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1、 引起lead sb.to_do sth.带领某人做某事10 in favour of 支持; 同意do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙11 on the air 正在播送(电视、 广播)in the air 在传播中; 流行; 可感觉到的12 wear off 消失; 减弱wear sb.out 使某人疲惫不堪 .构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1 obvious adj.显然的, 显而易见的obviously adv.显然地2 steadily adv.不断地; 持续地steady adj.稳定的3 announcement n 声明; 宣告announce v 声明;

2、宣告4 simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的simply adv.简单地; 仅仅; 不过5 criticise vt.批评critic n 批评家criticism n 批评.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1 It was obvious(明显的) that Tom s accent(口音) was confusing(难懂的, 令人迷惑的)2 His remark(讲话, 评论) suggested that his attempt(尝试) to simplify(简化) the plan wascriticised(批评, 指责)3 The cute(逗人喜

3、爱的) boy presented(陈述, 提出) his view that he differed(不一样) from others and shouldn t be compared(与作比较) with others.4 The teacher added(补充说) that the preposition(介词) here should be omitted(省略)5 She went to the bookstore to queue(排队) to buy some reference(参考) books on standard(标准的) English.语境记忆(背诵语段, 记忆

4、单元词汇)The linguist present at the meeting remarked that we should be brave enough to face various criticisms and challenges in our life.Obviously, what he said is right.There are many things in life we simply can t change or control, but we can control our attitudes towards them.Our attitudes make al

5、l the difference to our life.At last, he added that compared to the past, we are living a better life now and we must seize the good opportunity to make steadier progress.1 offer v (主动)提出(愿意做某事); n.提供; 开价offer sb.向某人提供某物make an offer of help 主动提供帮助2 require vt.需要require doing/to_be_done 需要做3

6、qualified adj.合格的; 称职的be qualified as 当有资格be qualified for 胜任4 respect vt.& n 遵守; 尊重; 尊敬show respect for 尊敬5 grateful adj.感激的; 感谢的be grateful to sb.for sth.为某事感激某人6 in particular 尤其; 特别be particular about/over sth.挑剔7 on average 平均above/below (the) average 高于/低于平均水平8 take.for granted 认为理所当然take it f

7、or granted that.以为是理所当然9 have an effect on 对产生影响come_into/take_effect 生效10 in response to 作为的回应make a response to 对做出反应11 take up 占好位置以备take away 拿走12 pass by 经过pass on 转交; 传给13 week in, week out 一周又一周; 接连几个星期day_by_day 日复一日1 volunteer n 志愿者; v.自愿做voluntary adj.自愿的2 direct vt.指挥; adj.直接的; adv.直接dire

8、ctor n 经理; 导演; 指挥(官员)direction n 方向; 指挥, 指导3 apply vi.申请& vt.应用; 涂抹application n 申请applicant n 申请人4 demand n & v 要求; 需要demanding adj.要求高的; 要求极严的; 难满足的5 personality n 个性; 性格personal adj.个人的person n 个人1 The volunteer(志愿者) was offered(提供) a temporary(临时的) job as an accountant(会计)2 The post(职位) required

9、(要求) essential(必不可少的) knowledge about database(数据库)3 The outgoing(外向的) model(模特) thought she was qualified(合格的) and demanded(要求) a new contract(合同)4 The staff(员工) requested the agent(代理人) to respect(尊重) their opinions.5 The barber(理发师) would be grateful(感激不尽的) if you could help him earn(挣得, 赚得) more

10、 money.The other day in the hospital, I encountered my middle school English teacher, who was suffering from a bad cold.He was a much loved and highly respected teacher, who had a profound influence on my life.He was well qualified for his job and often gave us a satisfied smile, which helped to red

11、uce our stress in study.He demanded that we set goals for ourselves and he often offered us some useful advice on achieving them.We were all grateful to him for his essential help.课文原句背诵1 As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed, .随着越来越多的国家开放旅游, 需要更多的旅行社, 1 ac

12、count n 叙述; 描写; 报道; v.认为是on account of由于; 因为on no account 决不2 tie vt.(用绳、 带等)绑, 系, 拴; n.领带tie sth.把拴到上3 warn vt.警告warn sb.of/about sth.警告某人某事warn sb.against doing sth.警告某人不要做某事4 determined adj.坚决的be determined to_do sth.决心做某事5 panic vt.(使)恐慌; (使)惊慌失措; n.惊恐panic sb.into doing sth.使某人惊慌地做某事6 ru

13、n away (秘密地)逃跑run out 用完; 耗尽7 hold on 等着; 停住; 坚持住; (电话用语)别挂断hold out 维持; 坚持; 抵抗; 幸存8 play a trick/joke on sb.捉弄某人, 对某人恶作剧play with 摆弄; 玩弄9 be/feel in the mood (for sth./to do sth.)有意(做某事); 有(做某事)的心情be in a bad mood 情绪不好; 闹情绪10 make one s fortune 发财tell one s fortune 给某人算命11 have connection with 与有联系

14、/有关联connect.with.把和联系起来12 be curious about 对好奇be_curious_to_do_sth.好奇地做某事13 set off出发; 启程; 引爆 为设置背景; 以为背景1 curious adj.好奇的curiosity n 好奇心curiously adv.好奇地2 disturb vt.打扰disturbing adj.令人不安的; 引起烦恼的disturbed adj.不幸的; 烦恼的,心烦意乱的3 create vt.塑造; 创作creation n 创作(物); 创造creative adj.创造性的; 有创造力的4 except

