10Which of the following countries is Julia most likely to go if she is given a job there?ACanada BAmerica CItaly11Tom is most likely Julias Ahusband Bboyfriend Cboss听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12In which month or months is the price to Madrid most expensive?AIn March and April BIn May and June CIn J

6、uly13How much does it cost for the couple to go to Madrid in April?A$1050 B$920 C$96014What can you learn from the conversation?AFewer people go to Madrid in JulyBThe couple could not decide whether to go to Madrid or to some other placesCThe price goes up and down in different months听第9段材料,回答第15至17

7、题。15Where can you find national parks?AIn the mountains BIn cities CBy rivers16What do campers enjoy most in the parks?AHunting BSkating CA change from the busy life17Where do most of campers stay in the parks?AIn their cars BIn their tents CIn houses听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18In what way have cars changed

8、 American life?APeople spend most of a day in their cars BMore people live outside the citiesCMore people go abroad19Why have smaller cars become common?ABecause the cost of petrol has increased BBecause they are cheaper.CBecause they run faster20What foreign cars do Americans like to buy?AJapanese

9、and Chinese BBritish and German CGerman and Japanese第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21As we know,Stephen Hawking is man of great achievements,who is considered one of greatest scientists of our timeAthe:the Bthe;不填 Ca;the Da;不填22Will you go

10、to the party tonight? Im not sureI stay at home and do my homeworkAmust Bmight Ccan Dshould23Shall Mary come and play computer game? No, she has finished her writingAwhen Bif Conce Dunless24No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to Athe other Banother Cany other Do

11、ther25Something really strange happened to me last night Yeah? ,David?ATell me BWhat was that CI cant believe it DHow it happened26These children are wildI feel sorry for has to be their babysitterAwho Bwhom Cwhoever Dwhomerer27 the football match might be put off Yes,well,it all depends on the weat

12、herAI had been told BIve told CIm to be told DIve been told28Tian liang , a famous diver on the Chinese diving team, two Olympic gold medals in four years.Ahas won Bwill win Chad won Dwon29Albert Einstein is said to play the violin in order to relax himself when tired Ato have learnt Bto be learning

13、 Cto learn Dlearning30One more day, Ill get everything readyAor Bwhile Cand Dbut31 out of the office building,suddenly a car stopped in front of meATo come BHaving come CComing DThe moment I came32Do you have anyone particular in for the job? In my opinion,Tom is the right personAhead Bheart Cmind D

14、brain33Mary felt herself to take action to defend herselfAforcing Bto force Cbeing forced Dforced34The concert by Lang Lang was so well that all the tickets had been sold out on the firs three daysAreceived Brecognized Cadmitted Dtaken35It was a red light,WilliamYou the car.SorryI didnt see itAmust

15、stop Bshould stop Cmust have stopped Dshould have stopped第二节:完形填空(共20小题。每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。David,my neighbour,has two young kids who are five and sevenOne day he was 36 his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower(割草机)around the yardAs he was tell

16、ing him how to turn the mower 37 ,his wife,Jan,called to him to ask a questionAs David answered the question,Kelly pushed the lawn mower 38 through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn- 39 a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!When David turned back and saw what had happened,he began to lose

17、40 David had put a lot of time and 41 into making those flower beds the 42 of the neighbourhoodAs he began to 43 his voice to his son,Jan walked quickly over to him,put her hand on his shoulder and said,“David,please remember were raising children, not 44 !”Jan 45 me how important 46 is as a parent

18、to remember our priorities(things that need attention before others)The window shattered(打碎)by a 47 ,a lamp knocked over by a careless child,or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already 48 The flowers are already deadWe must remember not to 49 to the destruction by breaking a childs spirit and dead

19、ening(减弱)his 50 A few weeks ago,Mark Michaels,the owner of a store,and I were together 51 parentingHe told me while his family were out for dinner,his daughter knocked over her water glass 52 the water was cleaned up without any blaming remarks from her parents,she looked up and said,“I 53 want to t

20、hank you for not being like other parentsMost of my friends parents 54 have shouted at them and given them a lecture about paying more attentionThanks for not 55 that!36Ateaching Bhelping Clooking at Dasking37Aup Baround Cdown Dover38Anearly Beven Calmost Dright39Aleaving Bstaying Cremaining Dfindin

21、g40Ahope Bcontrol Cmind Dheart41Astrength Beffort Cpower Dcourage42Apride Brespect Cenvy Dhonor43Arise Bexpand Cimprove Draise44Aflowers Btrees Cgrass Dvegetables45Acalled Breminded Cwarned Dtold46Athis Bthat Cit Done47Amower Bbaseball Cchair Dbook48Abroken Bshabby Ctorn Dworn49Aattend Btend Cadd Ds

22、ee50Ahappiness Bliveliness Cbravery Dhumor51Atalking Bspeaking Ctelling Ddiscussing52ABefore BAfter CUntil DSince53Areally Bactually Ceventually Despecially54Ashould Bneed Cwould Dmust55Asaying Bdoing Cthinking Dshowing第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。AThe other day at th

23、e supermarket,I saw a naughty child of about six crying loudly,falling to the floor and refusing to moveAll the while the troubled mother was trying to persuade him to behave well but failedA little smack(掴,打)on his bottom would have done the job,I thoughtTeenagers also cause discipline(纪律)problemsA

24、s a teacher I had a 16-year-old student who had fallen in love with a waiter at a fast-food restaurantIn fact,she had left home to stay with himSo we decided to put her in the school hostelShe refusedWhen she heard her mother begging her to stay in the hostel she turned round and said:“Why dont you

25、stay in the hostel if you like it so much?My palms were itching(发痒)to slap her for being so rude but the poor mother continued to cajole her,hoping that gentle persuasion would work wondersIt did notThe last I heard,she had run away from home againThe list goes on and onCould it be that todays paren

26、ts are softer and believe that they must not rod(棍棒惩罚)their children for fear of the bad result? Or do they actually believe that the children will get rid of the bad habits and behave well naturally as they grow older? I beg to disagreeI believe it is the parents duty to discipline the children eve

27、n at a young ageMy children who are now adults will prove the fact that I used the rod when I thought it necessaryLater when they went abroad,they related to their British university friends on how they were disciplinedTheir friends abroad were filled with horror and told my daughter that I could be

28、 charged with child abuse(虐待)However,my daughter showed great respect for me when she told them that she would not be where she was today if not for my strict discipline56According to the passage,the author would probably Abeat the children every day Bpunish the children when necessaryCleave the chi

29、ldren as they are Dtreat the children in a softer way57The underlined word“cajole”(in Paragraph 3)probably means Apersuade Bscold Cforgive Dpunish58Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe naughty boys mother hit him on the bottom at lastBThe teenagers mother lived together with her daughter in the school thenCThe

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