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1、B.Wilbur s deathC.more and more pioneers in flyingD.all of the above4)Dos Passos s attitude towards the Wright brothers is _.A.suspiciousB.appreciativeC.criticalD.jeeringKey: 1) C 其他三项语义不符合 2) C 文章中提及人们嘲笑他们设计的飞机 3) D 文章提及了上面三个因素使莱特兄弟淡出了人们的视线 4) B 其他三项语义不符合2. Vocabulary StudyRead the following groups

2、 of words carefully, find out their differences and then do the1following exercises.1) hover, soarSamples from the TextA. a fiftycent mechanical toy made of two fans worked by elastic bands that wassupposed to hover in the air, -(Ll65).63B. occasionallyeagles, that the Wright brothers followed soari

3、ng with their eyes as Leonardo watched them centuries before straining his sharp eyes to apprehend the laws of flight. (Ll. 94-98)C. Once they d managedhoverto for a few seconds and soar ever so slightly on a rising air-current they decided the time had come to put a motor in their biplane. (Ll.112-

4、115)Fill in each blank with a word in its proper form.A. If the birds have not flown for three years, they will _ into the clouds. If they havenot sung for three years, their songs will take everyone by surprise.B. The helicopter _ over the crowd for a while before inching away.C. One can never cons

5、ent to creep when one feels an impulse to _.D. It follows that they must either arrive at the opposite view or _ between the two.E. They can fly forward, backward, upside down and even _ in mid-air.F. At times Squeak would _ around my head, just looking at me for no apparent reason.G. His grace and

6、wit during the dangerous incident caused his popularity to_.H. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never _ to reach the heights we mighthave obtained.2)involved, engaged Samples from the TextA. trying to interest government officials, to make sense out of the smooth involved heartbreaking re

7、marks of lawyers. (Ll. 127-128)B. As the flights got longer the Wright brother got backers, engaged in lawsuits, (Ll.-140)382A. She called Mrs. Watt, but the line was _.B. We should hold you responsible for any loss that may be _.C. The soldiers were _ in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.D. The su

8、ccess of the project relies on the cooperation of all the parties _.E. How long has Alice been _ with that red-haired boy?F. We are now _ in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by ourforefathers.G. It is considered that bioclimatology is an _ subject.H. Fathers are encouraged to be mor

9、e _ with their families.I. When she said she was _ to be married I nearly fell off my chair.J. He is believed to have been _ in the kidnapping of journalist Jill Carroll.Key to Vocabulary Study1) a. soar b. hovered c. soar d. hovere. hover f. hover g. soar h. soar(hover means 1) stay in the air in o

10、ne place; 2) stay around one place; 3) stay close to certain amount. soar means 1) go upward fast; 2) be very high; 3) go through the air.)2) a. engaged b. involved c. engaged/involved d. involvede. involved f. engaged/involved g. involved h. involvedi. engaged j. involved(engaged means 1) busy; 2)

11、having agreed to marry; 3) doing or actively involved in an activity. involvedmeans 1) taking part in an activity or connected with it in some way; 2) having a romantic relationship with someone; 3) spending time with someone; 4) complicated. )Lesson 3Read the text again and choose the best answer t

12、o each of the following questions.1)What is true about prescribed burning?A.It can only be done under certain weather conditions.B.It refers to a natural fire which is controlled by foresters.C.It has been practiced for over a century.D.It has gained wide acceptance after the Yellowstone fires.2)Whi

13、ch of the following cannot explain why people do prescribed burning?A.Fire is part of the ecosystem of forests, as important as sunshine and rain.B.A forest that has gone unburned for many years is more likely to go up in flames.C.Frequent small fires staying low can pass through the forest floor qu

14、ickly.3D. Prescribed fires can reduce carbon dioxide in the forests.3)Which of the following does not increase the probability of a big forest fire? warmingB.grassy clearingsC.heavy growth of underbrushD.years of accumulating leaves4)Which of the following is not the necessary condition for

