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九年级英语When was it invented教案.docx

1、九年级英语When was it invented教案Unit 9 When was it invented ? 学案式教学设计【教材版本】人民教育出版社 九年级英语【学习内容】Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b and 4 of Unit 9 When was it invented ? 【学情分析】本节课是第九单元的第二课时, 学习任务是完成课文Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b and 4 部分的学习。本单元要求学会谈论重要发明的历史及用途,然后针对各项发明的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,并说明理由。话题一直是围绕着历史上和日常生活中的重要发明,通过使用“Passive V

2、oice”形式的句型,循序渐进地展开讨论。课本设计的活动情景能够自然地引发学生的好奇心,大家积极地投入到话题讨论中,寓教于乐,容易引起学生的兴趣;同时,它也有利于开阔学生的思路,培养创造精神,展开丰富的想象力,人人都能成为“小发明家”。学生在第一课时学习了本单元的Section A 中的1a至2c部分,基本能听懂、会说本单元要求掌握的部分重要词汇;在图片,相关信息等提示的帮助下,能较好地运用重要句型和掌握主动语态和被动语态及相互转换。但是本班的学生两极分化比较严重,有一部分学生基础知识不牢固,前面提到的学过的单词和句型就忘得差不多了,特别是对于课文中的语法主动语态和被动语态,被动语态的一般现在

3、时和一般过去时混为一谈。所以教师在课堂教学中应面向整体,及时复习相关的知识,包括重要词汇和句型,前后知识的衔接。同时在设计上要注意活动的多样性,激发他们的兴趣,让每一位学生能得到不同程度的收获。【单元整体目标】重点词汇:salty, sweet, sour, crispy, pleasant, potato chips, slipper, leaf, fire, scoop, light bulb, microwave oven, abacus, camera, beverage, be invented by, be used for, by mistake, by accident重点句型

4、:When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876.技能目标:能够谈论发明的历史和用途。能够对生活中的发明发表自己的看法。能够解决生活问题,设计新发明。情感目标:充满想象力,发挥创造能力。三、重点难点重点:讨论重要发明的时间、发明者和用途,学习使用句型“When was the telephone invented?”,“Who was it/were they invented by?”,“What is it/are they used for?”和答语。难点:如何描述一项新发明的来历和用途【课时安排】6课时(

5、新课5课时,复习1课时)第一课时: Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c,2a,2b, 2c,第二课时: Section A: grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 4第三课时: Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c第四课时: Section B: 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b 第五课时:Self- check and reading第六课时 复习【本课时教学设计】.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary bulb, light bulb, microwave, ove

6、n, microwave oven, island (2) Target Language What is the microwave oven used for? It is used for cooking .What do you think is the most helpful invention ? I think the most helpful invention is Why is that ? Because it helps/gives 2.Ability Objects Train the students writing and speaking skills wit

7、h the target language. 3.Moral Objects If you are alone on a tiny island, what inventions would you like to have on the island with you? .Teaching Key Points 1.Talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions. 2.Guide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions. .Teaching Diffi

8、cult Points 1.Discuss the opinions on the inventions. 2.Use the target language to describe the inventions. .Teaching Methods 1.Pairwork 2.Groupwork .Teaching Aids Some pictures of the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.【学习辅助材料】PPT课件.Teaching Procedures【教学程序】Teaching and learning stepsLearni

9、ng contentsTs activitiesSs activitiesPurposeTime(1)Revision(从有关发明的话题入手,增加学生学习的兴趣.)(PPT)T: Whats the invention? Who invented the inventions ? Can you tell me ?T:The inventors are great.Are you great?T: Lets have a competition between two groups. Boys are Group 1, girls are Group 2. Lets see which gro

10、up will be the winner,OK?1. Tell Ss the requirements . T:First revise the passive voice.Look at the information and finish the blanks.2.Ask two students to finish it.3.T checks the answers.( 老师奖励。)4.Ask Ss to read the sentences after the teacher. 1.Students answers them.2.Ss say yes.3.Ss do it by th

11、emselves.4.Ss read them together.上课初提出疑问,引出比赛要求和奖励办法,能让学生对学习充满积极性。复习旧知,为接下来学习新知做铺垫。这一过程不但可以很好地考查学生上节课所学知识,及时发现问题,查漏补缺。5(2)Presentation(2)PresentationPart 3aWords:light bulb microwaveoven(PPT)1. T: Look at the picture.Whats this?2. T: And this? light bulb (板书)3. T: Whats this? microwave oven(板书)4.T:T

