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1、词 转化法(Conversion)visit v. visit n.法 缩略法(Abbreviation)Do it yourself. DIYStep 2 合成词 Compound一.合成名词例词: 构成方式seafood 名词代词名词greenhouse 形容词名词handwriting 名词+动名词(V-ing)waiting room 动名词+名词pain killer 名词+动词(er/or)pickpocket 动词+名词turn off 动词+副词output 副词动词afternoon 介词副词名词二.合成动词overcome 副词动词whitewash 形容词动词sleepw

2、alk; 名词动词三.合成形容词例词 构成方式snow-white 名词+形容词English-speaking 名词现在分词man-made 副词过去分词high-class; 形容词+过去分词light-blue 形容词+形容词good-looking 形容词+现在分词warm-hearted 形容词+名词+edsecond-hand 数词+名词hard-working 副词+现在分词well-known 副词+过去分词underground 介词+名词四、合成副词however 副词副词anywhere; whatever 代词副词downstairs; upstairs 副词名词any

3、way 形容词名词五.合成代词something; everything; nobody; someone; anybody构成方式:some/any/no+thing/one/bodyStep 3 转化法(Conversion)taste v._ It tastes very good.n. _ It has a good taste.hand n. _ We always walk hand in hand.v. _ Please hand me the book. wrong adj. _There is something wrong with the car. n. _ He did

4、nt know the difference between right and wrong .clean adj. _Please keep tidy and clean.v. _You have to clean the blackboard after class.指出下列划下线单词的词性1. Jim dreams of being the best football player in England. 2. Please stop here, and it is the bus stop3. The coach was questioning the team members abo

5、ut their practice conditions4. Whos guarding that building? 5. The car slowed down to half its speed6. Dont use too cold water to water flowers7. The old in our village are living a happy life.Step 4 派生法 Derivation 前缀 否定前缀派 其它前缀 生 名词后缀法 后缀 形容词后缀 副词后缀动词后缀表示否定和相反意义的前缀有:_.前缀例 子un-unhappy(不高兴)unlock(开锁)

6、dis-dislike(不喜欢)disagree(不同意)im-impossible(不可能的)improper(不合适的)in-informal(非正式的)incorrect(不正确的)ir-irregular(不规则的)irrelevant(不相关的)il-illegal(不合法的)illogical(不合理的)表示其他意思的前缀意义re-重新,再次regain(再次获得)reform(改革)mis-错误的misunderstand(误解) mislead(误导)anti-反、防anti-tank(反坦克的) anti-social(危害社会的)ex-前ex-president(前总统)e

7、x-wife (前妻)pre-预先preview(预习)predict (预言、预测)post-之后的post-war(战后的) postgraduate(研究生)fore-之前的forecast(预报) foresee(预见)super-超级;上层supermarket(超市)superman(超人)sub-下面的;亚、次subway(地下铁道)subtitle(副标题)inter-之间的,互相interact(相互作用) international(国际的)trans-跨越;移transport(运输) translate(翻译)semi-半semi-final(半决赛) semicond

8、uctor(半导体)vice-副vice-premier(副总理)vice-chairman(副主席)uni-单uniform(制服) unicycle(单轮车)bi-双bicycle(自行车)bimonthly(双月的)multi-多multinational(多国的) multicolor(多色的)auto-自动,自主automation(自动化)automobile(汽车)后缀法1. 名词后缀1)构成表示人或物的名词的常用后缀有:_.后缀-or/erthinker(思想家)builder(建设者) translator(翻译者)-istphysicist(物理学家) dentist(牙科

9、医生)typist(打字员)-eeemployee(雇员)trainee (受训人员)interviewee(被采访者)-(i)anphysician(内科医生) Italian (意大利人)American(美国人)-eseChinese (中国人)Japanese(日本人)Vietnamese(越南人)-antassistant(助手)contestant(竞争者)servant(仆人)2) 构成表示行为、性质、状态等抽象名词的常用后缀有:_.-alarrival(到达) refusal(拒绝)survival(幸存)-ance/-enceacceptance(接受)assistance

