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1、2. -Excuse me, may I sit here?-_ . Please sit downYou re welcomeYes, certainly. This seats freeYes, it doesnt matter3. - Lets go swimming, shall we?-_.Its my pleasureIt doesnt matterYes, lets goI agree with you4. - I believe weve met somewhere before. - _. No, it isnt the sameNo, it cant be trueNo,

2、I dont think soNo, Id rather not5. -Who did you stay with?-_. Mr. GreensThe GreensGreensThe Mr. GreensB6. - Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?- _ Yes, of course.The other is better.Whats the matter?Either would suit me.D7. -Im applying for Toronto University. -_. All rightGood luckCertainl

3、yCongratulations8. - Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking?- _. No, thanks. Im used toNo, thanks. Im able tom about tove got toA9. -Look at the rainbow! What a view!-_. Yes. What beautiful it isYes. How beautiful it isYes. What a beautiful it isYes. How a beautiful it is10. -Excuse me

4、, wheres the Capital Theatre?Theres a status near itIts only two blocks away from hereIve got two theatre tickets for tonight.Turn right and then youll find the cinema11. Dont worry. Id _ your baby when you are away at work. 本题1分see tosee throughsee offsee over12. _ in the care of his grandmother, T

5、ed grew to be a boy with very good manners. 本题1分LeavingTo be leftTo leaveLeft13. He is always _ fault with other people though he doesnt do his own work properly. 本题1分seekinglookingfindingputting14. You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, _? 本题1分had youhadnt youdid youdidnt you 15. Wait till

6、 you are more _.Its better to be sure than sorry.inspiredsatisfiedcalmcertain16. Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities _ from 113,000 to almost 200,000. 本题1分has increasedhave increasedare increasedwas increased17. English is used by more people than _language except Chine

7、se. 本题1分anyany Otherotherall other18. Women all over the world are_ equal pay for equal jobs. 本题1分calling oncalling aboutcalling offcalling for19. The girl is not happy at the new school. She has _ friends there. 本题1分fewa fewlittlequite a few20. The new appointment of our headmaster _ from the very

8、beginning of the next semester. 本题1分takes effecttakes placetakes turnstakes part21. His grandfather was among the first to settle in _ is now a famous holiday center. 本题1分whatwhichwherethat22. I dont like the desk because it takes_too much space. 本题1分upinonaway23. Literature and art have a great inf

9、luence_peoples ideology. 本题1分toforonto24. Nobody but a young woman _the airplane crash. 本题1分endurerejectedsurvivedlived25. The road runs_the railway. 本题1分parallel inparallel toparallel withparallel on二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共4道小题26. During the summer holidays there will be a revised(修改过的schedule(时刻表 of service

10、s for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside of the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged(安排, will be posted each Wednesday outside of the student club. In the summer holidays, buses

11、going to the town center will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 pm on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the week, but have short

12、er hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 pm. All students who want to use the library borrowing services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next weeks student newspaper. 共5题(1 The main purpose of this announcement is to_. 本题2分tell

13、 students of important schedule changes tell students of new bus and library services show the excellent services for students ask students to renew their library cards (2 At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall? 本题2分8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 30, 10:30, 11:30 30, 9:00, 12:(3

14、Times for films and concerts are not listed in this announcement because_. 本题2分they are not to be announced they are hard to arrange the full list is not ready the full list is too long (4 In the summer holidays, the library will have_. 本题2分no special hours special hours on weekdays special hours on

15、 weekends special hours both on weekdays and weekends. (5 We may infer that during the summer holidays_. 本题2分the student newspaper will sell more copies there will be a concert or a film once a week many students will stay in the university no breakfast will be served on weekends 参考答案:第五单元。 第5小题:大学英

16、语V第5单元作业题27. BeijingAn earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale left 5,000 people homeless, killed at least one person and injured 39 others in southwest China on Thursday, with more accidents expected. By late Thursday,4,900 people were declared homeless after the quake destroyed their homes i

17、n a mountainous area lying on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. The dawn quake left one dead and 39 injured, destroyed 268 houses and damaging 1,132 other buildings so seriously that they were considered uninhabitable. Another 2,400 houses suffered less serious damage. The epicenter(震

18、中was near the scenic Lugu Lake, a tourist site, where the local school was severely damaged. Preliminary(最初的estimates put economic losses at 180 million yuan (22 milliondollars. Governments in Yanyuan and the neighbouring Yunnan country of Ninglang has joined forces in the rescue efforts and tents,

19、clothes and medicine are badly in need of for the earthquake victims. The mountainous terrain, heavy rain and several aftershocksThe quake hit the area at 5:10 a.m.Beijing time(2,110 Wednesday GMT. Earthquakes regularly affect the two counties, with two quakes measuring 5.0 and 6.2 on the Richter sc

20、ale killing at least three people and injuring more than 1,500 in Ninglang in November 1998. The area is about 100 kilometers from the historic Yunnan town of Lijiang, which was struck in 1996 by an earthquake that killed more than 250 people and injured 14,000. The earthquake took place _. 本题2分in t

21、he early morning at noon in the afternoon at night All of the following things belong to the things that are most needed after the earthquake except _. 本题2分clothes food medicine tents The authors purpose in writing the passage is to _. 本题2分tell us the earthquake taking place in Yunnan has caused 5,000 homeless warn the people in mountainous areas in Yunnan to take care of earthquake call on more help from the people all over the country analyze why the earthquake took place in this area After reading the passa

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