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1、 n.剧场,戏院 How about listening to a concert at a t ?6.line n.线;线条;电话线路 The l is bad.I cant hear you.Could you please speak louder?7.modern adj.现代的In m times,almost every family has a computer at home. 8.Olympics n.奥林匹克运动会9.ring n.环形物;铃声 v.打电话;(钟,铃等)响There is a beautiful r on her finger(手指).10

2、.stand v.站立;位于;忍受;承受stand for 代表,容忍stand up起立 Hk stands for Hong Kong. Im not standing for the way he speaks.I cant _ the environment here. 我不能忍受这里的环境。11.Least adv.最少,最少量 Pron.最少的;程度最轻的at least 至少,最少 反义词:at (the) most“至多,不超过” The car will cost me at least 200,000 yuan. There are at(the) most 5.000 p

3、eople in this town.Bolt is a very famous runner.He runs at l meters per second. (每秒) He is going away for at _ (little) a week. 12.chance n.机会;机遇have the chance to do sth 有机会做某事They had a good c to win the game,but Michael missed the goal. 13.feel v.觉得,感到(用法同hear) I felt _ (excite) about the news. 1

4、4.whether conj.是否 一般情况下whether和if可以互换,但是当前边有介词或者与or not 连用时,只能用if.( ). He is ill. I dont know _ he will come to school. A. how B. weather C. when D. n.金,金子 adj.金色的 gold medal 金牌 adj.能够,有能力的be able to+动原 用于各种时态 can-could+动原 I am able to speak English.=I can speak English. I was

5、able to swim when I was five.=I could swim when I was five.17.hold 抓住,举办,容纳 1) 抓住hold the ball.握紧球2)作举办讲的时候,比Have 更加正式The sports meet will be held this Sunday. 3)容纳The hall can hold 5000 people.( )Brazil has the chance the Olympic Games in 2016. A. hold hold C.held D.holding重点短语Section A1the sp

6、orts meetmeeting运动会the boys 800一meter race男子800米赛跑the long jump跳远the high jump跳高the relay race接力赛跑I was the winner in the_ _(跳高)in the school sports meeting Li Ming will take part in the boys _. A. 800-meter race B. 800-meter races C. 800 meter race D. 800-meter-racesDont shout at him. He is only _

7、boy. A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year-old C. a eight years old D. an eight years old 2Its theones firstsecondtime to do sth 3make friends with sb与某人交朋友。注意friends要用复数形式。4be ready for sth为某事而准备。 5maybemay be maybe=perhaps副词,“也许,大概”。egMaybe he is at the bus station nowmay be是情态动词may后接动词原形beJack_ _

8、(可能)ill nowI saw him in the hospital just nowWhere is Jeff? Im not sureHe _playing football on the playground Amaybe Bmay be Ccan be Dmust beSection B 1Lets make it half past six让我们定在六点半吧。make it(1)指约定时间egLets make it at 6:30(2)办成,做到(打算或希望做的事)We can_ more(和交朋友)_ with foreignersI am sure you will_ yo

9、ur classmates if you are kind and friendly to them Acatch up with Bagree with Cget on badly with Dmake friends withEnglish is difficult for meHow can I improve it? Dont lose your confidenceI believe you will_ it if you keep trying Atake Bwork Cpick Dmake 2pass动词,“传递”。pass sbsth=pass sthto sb把某物传给某人。

10、egWould you please pass me the book?“经过”。egShe was the first one to pass the finishing linepass by“经过(某地)”。past可作副词或介词,“在旁经过”。egHe hurried past me without stopping to talk with me【例6】(09年新疆中考)Did you see the accident yesterday?YesIt happened when I the museumAwalked pass Bwas walking past Cwalk past

11、 Dwas walking pass 3take photospictures照相 egLook,lots of students are taking photos of the beautiful flowers 【例9】(10年兰州中考) what are on show in the museum? Some photos_ by the children of Yushu,QinghaiAhave been taken Bwere taken Care taken DTakenSection C 1holdhave a sports meet举行运动会 2be good at sth

12、doing sth=do well in sthdoing sth擅长(做)某事 do badly in sthdoing sth在某方面做得糟糕 【例10】His father is good at making model planes(同义句改写) His father_ _ _ _model planes 3encourage sbto do sth鼓励某人做某事。 【例11】 My father often encourages me_(study)hard 4take exercise=do sports做运动。其中exercise是不可数名词,意思是“运动,锻炼”。它也可以做可数

13、名词,意思是“练习,体操”。egdo morning exercises做早操 【例12】(10年陕西中考) what do you think of the _ ? I think they are good for our eyesWe should do them often Aeyes exercise Beye exercise Ceye exercises 5be able to和can (1) 表示现在或过去的能力时两者相同。 e.g. I could ride a bike at the age of 8. =I was able to ride a bike at the a

14、ge of 8. 我八岁时就会骑自行车了。 (2) be able to有人称时态及数的变化,而can只有过去式could. e.g. We will be able to make it in 2010. 到2010年我们就可以做到了。 (3)表示请求、允许及否定判断时,只能用can。 e.g. The boy cant be Mike,he left for Paris yesterday. 那个男孩不可能是Mike.,他昨天去巴黎了。 【例13】Jacks father_ _ _(能)swim when he was five years old【例】Could I use your d

