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1、These days people are becoming more and more _ about the food they eat.A. sophisticated B. selective C. social D. sporadic 6、Though she _ and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.A. coaxed B. admonished C. induced D. invited 7、This _ factor means that there is often a connection in appearance and

2、temperament between parents and children.A. historical B. hereditary C. historic D. hyponymy 8、Spoiled children will not manage to live against _.A. difficulty B. adversity C. advertisment D. life 9、Summoned by the teacher, he approached his office full of _.A. apprehension B. distrust C. appreciati

3、on D. astonishment 10、Filled with great _ for their integrity and courage, he was determined to be a man like them.A. adulation B. admiration C. acquisition D. association 11、She has born a _ against me ever since I turned down her application.A. grudge B. malice C. love D. hatred 12、Although each T

4、V series will be rated on the basis of its usual content, the ratings can _ from week to week.A. flow B. fluctuate C. finite D. flushing 13、She is a _ person and does not want to live on charity.A. proud B. snobbish C. arrogant D. shabby 14、It is _ for adults to forget how long and hard and dull sch

5、ool is.A. habitual B. customary C. natural D. conventional 15、_ of the bombing of the embassy went swiftly across the country.A. Condemnation B. Accusation C. Cry D. Blaming 16、He said he would go to the dress rehearsal, _ he was not too busy.A. provided B. unless C. if D. because 17、The newly-recru

6、ited soldiers swore a(n) _ of loyalty to their country.A. promise B. oath C. answer D. word 18、He wanted a _ of the report to show to his friends.A. description B. transcript C. illustration D. explantion 19、The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not _ result as we expected. (分数:A. a bad B. as

7、a bad C. bad a D. as bad a D 20、 They are an odd couple. She is as tall _ he is short, and he is as fat _ she is thin. But they are _ happy as they are old. (分数:A. as; as; so B. while; while; as C. and; and;D. as;21、_ she doesnt want to have a child, I will respect her decision. Id be the _ to impos

8、e my will on my daughter. (分数:A. Suppose; last person B. Assume ; last father C. In case; first person D. Supposing if ; last man 22、Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than _thing (分数:A. any B. other C. other a D. any other 23、Imagine how many times restaurants

9、 and merchants had to change their posted prices during the _ 1970s, when prices almost doubled.A. inflationary B. extraordinary C. deflationary D. very 24、In the middle of these otherwise _ plains is a striking range of mountains.A. featureless B. pointless C. harmless D. meaningless 25、Compared wi

10、th the _ period last year, average temperatures have been low.A. corresponding B. related C. crrespondent D. linked 26、We cannot _ the countrys telecommunications to unqualified people.A. trust B. entrust C. believe D. allow 27、I think it only reasonable that in this case the guilty should go _. She

11、 killed a dangerous murderer. (分数:A. not to be punished B. unpunishing C. not punished D. unpunished 28、Youre not supposed to withdraw more than that_deposited in your account. (分数:A. were B. being C. to be D. has been 29、If the market is left _, there will sometimes be shortages or over-production.

12、 (分数:A. to be run B. to run itself C. running by itself D. running C 30、The product must be priced _ it competes effectively with rival products in the same market. (分数:A. as such B. in such a way C. so that D. so 31、You cant reject _, can you? (分数:A. so sincere offer of help like that B. a such sin

13、cere offer of help as C. so sincere an offer of help as that D. such sincere offer of help like 32、Neither of my parents remembered _that man before. (分数:A. have ever seen B. to have ever seen C. having ever seen D. to ever see 33、_ he known that it was to be the presidents last press conference, he

14、 would have filmed the occasion. (分数:A. Should B. If C. Were D. Had 34、The young woman _ at the head of the procession was a gold medal winner at the recent Olympic Games. (分数:A. being marching B. being marched C. marched D. marching 35、 It is not who is right, but what is right _ is of importance.

15、(分数:A. which B. it C. that D. this 36、Their coach believes that _ is going to win the 3,000-meter race (分数:A. both Daisy and Julia B. neither Daisy or Julia C. either Daisy or Julia D. neither Daisy and Julia 37、He is one of those people who _ more than can be done. (分数:A. is promising B. are promis

16、ing C. promise D. promises 38、When _ with a new situation, a resilient person is likely to come up with successful solutions. (分数:A. confronted B. confronting C. was confronted D. being confronted. 39、_ for the war , the two countries would have normalized their relations thirty years earlier. (分数:A

17、. If it was not B. If had it not been C. Were it not D. Had it not been 40、We must try to create a more caring, more _ society.A. compassionate B. competitive C. competent D. comparative 41、It was _ and she did not know enough to analyze each problem properly.A. encouraging B. exhausting C. excited

18、D. enchanted 42、His _ and unwillingness to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.A. arrogance B. advantage C. proud D. power 43、I recall how _ it was years ago when people littered everywhere in our city. (分数:A. annoying B. scaring C. frightening D. humiliating 44、

19、Since then, the contrast between his two careers has become even more _. (分数:A. symbolized B. distinguished C. predominated D. pronounced 45、She was _ of her notorious family scandal. (分数:A. shameful B. shameless C. ashamed D. shamed 46、The local government decided to _ money for the building of a n

20、ew post office. (分数:A. distribute B. divide C. contribute D. allot 47、To remove the paint, he had to apply a knife to _ the table. (分数:A. scrape B. rub C. dab D. peel 48、He killed his enemy and received a _ wound himself. (分数:A. moral moral B. fateful C. mortal D. factual 49、The farmers _ from the c

21、ontest aroused heated debates. (分数:A. omission B. exclusion C. inclusion D. emission 50、He owed his victory to endurance and _. (分数:A. instance instance B. existence C. subsistence subsistence D. perseverance 51、The citizens are grateful to the government for the _ environment. (分数:A. wholesome B. w

22、holesale C. noisome D. tiresome 52、Such _ of the facts cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. (分数:A. distortion B. disturbance C. distraction D. distribution 53、Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote _ growth in the spring. (分数:A. violent B. virtual C. vigorous D. visual 54、In this sto

23、ry, the clever little fox _ the hunters and escapes from the trap they set. (分数:A. outweighs B. outwits C. outnumbers D. outgrows 55、The British _ time, effort and huge sums of money on pets. (分数:A. lavish B. grant C. provide D. supply 56、The fortunes of the major political parties tend to _ and flo

24、w over time. (分数:A. halt B. fall C. ebb D. fly 57、Im tired of listening to her _ the virtues of her children. (分数:A. exposing B. explaining C. extending D. extolling 58、New books were displayed in a _ position on tables at the front of the shop. (分数:A. prominent B. preeminent C. dominant D. relevant 59、The government is trying to _ the people into thinking that a war is necessary. (分数:A. inspire B. p

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