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1、9.45英语表达:a quarter to ten; nine forty-five ;8.56英语表达:four to nine; eighty fifty-six.5、国家及语言:Brazil(巴西)/ Brazilian (巴西语、巴西人); Canada/Canadian; China/ Chinese; France/ French; Ireland/ Irish; India/ Indian; Italy/ Italian; Spain/ Spanish; Japan/ Japanese, etc.6、七大洲:Africa(非洲);North America(北美洲);South

2、America (南美洲);Asia(亚洲);Antarctica(南极洲);Europe(欧洲); Oceania (大洋洲)7、基数词与序数词:基数词:one , two, three, etc.; 序数词:first, second , third, fourth, fifth, sixth , thirtieth, thirty-first, etc.听力话题分类及重点:1、游览及假期:开车去某地(drive to sp.);开车送某人去某地(drive sb to sp.);成人票(tickets for adults); 儿童票(childrens tickets); 家庭套票:(

3、a family ticket); notuntil 直到才 如:He will not (wont )come back until 9 oclock p.m.; at the beginning of the holiday / at the end of the holiday (在假期的开始/结束); on holiday/ on business (在度假/出差); 地铁:subway; underground ;人行桥:footbridge; 单程票:a single ticket ;往返票:a return ticket ; 拍照:take photographs ; 摄影师ph

4、otographer ; (火车上的) 餐车:a restaurant car/buffet. 2、问路:(ask the way and give directions): 离远 :be far from sp. 如: My school is far from my home(我们学校离我家很远) ; 坐公共汽车,但没有讲到具体哪路车时,用by bus ,如 I go to school by bus everyday; 坐具体某一路公共汽车时:take the eighteenth bus 坐18路公共汽车,注意要用序数词。 问去某个地方的路:如问“去邮局怎么走?”: Where is

5、the post office?或者 How I can get to the post office? 或者Could you tell me the way to the post office ? 在第一个路口向左拐: take the first turning on/to the left; 环线地铁:the ring line subway ; 在对面:opposite 同义词组:on the other side of 3、预定酒店:订:book; reserve;如book a table (订餐厅位子); Id like to book a room 提前:in advanc

6、e; 单人间:a single room; 双人间:a double room ; 办理登机、入住手续:check in; 退房手续:check out; 五星级酒店:five-star hotel 4、逛街购物:有:has got 如:The new shopping centre has got the largest caf in the country(这个新的购物中心拥有全国最大的咖啡馆);I have not(havent) got a car (我没有车); Blue looks good on you(你很适合穿黄色的衣服); 提建议:Why dont you /Why not

7、 go to London in Autumn ? 衣服尺寸(size): 小号(small); 中号(medium);大号(large);停车场:the car park 另外park 也可作动词用:停车; 零钱:change ;售完:sell out: Flowers are sold out(花都卖完了);收银台:at the cashiers ,注意:现金(cash )和支票(cheque(英国)/check(美国)之间的区别; 为某人买某个东西:buy sb sth 如:I bought my brother a computer game. 我给我弟弟买了一个新的电脑游戏5、询问旅

8、行社(travel service):信用卡:credit card; 特价:a special price/ on sale/for sale/ discount/ promotion 天气预报:the weather forecast ; weekday(工作日,指周一至周五);weekend(周末,指周六和周日)6、去健身中心(Sports Center)毛巾:towel; 肥皂:soap; 淋浴:shower; 泳帽:swimming hat; 你去过新的健身中心吗?Have you been to the new sports centre? 去过某地(现在已经返回):have be

9、en to sp; 已经去了某地(现在还没回来):have gone to sp; 28路公交车能到那里吗?Does bus eighteen go there?表达某人想作某事的愿望:Id like/love to ( I would like/love to)do sth. 如:Id love to go with you tomorrow.(明天我想和你一起去); 预约:appoint(动词), appointment(名词); make an appointment (做一下预约),如:Can I make an appointment; 7、太空旅行(space travel):as

