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1、unfortunately(adv.)=unluckilymake a fortuneseek ones fortune寻出路,谋求出路fame and fortunetell ones fortune9. jewel(n.)宝石;珠宝首饰 (C)jewellery (U)10. preserve(v.)保存,保护,保持preservation(n.)preserve historic buildings/food 11. valley(n.)山谷,峡谷12. lord(n.)勋爵;贵族;大臣;封建领主 landlord13. come across(偶然)遇见;发现=run into=mee

2、t by accident/chance=happen to meet14. entrance(n.)入口the entrance to the park the college entrance examination15. content(n.)内容;目录 (adj.)满意的the contents of a baga contents pagebe content with sth=be satisfied with be content to do16. swallow(v.)吞下,吞咽 (n.)燕子17. death(n.)死亡 die v. dead adj. 18. shortl

3、y(adv.)不久,很快19. within(prep.)在-之内,不超过 within ones reachout of/beyond ones reach20. coincidence(n.)巧合,碰巧 cooperate coexist co-workerWhat a coincidence! by coincidence=by chance/accident on purpose/by design21. connection(n.)联系22. punishment(n.)惩罚 He deserves punishment.=He deserves to be punished.=He

4、 deserves punishing.23. scientific(adj.)科学的 science n.24. virus(n.)病毒antivirus software25. disturb(v.)打扰,扰乱disturb the balance of nature 26. breathe(v.)呼吸breathe deeply=take a deep breath27. result in导致,结果是- =lead to/contribute to/bring about/cause result from 由引起His carelessness resulted in the acc

5、ident.The accident resulted from his carelessness.28. clothing(n.)衣物 (U) 29. riddle(n.)谜30. labour(n.)/(vi.)劳动,努力工作31. whichever(pron.)无论哪个;无论哪些32. airplane(n.)飞机33. signal(n.)信号 (v.)发信号;表明traffic signals34. captain(n.)船长,飞机机长;队长;海军上校,陆军、空军上尉35. warning(n.)警告warn sb of sth warn sb (not) to do36. ice

6、berg(n.)冰山37. widespread(adj.)广泛的,普遍的38. requirement(n.)要求,规定meet/satisfy ones requirementsrequire that sb (should) doYour requirement that she (should) wait till next week is reasonable. 39. inspire(v.)启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞inspiring(adj.)鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的inspired(adj.)受鼓舞的inspiration(n.)灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)inspire sb

7、to doan inspiring teacher40. sex(n.)性别41. female (adj.)/(n.)女性(的)male(adj.)男性的,雄性的42. nationality(n.)国籍43. native(adj.)本国的;本地的native language=mother tongueHes a native speaker of English.Giant pandas are native to China.China is home to giant pandas.44. outgoing(adj.)外向的;友好的;爱交际的45. gorilla(n.)大猩猩46

8、. data(n.)(pl.)数据;资料47. companion(n.)伴侣company(n.)陪伴,陪同;公司accompany(v.)陪伴,伴随keep sb company=accompany sbenjoy ones company48. rare(adj.)稀有的,罕见的rare animalsrarely(adv.)很少He rarely gets drunk, _ he?Rarely does he go to school late.49. discourage(v.)使灰心;劝阻discourage sb from doingencourage sb to do 50.

9、devotion(n.)奉献;忠诚;专心her devotion to the jobdevote oneself to=be devoted to51. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy(哲学)博士学位52. murder(v.)/(n.)谋杀 murderer(n.)凶手attempted murder53. various(adj.)各种各样的variety n. 不同种类,多样化vary(v.)不同,变化various reasons=a variety of reasons Opinions vary from person to person.The menu va

10、ries with the season. 54. organization(n.)组织;机构55. voyage(n.)航行;(尤指)航海,航天56. orbit(n.)轨道 (v.)沿轨道运行,围绕-运动57. astronaut(n.)宇航员58. north-east(n.)东北59. desire(n.)愿望,欲望,渴望(v.)渴望,期望desire sth=have a desire for sthdesire to do=have a desire to do60. apply(v.)申请;使用;应用application(n.)申请;applicant(n.)申请人apply

11、(to sb) for sthHe applied to the company for the job.apply theory to practiceWhat I am saying applies only to some of you.apply oneself to sth/doing勤奋工作,努力学习an application form61. candidate(n.)候选人;申请人62. survival(n.)幸存,存活survive v. survivor n.She survived her husband by ten years.63. rocket(n.)火箭64.

12、 status(n.)地位,身份 social status65. superior(adj.)更好的,更高的 (n.)上司be superior to 无比较级66. be in control (of sth.)掌管,控制(某物)67. quality(n.)品质;质量This product is of high quality.spend quality time together68. optimistic(adj.)乐观的,抱乐观看法的 pessimistic adj. optimism n. optimist optimistic about sth/that69. indeed(adv.)的确,确实A friend in need is a friend indeed.70. look up to敬佩look down on/upon

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