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1、批卷时间:图例:Right or marked by instructorWrongTo be marked by instructorPart 1 Fill in the Blanks (with Prepositions or Adverbs)(每小题: 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.1.She worked a time in a midd

2、le school during those years.2.I have drawn up the main points and you will work the details later.3.Once youve worked your policy, you should make it clear that it applies to all staff, at all levels, and you should be prepared to use it fairly and consistently.4.The musicians success has a lot to

3、do hard work.5.The main cause of an air crash is almost always something to do the pilots flying skills or judgments.6.Anyone would be proud to have him for a son-in-law and his being black has nothing to do my reservation.7.Suddenly I realized that Id had my keys in my pocket all .8.The mother was

4、upset when she learned her sons illness.9.Some members of the group expressed their reservations the young mans ability to do the job.10.They have their reservations whether the tour will be completed as arranged.Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with Prepositions or Adverbs)(每小题: 1 分;满分:10 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1

5、foroutwithinalongoftoaboutonSubtotal:7老师评语:Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.The football match had to be _ owing to (由于) the bad weather.A. cancelledB. advancedC. arrangedD. heldThe starter (赛跑发令员) gave the _ for the race to begin.A. a

6、dviceB. signalC. glowD. attentionThis lovely old town has a _ you couldnt find in a big city.A. conditionB. standardC. situationD. charmThey were under the _ that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.A. conclusionB. expressionC. enjoymentD. illusionI didnt know what to d

7、o, but then an idea suddenly _ to me.A. appearedB. happenedC. occurredD. emergedPipes made of plastic are now widely used in building as they are light and do not become _ in water.A. ripeB. instantC. rottenD. matureWe watched the plane _ behind the clouds.A. disappearingB. disappearedC. divingD. di

8、vedThe United Nations Conference on Global Environment, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very _ meeting.A. productiveB. communicativeC. aggressiveD. protectiveThe local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a _ supply of food at regular intervals (时间间隔).A. consi

9、stentB. continualC. continuousD. numerousIt was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.A. reactionB. excitementC. impressionD. opinion11.There have been many _ in their marriage but they still love each other.A. ups and downsB. from head to toeC. time and againD. over and over12.The fath

10、er advised her to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons _ he found the young man charming and intelligent.A. as thoughB. even thoughC. because ofD. due to13.She _ a new idea for increasing sales.A. came up withB. came up atC. came byD. came for14.The rain stopped a

11、nd the sun _ to shine.A. came downB. came outC. came offD. came on15.After several days of heavy rain the roof _ with a loud noise, crashing (坠落) onto the ground.A. came outB. came downC. came onD. came at16.The boy _ the dog with a thick stick but the dog did not yield.A. came atB. came withC. won

12、overD. won at17.The lawyer _ the jury (陪审团) by his moving defense.A. won atB. won overC. came atD. came down18.The government will have to work hard to _ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.A. win backB. win throughC. come up withD. come at19.Sally has made a complete _ influenza (

13、流行性感冒).A. pass byB. decision againstC. recovery fromD. care of20.He does his work carefully but he is terribly _ it.A. careful aboutB. good atC. slow atD. interested inPart 2 Vocabulary and Structure20 分)ABDC(未选)13Part 3 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze) Fill in the blanks in the following passag

14、e(s) by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.Marriages between mixed couples across the globe are on the increase. This is particularly true in urban areas on the west coast of the United Sta

15、tes. There it has become for Asians and whites to marry. seen by many as a positive step toward better race relationships in the United States. Others point out, though, that mixed marriages between blacks and whites are occurring to a lesser degree. One university professor denies that this

16、 trend3.a decline in racial tensions. This is not about race, it is about class4.and economics. Asians from Japan, South Korea and China have done better5.than blacks, Latinos and even people from other Asian countries. Most6.should be able to see this is about people from the same social class mixi

17、ng.Even if they are of the same class, many from both sides at a mixed race wedding have7.and reservations. Some say such marriages lead to erosion in their culture. On woman commented, My8.was that my son would marry a woman from the same background. I really worry about the9.their children could g

18、o through because they are from a mixed marriage.Others are more positive. I think it is great when young people find someone with whom they share and love, said another woman. Race should not matter.Part 3 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)increasinglyphenomenonindicatesdistinctionfinanciallybyst

19、andersobserversprotectionsuspicionexpectationhardshipsmutual8Part 4 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.Coffee is one of the m

20、ost popular (流行的) drinks throughout the world today. In fact, according to some estimates, over 30% of all adults in the world drink coffee at least once a day on the average. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine (咖啡因). Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates (刺激) the nerves of the body. Dr

21、inking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake-at least for a short timebecause of this stimulating effect on the nervous system (系统). A cup of coffee has, on the average, about 3% caffeine in it.One story of the discovery of the coffee plant relates to this effect of caffeine. According

22、 to the story, coffee was discovered in East Africa. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi. This was about the year 850.Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the

23、goats started jumping up and down in a very strange way.Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans (豆荚) that the goats had been eating. He, too, felt the stimulating effect of the beans.Kaldi wanted

24、 to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to his home village, where he told his story. The green bean got the name Kaffa and later coffee because the beans were discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa.Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Ka

25、ffa beans when they were in the mountains and needed extra energy to do their work. It was later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored. If the beans were dried and stored, they could be used at any time.What is caffeineA. A kind of seed.B. A kind of plant.C. A kind of drug.D. A kind of nut.What is the purpose of drinking coffeeA. To become more awake.B. To become more healthy.C. To become more happy.D. To become more clever.Coffee was first fo

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