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1、lie on 依赖;压迫;折磨(人) lie over 等待以后处理 lie up 卧床;(船)入坞 in light of 按照,根据;鉴于 all ones life 一生,一辈子 bring to life 使苏醒 e to life 苏醒过来 for life 终身 to the life 逼真地,维妙维肖 throw light on sth. 解释,阐明 light up 照亮;点(烟) make light of 轻视,藐视 set light by 轻视 and the like 等等,以及诸如此类 like any thing 象什么似地;拼命地 limber up 使柔软;

2、柔和一下身体 go beyond the limit 超过限度 to the limit 到顶点,到最大限度 within limits 在一定范围之内 without limits 无限(制)地 in line 成一直线;整齐;一致 in line with 跟一致;符合 line up 排队,使排成一行 link up 把连(衔)接起来 on the lips of 在中流传 listen for 等着听(的声音) listen into 收听;监听;偷听 listen to 听,倾听 a little 一些,少许;一点儿 after a little 过了一会儿 by little an

3、d little 一点一点地,逐渐地 little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地 not a little 许多,很 live off 住在之外;靠生活 live on 靠生活;以为食 live out 活过(某一段时间) live through 经历过;度过;经受住 live up to 无愧于;做到;live with 接受;忍受;承认 be located in 位于,坐落在 lock oneself in 把自己关在里面 lock out 把关在外面 as long as 达之外,长达 at longest (把日期)至多,最晚 before long 不久以后 in th

4、e long run 从长远来看,最后 long before 在以前很久 long for 渴望 long since 很久以前;很久以来 no longerl08g2不再,已不 so long as 只要,如果;既然 look aftera:ft2照顾;目送;负责处理 look at 看着;注视;察看 look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 look down on 蔑视,看不起 look for 寻找,寻求;指望 look forward to 盼望,期待;预期 page look in 顺便看望,顺便访问 look into 观察;调查;窥视 look on 旁观;观看;面向 loo

5、k out 留神;朝外看;照料 look over 从上面看过去;检查 look round 掉头看;观光;look through (从头至尾)浏览;温习 look to 照管;留心;look up 向上看;查出 look up to sb. 尊敬,敬仰 lose heart 灰心,泄气 lose no time 立即 lose sight of 看不见 at a loss 困惑;亏本地 be lost on 对不起作用 a lot of 大量,许多;非常 lots of 大量,许多 lots and lots 许许多多(的) be in love with 跟恋爱 fall in love

6、 with 相爱,爱上 make love to 向表示爱情 at lowest 至少,最低 be loyal to 忠于 in the main 基本上,大体上 major in 专攻,专修 made up of 由组成,由构成 make as if 假装;装作 make away (急忙)离去;逃走 make away with 携而逃;摧毁;浪费 make beds 铺床叠被 make down 改小(衣服) make for 走向,向前进;冲向 make fun of 嘲笑;开玩笑 make off with 携而逃 make ones way 前进;成功,发迹 make out 开列

7、;书写;辩认出 make out of 用制造出;理解 make over 把(财产)转让;改造 make up 拼凑;组成;补偿 make up for 补偿,弥补 make up to 接近;巴结;向求爱 a good many 大量的,许多,相当多 many a 许多的,一个又一个的 mark down 记下;标低(商品)价目 mark off 划分出 mark out 划分出;规划 mark out for 使注定要 mark time 原地踏步,停止不前 mark up 把标出 in the mass 总体上,整个儿地 the mass of 大多数,大部分 as a matter

8、of fact 事实上;其实 no matter 无论(),不管() may as well 最好,不妨 by all means 尽一切办法;一定 by means of 用,凭借,依靠 by any means 无论如何 by no means 决不,并没有 measure up 合格,符合标准 measure up to 符合,达到,够得上 take ones measure 量尺寸;打量,估计 meet up with 偶尔碰见 meet with (偶尔)遇见;碰到 from memory 凭记忆 in memory of 纪念 make mention of 提及 not to m

9、ention 更不必说 at the mercy of 在支配下 have mercy on 对表示怜悯 make a mess of 把弄糟 bear in mind 记住 change ones mind 改变主意 keep ones mind on 专心于 make up ones mind 决定,下决心 mind you 听着,请注意 never mind 不要紧,没关系 by mistake 错误地 mistake for 把错认为 mix up 混全,混淆;搞糊涂 at the moment 此刻,目前;那时 for the moment 暂时;目前 in a moment 立即,

10、立刻 the moment that 一就 more or less 或多或少;左右 no more 不再;不再存在;也不 no more.than. 不过;同一样不 more than ever 超出任何时候 more often than not 时常,在更多情况下 not more than 至多;不比更 what is more 而且;更重要的是 at most 最多,至多,不超过 make the most of 充分利用;极为重视 move about 走来走去,总是搬家 move off 离去,走掉 move on 继续前进 as much as 尽那样多;差不多 page ma

11、ke much of 重视;充分利用 much less 更不 much more 更加,何况 not much of a 不是一个好的 not so 与其说是不如说是 not think much of 对估价不高 without so much as 甚至于不 nail up 把钉牢;把(门)钉死 on the nail 立即;当场;在讨论中 by name 名叫;用名字 by the name of 名叫 in the name of 以的名义;代表 name after 用的名字作名字 by nature 生性,本性上 in nature 性质上;实际上 in the