10、tronaut 宇航员;spaceship 宇宙飞船; space 太空BETS一级口语注意事项:第一部分:考生个人表现1,问候及自我介绍:2,考生家乡、学校、学习及兴趣爱好等:3,考生的日常生活、过去的经历及未来的打算等:4,考生的家庭、朋友、最喜欢的书、食物、地方等考官经常问的问题: Whats your name?/May I know your name? / Can you tell me your name? (你叫什么名字) 回答:My name is Wang hui. How do you spell your surname? (你的姓怎么拼?另外family name也是

11、姓的意思;名:first name; given name)如回答: My surname is W-A-N-G; Where do you come from? / Where are you from? (你来自哪里?) 回答: I come from Beijing / I am from Beijing; Where do your live? (你住哪里?)回答:I live at 108 Dongzhimen Street (我住在东直门108号) How many people are there in your family?(你家有几口人?There are three pe

12、ople in my family , they are my father , my mother and I Where do you study? (你在哪里学习?I study in No.3 Zhongguancun Primary School (我在中关村三小学习); What do you study?/What subjects are you studying? (你都学哪些科目?I study English, Math, Arts, Chinese , Music , PE and so on ; Which subject do you like best/least

13、?(你最喜欢/最不喜欢的科目是什么?I like English best(我最喜欢英语);I like math least.(我最不喜欢数学); What do you do in your free/spare time? (平时空余时间你都作些什么?Sometimes ,I go shopping with my mother, sometimes I watch TV at home; What did you do last weekend? (上周末你做了些什么?I went to the zoo with my friends. (我和朋友去了动物园); What are yo

14、u going to do next weekend?(下周末你准备做什么?I am (Im) going to watch a film; Have you been to other countries? (你去过其他国家吗?Yes, I have been to England and France/ Sorry , I havent. (对不起,我没去过);Tell me something about your family/school/friends/hobbies/favorite books/favorite films /favorite food (请谈谈你的家庭、学校、

15、朋友、兴趣、喜欢的书、电影、食物等)第二部分:考生根据考官提供的图片信息互问(不少于五句)在第二部分,考生要进行提问和回答。考官会给A考生一张附有相关信息的卡片,给B考生一张附有问题的卡片。问答完成之后,考官会给A考生另一张附有问题的卡片,给B考生另一张附有相关信息的卡片,再进行问答。范例:第一小节: 考官对考生A说:Here is some information about a music shop(考官将图1A给考生A看) 考官对考生B说:You dont know anything about the music shop, so ask (考生A) some questions ab

16、out it. (考官将图1B给考生B看) Use these words to help you. (考官示意考生图中词汇) Do you understand?考官说:Now, (考生B), ask (考生A)your questions about the music shop , and (考生A), you answer them.考生B: Whats the name of the music shop? 考生A: It is (Its) the New World Music Shop. 考生B: How much do the CDs cost? All CDs are 8 p

17、ounds. Where is the shop? Its at 58 Walton Street. Is it open in the evenings? Yes, Monday to Saturday until 8 p.m. Are there any music magazines? Yes , there are books and magazines in this shop. 图1A:New World Music Shop All CDs 8 Buy the latest dance music here! Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

18、Books and magazines 58 Walton Street图1B:Music Shop Name?Price/ CDs? ?Address?Open/evenings?Music magazines?第二小节,考官对考生B说:Here is some information about the holiday sports club (考官将图2A给考生B看)You dont know anything about the holiday sports club, so ask ( 考生B) some questions about the club.(考官将图2B给考生A看)

19、Use these words to help you(考官示意考生图中词汇) 考官:Now ,(考生A), ask (考生B) your questions about the holiday sports club , and (考生B), you answer them. Where is that holiday sports club? 考生B:It is at Bei Dai He. When does it open ? 考生B:Its opening time is from 10.a.m. to 4.p.m. Does it open at weekends ?No, it

20、opens from Monday to Friday. Which sports can I play ?There are kinds of sports , such as the volleyball, tennis , water sports . Is the ticket expensive ?No, the ticket only costs you 10 Yuan. Can I have lunch there ?No, you should bring your lunch. 图2A: Come to our HOLIDAY SPORTS CLUB At Bei Dai H

