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1、People(过去一个多月,全国考得最多的是年青人和来访者,第二确实是一个你崇拜的人和一个老人,其实所有的“人”话题,都是与你有关系,对你有阻碍。五大原那么里,人的话题是最简单,但也是最重要,那个“人”对你专门好有阻碍,送了你一个礼物,那个礼物确实是“物品题”了,若是那个物品在一个生日晚会里显现,很多人都参与了,这确实是“事件题”等等的变形。下面的茫文,同窗们加以训练,运用自己的想象力把红色字体的变形题用TSE换, 跟从其后的确实是第三部份。People A teenager (重点考题) T:Teenagers are the future of our country, and I hap

2、pen to meet one who left me the most unforgettable memory.He is my roommate when I was at school, named Ken. I can not say he is that kind of person who can attracts me at the very first sight by the appearance, but his optimistic attitude towards life and the common ground we share do matter.S:Actu

3、ally he is the one who very patient and considerate to his friends and studying.We share a lot in common. We both like playing basketball, for YaoMing and Shark are our favorite idol. Every game they play must be our cup of tea.Sometimes we like going to concert to listen to the music. How comfortab

4、le and relaxed the life would be if I am with him.Ken is not only a good friend of mine but also a hardworking person. He makes everything done well ,such asplanting flowers, laundering clothes, and cleaning in order to let us live in a most wonderful, cozy place on earth.E: What impresses me most i

5、s that he likes encouraging people like me who feel discouraged when facing troubles. Her word “tomorrow is another day” always lingering in my mind and burying in my heart.In my mind, he is the perfect teenager that I have ever seen in my life.We spend a lot of happy moment together. Even though no

6、w we are apart for the time being, our hearts and soul are still tightly connected. Thank you.Part three:Whats the difference between children and teenagers?How is the life ofteenagers today different to what it was 20 or 30 years ago?Would you say life for teenagers today is better than it was seve

7、ral decades ago?What do teenagers think about old people?What do you think about the so-called generation gap?A visitor to you home When you travel to another city, do you prefer to stay in a hotel or with friends?In China, when people visit other people in their homes, do they usually bring a gift?

8、Are people in your country very hospitable to guests?What kinds of things do foreigners need to pay attention to when they travel in your country?If you were visiting another country, what do you think would be the biggest problem(s) you would have?Someone you would like to spend time withWhat kind

9、of people do you like to be friends with?What kind of people dont you like to be with?Compare the things you do with your family with the things you do with your friends.Do you think people can make real friendships on the internet?Compare the friendships that people have at work with the friendship

10、s people have at school.An old person you respectWho do old people today live longer than in the past?what are the good advantages of being a eldly?What are the jobs that suitable for the old but not for the young?A person who is good at his/her jobDo you thinks schools and universities have a respo

11、nsibility to prepare students for work?In high school in China, are there many opportunities for you to gain practical work experience? What about in university?What is the usual retirement age for people in China?If someone who is older than the retirement age wants to and is able to continue worki

12、ng, is he or she allowed to do that?What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work?A school friendDo you think friends are important?Do you think its easier to make friends today than it used to be?Why do some people choose to make friend

13、s on the internet?What are the qualities of a good friend?A good advice you received(那个考题是不常见的考题,思路与下面的收到的信一样,那个信里确实是一个有效的意见,谁给的,固然是人,把两个题转到人去)What is more acceptable , your friends advice or your parents?What advice you will give to your friends?Do you think teachers should give students personal a

14、dvice or just academic advice?Have you ever received advice from a trained person?What personal qualities do you think these professional advice givers should have?An important letter that you received.Do you often write letters to your family and relatives?Do people today write letters by hand as m

15、uch as they used to do many years ago?What is the value of reading letters that famous people in history have written?Is the handwriting of children today as good as it was many years ago?Object: 物品题以前考的很多的是电脑,电话,动物等,此刻考的最多应该是电器(出电脑外的),不管是哪个题,都必需与人联系在一路,你与那个专门有什么样的关系,发生什么事,例如,刚考完的考题,描述一只动物,很多同窗讲狗和猫,

