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高中英语北师大版版必修3教学案Unit 9 Section 6含答案Word文档格式.docx

1、traffic jams交通阻塞,塞车stressed out极度焦虑的,非常紧张疲惫的stressed out, tired and angry是形容词短语,在句中作状语。motor/mt/adj.机动车辆的;n.马达,发动机compared to .“和比起来”,是过去分词短语作状语。figure/fIg/n数字,数目the number of .“的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。a number of .“许多/大量的”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。go up上升by prep.表示数量的增减程度;to表示数量增减到over超过,多于engine /endIn/n发动机,引擎e

2、ngineer n工程师,技师 engineering n工程学carbon monoxide一氧化碳 carbon dioxide二氧化碳atmosphere n大气,气氛 per/p/adj.每,每一be related to 和有关be connected with 和有关have something to do with 和有关cause n起因;v.引起cause sb. to do sth.导致某人做某事cause and effect因果关系average adj.平均的,平均数的;n.平均水平,平均数centigrade/sentIgreId/n摄氏(度)毁灭之路以上部分译文“

3、今天早上,我花了四十分钟去上班。A10公路上施工的地方又多了!”“噢,真的吗?我用了一个多小时。M11公路上发生了一起交通事故。”“你们俩真幸运。我用了两个小时!你们都不必走M25这条路。这样的对话你多久听到一次?我们有多少次遇到塞车?有多少次我们在极度焦虑、疲惫、恼怒的状态下到达办公室或学校?对于许多英国人来说答案是天天如此。但是比起汽车的实际代价,紧张和恼怒还是微不足道的。这里有一些数据:在过去的10年里,英国路上行驶的汽车数量上升了30%。现在这个国家有2 500万辆汽车。英国每年有3 000多人死于车祸。伦敦大气中99%的一氧化碳是由汽车的发动机产生的。每年25 000人死于空气污染。

4、有些类型的癌症和交通污染有关系。交通是全球变暖、气候变化的主要原因之一。全球平均温度比100年前高大约0.5摄氏度。We know that cars are bad for us. So why do we carry on using our cars so much? We all make excuses:“The buses are terrible.” “The trains are always late!” “I havent got time to walk.” Im talking about myself, too. I admit: Imaddicted to my c

5、ar. When I asked Jenny Trowe of Greenpeace for advice about how to give up, she told me six things:1 Use your legs.Over 25% of car journeys are under two miles short journeys we could easily walk or cycle. Leg power can save you money, keep you fit and help you live longer. And regular exercise cuts

6、 the risk of heart disease by 50%!2 Use public transport. On average, about forty people travel in one bus, while the same number occupy thirtythree cars. Sometimes it can take a little bit longer, but so what? You can relax on the bus or train, read a book, talk to someone, meet the love of your li

7、fe who knows?3 Think before you go. Do you really have to go to that shopping centre on the other side of town? What about the shops around the corner? Before you get into your car, think about whether you really need to make that journey.4 Sharecars. If youve really got to use a car, share journeys

8、 with someone else. It is much cheaper and kinder to the environment.,carry on继续make excuses找借口admit/dmIt/vt.承认,供认admit doing sth.承认做了某事admit sb. to be .承认某人为admit sb. to/into .允许某人进入addicted/dIktId/adj.沉溺于的be addicted to沉溺于give up放弃regular adj.频繁的,经常的on a regular basis定期地cut the risk of降低的风险cut dow

9、n on削减,缩小on average平均;通常above/below average平均水平以上/以下at an average speed of以平均的速度while “而,却”,连接两个并列分句,语意上表示对比。 occupy/kjpaI/vt.占用(空间、面积、时间等)be occupied in/with (doing) sth.忙于(做)某事so what那又怎样Now what?又怎么了?What if .?如果怎么样?around the corner附近;在拐角处;即将来临share v分担,分享share sth. with sb.与某人分担/分享某物have got to

10、 have to必须,不得不既然我们知道汽车对我们不利,那么大家为什么还要继续频繁地使用汽车呢?我们会找出种种借口:“公共汽车让人难以忍受。”“火车经常晚点!”“我没有时间步行。”我也是在说我自己。我承认:我沉迷于汽车难以自拔。我曾向绿色和平组织的珍妮托沃讨教怎样放弃汽车,她告诉了我6条建议:1 尽量步行。25%以上的车程通常不到两英里这样短的路程步行或骑自行车都很容易。步行可以省钱、保持健康,并且有助于长寿。经常锻炼可以降低50%的心脏病发病概率!2 使用公共交通工具。平均而言,大约40人乘坐一辆公共汽车,而同样数量的人要占据33辆小轿车。有时乘公共交通工具可能会多花一点儿时间,但是这又有什

11、么关系呢?你可以在公共汽车或者火车上放松一下,读书,和人聊天,或许你能遇见你生命中的挚爱谁知道会发生什么事呢?3 出门前仔细考虑。你真的不得不到城市另一边的购物中心去吗?到附近商店购物如何?上车前,认真考虑一下你是否真的需要那次行程。4 共用车。如果你真的需要用车,和别人开一辆车去。这样更省钱,又更有益于保护环境。5 Dont believe advertisements! Nearly a quarter of all the advertisements on TV are about cars. You see an attractive man or woman driving a f

12、ast car through beautiful countryside. Its not true! That new car wont make you more attractive. And you wont be driving on an empty country road. Youll be stuck in a traffic jam in a city or on a highway!6 Take actionsomehow! We often think there is nothing we can do about the noise, pollution and

13、danger of traffic. There is.If your streets full of heavy traffic, talk to your neighbours about it. Write to the papers. Go to the city government. Ask for a speed limit. Ask for a pedestrian area.Dowhichever of these things that suit you. Dont just sit aroundandcomplain!All quite simple, isnt it?

