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1、 4._ secretary said that science was not a thing in which women can meddle. 5 Many part-time stu dents expected to offered some 5._ jobs on campus during the coming summer vacation. 6 Many people who live in London think that life in a large city offered special advantages. 6._ 7 The changes that ta

2、ken place in air travel during7._ the last sixty years would have seemed impossible to even the most Brilliant scientists at the turn of the 19th century. 8 I regret having left the work unfinished, I should have plan every thing ahead carefully.8._ 9 No bank kept enough cash to pay all its deposito

3、rs 9._ in full at one time. 10 The Conestoga wagon, used for carry heavy loads 10._ over long distances, originated around 1725 in a region of Pennsylvania occupied by Conestoga Indians. 参考答案1. workingwork。此句总体上讲述的是这些小家庭独立的掠影,而后半句解释到这些小家庭的成员生活在一起、工作在一起的情景,应该用一般现在时,和live保持一致。2. arewere。3. arewere。4.

4、allow前加be。“be allowed to do sth.”是“被允许作”的意思。5. offered前加be。“offer”是及物动词,后面应该接双宾语结构,即“offer sb. sth.”而在该句中缺少成分而只有宾语补主语,应该将其改为被动语态,即“be offered sth.”6. offeredoffers。7. taken前加have。8. planplanned。9. keptkeep。10. carrycarrying。易混淆词的使用错误 1 Industry officials predicted that mobile communications service

5、will soon be comparative in many respects to theservice provided by telephone that do not move. 2 In todays society, “Smoking effects your health” has2._ become a warning which is known to almost every house hold. 3 For his outstanding achievements in graduate teaching he is held in big esteem by hi

6、s students and colleagues.3._ 4 Supersonic craft may disturb the upper atmosphere to such an extent that dangerous radiation from the sun might reach the earth, with unimaginative effects on life there.5 In the late nineteen century, farm work and life were notmuch changed from what they had been in

7、 the old days. 6 Deciding how much discomfort and risk we are prepared to put up with in the name o better health is a high personalmatter, not a decision we should remain to doctors alone. 7._ 7 Whenever the subject of smoking and health is risen, 8._ the governments of most countries hears no evil

8、, see no evil and smell no evil. 8 If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible mean, and on every possible 9._ occasion. 9 The government of most countries spending huge sum of money for internat

9、ional defense.1. comparativecomparable。当仅仅表达“比较的,比较性的”意思,而没有涉及到具体的比较时,应该用第一个词,但是当设计到具体的两者之间的比较时,则应该使用comparable。此句属于第二种情况。2. effectsaffects。“effect”当作为动词使用时,表示“产生,引起,实现”的意思,作为名词时才是“影响,效果”,显然不符合,应该使用affect,意思是“影响”。3. bighigh。4. unimaginativeunimaginable。该句中所要表达的是“难以想象的”,而unimaginative是“没有想像力的”意思,不符合句

10、意。5. nineteennineteenth。6. highhighly。7. remainleave。8. risenraised。9. meanmeans。10. internationalnational。表示“国防”的意思时应该使用national defense。非谓语动词使用错误1 Call on a friend five minutes later than the appointed1._ time may cause him some unexpected trouble. More- over, habitual unpunctuality leads to indol

11、ence and even failure in life. 2 The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,not make it more difficult.3 Dont use words, expressions or phrases being knownonly to people with specific knowledge. 4 Doctor Roland says leprosy is no longer a disease that requires life-long treatments by med

12、ical experts. Instead, patients can take that is called a multi-drug therapy. This modern treatment will cure leprosy in 6 to 12 months, depend on the form of the disease.5 Guiding by a belief that computers would bevaluable tools on every office desktop and in every home, Bill Gates began developin

13、g software for personal computers. 主谓语前后不一致 6 The child, being taken care of by its grandparents,are deaf and mute.7 Standing in a line along the corridor is 3 groups ofyoung pioneers who will set out on an expedition. 8 The book many students found interesting that were written by a famous American