16、讲它们的功能,如此是能够的,但我在全国所见过所有的考官,关于那个话题,除那个动物的外表和能做什么外,他们更想明白的是你与那个动物有什么经历,发生过什么事,若是是动人的故事会更能感动考官,而我教过所有取得7分乃至8分的学生,必需学会用情去感化考官)An electrical appliance (最重点考题)T: I can not live without the useful equipments I am having, one of which I am in favor of is my little beauty, AIGO, a mp4player.S: let alone to

17、say the magnificent appearance with white color and tiny shape , its usage that enriches my life. Well ,like other MP4s, its capacity is big enough to hold thousands of songs and hundreds of movies altogerther. What is more important , an it can broadcast the radio and TV program alive, which are ma

18、inly about , the up to date news , fashion , sports and education, keeping me informed all the time.E: wherever I go , on the street , subway or the bus,I will never let the time wasted and bring her with me , by whom I can enjoy my favorite games,like basketball in the Olympics and listen to Englis

19、h program and watch movies to relax myself.I love this newly-created electronic application, not only because it can accompany me, but also it can enrich my life.What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in daily life?Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances? Whats your opi

20、nion of this? Is that a good situation?Do you think science and technology will one day completely eliminate traditional technology and equipment?Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?What do you think i

21、s the most useful thing that man has ever invented?An interesting animalWhat animals are most common where you live (or, in your country)?Compare the usage of animals nowadays and in the past?Do you think there are more problems of feeding on animals in rural area than in the urban?What are the main

22、 obstable of raising animals in city?Do people in China still use animals for work?Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago?s suitable to keep pets in the city or is it more suitable to have a pet only if you live in the countryside?A gift you gave to another pe

23、rson(那个礼物确实是上面的动物)On what occasions do people give gifts to others?When do children receive presents in China?What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get?Do you think toys have any educational value?A photo ( 与动物一路拍)Why do people take photos?What is the function of the photo in newspaper?Wh

24、at is the effect of photo on our life in the future?How has modern science and technology changed photography?Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions?五大原那么三:地址五大原那么四:事件Place=Experience(地址题和事件题其实都是差不多的,地址题在8月30,31,和9月1日的全国各个考点都显现了,一个有水,污染和听音乐的地址,部份南方地域像上海,武汉和广州显现了一个组织,其实地址题与事件题是差不多的,例如去那个

25、有水的地址,是不是一次经历,是不是一次旅行,那个地址拍了一张url=照片/url是不是回到了咱们的“物品题”,这张照片里面有水,我和我的好朋友,是不是回到了“人”那个题,五个原那么全都能够转,同窗们能够通过在那个地址发生了什么事,when, what ,why ,who等等感受如何,产生了什么的回忆和阻碍来入手,用TSE背两三篇范文反复练习)(变型:tourist attraction , a happy experience , a city you have visited, a place with a lot of water, a place you have worked or s

26、tudied before等等)A place with a lot of waterT:The best answer to this topic might be the Fragrant Hill Park, where I left the unforgettable memory. This park is not only famous for the red leaves , but also for the music fountains.It has become another symbol for the Beijing city and attracts crowds

27、of tourists.The most appealing thing is the music of the fountain. The water is able to dance in accordance with the lyric, tune and melody of the music played by people in the controlled room. Also, you can watch movies at night from water. The mixture of water sound and the film one teaches everyo

28、nes heart. People like going there from time to time. Old people like going there for relax and movies, youngster for taking photos, even some Children for playing with water. All of those want to enjoy the magnificent scenery and nature in front of the music fountains.I have been there once, and th

29、e breath-taking moments last till now whenever I see the photo I took there, I wish I could go there someday in the future.A happy experience in your life:(那个地址你是不是工作和url=学习/url过?那个经历有无改变你?那个地址可不能够是名胜呢?是不是去过的一个城市?那个地址你拍照了吗?是不是一次旅行?等等) T: Experiences shape and enrich our lives , most of which are happy , though some are sad. Here , I want to share with you my happy experience when I was a volun

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