15、doing prescribed burning?A.breezeB.steady fireC.dry weatherD.natural firebreak5)The author writes this passage in order to _.A.explain what are prescribed the need for prescribed firesC.tell how to stamp out the devastating consequences of wildfires1. A 文中明确提到计划烧除需要的天气条件

16、2. D 文中没有说到计划烧除可以减少森林中的二氧化碳 3. B 其他三项都提及,而 B 选项没有提及 4. A 没有提及 A 项5.B 虽然其他三项略有提及,但是此文的初衷是表明实行计划烧除的必要性Study the following groups of words carefully and fill in each blank with a word in its proper from.1) fire, flame, blazeA. He could see the _ of the camp-fire across the beach.B. Actually, they were

17、pouring oil on the _ and making matters worse.C. The _ of the sunlight on the water was breath-taking.D. The aircraft came down in _, and heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass.E. The fire burned slowly at first, but soon burst into a _.F. Frequently, only heavy rain will provide th

18、e amount of water necessary to extinguish the _.G. Five fire engines brought the _ under control in just over an hour.H. The recent outbreak of a series of fatal _ has caused deaths, injuries and loss of propertiesto our community and exposed fire hazards in ageing multi-storey buildings.I. The crew

19、 made a last effort to put out the _ before finally abandoning the ship.2) ignite, light, kindleA. In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to _wood.4B. He claimed he had given up smoking, but later he _ a cigarette before my very eyes.C. When camping, you can _

20、 a fire with dry leaves and small pieces of wood.D. It _ more easily than any other common gas and a high pressure leak can even _spontaneously.E. The electric lamps went out so we had to resort to candles to _ the room.F. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to _ a light

21、 in the darknessof mere being.G. Flames _ up the night sky in a warehouse near Melbourne, Australia.H. Organize your day to avoid any setbacks that might _ temper flare-ups.I. Dreams _ a flame to illuminate our dark roads.Key to2. Vocabulary Study1) A. blaze/flamesB. fire/flamesC. blazeD. flamesE. b

22、lazeF. flames/fireG. fire/flames/blazeH. blazes/firesI. blaze/fire/flames(fire is a most general term, meaning the event of something burning, often destructive andproducing heat, lightand sometimes smoke. flame refers to hot bright burning gas that yousee when something is on fire and it is often u

23、sed in its plural form. blaze means a strong firethat burns brightly or very bright light or color.)2) A. ignite/kindle/lightB. litC. ignite/kindle/lightD. ignites/kindles, ignite/kindleE. lightF. kindleG. litH. igniteI. kindle(All the three wordsignite, kindle, and light can be used to mean 1) star

24、t burning; 2) makesomething start burning. But ignite emphasizes the reaching of the burning point, kindle emphasizes the preparation before making something burn, and light emphasizes the giving off of light and heat. Besides, ignite also takes on the sense of starting something dangerous, kindle a

25、lso means make someone excited about something, andlight also has the meaning of providing light for a place.)3. Grammar StudyFill in each bracket with the proper form of the word before it and decide on its part of speech.1)By starting their own carefully control () blazesa practice call ()prescrib

26、e() burningthey hope to put an end to monster wildfires, like the onethat ravaged 500,000 Florida acres last summer. (Ll.10-13)2)In 1998 the Earth s average surface temperature was the hottest ever record (),according to the World Meteorological Organization. (Ll.21-23)3)They also believe in letting

27、 fires spark () by lightning burn naturally when cool,damp weather reduces the risk of runaway flames. (Ll. 29-31)4)Before the Forest Service interfered, scatter () ground fires ignite () bylightning cleared the forest floor of accumulating leaves, branches, and needles every 5 to 25years. (Ll. 50-5

28、2)5)Years of amass ( _ ) underbrush light ( _ ) by lightning or carelessly tend5( _ ) campfires can fuel a much hotter, faster-moving fire than would naturally occur. (L.66-68)Key to 3. Grammar Study1)By starting their own carefully controlled (adj.) blazesa practice called (past participle) prescribed(adj.) burning they hope to put an end to monster wildfires, like the one that ravaged 500,

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