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1、the games is something to remember. It isntcompletewithout the hugs. One event volunteer,whilehugging and handing out sweatshirts to some of the athletesheld uphis thumbs and said, ”All of these athletes are super! I cant goanywherearound here without getting a hug. Iprayfor more of this sort of thi

2、ng. I hope that the spirit with whichthey have competed might touch the whole world. Watching these young people blossom over the past week has truly touched my life. ” At the end of the festival, the vice mayor for the city of Shanghai, which willhostthe 2007 summer games, accepted the flag for the

3、 Special Olympicspledgingthat “the city of Shanghai would open its arms to the world andto the Special Olympics”. 虽然他们可能不是世界上最快的还是最强的运动员,在2005年世界冬季特殊奥运会在长野举行的1830年奥运会比赛,日本的竞争与所有他们的心。在闭幕仪式上,日本公主Takamado发表了讲话,她说:“过去一周是所有关于微笑,温柔与和平。我真的希望在我的心,整个世界在这里可以学到一些东西。我们都可以借鉴这些特殊运动员表明我们的例子。” 特奥会的目标是明确的。这是鼓励智障人士成为

4、身体健康。他们还鼓励是社会生产力和尊重成员通过体育训练和比赛。如果一个运动员在比赛获胜,这是一个奖金。然而,在某种程度上每个人都赢。百合库恩,12日,与美国队的滑雪者,难以抑制的在家信她的热情。她告诉她的父母:我为自己感到骄傲。我不只是为了得奖感到高兴,但赢得诚实,爱竞争,工作的时间最长最难的 该节结束的比赛是值得记住。它也不是没有完成的拥抱。一个事件的志愿者,而拥抱和派运动衫的运动员举起大拇指一些,说:“这些运动员都超强!我不能去任何地方在这里没有得到一个拥抱。我祈祷这一类的事情更多。我希望,精神与他们有竞争可能触摸整个世界。看着这些在过去一周开花年轻人已经真正打动了我的生活。“在本节结束时

5、,为上海,这将主办2007年夏季奥运会,城市的副市长接受认捐认为,个字符指南针,将指导他们的生活休息的。 重点放在表演艺术和体育活动。海德认为,人们需要公开为自己的成长过程的一部分,以小组及社区互动。竞技体育是发挥一年四季,并导致许多冠军。有典型的高中班和学者。许多大学先修课程,提供和鼓励。大多数学生都接受了四年制学院和大学。 还有“组发现”会议,每周几次。鼓励学生互相律师当他们认为另一名学生的行为或想法不符合学校的理念。这些会议着眼于个别学生和他们目前的问题和在学校所面临的问题。鼓励学生分享亲密的秘密,怀疑和对自己和家人的遗憾。这些会议扩展到父母。这些会议的目的是要涉及到海德社区的社会结构中

6、的整个家庭。真理是强调了和谐。谁的学生有以下的校规困难分配给草坪进行维护工作,为学校的照顾。这种做法是不完全的惩罚,但也足以说明了犯错已脱离社区以自己的行为他/她。其背后的想法是赚取组验收,并工作到了社会的信任回来。UNIT 4 When Henry Ford announced he was going to produce an automobile that would beaffordableto the general population, he probably did not realize what a greatimpacthis achievement would hav

7、e on life in the United States and,eventually,the world. Fords use of mass productionstrategiesto manufacture the Model T started a new era in personal transportation.As a result, roads were built for the sake of cars and the greatermobilityof people. With cars and the roads, having a business of on

8、es own became a lot morefeasible.Every type of business sprung up. Customers could easily get to the storesno matter wherethey were in town,providedthere was a road, so businessesno longerhad to be located at a towns center. And what about the family vacation?Familiespackedinto their cars and drove

9、across the country toexplorethe new frontier, stopping at every possible roadsideattractionon the way. There was no limittowhere you could go and what you could see. The car offered a sense of independence and, as Americans particularly hated to berestricted,they fell in love with the automobileinst

10、antly.On average, each American household owns two or more cars. As the world gets more complicated, driving cars around helps peoplecope withthe demands of modern life. If you ask people what qualitiesdefineAmericans, they will probably say that the twodominatingcharacteristics of an American are i

11、nventiveness and independence. America is truly the land of cars and car culture. 当亨利福特宣布他要生产汽车,将可以负担的总人口中,他可能没有意识到有什么了不起的影响他的成就将在美国的生活,并最终世界。福特的大规模生产策略来制造T型车开始了个人交通的新时代。因此,公路建成为汽车着想,人流动性较大。随着汽车和道路,有一个人对自己的业务成为了很多更为可行。每个类型的企业如雨后春笋般涌现。客户可以方便地到达商店无论身在何处,他们在城里人,只要有一条路,让企业不再需要在一个镇的中心位置 什么关于家庭度假?家庭装进自己的汽

12、车和全国驱车前往探索新领域,在每一个可能的停在路边的吸引力的方式。有没有地方可以去,哪些是你可以看到限制。该车提供了独立意识,正如美国人特别讨厌受到限制,他们爱上了汽车爱瞬间。平均而言,每一个美国家庭拥有两个或更多的汽车。随着世界变得越来越复杂,开车大约可以帮助人们应付现代生活的需求。 如果你问人们什么样的素质定义的美国人,他们可能会说,这两个是美国主导的特点,创造性和独立性。美国是真正的汽车和汽车文化的土地。UNIT 5 Aging is a natural process. Although medical advancements havecome up withways to cove

13、r signs of aging, there is no stopping the process. During the closing period in the lifespan of human beings, peopletendto “move away” from more desirable previous periods, oftenknownas“usefulness”. Age sixty is usually considered thedividingline between middle and old age. It is the time where you

