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1、你可以告诉我你的梦想吗?talk-讲,说话,谈话,作不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,后跟宾语时,与to、with、about等介词连用。speak-说,讲,演讲。作及物动词时,宾语常是表示语言的词; say-一般着重讲话的内容,指有连贯性的说话,通常用作及物动词。tell-指把一件事情传达给别人或讲述一件事情、一个故事等。常用作及物动词。故选D。What time do you usually get up _Sunday morning?_eight oclock. Aon;At Bat;In Cat;On Din;For 【答案】A 试题分析:在星期天的早上你通常几点起床?在8点。根据句意

2、及题干分析第一空具体到某一天的早晨、下午和晚上要用介词on;第二空具体到几点要用介词at,故选A。 Do you like lions? No, I think they are _ scary. A. much B. many C. kind of D. kinds of 你喜欢狮子吗?不,我认为它们有点可怕。A. much许多,修饰不可数名词;B. many许多,修饰可数名词;C. kind of有点,修饰形容词或副词; D. kinds of各种各样的。scary为形容词,前面用kind of修饰,意思是“有点可怕”,故答案选C。I like PE best because its _.

3、 A. exciting B. boring C. scary D. different 我最喜欢体育,因为它令人兴奋。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. boring无聊的;C. scary吓人的;D. different不同的。根据句意可知此处是选择喜欢体育的原因,A选项最符合;B和C选项都是贬义词,不能作为喜欢的原因,此处无所比较的对象,不能表示与不同,所以不能选D,故答案选A。Sorry,I cant_it in EnglishI can only_Chinese A. speak,talk B. say,tell C. say,speak D. talk,say 【解析】say“

4、说”,是及物动词,后接说的内容;speak“讲”,后接语言名词时是及物动词,其余场合作不及物动词;tell“告诉”常接双宾语,还可以构成一些固定短语,如:tell a story“讲故事”;tell a lie“撒谎”等;talk“交谈”,常作不及物动词。It takes my father half an hour _ work. A. to drive B. driving C. drives D. to drive to 我爸爸开车去上班花费半个小时。此题考查句式“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”做某事花费某人多长时间,排除B,C;drive to w

5、ork开出去上班,故答案选D。_ for school. We must go to school on time. A. Dont late B. Dont be late C. Not late D. Cant be late 上学不要迟到!be late for做某事迟到,这里是否定祈使句,故在前面加上dont,后跟动词原形be,故答案选B。_ is it from here to the supermarket?About twenty minutes walk A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How many 【解析】根据答语“步行大约2

6、0分钟。”可知问句是问路程的,故选A。 Lets go to the park after school. _ A. Its boring. B. Sounds well. C. OK. D. What about you?放学后我们去公园吧。好的。A. Its boring.它无聊; B. Sounds well. 不正确,sounds系动词,后跟形容词,well做形容词时,多形容身体;C. OK. 好的;D. What about you?你呢?结合语境放学后我们去公园吧,可以回答好的,答案选C。Can you swim? -_, but my brother Tom can. A. Ye

7、s, I can. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I dont. 【解析】试题分析:你会游泳吗?-不会,但是我的弟弟汤姆会。根据but my brother Tom can可知前面应该叙述的是不会游泳。回答can开头的一般疑问句还是用can来回答。故选B。 -_does it take you _to school every day? About twenty minutes. A. How long; get B. When; to get C. What time; to get D. How long;-每天你上学用多长时间?-大约20分钟。H

8、ow long多长时间;When什么时间; What time几点;根据答语About twenty minutes可知疑问词应该是表示时间段的how long,故排除BC;这里是句式It takes sb+时间段+to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间,故选D。Dont arrive late for class, Tom. -_. A. Sorry, I wont do it again. B. It doesnt matter. C. Youre welcome. D. The same to you. -汤姆,不要上课迟到。-对不起,我以后不会迟到了。A. Sorry, I wont