15、ictionary?Yes,you_.Acan Bcould Cneed Dshould6do sthfor the firstsecondtime第一二次做某事egWe took part in the school sports meet for the second time last yearLi Lei is the first _ the finishing line. How great he is! A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. past 【例14】 China took part in the Olympics the first time

16、 in 1951 Aat Bfor Cto Don 7more“更多”,后可接可数或不可数名词。反义词是less,“更少”,接不可数名词。fewer“更少”,接可数名词复数。 【例15】(10年黄冈中考) Whats the low-carbon lifestyle like? Save_ energy,produce_ carbonAmore;more Bless;more Cless;less Dmore;lessIt seems that Alice never wants to do anything except draw picturesRightThats what she li

17、kes to do _ Amore Blest Cmost DleastDoctors often suggest,“_vegetables and meat can help you keep fit” AMore;less BFew;much CFewer;moreSection D 1stand for代表 egRed stands for good luck in China【例16】(08年龙岩中考)The Tang costume_ _(代表)Chinese history and fashion cultureYou know his words_ _(代表)our ideaCB

18、A代表什么?What does CBA _ _? 2at least=as little as至少,反义词是at most=as much as至多。 【例17】 This pair of shoes costs_ _(至少)200 yuan 【例18】(10年成都中考)The food I cook isnt delicious,but _I can look after myselfAat first Bat last Cat leastIs it polite to speak and laugh loudly _ ? No,I dont think so A. in public Ba

19、t least Con time重要句型。1.The school sports meet is coming. Will you take part in it?学校的运动会马上就要来了,你准备参加吗?1) sports meet 运动会;名词作定语修饰名词时,一般用单数形式,但 woman, sport作定语时通常用复数形式;e.g. women teachers 女教师; sports shoes 运动鞋;2) be + 短暂性动词 现在进行时态表示即将发生的动作,类似的短暂性动词: go, come, fly, start, leave等;e.g. What time are you

20、starting? 你们什么时候出发?2.Which sport will you take part in? 你将要参加哪一项运动?1) take part in +活动,意为“参加某种活动”;同义词:be in, join in ;e.g. I will take part in the relay race. 我将参加接力赛。 = I will join in the relay race. = I will be in the relay race.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _ the teachers rel

21、ay race. A. join B. join in C. take part D. have part in3.The boys 800-meter race男子800米赛跑。1) 800-meter = 800 meters 意为“800米”;2) 15-year-old 意为“15岁的”; 15 years old 意为“15岁”;e.g. He is a 15-year-old boy. 他是个十五岁的男生。 = The boy is 15 years old. C. a eight years old D. an eight years old4.Ill be in the lon

22、g jump and the high jump. 我将参加跳远和跳高。1)be in+活动,表示“参加某活动”,相当于“take part in”。e.g. I will be in the 400-meter race. 我将会参加400米比赛。2)the long jump 跳远;the high jump 跳高;Were you _ the Olympic Games. B. join C.join in D.take part in5. Steve, my best friend, will come to cheer me on. 我最好的朋友Steve将会来为我加油。1

23、) my best friend是Steve的同位语。e.g. John, my English teacher, is good at jumping. 我的英语老师约翰擅长跳跃。2)cheer sb. on 为加油;e.g. Lucy will cheer me on tomorrow. 露西明天将为我加油。6. Its my first time to take part in the high jump.这是我第一次参加跳高。Its ones first time to do sth. 这是某人第一次做某事。e.g. Its my first time to skate on the

24、ice. 这是我第一次滑冰。How great he is!7.I think Ill have lots of fun. 我想我应该会玩得很愉快。1)lots of = a lot of 许多;e.g. There are lots of books in my study. 我书房有很多书。2)have fun = enjoy oneself = have a good time 玩得愉快;e.g. We had fun at party yesterday. 昨天在聚会上我们玩得很愉快。8.Im preparing for the long jump. 我正在为跳远做准备。prepare

25、 for = be / get ready for 为做准备;e.g. He is preparing for the art festival. 他正在为艺术节做准备。9. I will do my best. I wont lose. 我会尽我最大的努力,我不会输的。A. lose意为“输”;其反义词为:win。e.g.I am afraid I will lose the game. B. lose意为“丢失”。e.g. I lost my book.10. I enjoy running. 我喜欢跑步。enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事;e.g. My grandparent

26、s enjoy watching TV. 我祖父母喜欢看电视。11. Ill make many friends during the sports meet. 在运动会期间,我会在运动会上交许多朋友。make friends 交朋友;e.g. I like to make friends. 我喜欢交朋友。12. I bought a pair of running shoes last week. 我上周买了一双跑鞋。a pair of 一双; 一副;e.g. He wants to buy a pair of glasses. 他想买一副眼镜。Section B1.Is Michael in ?马克尔在家吗?be in = be at home 在家;e.g. When you called me, I wasnt in. 你打电话过来的时候,我不在家。2. What shall we take? 我们要带些什么?3. Shall I take my camera? 我需要带上我的照相

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