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1、A. a my father s friendB. a friend of my fatherC.safriend of my father)9. I like playing _ violin while he is fond of listening to _ music.A./,/B. /, theC. the, /)10._ is a most widely used language.A. The EnglishB. The English languageC. English language)11._ Mr. Wang is calling you on the phone.A.

2、 OneB. AnC. A)12.Miss Gao often goes swimming after _ lunch.A. aB. /C. the)13.His clothes _ old, but mine _ new.A. are, isB. is, areC. are, are)14._ earth moves around _ sun.A. The, theB. A, theC. The, a)15.I want to buy _.A. three kilos of meatB. three kilos of meatsC. three kilo of meat)16.The pos

3、t office is not far from here. It s only ten _ walk.A. minuteB. minutesC. minutes)17.These foreign friends are _.A. GermanB. GermenC. Germans)18.There _ a book and some pens on the table.A. haveC. are)19.They will have a _ holiday next month.A. two-monthsB. two monthC. two-month)20.Two fifths of mil

4、k _ emptied.A. wasB. areC. were)21.My father is _.A. in his fiftiesB. in fiftiesC. on the fifties)22.When and where to hold the meeting _.A. have not decidedB. are not decidedC. is not decided)23.The sun rises in _.A. eastB. the westC. the east)24.Twenty years _ passed.C. has)25.Many a student _ mad

5、e the same mistake.A. has)26.Either you or I _ right.A. isC. am)27.The old _ taken good care of in this country.A. amC. is)28.His family _ very big. His family _ fond of music.)29.The teacher with two students _ into the room.A. goB. goesC. have gone)30.His shoes _ worn out. The pair of shoes _ worn

6、 out, too.B. are, areC. is, are)31.They re _.A. woman doctorsB. women doctorC. women doctors)32.Books of this kind _ well.A. are soldB. sellsC. is sold)33.Going to bed and getting up early _ a good habit.C. become)34.The Chinese people _ a hard-working people.C. lives)35.Not only you but also she _

7、wrong.C. do中考英语专项训练 ( 二 )代词部分 )36. Do you like Mary s new skirt?-Yes, very much. I ll ask mum to buy r mefo.B. oneC. it)37.The weather in winter here is like _ in Taiyuan.A. thatB. itC. those)38.There are quite a few old books in that room, but _ of them is useful to us.A. allB. neitherC. none)39.Th

8、ere re tall trees on _ sides of the street.B. eitherC. both)40.The teacher had a talk with _ of the students.A. anyB. everyC. each)41.The sentence _ is wrong.A. itselfC. its)42._ of them believes what I said.A. NoneB. No oneC. Nobody)43.Is _ necessary to tell him the story?A. muchC. that)44.All of t

9、hem went to see the film except _.A. he and meB. him and IC. him and me)45.Please don t tell me the answer. I ll work it out _.A. meB. myselfC. mine)46.The river is far away. _ people like to go fishing there.A. LittleB. FewC. A few)47.You can borrow my car, but you mustn t lend it to _.A. othersB.

10、the otherC. another)48.All the students have gone swimming. There is _ in the classroom.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody)49.His parents _ teachers. They _ in a school nearby.A. are all, work allB. are both, both workC. both are, work both)50.They like _ better than mine.A. him and herB. him and sheC.

11、his and hers)51._ of her parents is in good health.A. EitherB. BothC. None)52.Do you like the thief to be _?A. IB. himC. man)53. May I help you with some shoes, sir?-Yes, I d like to try on those brown _.A. oneB. onesC. two)54.I have two sisters, one lives with me but _ lives in _ city.A. the other,

12、 the otherB. the other, anotherC. another, the other)55. Who can help me with my English?-_.B. MyC. Me)56.-Who did you find in the room?-_.A. NobodyB. No)57.-What can you see on the blackboard?-_.C. Nothing)58.Don t hurry. We still have _ time left.A. fewB. a little)59.-Have you finished your homewo

13、rk yet?-No, I llfinish it in _ ten minutes.A. otherB. less)60.Here are two cakes. You can take _ of them.A. eitherB. none中考英语专项训练 ( 三 )形容词、副词部分 )61.Of all the subjects, I like history _.A. bestB. betterC. more)62.It s _ nice of you to help me.A. trueB. realC. really)63.Don t go out. It s raining _.A

14、. heavilyB. loudlyC. quickly)64.I prefer physics. I think it is _ than art.A. as importantB. less importantC. more important)65.She is _ of the two.A. youngerB. the youngerC. the youngest)66.Have you finished your homework _?A. yetB. alreadyC. still)67.His _ sister is _ than my sister.A. older, elde

15、rB. elder, olderC. older, older)68.We will not talk about the topic any _.A. farB. fartherC. further)69._ people are studying English now.A. More and manyB. Many and moreC. More and more)70.Your mother is _ younger than she looks.B. very)71.My mother looks _ today.A. happyB. happilyC. happiness)72.H

16、e is _ to go to school.A. much oldB. enough oldC. old enough)73.This river is _ as that one.A. as twice longB. twice as longC. long as twice)74.It s much colder here than _.A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. in Taiyuan)75.Have you ever seen the beautiful girl _?A. agoB. beforeC. near)76.The lit tle boy is ill.

17、 But the doctor says that he ll soon get _.A. goodB. niceC. well)77.Li Hua is _ among the sisters.A. the oldB. the oldestC. the eldest)78.The desks of this room are as large as _.A. those of that roomB. that of that roomC. it of that room)79.There re _ people in this room that in that room.A. the mo

18、stB. fewerC. less)80.He is _ most important person.B. theC. very)81.Jim hasn t got a book, and he hasn t got a pen, _.A. tooC. neither)82.How _ the house is!A. bigB. the biggerC. biggest)83.My sister is _ than I.A. two years youngerB. more youngerC. as young as)84.She didn t dance _ well _ Mary.A. m

19、ore, moreB. as, asC. more, than)85.My teacher speaks so _ that I can _ follow her.A. quick, hardly B. quickly, hardly C. quickly, nearly中考英语专项训练 ( 四 )介词部分 )86.The boys _ black sports shirts are the fans of Guo an Team.A. atB. withC. in)87.It s clear that fish can t livewater.A. without)88.There is a railway _ these two towns.A. amongB. inC. between)89._ a rainy day, he arrived _ Beijing.A. In, atB. On, inC. On, at)90.I spent five yuan _ this dictionary.A. withB. on)91.We mustn t laugh _ people when they are _ trouble.A. at, inB. in, atC. to, in)92.English is spoke

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