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Unit 4 Part ⅢWord文件下载.docx

1、dust n灰尘;尘土;尘埃dusty布满灰尘的;灰尘弥漫的(4)副词后缀:lyfaithful adj.忠诚的;忠实的faithfully adv.忠诚地;忠实地原文呈现ANIMAL EXTINCTIONMany animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth.The most famous of these animals are dinosaurs.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into

2、beingand their future seemed secure at that time.There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.The eggs of twentyfive species have been found in Xixia County,Nanyang,Henan Province.Not long ago a rare new species of birdlike dinosaur was discovered in Chaoyan

3、g County,Liaoning Province.When scientists inspected the bones,they were surprised to findthat these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.They learned this from the way the bones were joined togetherDinosaurs died outsuddenly about 65 million years ago.Some scientists th

4、ink it came after an unexpectedincidentwhen a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dustinto the air.Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live onany more.Nobody knows for surewhy and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short timeWe know many other wild

5、 plants,animals,insects and birds have died out more recently.According toa UN report,some844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 yearsThe dodo is one of them.It lived on the Island of Mauritius and was a very friendly animal.Please listen to a story of the dodo and how it disappeare

6、d from the earth.阅读清障extinction/IkstIkn/n.灭绝;消亡extinct adj.不再存在的;已灭绝的dinosaur/daIns/n.恐龙come into being形成;产生,相当于come into existence,无被动语态。a number of许多(后接可数名词的复数形式)a great/large number of tourists大量的游客inspect/Inspekt/vt.检查;视察(指上级对下级的检查或视察)be surprised to do sth做某事很吃惊that引导的宾语从句,作find的宾语;其中含有not only

7、.but also.结构。the bones.together为省略了关系词that的定语从句,修饰先行词the way。die out灭亡;逐渐消失(为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态)unexpected/,nIkspektId/adj.没料到的;incident/InsIdnt/n.事件;事变incident指某事件附带产生的小事件或事变;accident指意外事故。dust/dst/n.灰尘;尘埃dusty adj.布满灰尘的live on继续活着;继续存在for sure肯定;无疑(for certain),在句中作状语。此处为why和how共同引导的宾语从句,作knows的宾语。a

8、ccording to按照;根据所说(介词短语,后常跟名词或动名词作宾语)some adv.大约,用于数词前,相当于about。in the last 500 years为介词短语,在句中作时间状语。.True (T) or False (F)1Most animals have died out during the long history of the earth.(F)2Dinosaurs are the most famous of the animals that have disappeared.(T)3There used to be many different kinds

9、of dinosaurs on the earth.(T)4A rare species of birdlike dinosaur could both run and climb trees.(T)5Now people know the reason why dinosaurs suddenly disappeared.(F).Choose the best answer according to the text.1The main idea of the passage is _Ahow dinosaurs were discoveredBabout dinosaurs extinct

10、ionCabout the history of dinosaursDabout animals dying out2From the first paragraph we know that _Adinosaurs have recently disappearedBa number of dinosaurs used to live in CanadaCdinosaurs existence is long before humans came into beingDdinosaurs cant climb trees as other animals do3The possible re

11、asons for the disappearance of dinosaurs are the following EXCEPT that _Athey lived on the earth tens of millions of years agoBit came after an unexpected incidentCthe earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live onDnobody knows for sure the reason4According to a UN report,we know that _Asome 844 ani

12、mals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 yearsBthe dodo,a very friendly animal can live longer on the earthCdinosaurs can not only run but also climb treesDtoo much dust in the air killed dinosaurs5From the whole passage we can learn that _Aif we protect the earth well,dinosaurs cant die out

13、 quicklyBthe eggs of twentyfive species will be found in ChinaCscientists found a surprising result of the brain of the dinosaursDthe next part of the passage will be about dodos disappearance答案1.B2.C3.A4.A5.Dbite vt.& vi.(bit,bitten)咬;叮;刺痛What should you do if you are being bitten by mosquitoes?(教材

14、P29)如果你正在被蚊子叮咬,你应该做什么?bitesb介词the身体部位 咬/叮某人的某部位The dog bit the thief in the leg.那只狗咬了小偷的腿。Once bitten(bite),twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。(谚)名师点津“咬某人的腿”表示为bite sb in the leg,即bite人介词(in/on)the部位。类似表达还有:打某人的脸hit sb in the face;拍某人的头/肩膀pat sb on the head/shoulder。1long before在之前很久They lived on the earth tens

