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1、轻蔑;有伤尊严;无礼举动2. rehabilitation (para. 6): a) the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation 翻修,复兴; b) vindication of a persons character and the re-establishment of that persons reputation平反;昭雪;恢复名誉(或地位); c) the treatment of physical disabilities by massage and el

2、ectrotherapy and exercises (恢复残疾人正常生活的)康复 3. compassion (para. 8) : a) a deep awareness of and sympathy for anothers suffering; b) the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it同情;怜悯 (v.) a) make mandatory; b) assign authority to 授权;托管4. impose (para

3、. 12): compel to behave in a certain way施加影响,强加5. devastate (para. 13): overwhelm or overpower, damage or destroy 破坏,毁坏Unit 3: adapt, cul-de-sac, intangible, resent, outset1.adapt (para. 4): to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation 使适应2.cul-de-sac (para. 6): (Old French) dead end,

4、obstacle, blind alley / a situation offering no escape, as a difficulty without solution, an argument where no agreement is possible, etc., an impasse. 死胡同3.intangible (para. 7): that cannot be touched; incapable of being perceived by the senses; incapable of being defined. 无形的;难以捉摸的4.resent (para.

5、11): to feel or show displeasure or indignation at from a sense of injury or insult. 憎恨;怨恨5.outset (para. 11): the initial stage of something; the beginning. 开始Unit 4: token, frustrated, weird, de-skilled, downgrade1.token (para. 1): something serving as a sign of something else, symbol 象征,标志,纪念品2.f

6、rustrated (para. 7): disappointingly unsuccessful 失意的,沮丧的3.weird (para. 8):strikingly odd or unusual 离奇的;古怪的;怪异的 (para. 12):require fewer skills 降低技术要求,使技术过时5.downgrade (para. 12): to minimize the importance, value or reputation of 使降低,使降级Unit 5: impart, lopsided, reassurance, capitalize

7、, untapped1.impart (para. 1): tell or deposit (information) knowledge; make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; bestow a quality on 传授;告知;给予(品质)2.lopsided (para. 1): with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; n

8、ot equally balanced 不平等的;两侧不匀称的,向一侧歪斜的3.reassurance (para. 2): (words of) advice and comfort intended to make someone feel less worried 安慰,慰藉;安慰的话语,保证4.capitalize (para. 4): to take advantage of something 利用5.untapped (para. 4): not yet used or taken advantage of(有用或宝贵的东西)未开发的,未利用的;未开塞的Unit 6: categ

9、orise, stamina, infer, stray, undeterred1.categorise (para. 1): (v.) place into or assign to a category把归类,把列作2.stamina (para. 1): (n.) the physical or mental energy needed to do a tiring activity for a long time 体力,耐力,持久力;雄蕊( stamen的名词复数);毅力;恒劲3.infer (para. 3): (v.) reason by deduction; establish

10、by deduction; draw from specific cases for more general cases; conclude by reasoning; in logic; guess correctly; solve by guessing; believe to be the case推断;猜想,推理;暗示;意指; 作出推论4.stray (para. 6): (v.) move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; wander from a

11、direct course or at random; lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking;迷路;偏离;走失5.undeterred (para. 6): (adj.) not deterred; undiscouraged未受阻的, 未受挫折的Unit 8: proportionate, profusion, obscure, sterile, immortality1.p

12、roportionate (para. 1): corresponding in size or amount to something else 成比例的;相称的;相应的2.profusion (para. 2): an abundance or large quantity of something 大量;众多3.obscure (para. 5): to make unclear and difficult to understand or see费解的;两人难以理解的4.sterile (para. 6): not productive or effective; fruitless无

13、结果的;没有实际价值的5.immortality (para. 8):never-ending life 永生;不朽Unit 9: rectitude, tentative, excavation, clutter, wad 1.rectitude (para. 2):moral correctness or straightforwardness; honesty 正直;刚正;诚实2.tentative (para. 3):(of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of a suggestion or action) said or don