14、 scientistcame out only last month. 9 There are no denying the facts and thereare no facts that can be turned a blind eye to either. 10 What was announced on the radio have caused 10._ great excitement among the public. 1. CallCalling/To call。本句主语是一个动词短语,但是动词短语做主语时,其中的动词只能用作动名词或不定式的形式,因而把Call改成Calli

15、ng或To call。2. not,to。该句中后半部分实际上和“to make it easier”同为表语成分,结构相同,为和前面保持一致,此处也应该使用不定式结构。3. 删去being。只有当句中出现表示现在的时间状语时,才会用现在分词的被动式来做定于修饰名词,而原句中未出现表示现在时的时间状语成分,故应该将being删去。4. dependdepending。英语里,一个句子不能在没有任何连接手段的情况下,同时使用两个并列的谓语动词,所以错在depend,应改为现在分词depending形式。5. GuidingGuided。该句中,过去分词做原因状语,相当于原因状语从句Because

16、 he was guided,意为“因为受引导”。6. areis。该句中,主语成分为“The child”,所以谓语应该使用单数形式。7. isare。该句为一个倒装句,真正的主语成分是“3 groups of young pioneers”,故谓语动词应该使用复数形式。8. werewas。该句中,定语从句引导词“that”指代前文中的“The book”故该从句中的谓语应该为单数形式。9. areis。在“there + be +doing”结构中,谓语动词使用单数形式。10. havehas。名词性从句做主语谓语动词一般做单数对待。逻辑表达错误1 There are many argu

17、ments for and against television.The poor quality of its program is often criticized and TVcommercials are also boring. So television is undoubtedly 1._a great comfort to many lonely and elderly people. 2 The manager of a large office building had receivedmany complains about elevator service in the

18、 building,but he engaged a group of engineers to study the situation 2._and make recommendation for improvement.3 We asked a lady, who replied that she thoughtyou could tell a well-mannered person by the waythey occupied the space around themfor example,when such a person walks down a street he or s

19、he isconstantly unaware of others. Such people never3._bump into other people.4 Until the very latest moment of his existence,man has been bound the planet on which heoriginated and developed. Now he has the capabilityto leave that planet and move out into the universe tothose worlds which he has kn

20、own previously only directly.4._5 One major decision which faces the Americanstudents ready to begin higher education is thechoice of attending a large university or a smallcollege. The large university provides a wide range ofspecialized departments as well as numerous courseswithin such department

21、s. The small college, therefore, 5._generally provides a limited number of coursesand specializations but offers a better student-facultyratio, thus permitting individualized attention to students.6 Music the Johnny has learned to appreciate asunpleasant is just dull noise to Jimmyand quite 6._possi

22、ble, vice versa.7 We are learning, finally, that silence is a naturalresource and must be protected by law. It appearsthat we all find company in sound, if we all 7._demand a little quiet from time to time.8 The farmer aroused at down or before it andhad much work to do, with his own muscles as hisc

23、hief source of power. He used axes, spades and8._other complicated tools.9 Whether women who have started a careerwill attain pay equality with men rests on at leasttwo factors. First, will most of them continuepart-time at their jobs after they have children? A 9._break in their employment, or a de

24、cision to workpart-time, will slow their raises and promotions asit would for men.10 Whether true or not, the story illustrates theproblem with idioms. They are almost possible to10._understand from the meanings of the individualwords. And with English idioms, even the samewords may have different meanings.1.将so改为转折性连词but。虽然前句说电视节目质量遭到批评,并且还有令人讨厌的广告,但是接下来是说对孤寡老人的益处,因此此处表达转折的意思。2.将but 改为so。文章并没有表达转折的意思,因为经理收到了许多关于电梯服务的投诉,所以他才做出后面的措施,因此此处应该是因果关系。3.将unaware改为aware。根据后文说这样的人从来

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