14、 areconsideredan “elderly”, meaning somewhat old or advanced beyond middle age. Period of decline comes partly from physical and partly psychologicalfactors. The physical cause of decline is a change in the body cellsdue tothe effects of the aging process. The psychological cause of decline has some

15、thingto do withunfavorable attitudes toward oneself, other people, work and lifein general. Senility, a more or less complete physical breakdown, willtake placewhen there is mental disorganization. The individual becomes careless, absent-minded, socially withdrawn, andpromptlyadjusted. Due to the un

16、favorable social attitudes toward the elderly, treatment toward them in American,unlikeother cultures, makes them feeluseful and unwanted. People who come from countrieswhererespect for the elderly iscustomaryusually treat elder people with moreconsiderationand respect. In fact, old people are a tre

17、asure of experience to society. It is expected that old people will play anincreasingly active role in social and community affairsas well asin the business and professional worlds. Because of thereductionin the number of roles the elderly are able to play ,it isvery likelythat they will develop a f

18、eeling of inferiority. It is our duty to make them better realize value and help them lead a life of comfort. 衰老是一个自然的过程。虽然医疗进步想出办法来覆盖老化的迹象,也没有停止的过程。在闭幕期间的寿命人类,人们往往(趋向)“走”更可取的,从以前的时期,通常被称为“有用性”(被称为)。 六十岁时通常被认为是分界线(分界线)之间的中老年人。是时候你认为是一个“老人”,意思是有些旧的或先进的中年以后。时间的下降部分是身体和心理的部分(心理学)因素。体力下降的原因是改变人体细胞的影响而老化

19、过程。心理下降的原因是与不利的态度自己,其他人,工作和生活的一般(一般来说)。衰老,一个较完整的物理故障,将发生(举行)当有精神紊乱。个人变得粗心,心不在焉,社会撤回,并及时调整(敏捷地)。 由于不利的社会对老人的态度,对待他们在美国,不像(不像)其他文化,使他们感到不再(不再)有用和无用。那些来自国家尊重老年人的习惯(习惯上的)通常是治疗老年人更多的考虑(考虑)和尊重。 事实上,老年人的经验,社会财富。预计,老年人将发挥日益积极的作用(越来越多地)在社会和社区事务,以及在业务和专业的世界。由于减少了(在上减少)数量的作用老年人能够发挥,这是非常可能的(很可能),他们将建立一个自卑的感觉。这是

20、我们的责任,使他们更好地实现价值,帮助他们过上舒适的生活。UNIT 6 Earthquakes haveplaguedour lives for as long as people have inhabited the Earth. These dangerous acts of the Earth have result ingreat damage to human beings. Earthquakes damagedepends onwhat area is hit. If an unpopulated region isstruck, there will be low loss o

21、f life or property. If it hit a large city which isdenselypopulated, there may be serious injuries and destruction. Earthquakes have the power to uproot trees and send themcrashinginto buildings. They can trigger landslides and cause flooding and tsunamis. Buildings and structures are alsoat risk. I

22、t is interesting to note that tall buildings will sufferthe leastdamage if they are located directly at the epicenter. This is because they canwithstandthe up-and-down motion of P-waves. S-waves, on the other hand, occur far away from the epicenter, and cause the greatest stressbyshaking buildings f

23、rom side to side. These buildings are often knocked off their foundations. Buildings with thick, heavy walls do notresistshock waves very well. Violent earthquakes often cause structures to collapse, burying people underneath. Brick buildings are the mostvulnerable. The shaking of the earth is somet

24、imes not the greatest disaster. It is in thesubsequentfires and folds that often the greatest damageoccurs. Predicting an earthquake until now has almost been technologicallyimpossible. With improvements in technology, lives have been saved and many morewill.All thatremainsis to researchto what take

25、s place before ,during,and after earthquake,This has been done for years tothe point that a successful earthquake prediction is theoretically possible. However,accurateprediction of earthquake may take more years. 地震困扰我们的生活,只要有人居住的地球。这些危险行为的地球造成了巨大的损害的人。地震破坏取决于区域中。如果无人居住的地区,会有低的生命或财产损失。如果打到一个大的城市,人口

26、稠密,这里可能是严重的损伤和破坏。 地震的力量将树木连根拔起,把他们撞上建筑物。他们可能引发泥石流,导致洪水和海啸。建筑和结构也有风险。有趣的是,高大建筑物遭受至少损害如果他们直接在位于震中。这是因为他们可以承受的上下运动p-waves.s-waves,在另一方面,发生远离震中,和造成最大应力撼动的一面。这些建筑往往把他们的基础。 建筑与厚,厚重的墙不resistshock波很好。大地震常引起建筑物倒塌,掩埋底下的人。砖建筑是最脆弱的。地球晃动有时不是最大的灾难。它是在随后的火灾和水灾,通常最大的损害发生。 地震预测到现在几乎已在技术上是不可能的。随着技术的改进,生命得到拯救和许多更多。这一切

27、仍然是研究发生了什么之前,期间和之后,地震。这已经做了多年的点,一个成功的地震预报理论上是可能的。然而,准确预测地震可能需要更多年。UNIT 7 At the age of 21, Steve Jobs and a friend, Stephen Wozniak, built a personal computer called the Apple. The Apple changed peoples idea of a computerfroma gigantic(巨大的) mass of vacuum tubes only big business and the government c

28、ouldaffordto a small box used by ordinary people. No company has done more topopularizethe computer and make it used friendly than Apple Computer Inc. Two years after building the Apple I, Steve Jobsintroducedthe Apple II. The Apple II was the best buy inpersonalcomputers for home and small businessthroughoutthe following five years. Steve Jobs wasa brilliant young man in silicon valley, because he saw the future demands of the computer industry. “The personal computer was created by the har

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