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1、精品文档雅思考试解析11月3日雅思考试解析Listening 听力部分一、考试概况:本次考试有三道新题,难度有所提升。很多同学反映从S1 就乱了阵脚。S1是10道填空题,答案词在高频范围之内,主要注意原文表达。很多同学反应有漏听情况,建议今后的考生可以在考前先播放一篇听力练耳,以便考试时能快速进入状态,不要因小失大。S2 至S4为新题,场景为常见场景,建议大家之后多做听抄,以便更好地跟录音,在做题时注意细节,例如名词单复数、拼写等。二、具体内容分析:Section 1场景:Renting of accommodation题型:填空文章大意:本文介绍了一位女士咨询一家房产经纪人租房的具体内容。房

2、产经理人向她介绍了4个房子的具体信息,包括地点、优点和缺点。参考答案:1-10)completion1. 第一个房子的优点: 有garage2. 第一个房子的缺点: traffic繁忙3. 第二个房子的优点: 从窗户可以看到street的view4. 第二个房子的缺点: 有train噪音5. 第二个房子的缺点: 待补充6. 第三个房子的名字:Ferriz7. 第三个房子的优点: 有garden8. 第三个房子的缺点: 租期只有6 months9. 第四个房子的优点:附近有park10. 第四个房子房东的电话: 0419826854Section 2场景:某地区绿色生活方式及有机食物的调查题型:

3、6单选4多选参考答案:11-20)Multiple Choice11. A (人们不选择organic food的原因是因为expensive)12. A (让他惊讶的是一些商品的过分包装:orange)13. C (家庭环保方面,本地家庭都用insulation)14. A15. C(开展环保活动的意义:培养孩子们children的环保意识)16. B(某机构如何鼓励人们用自行车:提供discounted helmet)17-18)人们忽视的两个环保方面是:B(rechargeable可反复充电的)E(电冰箱re-frozen regularly)19-20)促使人们参加环保活动的原因:B(

4、meeting people)D(improve 社区环境)Section 3场景:Music Education两个学生讨论他们的作业中的音乐实验以及音乐教学课的设计题型:5单选5匹配参考答案:21-25)Multiple Choices21. C Mozart 的音乐事件影响到了-音乐会票卖的出乎意料的好22. B 对elephant实验目的的疑问-含有 It is unclear why的选项23. C 大象实验结果方面24. A Taylor的实验发现X对classic music with fast face有反应25. C Taylor 给人印象最深刻的是-film about 他

5、本人和他的研究26-30)Matching26. F make musical instrument (时间太长了)27. C music games (跟其他课程相似) it is similar to other lessons28. G musicX太枯燥了29. B Music and painting (花太长时间准备了) It takes long time for preparation30. D music quiz 占用的时间太长了 It wont last too longSection 4场景:Artists in 4 different historical perio

6、d艺术家风景人物画像题型:填空参考答案:31-40)one word only31.In 1500, a Frenchman landscape and portraits32.They discovered the remains of a castle33.Another thing could include the reputation of their family.34.This photograph style thought to be the symbolism of that process35.Most his artwork was stolen and prints.

7、36.Is thought to be a well-known poet.37.One thing to be popular photographer:Emphasis on focus and also other related skills.38.For the production of food and livestock:These artists begun to concentrate on farming technology39.Economy has been effected by several ways, the most important one is th

8、equality of these masterpiece40.One way of making progress show methods of reproductionReading 阅读部分阅读部分实在是没有找到,如果有小伙伴记得欢迎在留言地方补充。Writing 写作部分TASK 1题型:静态表格作文主题:6个国家在3个领域的水量使用写作要点:本题是静态图,写作要点要按照静态来挑选,注意要和动态图写作进行区分,一定不要写趋势。在信息挑选方面,极值、分数倍数等信息的筛选是必要的,难点或者考生容易忽略的地方是句型的替换,和单词同义词的使用,大家可以用不同的句型来表达同一个内容进行训练。T

9、ASK 2It is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?题目分析:题目类型:犯罪类提问方式:同意与否类Crime from the juvenile to the adults, obviously, h

