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1、The Arrangement For Hoisting Roof Equipment 5. 施工流程The Construction Workflow6. 吊装作业流程Hoisting Workflow & Operating Procedures7.吊装绑扎方法及钢丝绳的选择The Choice Of Wire Rope And The Lashing Methods 8.质量保证措施Quality Assurance Measures9.安全保证措施Security Assurance Measures10.设备成品保护Protection Of Finished Products /

2、Equipments11.应急预案Plans For Contingency屋面设备吊装方案Lifting Scheme For Roof Equipment 1、工程概况Project profiles1. 本工程为上海迪士尼乐园坐落在上海国际旅游度假中心。根据设计要求和业主施工节点的要求,拟对飞越707屋面上设备进行吊装,故编制本方案指导施工。飞越707主要按屋面标高划分为高区、低区,屋面标高最高18.5米。整个屋面上19处设有设备,重量最重为14.5吨。在屋面施工结束后开始对其采用汽车吊在场外进行吊装。Shanghai Disneyland project is located in t

3、he center of Shanghai International Tourism Resort。According to the requirements of design and the owners construction milestones, it is contemplated to carryout hoisting for the roofing equipments in Soaring-707; therefore deriving the preparation of the plan guiding the construction。The elevations

4、 of 707-roofing may well primarily divided as the higher zone and the lower zone, wherein the highest roofing elevation is 18.5 m.飞越707建筑效果图architectural rendering for Soaring-707 2. 吊装设备明细表the table/list of roofing equipments:飞越主要设备吊装参数表设备名称设备符号设备重量(吨)吊具重量(吨)吊装重量(吨)安装高度(米)安装位置吊车至设备中心水平距离(米)吊车占位编号空调

5、箱AH-193124.5屋面171#AH-20.3地面AH-32.55.510152#AH-44.67.63#AH-55.18.121AH-63.86.884#AH-714.517.526AH-84.77.720排烟风机SFE-32.355.3518.5SFE-419飞越707主要设备平面图the plan view of AC equipments on 707-roofs 2、编制依据The basis of preparation1.迪士尼技术规格书Disneys Technical Specifications2.起重吊装常用数据手册Handbook Of Commonly Used

6、Data For Crane Hoisting3.吊车性能一览表The Table/List For Crane Properties & Performances4.建筑施工高处作业安全技术规程The Technical Safety Code For Operation At Heights5.起重吊装计算及安全技术The Calculation For Crane Hoisting And The Security Technologies6.起重机钢丝绳保养、维护、安装、检验和报废GBT5972-2009Maintenance, Reparation, Installation, Te

7、sting And Retirement Of Wire Ropes. GB/T5972-20097.汽车式起重机租赁公司提供的出厂检测报告、产品说明书Ex-Factory Test Report And Product Brochure of Tyre Crane Offered By Leasing Company8.建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-2012Technical Regulations Of Application Safety For Construction Machineries JGJ33-2012 9.建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ59-2011Safety Ins

8、pection Criteria For Building Construction JGJ59-20113、吊装方法及吊装设备的选择The Method Of Lifting And Selection Of Hoisting Equipment在屋面施工完毕后开始对屋面上设备吊装,主要选择汽车吊在场外对其进行吊装。选用130吨汽车吊车进行AH-1,AH-2,AH-3,AH-4,AH-5,AH-6,AH-8,SEF-3,SFE-4等设备吊装,AH-7拟选用300T吊车进行吊装,300T吊车资料后续提供。以下为130T吊车性能参数:After roofing construction is c

9、ompleted, start the roof-installed equipment hoisting primarily by way of automotive crane hoisting on the sidelines. . The followings are the parameters of crane performance:130吨汽车吊外形尺寸Overall dimensions of 130T truck crane 130吨吊车 主臂工况起升高度图lifting height map of 130T crane- main arm at working condi

10、tion 表I 主臂起重量表(配重30吨,支腿全伸,全方位作业)1317.421.826.1330.534.8839.343.6481303.51228076.5411275.860103735359678723568373.271563376562.5522558504431.5434541342924.540393228.823.3313026.5221425.5181616.316.616.517.315.815.511.711.812.311.2249.810.511.59.28.2286.

11、2lifting height of 130T crane-jib with rigging strut at working condition130吨吊车 副臂+超起工况起升高度图4、主要设备吊装图The Arrangement For Main Equipment 因现场的吊车占位为混凝土地面,吊车停靠位置不存在地面压塌的情况,因此不需要对吊车占位基础做处理。5、施工准备The Construction Preparation1. 技术准备The Technical Preparations参与吊装运输的所有人员要在主管工程师的组织下,熟悉图纸中设备的安装位置、充分了解其安装方法、技术性

12、能及特殊要求。All the personnel involved in the transport & hoisting under the organization by the engineer in charge should know well & be familiar with the installation drawings regarding the equipment location, the technical performance, the installation methods and special requirements.2. 人员准备Personnel

