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1、It means she is a very knowledgeable person, if someone has a deep cultural background, you can use this sentence to express your admiration for him3、What does “success” mean to you? In your opinion, how can an ordinary person achieve success?成功对我来说意味着我有能力为我的国家做出一份贡献,有能力使我的父母、妻子、儿女过上比较优越的生活。一个普通人如果想

2、要获得成功的话,他必须要有一个正确的目标,并为之努力奋斗,如果他能坚持下来,那么他一定会取得成功。Success means to me I have the ability to make a contribution for my country, have the ability to make my parents, wife, children of a superior lifeAn ordinary person, if want to succeed, he must have a correct goal, and strive for them, if he can ins

3、ist on down, so he is sure to succeed.4、Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?每个人都知道吸烟是有害健康的,吸烟会使我们得肺部放生病变。如今,烟民的平均年龄正在急速下降,表明越来越多的青少年开始吸烟,所以我们的国家应该对其给予足够的关注,以保证青少年有一个好的身体,这样才能为国家做出贡献。Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health, smoking

4、will make us have to lung lesions. Nowadays, the average age of the smokers are falling sharply, shows that more and more teenagers start to smoke, so our country should pay enough attention to its, to ensure that the teenagers have a good body, so as to contribute to the nation5、If you have extra m

5、oney, what do you do with it?如果我有很多的钱,我会买一个特别大的房子,这样我和我女朋友以及双方的父母可以一直住在一起,我们的生活将会更加丰富多彩。我也许会和我的女朋友去国内的一些旅游景点去旅游,享受一下我们祖国大好河山的美丽景色。If I have a lot of money, I will buy a big house in particular, so that I and my girlfriend, and both sides of the parents can live together, our life will be more colorf

6、ul. May I go with my girlfriend home some tourist attractions to travel, enjoy the beautiful scenery of our country great rivers.6、Can you tell us something about the activities organized by the Student Union in your college?一个月前,学校举办了校篮球赛,最近举办了研究生英语学术报告大赛、研究生信息检索技术大赛,光学设计大赛等。A month ago, the school

7、 held a school basketball game, recently held a graduate student English contest of academic report, graduate student contest of information retrieval technology, optical design contest, etc.7、What do you think of the importance of knowledge? Intelligence and hard-working to ones success?知识改变命运,毫无疑问

8、知识对一个想要成功的人来说是十分重要的,获取知识的途径有很多,如书籍、网络、教师的亲身传授。在获取知识的过程中,智力固然会起一定的作用,但主要还是通过勤奋的学习,只要一个人肯坚持一个目标不懈奋斗,一定会成功。Knowledge changes fate, there is no doubt that knowledge of a person to be successful is very important, its access to knowledge are many, such as books, network, the teachers personal teaching. I

9、n the process of acquiring knowledge, intelligence will definitely play a role, but largely through diligent study, as long as a person willing to stick to a target ,struggle untiringly, is sure to succeed.8、What qualities should a person possess to run a business?做生意要有一个精明的头脑,掌握一定的专业知识,勤奋上进。同时作为一个商

10、人,应该为人诚实、善良Business require a shrewd mind, master certain professional knowledge, the diligent. At the same time as a businessman, should be honest and kind9、What do you think colleges should do to help students finance their education?学校可以为家庭条件困难的学生提供助学贷款,同时可以为学生提供助学金,以及为优秀的学生发放奖学金Schools can provi

11、de loans for family conditions difficult students, at the same time can provide financial aid for students, as well as scholarships for outstanding students10、Explain the saying “In wine there is truth”.意思是当一个人酒醉之后,往往会说一些实话。因为酒精的作用,使人自控能力下降,因此不容易说假话。当然任何事都不是绝对的。It means when a person is drunk, will

12、often say some truth. Because of the effects of alcohol, make a man self-control ability decrease, so it is not easy to say lies. Of course everything is not absolutely right11、What is your first consideration in choosing a part-time job?在挑选兼职工作的时候,我首先会考虑兼职工作薪水和自己是否能胜任这个工作,其次我会考虑工作的辛劳程度以及安全系数In choo

13、sing a part-time job, I will first consider salary and whether I am competent for the job, then I will consider if its a hard work and the safety factor12、Do you know anything about Halloween? Say something about it.万圣节在每年的11月1日,是西方传统节日。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集糖果,万圣节有几样吃的东西是必备的:南瓜派,苹果、糖果,有的地方还会准备上等的牛羊

14、肉。Halloween on November 1, is the western traditional festivals. That night children will put on makeup suits, put on a mask, door-to-door to collect candy, Halloween has several food is essential: pumpkin pie, apple, candy, some places will also prepare the finest beef and mutton13、How do you under

15、stand ”Failure is the mother of success”?当你做某件事的时候,由于各种各样的原因,如时机不对,能力不够,经验不足,你会失败,但是一旦你了解了失败的原因你就会做出相应的调整,如掌握对的时机,提高自己的能力、经验。这样的话,下一次你也许就会成功。When you do something, due to various reasons, such as the wrong time, ability is insufficient, lack of experience, you will fail, but once you understand the