10、as become an serious social problem, which cannot be ignored. Gradually, more people focus on the future of criminal released from the prison, and believe that to provide them educational opportunities does help the reduction of crime; as for me, I am an advocate of this idea.As the major reason of

11、high crime rate in todays society, low education level has been blamed. People without receiving enough education would be attempted easily, and do not have the equal and excellent skills to compete with others when looking for a job; besides, lacking sufficient moral knowledge to distinguish right

12、from wrong contributes to go astray on their way to pursue the goals. It is worth providing the prisoners, especially committing minor crimes, with education opportunities before free, which not only can give them another chance to learn some practical skills and accumulate certain knowledge to find

13、 a job and start again after the sentence, but also decline the risk that they would turn to crime again.On the other hand, educational opportunities in prison cannot be the universal solution of all the problems the prisoners face. The huge life pressure and the attitude from other citizens could l

14、ead them to go back to the old lifestyle, or even cause more serious problems to both the society and the individuals financially and mentally. However, no one can doubt the function of education as the basic mean to provide people and the society a brighter future; thus, though education cannot sol

15、ve all the problems at once, it is necessary for a long time.In conclusion, in spite of many causes in high crime rate, our society should realize the importance of education, and give all the criminals the second chance to do something right and have a better development in the future life.Speaking

16、 口语部分一、考试概述:以下为9-12月高频题,请考生扎实准备。Part 1:考频TOP 151Work or studies2.Accommodation3.Cities4.Hometown5.Holiday6.Shoes7.Weather8.Music9.Cooking10.Plants11.Sports12.Rainy days13.Park/garden14.Foreign food15.MoviesPart 2:考频TOP 151.想学的外语2.有趣的地方3.好法律4.最近读的书5.美丽的城市6.有趣的动物7.安静的地方8.开心经历9.有趣的地方10.常用网站11.特定场合穿的衣服1

17、2.最喜欢的歌13.建筑14.乘坐公交工具旅行15.上网搜信息二、具体题目分析Describe a time that you had some medicineYou should say:When it happenedWho gave it to youWhy you had itAnd explain how you felt about itIm going to share with you about the time when I had some medicine. You know, it was just few months ago, might be during t

18、he weekends if Im not mistaken. I got severe headache almost for the whole morning. It was probably because the shopping mall I went the day before was way too cold. I guess it must be lower than 20 degrees Celsius. You know, I didnt bring any jacket with me, I was like freezing in there. So that mi

19、ght give me the headache.Like I was telling you before, my headache was quite serious, I felt really dizzy that I couldnt even leave my bed. Fortunately, my mum was at home at that time, she went out and bought me some medicines from a drugstore just nearby. you know before I took the pill, my mum a

20、sked to have a bowl of porridge, because she said this medicine must be taken after meal. I couldnt remember what kind of medicine she bought for me, but it was one singe tablet in a really large size. I guess it must be a pain killer or something like that.Well, if you wanna know how I felt about i

21、t you know, right after I took the pill, I slept for like an hour or two, I mean I wanted to make a speedy recovery, I thought having a rest would be the best way. Luckily, I did get much better after I woke up. I was alive again. Well, thats a time I had some medicine I wanna share with you today,

22、thank you.倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。周遭流岚升腾,没露出那真实的面孔。面对那流转的薄雾,我会幻想,那里有一个世外桃源。在天阶夜色凉如水的夏夜,我会静静地,静静地,等待一场流星雨的来临许下一个愿望,不乞求去实现,至少,曾经,有那么一刻,我那还未枯萎的,青春的,诗意的心,在我最美的年华里,同星空做了一次灵魂的交流秋日里,阳光并不刺眼,天空是一碧如洗的蓝,点缀着飘逸的流云。偶尔,一片飞舞的落叶,会飘到我的窗前。斑驳的印迹里,携刻着深秋的颜色。在一个落雪的晨,这纷纷扬扬的雪,飘落着一如千年前的洁白。窗外,是未被污染的银白色世界。我会去迎接,这人间的圣洁。在这流转的岁月里,有着流转的四季,还有一颗流转的心,亘古不变的心。

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