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1、 您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years. 我在船上工作十年了。4.Which company have you served (worked for)? 您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。5.What certificate (license) do you hold now? 您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。6.)?

2、How long do you have the certificate of C/E(2/E,3/E您持有轮机长证书多久了?I hold the xx certificate(xx years) in xxxx. 我持有轮机长证书有某某年了,或在某某年我持有轮机长证书。7.What kinds of ship have you worked on? 您都做过那些类型的船?I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on. 我在许多船上工作过,像某某船,某某船,等等。8.Which classification so

3、ciety is your ship registered with? 您的船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, OR NK, BV, LR, CCS 9.Where was your last vessel s trading area? Which ports have you called? 你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口?Ocea n-going, world widely, globally,fixed route. 远洋, 全世界,全球,固定航线。10.Have you served UMS?(UMS=Unmanned Mach in ery Space) 您做过无人机舱船吗?Y

4、es, I have served UMS, or No, I am sorry, I have not. 时的,我作过无人机舱。或不,抱歉,我没作过。11.(How long) have you served as C/E, 2/E ?您轮机长有多长了?Yes, I have served as C/E several years(times) 是的,我做轮机长有若干年了 (若干次了 )12.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on? 您都做过那种类型的主机和发电机?Oh, several models

5、, for instanee, main engine: SUZER RND68, 6700KW; B&W5L45GA 3200KW; MAN KZ70/1200 5300KW;W6L68GFCA 7570KW. Gen erator e ngi ne; YANMAR 6ML- HTS270KW ?13.Could you tell the power of (M/E) gen erator/e ngine which you have ever worked on? 您能告诉我所做过的主机 (发电柴油机 ) 的功率吗?Ok, 6UEC52LS6500KW; (Y ANMAR 6ML-HTS2

6、70KW), on board ship M/V xxx.14.What type of engine did you have on your last ship? 您上一次做的船是什么型号的柴油机?The vessel I worked on last time is a bulk carrier with SUZER RND68 engine. 我上一次做的船是。15.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments?您做过的船发生过重大机损吗?No, I served my job cautiously

7、, and my colleagues were also dilige nt. We kept the vessel in safe operati on. If I were employed by your compa ny. I were also serve my duty with dilige nee. 没有,我工作是非常谨慎的,并且我的同事也是非常勤勉的。 我们保持船舶安全操作。如果 你们公司雇佣我,我同样会勤奋地工作的。16.Did you have a planned maintenance system(PMS) for your last ship? 您上次做的船有计划

8、维护体系吗?Yes, I observed in structi ons from the shipow ner and the system was con trolled and man aged by computers. 是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的。17.The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules? 安全管理规则要求做到预防性维护。你如何作出预防性维护计划?According to the ISM Code,

9、the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship s“ PlannecMaintenance System ”a nd the machinery running hours records. This plan should be made on an annual basis(or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and

10、 the basic occasional maintenance work.根据 ISM 规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的 “PMS 和机械运转时间记录来制定的。这个计划应该是在年度或五年基础上来制定的。 通常月度维护计划是基于年度预防维护计划和非经 常性发生的工作来制定的。18.What is the purpose of the ISM Code? What is DPA in ISM Code?ISM 规则的目的是什么? ISM 规则中 DPA 是什么意思?The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard f

11、or the safe management and operation of ship s ofships and for pollution prevention.DPA stands for Designated person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, polluti on preve nti on aspects on behalf of the shipow ner.ISM 规则的目的是提供针对船舶安全管理和操作以及防污染的一个国际标准。DPA 的意思是;岸上的指定人员。他的职责是代表船东负责防

12、污染,安全操作方面的事务。19.What does DOC imply?DOC 表示什么?DOC stands for “ Document of Complianee ” . The marine shipping company should establish and mai ntai n procedures to con trol all docume nts and data which are releva nt to the SMS. Each ship should carry on board all docume ntati on releva nt to that sh

13、ip.DOC 表示符合文件。船舶公司应该建立和维护程序去控制所有与 SMS 有关的文件和数据。 每条船都应该携带与本船相关的所有文件。20.What is SMC?SMC 表示什么?SMC means Safety man ageme nt Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the admi nistratio n or an authorized orga ni zati on.SMC 是指安全管理证书 .他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。21.What is the purpose of ISM Audit? What

14、is the Critical Equipment and System?ISM 审核的目的是什么?系统中的关键设备指什么?Audit is the systematic and independent verification to determine whether ISM activities and results conform to planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are effectively preformed to achieve the objectives of the compa ny and re

15、leva nt maritime laws.These are those where sudden loss of functional capability or where failure to respond when activated manually or automatically may create high-risk situations or major accidents. For example, main engine, steeri ng gear and so on. 审核是系统地并且不受约束地去检验是否 ISM 活动和结果符合计划的安排,是否这些安排 是预先

16、有效地达到公司和海事法规的目标。指的是突然失去性能或者当手动或自动地作用时会造成高的危险情形或大的事故。 例如,主 机,舵机等等。22.What are the critical Operations and conditions? 什么是关键操作和临界状态?Critical Operations and Conditions are those which have a significant risk of causing major injuries or ill ness to people, or damage to ship, cargo, other property an d/