14、e in a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if you are right 不确定的;非决定性的;踌躇的;试探性的3.excavation (para. 5):a) make (a hole or channel) by digging; remove (soil etc) by digging 挖掘,掘出 2)uncover or extract by digging (esp sth from earlier times) 发掘4.clutter (para. 6):(objects in) a state of un

15、tidiness 杂乱,凌乱5.wad (para. 11):(n.) a small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing 块状软物,填料;(v.) to compress into a wad 揉成团Unit 10: ardor, nonchalant, sibling, dormant, revive1.ardor (para. 2) great enthusiasm or passion 热情2.nonchalant (para. 3) (of a pe

16、rson or manner) not displaying anxiety, interest or enthusiasm 冷淡3.sibling (para. 15) (fm.) a brother or sister 兄弟, 姐妹, 同胞4.dormant (para. 18) inactive, esp. not actually growing or producing typical effects 休眠的,不活跃的5.revive (para. 18) to come or bring back to life, health, existence, or use 复苏,恢复,振

17、作Multiple ChoiceDrill 141. Radar is used to extend the _C_of mans sense of observing his environment , especially the sense of vision. A. validity B. liability C. capability D. intensity 2. The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and suffered _A_injures. A. fatal B. excessive C.

18、disastrous D. exaggerated 3. If the ocean were free of ice, storm paths would move further north, _C_ the plains of North America of rainfall. A. to deprive B. deprived C. depriving D. deprived. 4. A window in the kitchen was_C_; there was rubbish every where, and the curtains and carpets had been s

19、tolen. A. scattered B. scraped C. scratched D. smashed 5. This is an ideal site for a university _D_ it is far from the downtown area. A. provided that B. now that C. so that D. in that 6. The most _A_technological success in the twentieth century is probably the computer revolution. A. prominent B.

20、 prosperous C. solemn D. prevalent 7. Whether their football team will win is a matter of _D_ to me. A. indifference B. discrimination C. deviation D. interests 8. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _D_ buying some expensive equipment. A. on B. of C. round D. into 9. Today the public is much conc

21、erned about the way _A_. A. nature is being ruined B. which nature is ruined C. on which to ruin nature D. of nature to be ruined 10. Though _D_rich, he was better off than at any other period in his life. A. by any means B. by some means C. by all means D. by no meansDrill 151. _D_ I admit that the

22、re are problems, I dont think that they cannot be solved. A. Unless B. Until C. As D. while 2. The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different _B_. A. performances B. personalities C. qualities D. appearances 3. Your excuse that an elephant fell on you and made you late

23、 is just _C_. A. inevitable B. indispensable C. incredible D. incurable 4. Another big issue _D_the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens. A. confining B. confirming C. conforming D. confronting 5. I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner_A_. A. the more

24、 excited I got B. I got excited more C. and more I got excited D. and I got more excited 6. Scientists first _B_the idea of the atom bomb in the 1930s. A. imagined B. conceived C. considered D. acknowledged 7. Cotton production has been _B_ the decline these years. A. down B. on C. at D. under 8. Th

25、is _C_ was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.A. examination B. inspect C. survey D. analysis9. The noise from the work site _B_ him from his work.A. prevented B. distracted C. upset D. annoyed10. _C_ relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infre

26、quently.A. It is B. Even C. Even though D. There is Drill 161.It was a cold winter the wind _C_ through the tiny crack in the window.A. bellow B. scream C. whistled D. roared2.John says that his present job doesnt provide him with enough _B_ for his organizing ability.A. range B. scope C. space D. c

27、apacity3.The moon, the sun and visible planets were considered by earliest observers to be _B_ objects.A. orbital B. divine C. fanciful D. magnified4.Because of the draught, the ground quickly _A_ the little rain that fell last night.A. absorbed B. soaked C. digested D. drained5.The extent of the ha

28、rmful effect of weeds on animals depends on the soil _A_ the plants grow.A. in which B. which C. which in D. in6.Of the millions who saw Halleys cornet in 1986, how many people _B_ long enough to see it return in the 21st century?A. living B. will live C. they will be living D. alive7.The greater the population there is in a locality, _A_ for water, transportation and disp

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