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外研社初中英语《Module 5 My hometown and my country》Word格式.docx

1、通过对单词、句型的学习和对课文的有效处理,培养学生读写能力。情感目标: 通过了解英国的主要城市和河流,描写自己的家乡和祖国。培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的意识。重点、难点:方位的表达和如何描写家乡和国家。四、教学方法及手段通过对本节课的分析,我决定采用情景教学法、任务型教学策略及合作学习法,让学生在感知中学习,在合作中进步,在完成任务的过程中提升自己。鉴于以上分析,我确定本节课的教学思路如下:【教学实录】Read the new words before class. 1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, M

2、iss Gao.2. check the new words.Step I . 读前导设计意图:引领学生由生活走入教材,我以学生熟悉的地图作为切入点,问学生如下问题: Can you read a map? Yes. Can you find Weifang from the map of China? Yes. Where is Weifang in China? Weifang is in the east of China. Well done! Class, look at the map of China, where are these cities?Beijing Guangzh

3、ou Nanjing UrumqiWhere is Beijing? Beijing is in the north of China. Where is Guangzhou? Guangzhou is in the south of China. Where is Nanjing? Nanjing is in the east of China. Where is Urumqi? Urumqi is in the west of China. Good. Work in pairs. A: Where is ?B: Its in the of China. OK! Can you read

4、this map? Which country is it? Yes, its England. Work in groups. Where are these cities? Cambridge London Bristol Manchester Cambridge is in the east of England.London is in the south of England.Bristol is in the west of England.Manchester is in the north of England. Good! Where are you in our class

5、room? (their own answer)【简析】通过学生看课本第一部分的第二张地图,中国地图上标注城市的方位,学习如何表达城市的方位。给出简略地图。领读并齐读这四个句子;并领读四个方向的表达方式,从而教会学生如何表达一个城市的方位。这部分城市的名称和城市所在的方位学生都很熟悉,易于学生领会学习。然后要求学生阅读第二张地图,识别该地图为a map of England,练习如何表达城市的方位。给出简要地图。先四人小组讨论,再小组一人一方向回答。最后要求小组内部完成表达自己在教室内的方位,达成学以致用的目标。Step II . 读中读通过泛读和精读活动的设置,培养学生阅读能力的同时熟练掌握

6、教材内容。 The hometown of Tony Smith is Cambridge of England,Do you want to know something about it?1. Fast reading. Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Cambridge Paragraph 2 London Paragraph 3 The north and the west of EnglandParagraph 4 Britain and the we

7、ather【简析】泛读,让学生迅速阅读课文,把握文章脉络。完成该任务后,学生对段落主题和文章的脉络便有了基本的把握。由此,我们进入了精读的环节。2. Careful reading Lets read one by one. Read paragraph 1&2 carefully and fill the form:City CambridgeLondonDirectionsIn the east of England In the south of EnglandPopulation100,000700,000RiverRiver CamRiver ThamesBe famous forC

8、ambridge UniversityBig Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge (Give the answers) Lett try to retell these two paragraphs. Work in groups.A: is in the of England. It has people. C: Its on the River . D: Its famous for Practise and present【简析】通过表格任务让学生获取细节内容,并一材多用,让学生依据表格复述相应的段落。 Great! They are in t

9、he east and the south of England? (在地图上标注)How about the north and the west? Read the third paragraph. In the north of England there are some lakes and low mountains.In the west of England youre always near the sea. There are lots of small villages on the coast. Do you know the relationship between E

10、ngland and Britain?How about its weather? Read paragraph 4. England is a region of Britain, and Britain is an island. The weather? Its never very hot in summer, or very cold in winter.(生描述时标注于简图上)【简析】精读任务的完成中,把教师呈现的简图逐步的完善完成,一目了然,简明清晰,对于学生复述课文也有很大的帮助。教师讲析my hometown and my country的写作结构,以便学生合理安排下面的写作

11、。Step III . 读中学 Read and find your questions. (read and underline) The river is 336 kilonetres long.The mountains are about 1,000 metres high.主语+系动词be+数字+长度单位+long/tall/wide.翻译:桥大约十米宽。The bridge is about ten metres wide. London is the capital of the UK, with seven million people, so its bigger and b

12、usier than Cambridge. Whats the meaning of with? with是介词,表示“有,带有”的意思。 Translate: 他是个有很多钱的人。北京是一个有很多古老建筑的城市。 He is a man with a lot of money.Beijing is a city with lots of old buildings.【简析】通过读中读的环节,学生对本文内容已经了然于胸,但对文章的语法及其个别词汇还存在疑点,因此设置了读中学的环节。教师精讲点拨,突破重点难点。Step IV . 读后用通过以上的学习,学生对文章结构,相关词汇、语法都有了一个总体

13、的把握,教师引领学生走出教材,走入生活,进入学以致用的环节。 Work in groups and answer the questions. Where is Weifang in China?Whats its population?What is it famous for?Is it the capital of China?How old is it?Whats the weather like? practise and present in groups.【简析】既练习了方位的表达,又描述了自己的家乡,了解自己的家乡,以家乡为荣,达成情感目标。Step IV . My hometown Write down the sentences about your hometown and your country.【简析】作业是对说和读的内容的输出,学生能够把学习到的写作结构和语言运用到自己的作文当中,实现语言的输入到输出。

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