12、he inventions can be divided into helpful inventions and annoying inventions.I think the computer is a helpful invention.The gun is an annoying invention.Which do you think are helpful inventions/annoying inventions?1. Ss :闹钟。2.Ss:电灯泡。3.Ss:微波炉。4. Ss discuss the questions.通过图片呈现新单词,创设情境来引发讨论: Which d

13、o you think are helpful inventions/annoying inventions?引导学生学会发表自己的观点。6(3)PracticePart 3a. (PPT)1.T:Make a list of helpful inventions and annoying inventions.(PPT)2.Ask two students to come to Bb to finish 3a.(板书)3.T checks the answers.(老师奖励。) Ss finish it.通过这个活动激发了学生的表现欲和挑战意识。5(4)PresentationPart 3b

14、(PPT)课件设计说明:教师播放课件,呈现some inventions.图片旁注有单词。1.T shows the PPT.2.T: Look at these inventions. I think the most helpful invention is the computer.Because it helps people search the information.Which do you think is the most helpful invention.Why is it?(PPT 呈现)Which do you think is the most helpful in

15、vention.Why is it?3.Ask two Ss to answer the questions.营造英语氛围,鼓励学生大胆发言。6(5)Practice1.Ask Ss to practice 3b in pairs.2.Ask several groups to act it out.(老师奖励。)1. Ss look at the PPT and discuss them.这也为下面的小组活动这一环节作了较好的铺垫。利用图片及生活中的发明,让学生进行了听,说方面的训练。培养学生一定的语感。5(6)PresentationGrammar Focus(PPT)T:We have

16、learned the passive voice.What is the passive voice? Do you know?Ask some Ss to answer it.T sums up grammar about the passive voice.(show PPT)Ss think it about.对所学的语法点进行归纳整理,让学生总结归律,做到灵活运用所学知识。6(7)Groupwork Part 4 ( PPT)T:Look at the picture.Imagine you are alone on the island. What would you like t

17、o have with you? (PPT)Get the Ss to practice Part 4 in groups.Ask some Ss to act it out.Ss look at PPT.鼓励学生发挥想象力,灵活运用所学句型,各抒己见。6(8)Exercise in classT: Its time to do the exercise.(PPT)Give Ss several minutes to do the exercise.Ask 5 Ss to answer them.T checks the answers.Ss discuss it in groups.Ss f

18、inish itby themselves.设计适当的练习题,既能培养学生“写”的能力,也可以让他们再次巩固新知。5(9) Assessment教师评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励。T: How many stars have you got?Which group is the winner? Ss count the stars.评价让学生明白自己在本节课的收获以及存在的问题,明确今后努力的方向。1(10)HomeworkWrite dowm your inventions.(PPT)拓展学生的思维,培养他们的创新意识。【板书设计】 Unit 9When was it invent

19、ed ?light bulb A:What do you think is the most helpful invention ?microwave oven B:I think the most helpful invention is A:Why is that? B:It helps/gives板书设计说明:突出强调本节课的重点词汇和句型,帮助学生灵活运用所学句型表达自己的观点,能掌握被动语态的用法及主动与被动语态的互换。【本课设计亮点】我从话题入手,激发学生的兴趣,让学生尽快进入状态。然后利用课件,复习旧知,温习上节课的所学内容,通过呈现的图片导入新单词的教学。词不离句,情景交融,生


21、要知识点而设计的。从而检测学生所学情况。在教学过程中我还用贴星星的形式来表扬鼓励表现好的个人或小组,这种评价方法贯穿始终,目的是为了保持整堂课的趣味性和竞争性。【本课教学反思】1、学生的参与面不广一节课下来,部分学生都能积极投入到课堂教学中来,并积极举手发言。因此合作教学对提高学生实际的语言交流能力、以及与他人的合作能力有很大的促进作用。而另有一些学生却习惯于当听众,被动地接受别人的观点,很少发表自己的个人意见,而这部分学生主要是学习困难生。【本课教学反思】2、个别学生不主动在教学过程中,个别小组出现冷场,这些学生停留在独立学习的层次上,没有发挥合作学习的优势,合作意识淡薄。因此作为教师既要注意到每个合作小组成员的合理编排,又要注意到自己设计的话题的趣味性以及如何把学生的积极性真正的调动起来。 总而言之,我领悟到了一种思想,一种理念,那就是优化课堂教学,提高课堂效果。

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