15、ion n 例外except prep.除了5 force vt.强迫; 迫使; n.武力forced adj.被迫的; 不得已的forceful adj.强有力的; 坚强的1 The detective(侦探) was curious(好奇的) about the account(报道) of the murderer(凶手)2 The adolescent(青少年) was forced(迫使) to tie(绑, 系) the pilot(领航员) to a trunk(树干)3 He and his companion(伙伴) were warned(警告, 告诫) to find a

16、 shelter(躲避处) to ensure their safety.4 He was determined(坚决的) to establish(建立) his reputation(声望) by donating money to charity.5 The storm panicked(使恐慌) him and disturbed(打扰) his calm life, which made him unable to write a review(影视、 音乐评论) about the film.The adolescent likes fantasy and is determine

17、d to make his fortune, but he never succeeds for he always makes up lies.课文原句背诵1 Suddenly, by_the_light_of_the_lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river.突然, 借着闪电的光, 我们看到河中央有什么东西。1 pretend v 假装pretend_to_do_sth.假装做某事2 memory n 记忆in memory of纪念memorize vt.记住, 熟记3 mark vt.标志(着); n.标记; 分数ma

18、rk with 用作标记mark sth.down 记下4 celebration n 庆典; 庆祝in celebration of庆祝celebrate vt.庆祝5 freedom n 自由free adj.自由的; vt.使自由free sb.from sth.解放; 使解脱6 come to an end 完结put an end to.使结束7 dress up 装扮; 打扮be dressed in 穿着8 in secret 秘密地make no secret of毫无掩饰9 come off脱落come to a decision 得出结论10 more or less 或多

19、或少still/much less 更谈不上; 更不用说11 wash down 冲洗, 冲刷; 配着食物喝(饮料)wash off将洗净/洗掉12 arrive in/at 到达get to 到达13 come out 出现; 露出come up 长出地面; 破土而出1 hide vt.掩藏; 躲藏hidden adj.秘密的; 隐蔽的2 extend vt.延长; 扩大extension n 延伸; 扩大3 relaxing adj.使人放松的relax vt.使放松relaxation n 消遣; 娱乐relaxed adj.放松的4 tasty adj.美味可口的taste n 味道;

20、 v.品尝; 尝起来有味道5 origin n 起源original adj.原先的; 最初的1 He made a whistle(口哨) to pretend(假装) that the parade(游行) was relaxing(使人放松的)2 His master(主人) decided to abolish(废除) these rules to give him more freedom(自由)3 Tom s memory(记性) is poor, so he often refers to the calendar(日历) to book(预订) his return ticke

21、t.4 The landowners(地主) lost their land, which marked(标志着) the beginning of a new era(时代).语境记忆(背诵语段, 记忆单元词汇)来源:学&科&网When we are free, we often wander around the park to relax ourselves or have a tasty meal together.We held a party to celebrate the extension of our export trade yesterday.We couldn t h

22、ide our excitement and I think everyone in our company will memorize this special moment forever.1 Think_of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion.想到狂欢节, 你自然就会想起拥挤的人群、 节日的服饰及混乱的场景。2 As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas.随

23、着时间的推移, 狂欢节的时间被延长了, 这样它就正好在圣诞节以后开始。3 If_possible, record yourself as you speak, and compare your version with the original.如果可能的话, 录下你所说的话, 然后把它和原声进行比较。1 perform vi.表现put_on a performance 表演2 advantage n 优势; 长处have an advantage over 比有优势take advantage of利用disadvantage n 劣势; 不利3 guarantee vt.& n 保证un

24、der guarantee 在保修期内4 purchase vt.& n 购买purchase sth.from sb.从某人处购买某物5 specific adj.具体的; 特定的be specific to 对来说特有的6 on the increase 正在增加increase by 增加了7 rise to one s feet 站起身struggle to one s feet 挣扎着站起来8 every ten seconds 每十秒钟once_a_week 每周一次9 vote for 投票赞成vote against 投票反对10 up to you 由你决定up_and_do

25、wn 上上下下1 retirement n 退休retire v 退休2 champion n 冠军championship n 冠军地位; 锦标赛3 victory n 胜利victor n 获胜者4 declare vt.宣布declaration n 宣言, 声明5 competitor n 竞争者; 对手compete vi.竞争; 参加(比赛)competition n 竞争competitive adj.好竞争的, 有竞争力的1 The designers(设计师) guaranteed(保证) these tracksuits(运动服) and sportswear(休闲服装)

26、were of good quality(质量)2 Before retirement(退役), he performed(表现) well on the stadium(运动场) and scored(得分) 200 goals.3 She protested(抗议) against the decision and insisted her background(背景) was simple and shehad the right to purchase(购买) the building.4 The trainer(教练员) declared(宣布) that they had the

27、right to quit the game on these specific(具体的) situations.5 We should take advantage(优势, 长处) of these slogans(标语) to encourage the champions(冠军) to go further.The trainer and the gymnasts wear the same track-suits and walk to the stadium.Today they will face a tough competitor, so they can t guarantee their victory.1 .Li Ning retired with_the_feeling_that_he_had_failed.李宁带着失败的感觉退役了。2 But it_was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. 但正是这种失败感使他下定决心在新的生活中取得成功。3 A pair of Nike trainers, for example,

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