10、(帮助)dependence(依靠)-tion/-siondiscussion(讨论)preparation(准备)repetition (重复)-icsphysics (物理学)economics(经济学)politics (政治学)-ingbuilding (建筑物)wedding (婚礼)learning (学习,学问)-tyreality (现实)ability (能力)difficulty(困难)-mentargument (争论)settlement(解决)establishment(建立)-nessgreatness (伟大)hardness (硬度)kindness(善良) -

11、thwarmth (温暖)length (长度)growth(成长)-urefailure (失败)pressure (压力)mixture (混合物)-shipfriendship(友谊)leadership(领导)relationship(关系)2. 构成形容词的常用后缀有:_-able/-iblesuitable(适合的)responsible(负责的)acceptable(可接受的)natural(天然的)national(国家的)personal (个人的)-fulpowerful(强大的)faithful(忠诚的)colorful (多彩的)-lessfearless(无畏的)us

12、eless(无用的)helpless (无助的)-ishselfish(自私的)childish(幼稚的)bookish (书呆子气的)-ivecollective(集体的)decisive(决定性的)native (本国的)-ousfamous(著名的)continuous(连续不断的)delicious (可口的) -ichistoric(有历史意义的)scientific(科学的)electronic (电子的)-lyfriendly(友好的)lively(活泼的)lovely (可爱的)-(t)ythirsty(口渴的)noisy(喧闹的)healthy (健康的)-ent/-antp

13、leasant(令人愉快的)dependent(依赖的)different (不同的)-arysecondary(次要的)imaginary(想象中的)ordinary (普通的)-engolden(金色的)wooden(木制的)woolen (毛纺的)3. 构成副词的常用后缀有:_。terribly(可怕地)regularly(定期地)exactly (确切地)-wardeastward(向东方地)homeward(向家去地)westward (向西地)-wiseotherwise(否则)likewise(同样地)clockwise (顺时针方向地)4. 构成动词的常用后缀的有:_。-ise

14、/izerealize(实现)modernize(使现代化)summarize (总结)widen(加宽)strengthen(加强)darken (使变暗)-(i)fyverify(证实)modify(修饰)beautify (美化)Step 5缩略法( Abbreviation )DV _VIP _SOS _WWW _WC _衣服型号 S M L XL XXL _ _ _ _ _IQ _EQ _CEO _ATM _GPS _CCC _Step 6 HomeworkPractice(1). Write out the original words.unchangeable adj. _ di

15、slike v. _ impossibility n. _ unfriendly adj._overwork v. _ misunderstanding n. _athletic adj._ misread v. _translator n. _(2). 按括号内的要求改写下列单词rain(形容词) _ agree(反义)_nation(形容词)_ farm(人)_recent(副词)_ friend(形容词)_hope(形容词)_ back(形容词)_visit(名词)_ home(形容词) _eight(序数词)_ true(名词)_America(形容词)_ China(形容词)_(3)

16、. Fill the table with the different forms of the words.NounverbAdjectiveAdverbamusementamuseamusingamusinglyadmitimaginesettleequipattract(4). Use the appropriate form of the words to fill in the blanks.1. He was one of the best _ in yesterdays football match. (play)2. Look! How _ Kate is laughing!

17、(happy)3. It snowed _ last night and now the streets are covered with snow. (heavy)4. Edison was a great _. During his life he had many _. (invent)5. More and more _ have come to visit China over these years. (foreign)6. We want _ reasons for your failure to help. (satisfy)7. Please give me some ref

18、erence work. It will _ my task. (simple)8. The boy had the _ of being half starved. (appear)9. The police have _ a plot against the President. (cover)10. The doctor said that Marys mother needed an _.(operate)11. She hoped that her son would become a _. (music)12. Few _ words made us excited. (speak

19、)13. The days on the moon get hotter than _ water. (boil)14. Thank you for your _. (kind)15. Many college students work while they are studying because they want to make some money for their college _ . (expensive)16. Most international _ letters are written in English, too. (busy)17. The boy noticed an _ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it. (correct)18. When in Rome, do as the _ do. (Rome)19. The teacher was pleased with her _. (honest)20. The mother didntt know why her daughter was crying _. (noise)

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