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1、/span关键词:坡口机;剪板机;传动;液压;自动化  Abstract This article thesis is aimed at exploring the overall structure design of plate edge milling machine, that is the design of plank stuff edge milling machine, also called the design of board groove machine.At present,the design of plank stuff edge milling mac

2、hine already has the certain development,and gradually tends to automation.According to the principle of work and basic structure of plank stuff edge milling machine,the present thesis designs the plank stuff edge milling machine.On the base of these works,& through regarding this topic analysis and

3、 consulting to some correlation books and literature, were further make clear that the overall design of plank stuff edge milling machine. This present thesis designs the plank stuff mill uses in the power plant before thealuminum sheet welding bevel to take shape. Designs should lie in with emphasi

4、s the design of the hydraulic system and milling system .The main work achieved are summed up as following:1.The related summary was made on the source and goal of task , Domestic and foreign development situation,existence problem. 2.The related summary was made on the general structure,then accord

5、ing to own demand selection suitable structure module.And a simiple narration was made on the overall design of plank stuff edge milling machine.3.The related summary was made on the basic concept,characteristic,application and essential working procedure,and was further analysis the present situati

6、on and development direction.4.The related summary was made on& this design key point-milling system. Analysis was made on milling control system,and was further craft analysis the& milling components.this has laid the foundation for the milling system of plank stuff edge milling machine.Finally,it

7、has carried on the examination on each improtant size parameter of plank stuff edge milling machine.In this paper a lot of experimental data about main point of plank stuff edge milling machine were acquired by studying the basic principle.This paper also will provide guidance for industrialization

8、and researching& plank stuff edge milling machine process. Keywords: plank stuff edge milling machine; board groove machine; guillotine shear;transmission; hydraulic pressure;automation板材坡口机的总体结构概述2.1 板材坡口机的结构由于铣边工艺的特殊性决定了板材坡口机的结构与普通压力机结构上的差异。通常所有板材坡口机由以下几部分组成:1)油缸:提供板材坡口机压紧板材所需的压紧力且驱动压料脚上下往复运动。2)压料


10、以及在焊管生产线上的应用情况,对设计要求作介绍:坡口机的动力传递推荐采用齿轮传动,选用高精度齿轮,尽量减少电动机振动、跳动等对主轴精度的影响;铣头应设计成角度可调,以便铣出理想的焊接坡口;要有效解决板材的左右窜动和上下跳动难题,从而避免打刀现象;铣刀盘要有防护,防止铁屑飞溅到钢板上和操作人员的身上,以免造成钢板表面压痕和人身不安全事故发生;主轴箱需要稀油润滑,用于保证轴承润滑;为了保证刀具的耐用度,必须合理确定铣削速度。由于国内刀片质量及研究水平的提高,刀片的切削速度已有很大的提高。建议坡口机刀片尽量采用硬质合金刀片,切削速度在150260 m/ min。(2) 刀片坡口机必须适用于连续作业生

11、产,要求刀片具有很高的抗热震裂、抗塑性变形能力和抗冲击性,红硬性高,耐磨性好。并要求更换方便、快捷,一个刀片有多个刃口可供使用。(3) 顺铣与逆铣铣刀旋转的方向与前进的方向相同称为顺铣;铣刀旋转的方向与前进的方向相反称为逆铣。顺铣切削时,刀齿一开始就从最大的切削厚度处切入,逐渐切到零,避免了在已加工的板材边缘表面上滑行,减少了加工表面冷作硬化现象和后刀面磨损,而且切削路程短,铁屑短粗,平均切削厚度大,变形小,切削功率可比逆铣节约10 %左右。逆铣切削时,每齿切下的铁屑切削厚度是逐步从零增至最大。因此刀齿刚切入时,在钢带由前一刀齿切削所形成的冷硬表面层表面上滑行一段距离,直到切至一定的切削厚度时

12、才能切入,而且进给量越小,滑行距离越长,所以刀齿后面与工件磨擦较大,挤压严重,使刀具易于磨损,耐用度和粗糙度降低,还会造成严重的硬化层。因此针对实际需要我设计的坡口机采用顺铣方式。对于阜新封闭母线厂所需要的,我们只需做一个简易的板材坡口机,设计的结构包括液压缸、铣削系统以及控制系统等。2.2& 板材坡口机的总体方案设计总体方案设计包含功能设计、结构设计和性能设计三部分。功能设计,即在调研并确定了板材坡口机的工作参数(运动、动力、尺寸)之后,通过功能分解创新出或类比出可以实现加工要求的各种布局方案创新设计。通过对运动功能的分解和合成来确定其布局方案,对于设计加工特定板料的专用板材坡口机较为有效。

13、而铣削设计或类比设计主要通过查询、比较确定可参照的板材坡口机布局方案,而大量用于设计一般的通用性板材坡口机。结构设计是在总体布局方案基本确定之后,对机械结构件进行主要形状和尺寸的设计。结构设计同样有类比和创新设计两类。类比技术是建立在成组技术和模块化技术的基础上,采用参数化设计方案来实现。而创新式设计主要是按照设计人员的意愿,通过对基础模块(板、梁、筋、孔、凸缘、法兰等)的实体进行拼装、重叠等操作来实现。性能设计是根据板材坡口机的总体性能要求对运动误差、精度和刚度等进行设计分配。目录 前言&11 绪论&21.1 课题来源&1.2 课题的设计目的及意义&1.3 与课题相关的国内外研究现状分析&1