21、e 10 am-4pm Monday to Friday 10 yuan Volleyballtennis water sports Bring your own lunch!图2B:Holiday Sports ClubWhen?Where?Which sports?Expensive?Lunch?更多练习:见BETS一级教程第61页; BETS一级教程全真模拟试题;考试大纲第5052页第三部分:考生根据考官提供的图片说出图片中事物的英文名称;用短句描述图片。见考试大纲第52页BETS一级阅读写作部分重点事项1、时态一般现在时:现在的状态;习惯;真理及规律;反复发生的动作见BETS一级教程第

22、21页及第136页现在进行时:现在进行的动作,此外有些动词的进行时可以表示将来动作现在完成时:刚刚过去的过去(just), 不确定的过去( yet, already, never, ever), 未完成的过去(for, since)见BETS一级教程第93页一般过去时:见BETS一级教程第27页及第137页一般过去时(The Simple Past Tense): 表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。一般过去时通常由动词过去式表示。不规则动词的过去式有其特殊形式。规则动词的过去式是在动词原形后加d或ed. 1)主要表示一个过去发生的动作(a)或存在的状态(b)(a)I went to S

23、hanghai last year; I was born in 1981.(b)He believed that he was right; I visited him last week.(c)Last week, he drove home from the bank at the usual time. ( Passage)2)表示过去一段时间内经常或者反复发生的动作或者存在的状态。When I was young, I liked swimming.过去进行时:过去正在进行的动作见BETS一级教程第45页及第139页一般将来时:带be going to的将来时,带will 和shal

24、l的将来时见BETS一级教程第58页及第140页(The Simple Future Tense) (1) 最基本的形式是will do sh.表示将来要发生的事We will know the result tomorrow.(2) 使用“shall” 的一些情况,用在第一人称后,构成疑问句,询问对方意见:Where shall we go for our holiday? 我们到哪儿度假呢?(3) 另外,经常用be going to ,有时可以与will互换。表示打算干某事(a)或即将发生某事(b):(a) He is going to buy some flowers for her.

25、他打算给她买一些花。(b) Its going to rain soon. 快要下雨了。(4) 一些动词的现在进行时可以表示一般将来时,表示计划或准备要做的事:如,come( 来);leave(离开)等:Cathy Trims sister is coming from Rome. (凯丝的妹妹将要从罗马来这里)。(5) be+不定式结构也可以表示将要发生的动作,可表示安排好的事(a), 也可表示要求做的事(b):(a): The President Bush is to visit China in July. (布什总统将于七月访华)。(b): You are not to smoke i

26、n the office.(他们不得在办公室抽烟)。(6) be about to 结构:表示将要发生的事:The train is about to leave. (火车就要开了)。2、语态:被动语态见BETS一级教程第64页及第141页3、词性动词verbs:动词的种类: 实义动词 连系动词 情态动词modal verbs(见教材第139页和144页) 助动词auxiliary verbs助动词帮助实义动词完成某些语法功能,如表示时态,语态,构成否定句、疑问句、简略答语等。助动词主要有:be , do , have, shall, will等助动词功能例句be构成进行时态He is mak

27、ing cakes构成被动语态The glass was broken by Annie构成系表结构She is nice and kind.have构成完成时态I have been to Beijing for three timesdo构成疑问句,否定句Do you love music?I dont like pop music. 加强语气She does love pop music.(她的确喜欢流行音乐)代替主要动词She dances as well as I do. 她跳舞和我一样好Shall用于第一人称构成一般将来时态I shall leave for India tomor

28、row明天我要去印度Will用于各种人称They will go on picnic next Sunday他们下星期天去野餐动词的各种形式:一般现在时中的第三人称单数的构成规则原形单数形式一般动词在末尾加srise, readrises, reads以s, , t音素结尾或者以字母O结尾的加esdo, go, pass, push, watchdoes, goes, passes, pushes, watches以“辅音y”结尾的动词变y为iesstudy, try, flystudies, tries, flies 规则动词的过去式、过去分词的构成动词原形过去式过去分词一般情况加-edhelp ;workhelped; workedhe

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