9、 do it again. 对不起,我以后不会迟到了; B. It doesnt matter. 没关系; C. Youre welcome.不用谢;D. The same to you. 你也一样。根据句意,故答案选A。I have _homework to do at school, and I have _rules at home. A. too much; too many B. too much; too much C. too many; too much D. too many; too many 在学校我有许多作业要做,在家里有太多的家规。too much+不可数名词;too

10、 many+可数名词的复数;这里homework是不可数名词,故排除CD;rules是可数名词,故排除B;故选A。The dog is _ a friend _me. A. likes, to B. likes, for C. like, to D. like, for 这条狗对我就像朋友一样。likes是动词like的单三形式,意思是“喜欢”,结合句意可知,A,B不符合题意,like当介词讲,是“像”的意思,对某人像朋友一样对待用介词to,故答案为C。Mike is a good boy. He _late for school. A. not be B. isnt C. isnt be D

11、. arent 迈克是个好孩子。他上学不迟到。be late for迟到,主语是he,be动词用is,变否定句直接在is后加not,故答案为B。Dont go out _ school nights. Its one of my school rules. A. at B. in C. on D. for 不要在上学的晚上出去。这是我的校规之一。A. at用在时刻的前面;B. in用在某年,某月或季节的前面;C. on用在某一天的前面或某一天的早晨、下午,晚上。D. for后跟时间段。night的前面用修饰词时,前面用介词on,on school nights在上学期间的晚上,故答案为C。Is

12、 it your dream _ a new IPAD?A. has B. have C. to have D. there is 拥有一台新的iPad是你的梦想吗?A. has动词三单式;B. have动词原形;C. to have动词不定式;D. there is有,指某地有某物或某人,属于there be句型。it是形式主语,后面用动词不定式作真正的主语,故答案选C。Can Jim draw or sing?_. A. No, he cant B. Draw, I think C. Yes, he can D. He cant sing 吉姆会绘画还是会唱歌?绘画,我认为。这是一个含有o

13、r的选择疑问句,不能用yes或no来回答,排除A,C;又因为选择疑问句要从两者中选择一个来回答,D. He cant sing他不会唱歌,不符合题意,故答案为B。We need help the music party. Can you help music?A. to; with B. for; on C. with; for D. for; with 我们的音乐晚会需要帮助。你能在音乐方面帮忙吗?to到;with和一起;on在上面;for为了。根据句意可知,第一个空表示“为了音乐晚会”,故用介词for;第二个空是固定短语help with,在某方面帮忙。故应选D。During the To

14、mb-sweeping Festival(清明节), _people come back to their hometown to show respect to their ancestors(祖先) and family members. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. five hundreds D. five hundreds of 清明节期间,数百人回到家乡,向先祖和家人表示敬意。hundred的前面有具体的数字时,hundred要用单数形式,排除C,D;当hundred的前面没有具体的数字,如果后面修饰名词,则必须有of连用,且hundred要用复数

15、形式,故答案选A。Do you want to go to the movies?Id love to , but I m _now. I have lots of homework to do. A. free B. busy C. happy D. boring 你想去看电影吗?我很想去,但我现在很忙。我有很多作业要做。A. free空闲的;B. busy忙碌的;C. happy高兴的;D. boring无聊的。根据“I have lots of homework to do.我有很多作业要做。”判断,现在没有时间看电影,故答案选B。 Look! A little boy is cryin

16、g(哭). He _. Lets call the police and help him to find his home. A. washes his clothes B. talks on the phone C. eats in the hallways D. gets lost 看!一个小男孩在哭。他迷路了。让我们报警,帮他找到家。A. washes his clothes洗衣服;B. talks on the phone打电话;C. eats in the hallways在走廊吃饭;D. gets lost迷路。结合语境理解可知,小男孩因为迷路而哭,故答案选D。There are