16、cause of the failure you will make the corresponding adjustment, such as master of time, improve their ability, experience. If so, perhaps you will succeed next time.14、Would you like to find a job or continue your study after graduation? Why?学习是为了掌握一定的能力,使自己能够为国家、社会、家庭做出贡献以及过上一种比较舒适的生活,如果毕业的时候能够找到合

17、适的工作,满足以上的要要求的话,我就不会继续学习,不过不能,我就会继续深造。Learning is to master a certain ability that they can contribute to the state, society, family and live a more comfortable life, if graduation of time to find a suitable job, satisfy the requirement of the above to be, I will not continue to learn, if not, I wil

18、l continue my study.15、Nowadays, more and more Chinese people celebrate the Christmas Day, the mothers Day, the Valentines Day, etc. Some think that Chinese people should observe only the traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Dragon-Boat Day, the Mid-Autumn Day, etc., not the western holidays.

19、Take a stand and give your reasons.中国的传统节日是中国优秀的文化传统,固然需要传承和庆祝,然而在地球村的概念下,中国人接受外国文化,如庆祝外国的节日也未尝不可。Chinese traditional festival is Chinas outstanding traditional culture, is need to inheritance and celebrate, under the concept of global village, however, the Chinese people to accept foreign culture,

20、like to celebrate foreign festivals also have not cannot.16、When choosing a job, what factors influence you most?In choosing a part-time job, I will first consider the salary and whetherI am competent for the job, then I will consider if its a hard work and the safety factor17、Explain the saying :”H

21、e is the black sheep of his family”.意思是这个人是家庭里得败家子,品德不好、极度挥霍、不孝敬父母、抚养子女等Means this man is the black sheep of his family, in the family moral character is bad, extreme profligacy, not look after the parents, raising children, etc18、Are you for or against firecrackers ban during Spring Festival?我不赞成在春

22、节的时候禁止放鞭炮,但是应限制放鞭炮的地点,人们不能随意燃放烟花爆竹,因为随意燃放鞭炮有发生火灾的隐患I dont approve of the ban on fireworks during the Spring Festival, but the location of setting off firecrackers should be restricted, people cannot optional fireworks, because random setting off firecrackers has fire hidden trouble19、Nowadays many C

23、hinese choose to study abroad. What do you think is the main purpose of studying abroad?在国外学习的主要目的:首先可以学习外国的先进科学技术,其次可以掌握一门流利的外语,当然学习外语是为更好地学习外国科学技术服务的。为自己国家的富强做出贡献The main purpose of studying abroad: first of all can learn foreign advanced science and technology, second can master a foreign languag

24、e fluently, of course, learning a foreign language is to better learning a foreign scientific and technical services. Contribute to their countrys rich and strong (powerful)20、What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of Golden Week?黄金周的好处就是人们可以在一个较长的假期选择适合自己的放松方式,如外出旅游,在家享受假期。The advant

25、age of the golden week is that people can choose to suit oneself in a longer holiday way to relax, such as traveling, enjoy the holiday at home.21、Would you like to go abroad to study or not? Give us your reasons.Though many students are crazy about going abroad to receive their higher education, I

26、think studying home is preferable. Study home, you can stay with your family and old friends and you can enjoy the kind of friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university. So pursuing higher education at home is a more realistic choice.22、Explain the

27、saying: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”早睡早起对人的身体健康有益,晚睡对人的健康不利,因为人的器官经过一天得工作之后,需要休息,如各种器官需要排除毒素在十一点到一点。一天之计在于雨辰,早起是个好的生活习惯Early to bed and early to rise is good for peoples health, late sleep bad for peoples health, because peoples organs after a day work, nee

28、d to have a rest, such as various organs need to remove toxins on eleven to one. In one day in the morning, get up early is a good living habit23、What do you think of the influence of foreign culture on students studying abroad?在国外学习的学生自然会受到国外文化的影响,但是他们不应该忘记自己祖国的传统文化,不该忘记自己生于何处。Students studying abr

29、oad will naturally under the influence of foreign culture, but they should not forget the motherlands traditional culture, should not forget where he was born in 24、Say something about the advantages and disadvantages of TV ads.电视广告是一种较为有效的广告方式,覆盖面更加广泛。然而却使那些集中注意力观看影片的观众来十分烦恼Television advertising i

30、s a more effective way of advertising, the coverage is more extensive. However, It make those who watch the film audience trouble25、How do Chinese students who study abroad finance their living and studying?在国外学习的学生,他们的学习和生活费用有些是由家里提供,有一些学生是通过自己在课余时间的兼职工作所挣的工资来完成学习和生活的Study abroad students, their learning and some cost of living is provided by the home, there are some students by their part-time jobs in their spare time to earn wages to complete the study and life26、What does Internet mean

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