14、.3.1 板材坡口机在国内的发展情况&1.3.2& 板材坡口机在国外的发展情况&41.3.3& 对板材坡口机行业在国内发展的建议&51.4& 刨边机与坡口机的优缺点&61.5& 铣边与剪边工艺的比较&71.5.1板边加工在焊接工艺中的必要性&1.5.2& 板边加工工艺常用的带钢板边加工工艺&1.5.3& 圆盘剪剪边工艺&1.5.4& 粗铣+精铣工艺&81.5.5& 单台铣边工艺&1.5.6& 圆盘剪剪边+单坡口机铣边工艺&1.5.7& 板材焊接质量好&1.5.8& 板材成材率高&1.5.9& 易加工厚板&91.5.10& 铣边坡口参数&1.5.11& 铣边工艺对工作条件的要求&1.5.12&

15、存在问题&101.5.13& 结论&1.6& 主要设计内容和预期结果&111.6.1& 设计内容&1.6.2& 预期结果&2& 板材坡口机的总体结构概述&12 2.1 板材坡口机的结构&122.2板材坡口机的总体方案设计&133 控制系统的选择及设计&143.1 控制系统的选择&3.2 液压传动系统的设计&3.2.1 液压缸主要参数的确定&3.2.2 缸筒壁厚和外径计算&153.2.3 液压缸的强度校核&163.3 液压元件的选择&183.4 液压系统的性能验算&204 板材坡口机铣削系统设计&214.1 电动机的选择&4.2轴的设计&4.2.1轴的转矩强度计算&4.2.2& 轴的结构设计&4

16、.3& 齿轮的选择及计算&234.4& 导轨的设计&244.4.1& 导轨的功用&4.4.2 直线运动导轨的特点&4.4.3& 普通滑动导轨的特点&4.4.4& V型导轨的选用&255 经济性分析&266&27致谢&28参考文献&29附录A&30附录B&38 海尔集团核心竞争力的培育研究(字)摘& 要:海尔集团创业26年来,坚持创业和创新精神创世界名牌,已经从一家濒临倒闭的集体小厂发展成为全球拥有7万多名员工、2010年营业额1357亿元的全球化集团公司。其核心竞争力的培育对我国企业竞争力培养具有借鉴意义。论文首先阐述了企业核心竞争力理论,然后从海尔集团发展及其竞争力状况出发,从企业文化建设、

17、技术创新、管理创新等维度,剖析其核心竞争力培育体系,机遇海尔核心竞争力培育的启示,从政府和企业层面提出了培育企业核心竞争力的对策建议。企业核心竞争力;海尔集团;创新Research on the core competitiveness of HaierAbstract: The Haier Group has been dedicated to innovation and creating a world famous brand over the past 26 years. Originally a small collective plant on the verge of bank

18、ruptcy, it has now grown into an international group which has more than 70,000 employees around the globe and realizes a turnover of 135.7 billion yuan in 2010. Haier Group’s core competence has a reference to the Chinese enterprises. In this article, firstly, elaborate theory of core compete

19、nce, then proceed from the development and competitiveness& status of Haier Group, with construction of enterprises& culture, innovation of technology, innovation of manage and other aspects, analyze the system of core competence. Based on the inspiration of Haier core competence, Raised from the le

20、vel of government and enterprises to give Suggestions for the cultivate core competence Key words: Cultivate the core competitiveness; Haier; Innovation农户小额信贷的问题及对策(字)&摘 要:随着农村经济的深入发展,农民对资金的需求在大幅度增长,农民“贷款难”问题日益突出,成为制约农民增收的普遍性难题。而通过近几年的实践来看,农村信用社在稳住、保住、做大、做强小额农贷这块金字品牌,实现农民增收和农村信用社增效的&双赢&局

21、面上,已取得了初步成效。但同时也应看到,由于受到内外诸多因素的影响和制约,农村信用社的推广小额农贷、创造信用乡镇工作开展很不平衡,一些深层次的矛盾和问题也逐渐暴露出来,必须引起高度重视。农户小额信贷;信贷问题;对策;Farmers microfinance problems countermeasuresWith the further development of rural economy, farmers are increasingly demanding capital, and the problem that farmers have difficulty in getting

22、loans is becoming increasingly prominent, which is a limitation to universal increase in income. However, the practice of recent years shows that rural credit cooperatives have achieved initial results in increasing rural incomes and efficiency of rural credit cooperatives "win-win& situation b

23、y maintaining, keeping, expanding and strengthening small agricultural credit. Meanwhile, we should note that rural credit cooperatives unevenly promote small agricultural credit and create credible towns because of different factors both inside and outside, giving rising to the expose of some deep-

24、seated contradictions and problems that we have to pay much attention to. Microfinance; Credit problems; countermeasures;基于消费者行为的芙蓉王营销策略探讨(字)随着市场竞争加剧以及产品同质程度严重化,传统的营销显得有些心有余而力不足,只有那些能真正刺激顾客感觉、心灵和大脑,并进一步融为其生活方式的体验才能使顾客内心深处感到强烈的震撼,才能真正俘获顾客的心智。企业应在深刻把握消费者的心理基础上,制定相应的营销策略。本文主要从卷烟消费者行为心理位切入点,探讨了芙蓉王营销存在的一

25、些问题并提出相关创新策略。芙蓉王; 消费者行为 ; 营销策略Based on the Consumer Behavior and Strategy to FurongwangAbstract :Pick it up with the market competition : and product quality, extent, with serious traditional marketing little flesh is weak, and only those who can really boost customer, heart and mind, and mingle their life experiences to make customer soul was moved to really gain the mind. the enterprise shall, in the profound grasp of the consumers foundation, the formulation of approp

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