14、Six easy ways to improve our environment. Well, Im sorry I must finish this article. Ive got to pick up my daughter from school at four oclock. Then Ive got to drive to Sainsburys to do the shopping. After that I have to take my son to a party. And tomorrow were driving over to see my mother. The tr

15、affics going to be awful, but what can we do?a quarter of四分之一highway/haIweI/n公路高速公路:expressway, freeway, motorwaytake action采取行动somehow/smha/adv.以某种方式anyhow adv.无论如何,不管怎么样limit n. C限度,极限without limit无限制地a pedestrian area步行区whichever/wItev/pron.无论哪个suit/sut/vt.适合sit around闲坐;无所事事complain vi.抱怨All qui

16、te simple是All is quite simple的省略形式。pick up接送(某人)be driving 此处是现在进行时表示将来的动作。5 不要相信广告!几乎四分之一的电视广告和汽车有关。你会看见一位颇具吸引力的男士或女士开着车快速地行驶在风景秀丽的乡间。那不是真的!那辆新车不会使你更具吸引力。你也不会在空旷的乡间公路上开车。你会在城市里或高速公路上遭遇堵车!6 用某种方式采取行动!我们常常以为自己对噪音、污染和交通危险无能为力。其实不然。如果你居住的街道交通不畅,你可以和邻居谈谈。给报社写封信。去市政府申诉。请求限速。申请画出斑马线步行区。做上述任何一件适合你的事情都可以。不要

17、只坐在那里抱怨!,这些办法都很简单,是不是?6种改善我们环境的简便易行的方法。遗憾的是,我必须在此停笔了。我4点钟得去学校接女儿,然后开车去圣斯伯里购物,接着还得送儿子去参加聚会。明天我们要开车去看望我的母亲。交通肯定会很糟糕,但我们又有什么办法呢?True (T) or False (F)1In Britain the number of cars in the last ten years has increased very quickly. _T_2The average global temperature 100 hundred years ago was about 0.5 de

18、grees centigrade lower than it is today. _T_3Many people refuse to use cars because they think cars are bad for us. _F_4Regular exercise can help avoid heart attack. _T_5Sharing journeys with someone else by car is more environmentally friendly and less expensive. _T_6New car will make you more attr

19、active. _F_7You can always drive your new car on an empty country road. _F_8Human can do nothing about the noise, pollution and danger of traffic. _F_Read the text again and choose the best answers.1The A10, the M11 and the M25 are _. AroadworksBroadsCtraffic cones2The reason for our being stressed

20、out, tired and angry is _.Athat we often hear those conversationsBthe real cost of the motor carCgetting stuck in traffic jams3We carry on using our cars so much because _.Awe are addicted to our carsBwe know cars are bad for usCwe want to make ourselves healthy4Jenny Trowe advises me not to _.Awalk

21、 or cycle in a short journeyBuse my car as often as possible Ctravel in buses5Which of the following best summaries the writers attitude to cars?AHe thinks cars have more advantages than disadvantages.BHe knows what he should do, but uses his car because it is convenient.CHe thinks it would be easy

22、for all of us to use our cars less.答案:15BCABB一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.highwayn公路2.pavementn. 人行道3.crossroadsn. 十字路口4.physicaladj. 身体的,物质的5.motorn. 马达,发动机6.enginen. 发动机,引擎7.somehowadv. 以某种方式8.figuren. 数字,数目9.suitvt. 适合10.occupyvt. 占用(空间、面积、时间等)11.amountn. 数量12.admitvt. 承认,供认.拓展词汇1.constructionn. 建筑,

23、建筑物construct v构筑;建造2.addictedadj.沉溺于的addict vt.使沉溺,使沉迷1.physical adj.身体的,物质的联想你喜欢的体育课(PE)就是physical education的缩写哦physical 2.figure n数字;人物;身材;图形记法联想用手指(finger)笔画数字(figure)figure3.suit vt.适合词块suit sb. (fine)(口)很合某人的意well suited (非常)适合suit oneself 随你的便二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.go up上升2on average 平均;3be/get

24、stuck in 被困在4compared to 与相比5be related to 与有联系6carryon 继续7be addicted to 沉溺于8give up 放弃 what 那又怎样2take action 采取行动3pick up (用车)接某人;捡起4keep fit 保持健康5the number of 的数量6cut the risk of 降低的风险7around the corner 附近;8sit around 闲坐;三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.If so, what kind of car is it?如果是这样,那是什么类型的车?if引导的省略

25、句。If_so,_I hope hell pay you better than I. 假如是这样,我希望他付给你的租金比我更多。2.This morning it took meforty minutes to get to work. 今天早上,我花了四十分钟去上班。it takes sb. sometime to do sth.“某人花费多长时间做某事”。It_took_us_two_days_to_finish the task. 完成这项任务花了我们两天的时间。3.How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out, tired and angry?形容词作状语,表伴随情况。To our relief, the children returned home safe_and_sound at last.令我们感到宽慰的是,孩子们最终安然无恙地回到了家里。4.On average, about forty people travel in one bus, whilethe same number occupy thirtythree car

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