13、 Preparation 所有参与人员必须有政府部门颁发其职务的合格资质证书,并经迪士尼审核合格后方可参与吊装作业:All the participants must have certificates issued by government department for their duties and can then be involved in hoisting operation after passing the qualified checking by Disney:现场总指挥:1人The field commander: 1 person信号工:1(上下各一人)Signal

14、 workers: 1 persons (upper & lower each)司索工:2(上下各1人)Rigging workers: 2 persons (above & below-each 1)安全员:1人 Security staff:普工: 6人General workers: 6 persons共计:11人Total: 11 persons职责:Responsibilities:现场总指挥:对现场吊装作业人员、机具材料、信号方面总指挥。 in charge of commanding of on-site personnel in regard of hoisting opera

15、tion, machinery materials & the signal aspects.负责起吊信号指挥。The signal workers: Responsible for the signal conduction during hoisting.现场安全员:对吊装现场进行安全技术交底,人员、机具、材料等技术状况负责监督检查,对安全措施、安全防护进行监督检查。Site Security staff: as technology correspondent on-site governing the safety conditions of hoisting, personnel,

16、machinery, materials, etc. and be responsible for the supervision & inspection of safety measures wherever.司索工:对设备卸车、运输做到统一指挥,负责起吊设备的捆绑、起吊、组织及设备的检查,并将结果报告现场负责人。 responsible for equipments transport & unloading under unified organization, for inspection equipment bundling / lifting, and for reporting

17、 related results to the on-site person in charge3. 机具准备Preparation of machines and tools序号item名 称name单 位unit数 量qnty备 注remark1130吨吊车500T vehicle hoist台Un2起吊锁具locking latches副set规格型号后有计算specs & following calculation钢丝绳Steel wire rope4. 现场准备Ready Site Planning1设备基础浇灌及验收完成. Correlated equipment foundati

18、ons cast and acceptance completed2吊车和设备运输线路明确. 并与其他相关单位协调,施工过程中禁止占道,清理地面道路上的杂物,保障工程车辆自由进出。Coordinate with other relevant agencies in order to get explicit routes for crane and equipment transport, prohibit road occupation during the course of construction, clean up debris on the road surface to ensu

19、re free access of engineering vehicles on site.3吊车占位点及设备临时通行道路承重复核,确保承重力满足设备要求后,方可进行吊装作业;review the bearing capacity of the crane stationing and temporary access road for equipment transport to ensure that to meet the bearing requirements before hoisting operation.4吊车占位点尽量避免布置在预埋管道及地下室的上方,若无法避免,则必须进

20、行承重计算,确保无影响后方可实施;Try to avoid the crane footprint above the embedded pipes and basements; can it not be avoided, you must do the load bearing calculations before implementing to ensure the acceptable range of impact thereon.5. 吊装工期Hoisting schedule工期:2015年4月18日2015年07月25日Period:April 18,2015July 25,

21、20156、吊装作业流程Hoisting Operating Procedures吊装工艺流程图The flow diagram of hoisting process 具体步骤:Specific steps: 1、 起重吊装之前的准备工作,在设备吊装之前,一定要做好充分和自行的检查和合适工作。确保设备安装到位,如果条件允许的情况下,可以适当的标出标记;检查设备的吊耳看一下是否符合起重吊装的要求。The preparatory work before hoisting: Before equipment lifting, make adequate self-examination for s

22、uitable job. Ensure that the equipment installed in place, and appropriately mark the identities if conditions permit。check the lifting eyes or lugs to see if the devices meet the requirements of hoisting. 2、 起重吊装索的链接:主要包括:吊耳、电动卷扬机的拉力试验和方位上面的调整,还有拖尾系统的设定等等工作。The linkage of hoisting cords includes: l

23、ifting eyes, orientation adjusting and tension test of the electric windlass, as well as the work of trailing system settings, etc. 3、 起重吊装设备的就位,需要根据岗位以及待命的情况,来检查信号系统是否正常,如果出现情况应该根据指挥员的指令来操作。as crane hoister is seated, check the signaling system whether behaving properly according to the stationing

24、as well as the situation request on call, if there is abnormal case, the operation should be based on the commanders instructions. 在起重吊装环节中,一定要安装如上步骤操作,否则在吊装过程中,非常容易出现各种各样的纰漏,最终将会影响损坏吊装设备和搬运设备,严重的会影响吊装服务人员的安全。一般在起重吊装过程中需要专业的人员来操作,避免出现操作失误导致的后果。Be sure to follow the procedure accounted during the hoi

25、sting session, otherwise it is prone to a variety of blunders or mischief that will eventually affect the safety of lifting equipment & handling devices, or even service staffs for the hoisting。Generally it is required for specialized personnel to operate during the hoisting to avoid the consequences caused by operational errors.7、吊装绑扎方法及钢丝绳的选择The Choice Of Wire Rope And The Lashing Methods设备吊装钢丝绳绑扎示意图schematic view of wire rope lashing for the object hoisting如上图所示设备吊装时采用钢丝绳绑扎,为保障在吊装时钢丝绳不把设备损伤需在钢丝绳与设备支架加垫橡胶护角。The wire rope

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