17、_rules in my home.We have_ homework to do every day. A. too many;too much B. too much;too many C. too many;much too D. much too;many too 我家的规矩太多了,我们每天都有太多的作业要做。too many“太多”,修饰可数名词复数形式;too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词);much too“太”,修饰形容词或副词;many too的表达是错误的,可以排除D;rules可数名词复数,只能用too many修饰,排除B;homework不可数名词,要由too m

18、uch来修饰,故答案为A。Are you good with the young children?Sorry, I _ play with them.I dont like children at all. A. ususally B. always C. never D. sometimes 你擅长于和孩子们打交道吗?对不起,我从不跟他们玩。我一点也不喜欢孩子。A. usually通常;B. always总是;C. never从不;D. sometimes有时。根据“I dont like children at all.”可知,不喜欢孩子就不会与孩子一起玩,答案为C。We have a

19、basketball game between Class 1 and Class 2 on Friday afternoon. I know. One of the _ my best friend. A. students is B. students are C. players are D. singers is 星期五下午一班和二班之间有一场篮球赛。我知道。其中一个学生是我最好的朋友。one of后跟复数名词,意思是“之一”,作主语时视作单数,此处的be动词只能用is,排除B,C;上句提到篮球比赛,students学生, singers歌手,D选项不符合题意,故答案选A。 Oh,it

20、s 7:30 now.Lets go to schoo at 8:30. Its early. I have _time to eat breakfast. A. many B. little C. no D. lots of 哦,现在是7:30,我们8:30去学校。太早了,我有很多时间吃早餐。A. many许多,修饰可数名词;B. little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;C. no没有,修饰可数名词或不可数名词;D. lots of许多,修饰可数名词或不可数名词。根据前面的句子可知,7:30到8:30有一个小时的时间,有足够的时间吃早饭,排除B,C;time是不可数名词,不能用many来修饰,

21、故答案为D。_?We cant wear a hat in the classroom. A. What can you do? B. What are the rules?C. Where are you? D. How do you do?规矩是什么?我们不能在教室里戴帽子。 你能做什么;B. What are the rules? 规则是什么; 你在哪里;D. How do you do? 你好。“我们不能在教室里戴帽子。”是一种规定,故答案为B。Theres a new _ on Quancheng Road. Lets go _. Sounds good. A. library, r

22、eading B. pool, fishing C. supermarket, shopping D. dining hall, swimming 全城路有一家新超市。我们去购物吧。听起来不错。A. library, reading图书馆,阅读;B. pool, fishing池子,钓鱼;C. supermarket, shopping超市,购物; D. dining hall, swimming餐厅,游泳。go reading表达错误,排除A;B和D选项前后句矛盾,故答案选C。Han Li wants to be a singer. She thinks its an interesting

23、 _. A. work B. job C. works D. jobs 韩莉想成为一名歌手。她认为这是一项有趣的工作。job和work都有“工作”的意思,但job是可数名词,work是不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词an来修饰,更无复数形式,排除A,C;不定冠词an只能修饰可数名词单数形式,故答案为B。An _ boy has to cross the river to go to school every day. A. 11 years old B. 11-years-old C. 11-year-old D. 11 year old 一个11岁的男孩每天都要过河去上学。构成复合形容词的名词

24、只能用单数形式,排除B;D的表达是错误的,11 years old只能作表语,不可作定语;11-year-old可以用作定语,故答案为C。He often brushes his teeth after _ to have good teeth. A. eats dinner B. to eat dinner C. eat dinner D. having dinner 他经常在晚饭后刷牙,以便有好的牙齿。after为介词,后跟动名词,只有D答案符合题意,答案为D。Elephants can remember places _ food and water. This helps them _. A. about, to live B. have, live C. with, to live D. with, can live 大象能够记得有食物和水的地方。这帮助它们生存。have“有”,用作谓语动词,此句已有谓语动词,不能再用谓语动词,排除B;with介词,表伴随,介词短语作定语。排除A;help sb. (to) do sth

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