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1、自考英语总结复习学习资料docUnit 1研究表明,成功的 言学 者在 多方面有共同之 。The research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. 言学 是一种主 学 。学 者 利用一切机会运用 言。Language learning is active learning , and learners should try anything to use the language.3学 言 主 的、独立的、有目的地学。Language learning should be active , in

2、dependent , and purposeful.学 言不同于学数学。Learning a language is different from learning math.老 常将成功的 言学 授 我 。The teacher often teaches us successful language learning experiences.statement intelligent similar clue communicateinexact incomplete regularly technique outlineMany examples of inexact translat

3、ion were found in this book.He is learning the techniques of painting.The railway bridge is outlined by bright electric lights.We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.He regularly visited her in the afternoon.Have any clues been found that can help the police find the

4、thiefHis power of making intelligent decisions surprised us all.The teacher asked her students to finish the incomplete sentences.The two plans are similar but not the same.The president is to make a statement tomorrow.他 要掌握一 外 是困 的。( find it hard to They find it hard to learn a foreign language.) 研

5、究表明成功人士在 多方面是相似的 。( similar )The research shows that the successful people are similar in many ways.成功的 言学 者不止依 本或者老 。( depend on )Successful language learners do not depend just on books or teachers.我 愿意帮助我 的朋友。( be willing to )We are willing to help our friends.我 独立地、 极地并且有目的地学 新 西。( purposefully

6、We should learn new things independently , actively , andpurposefully.)first of all on the other hand therefore finally look for even conversely because more thaninstead ofInstead of fewer mistakes, there were more in his writing.It rained; therefore the game was called off.Just because they make mo

7、re money than I do, they think they can be so proud.Even a child can understand the book.First of all, you must be frank.He did not trust me because I am new.On the one hand he saved money. But on the other hand he wasted time.What decision did you finally arrive atThe student is looking for a summe

8、r job.You arentboring me. Conversely, I find what you say most interesting.Unit 2一填空Text A lead earn vary due chargediverse property fund department tend1.How much do they charge for such a pair of shoes at the store2.You mean that youd like a job in a government department3.I will go to the library

9、 to return the book that is due today .4.John and his brother havediverse interests .5.He works hard andearn a lot of money .6.Computers vary widely in price .7.He left all his property to his only son .8.He isleading in the race .9.Part of the school sports funds will be used to build a swimming po

10、ol .10.He tends to make long speeches .Text B characteristic of decide on carry overput up with approve estimate1.The girl hasdecided on blue dress .2.The program was notapproved by the department head .3.She made a roughestimate of the cost of her living ,4.These habits arecarried over from my chil

11、dhood .5.In no way canput up with the noise .6.Rainy days arecharacteristic of May .二翻 中国以其 品 先于世界。( leadwith )China leads the world with its silk products .in addition to , charge )除了收入所得税外,有些州 要收 物税。(Some states charge sales tax in addition to income tax . 售税随你所 物品的价格而 。( varywith )Sales tax varie

12、s with the price of the item you buy .人 是在抱怨着不断上 的物价。( complain about)People are always complaining about the rising prices . 她每天花太多 看 。( spendin)Mother said that he spent too much time in watching TV every day .Unit 3IV .Choose a word to complete each sentence.unwilling suppose take run average Im

13、unwilling to pay that high price.He smokes twenty cigarettes a day on the average.It will take a great deal of time to look after a sick child.Your work runs from fair to bad.Suppose you win a million dollars in this business ,what will you doVTranslate the following sentences into English. 1.平均每天有

14、1000 名来 者。There are 1000 visitors on the average every day.2.大西洋只有太平洋的 1/2 大,但有 4000 多英里 。The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific ,but it is more than 4000 miles wide.3.昨晚他 了好一会儿才入睡。It took him a long time to fall asleep last night.4. 里的广告太多 ,无法 住到底有多少。There are so many advertisements

15、on television that it is hard to remember how many there are. 多 的想法 致哥 布 代的人不愿西行。Many wrong ideas made people in Columbuss age unwilling to sail west.II . Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.boil narrow unusual salty average spot peak crew affect highwayThe peak hours of traffic means the times when the traffic is highest.All the crew members on the ship are ready for sail.Jacks work at school is well above the average , but he is still not happy with himself.When water is boiling ,

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