17、or the environment.关键操作和临界状态是指能够引起对人员所造成重大伤害, 造成船舶损坏,货物或其它的财 产和环境的损坏的重大危险的操作。23.What does Non-Co nformity mea n? What is Major No n-Co nformity? 什么叫不符合?什么是重大不符合?Non-Conformity means an observed situation where the objective evidenee indicates the Non-Fulfillment of a specified requirement. Major Non

18、-Conformity is an identifiable deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or serious risk to environment. Which requires immediate correct ion the acti on. Lack of effective and systematic impleme ntati on of the ISM Code is also a Major No n-Co nformity. 不符合指的是观测到的情形而有客观的证据显

19、示此情形没有执行规定的要求。重大不符合是指一个确定的违背, 其对人员或船舶的安全 / 环境造成了严重的威胁。 此种违 背要求立即去改正。对 ISM 规则缺乏有效的和系统的执行同样也是一个重大不符合。24.What is a near accident? Please give an example to show your understanding. 什么叫险情? 请举例说明。The n ear accide nt is a kind of pote ntial dan ger. If it is worse, it will become an accide nt. For example

20、, two ships arein close quarters situatio n. 险情是一种潜在的危险。如果恶化的话,他 会变成一个事故。例如,两条船非常靠近地航 行。25.What should be paid attention to in the overhaul of cylinder? 在气缸大修过程中应该注意什么?Every operati on must be complied with the preparati on measures regulated in the safety meeti ng or in the SMS. All safety measures

21、 must be observed, such as pers ons should not sta nd un der the engine room crane. The operator, who operated the E/R crane, must operate carefully and smoothly.每一个操作者都要遵守安全会议或 SMS 所要求的预防措施。切实遵守各项安全措施,像人 员不能站立在机舱的天车下。操作天车的人员必须小心,平稳的操作。. Before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank, what a

22、ction will you take? 在进入圭寸闭空间前,(如压载水舱)应作什么准备工作?Prepare tools. Check all items in the checklist, such as test of content of oxyge n, test of explosi on point, explodedproof lamp, good ven tilati on. Communi cati on means should be available betwee n operators in side and watchma n outside and so on.

23、Operators should wear protective clothi ng a breathing apparatus, a helmet, working boots, lifeline.Also a mark plateProgress ” should be established at the entrance.Dangerous Operation in 入里面的人和外面值守的人 戴安全准备工具。核对检查单并检查所有项目,如测量氧气含量,检验爆炸点,防爆灯和通风。进 要建立可靠的通讯。 操作者应该穿防护衣和携带呼吸器,. Please tell me the minimum

24、 safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an en closed space. 请说出进入封闭舱室需要的安全氧气含量More tha n 18% and no more tha n 23% of oxyge n in an en closed space will be ok for the safety of the workers. 大于 18%,小于 23%的氧气含量是安全的。26.Before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank , what actio

25、n will you take ? 在进入圭寸 闭空间前,(如压载水舱)应作什么准备工作?Prepare tools. Check all items in the checklist , such as test of content of oxygen , test of explosion point , explodedproof lamp , good ventilation. Communication means should be available betwee n operators in side and watchma n outside and so on. Oper

26、ators should wear protective clothing a breathing apparatus , a helmet , working boots ,lifeline. Also a mark plate“ Dangerous Operation in Progress ” should be established at th 准备工具 ce.核对检查单 并检查所有项目,如测量氧气含量, 检验爆炸点,防爆灯和通风。进入里面的人和外面值守 的人要建立可靠的通讯。 操作者应该穿防护衣和携带呼吸器, 戴安全帽,穿工作鞋,携带安 全绳。同样在进入口要放一个告示牌: 在进行危

27、险操作”。27.Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in anenclosed space 请说出进入圭寸闭舱室需要的安全氧气含量More than 18% and no more than23% of oxygen in an enclosed space will be ok for the safety of the workers. 大于 18%,小于 23 % 的氧气含量是安全的。28.Have you ever seen SOPEP ? What is SOP

28、EP ? ( Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan ) 您知道 SOPEP 吗?什么是 SOPEP ?( 船舶油污应急计划 )Yes, of course. SOPEP stands for Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. 是的,当然。 SOPEP 代表船舶油污应急计划。T29.What in formation you could receive form SOPEP 从 SOPEP 中你能得到什么信息?The SOPEP should con tai n (but not limited to ) th

29、e followi ng content ; Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in case of oil polluti on. Pollutio n report ing system and the authority or pers ons to be con tacted in the event of polluti on in cludi ng the teleph one nu mbers etc. Detailed description of actions to be taken immediat

30、ely by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil after the incident. List of oil spill response equipment to be maintained and prepared on board ( Removers , sprayer , oil absorbent , saw dust , sand, waste rags, scoop. Shovels , buckets , bamboo brooms , portable pump , protective clothing , portable contain ers. ) 。 The esse nee of the Pla n is to avoid any possible oil leakage and oil polluti on. Simply speak ing , SOPEP should in clude suchthin

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