15、of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.(教材P30)千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,而且当时他们的前景似乎很安全。(1)long before在之前很久,该短语后可以接句子、名词、代词,也可以单独使用,在句中作状语。I knew Betty long before you got married to her.早在你和贝蒂结婚之前,我就认识她了。(2)long before容易与before long混淆

16、,后者意为“不久,很快”,相当于after a short period of time,在句中作状语,常与一般将来时或一般过去时连用。Before_long she returned to the city where she lived long_before很快她回到了很久之前她生活过的那个城市。2come into being形成;产生come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在come into effect 开始生效;开始实施come into use 开始被使用come into power 上台执政No one knows when the world came

17、 into being.没有人知道世界是何时形成的。That method has only recently come into use.那种方法只是最近才开始使用的。The Labour Party came_into_power in 1945.工党于1945年上台执政。When did the universe come_into_existence?宇宙是什么时候开始存在的?3according to 按照,根据所说According to a UN report,some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500

18、 years.(教材P30)根据联合国的一份报告,在过去500年里,大约有844种动植物消失。(1)according to其后可接名词、代词或what从句(2)according to用来引出来自他人或他处的消息,不能与me或my opinion连用;表示自己的观点用in my opinion,意为“依我看”According to expert opinions,they gave up the experiment immediately.根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。According to these figures,our company is doing well.从

19、这些数字来看,我们的公司经营得不错。We decided to form a band so that we could earn some extra money by playing and singing in a pub.(教材P36)我们决定组成一个乐队,这样我们就可以在酒吧里演唱额外多赚一些钱。(1)so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了;目的是”,相当于in order that,从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should等情态动词,从句之前不用逗号。I spend more time learning English every

20、day so that( in_order_that) I can make greater progress this year.为了今年取得更大进步,我每天用了更多的时间学英语。(2)so that引导结果状语从句,意为“因此;所以”,从句中一般不用情态动词,从句前常有逗号。He didnt plan his time well,so that he didnt finish his work on time.他没有把时间计划好,所以没有按时完成这项工作。He spoke at the top of his voice so that the students at the back co

21、uld hear him.他说话声音很高,为使后面的同学能听见。.单词拼写1A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off.2A strange incident happened yesterday.3You should inspect the car well before you buy it.4Spending too much time on phone does great harm to your health.5The movie had a happy ending(结局)6He faithfully (忠诚地) lived up t

22、o his promise.7I dont feel secure (安全的) when I am alone in the house.8Its difficult to raise a family on a small income (收入).选词填空according to,come into being,long before,for sure,do harm to,so that,pick out1Everything went according_to the plan,and we arrived on time.2No one knows when such a custom

23、 first came_into_being3Everyone lent a hand, so_that the work was finished ahead of time.4If my brother does work like this,he will be sick for_sure5See if you can pick me out in this photo.6He told me that he was employed as a sailor long_before7The trials show that smoking will do_harm_to people.补

24、全句子1A lot of species in the world are_in_danger_of_dying_out世界上很多的物种正处于灭绝的危险中。2. We_need_to_pay_special_attention_to childrens mental health.我们需要特别注意孩子们的精神健康。3We should protect the environment so_that_our_next_generation will_be healthy我们应该保护环境,以便我们的下一代会健康。4Seeing the funny cap,the children burst_ou

25、t_laughing/burst_into_laughter看到那个滑稽的帽子,孩子们突然笑起来。5Some measures should be taken to_protect_the_river_from_being polluted应该采取一些措施保护这条河不受污染。.单句语法填空1An inspection(inspect) was carried out at the school.2WWF is a powerful(power) organization.3I dont like the way that you speak to your mother.4They had k

26、nown each other long before I knew them.5After supper,I suggested going (go) for a walk.6I would appreciate it if you could help me with my English.7She must be feeling very lonely after the loss (lose) of her husband.8A doctors task is to work for the relief (relieve) of patients suffering.9Their s

27、udden marriage is an unexpected (expect) incident to everyone.10I think that a good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending (end).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1According the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow. According后加to2Suddenly the zebras moved away as quick as they could. quickquickly3The

28、 number of animals have lost their homes because of the flood. TheA4They showed us a report basing on what they had discussed. basingbased5With nothing leaving to burn,the fire became weak and finally died out. leavingleft.课文语法填空Many animals 1.have_disappeared(disappear) during the long history of the earth.Some lived on the earth long befo

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