12、 nature of 具有的性质的 near by 在附近 near to 接(靠)近;几乎要 not nearly 远非,相差很远 in the negative 否定地,否决 by all nerves 高度不安,神经紧张 lose ones nerves 变得慌张,不知所措 neither.nor. 既不也不 at night 天黑时;在夜里 by night 在夜间;趁黑夜 night after night 一夜又一夜地 night and day 日以继夜地 none but 只有 none the less 仍然,依然 not at all 不点也不;别客气 not but th

13、at 虽然 not in the least 毫不 make a note of 把记下来 take note of 注意(到) take notes 记笔记 nothing but 只有;只不过 think nothing of 把看成平常 to say nothing of 更不必说 give notice 通知 have notice of 接到通知 take notice of 注意,留心 now and then 时而,不时 from now on 今后,从现在起 just now 现在,眼下;刚才 now that 既然,由于 a number of 一些,许多 any numbe

14、r of 许多 beyond number 多得数不清 to the number of 合计数为 without number 多得数不清的 a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题 give oasion to 引起 on oasion 间或,有时 our to 被想到 off and on 断断续续地,不时地 and so on 等等 all at once 突然;同时;一起 at once2t w3ns立刻,马上;同时 once for all 一劳永逸地 once in a while 偶尔,间或 once more 再一次,又一次 by oneself 独自地,单独地 o

15、nly too 非常,实在 not only.but 不但而且 only that 要不是 in the open 在户外;在露天 s eyes open 留心看着;保持警惕 open out (打)开;开发;表明 bring into operation 实施,使生效 e into operation 施行;生效;开始工作 in order 整齐;状况良好 in order that 以便,为了 in order to 以便,以为目的 out of order 不整齐;发生故障 take order to do 采取适当办法去做 take order with 安排,处理 every oth

16、er 每隔一个的 none other than 不是别人而正是 other than 不同于;除了 be out for 为图要;一心为 out of 在外;离开;缺乏 all over again 再一次,重新 over and above 在之上;重于 over and over 一再地,再三地 owing to 由于,因为 of ones own 属于某人自己的 on ones own 独自地;主动地 at a good pace 相当快地 keep pace with 与齐步前进 take pains 尽力,努力,下苦功 in part 在某种程度上;部份地 play a part

17、扮演角色;参与 take part in 参加,参与 take part with 与站在一边,袒护 in particular 特别,尤其;详细地 page pass away 消失;去世;终止 pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 pass on 把传给别人;转入 pass out 失去知觉;分发 pass through 穿过;经历;遭受 in the past 在过去 pat sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报 pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 pay off 还清(债款) pay out 付出(款项等) pay up 全部付清(钱);付

18、款 at peace 处于和平(或和睦)状态 make peace with (与)讲和 in person 亲自;身体上;外貌上 pick off 摘下,摘掉 pick out 选出,挑出 pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人 break into pieces (使)成为碎片 go to pieces 崩溃,瓦解;身体垮台 piece together 拼合,拼凑在一起 piece up 修补 pull to pieces 把撕成碎片 pile up 堆积;积聚 in place 在适当的位置;适当的 in place of 代替 in the first place 起初,本来;首先

19、out of place 不相称;不合适 take place 发生;进行;举行 take the place of 代替 play with 以为消遣;玩弄 beside the point 离题,不中肯 e to the point 说到要点;扼要地说 point for point 确切地 point out 指出,指明;解释 point to 指向 to the point 中肯;扼要 in practice 在实践中 out of practice 久不练习,荒疏 put into practice 实行,实施 at present 目前,现在 for the present 目前,

20、暂时,暂且 preserve from 保护,使免遭 press for 催逼;迫切要求 by pressed for 缺少,缺乏 prevail over 获胜,占优势 prevent.from. 阻止,妨碍 take pride in 以自豪 on principle 根据原则,按照原则 on the principle of 根据的原则 prior to 在前,居先,比在先 in proportion to 与成比例;与相称 make progress with 在方面取得进步 out of proportion 不成比例;不相称 protect.from 保护不受 in public

21、公开地,当众 pull down 拆毁,拉倒;使降低 pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸 pull into 进入;到达 pull off 脱(帽等);努力实现 pull on 穿上;继续拉(或划) pull out 拔出,抽出,挖出 pull through 使渡过(危险等) pull up (使)停下;拔起(树等) on purpose 为了;故意地 put across 解释清楚;做成(交易) put aside 储存,保留 put away 把收起;储存,积攒 put down 记下;镇压;杀死 put forward 提出(要求、事实等) put in 花费;正式提出 put o

22、ff 推迟,拖延;阻碍 put on 穿上;上演;教唆 put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版 put through 使穿过;使从事 put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸 put up 举起;安装;张贴 put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) be qualified to 能胜任 in quantity 大量 quarrel with 与吵架 beside the question 离题,和本题无关 beyond question 毫无疑问,无可争辩 call in question 对表示怀疑 in question 正在谈论的 out of question 毫无疑问 out o

23、f the question 不可能的;不必谈的 without question 毫无疑问 queue up 排队等候 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 rain out 因下雨阻碍 the rank and file 普通士兵们,老百姓们 at any rate 无论如何;至少 page at that rate 那样的话;照那种情形 at this rate 这样的话,照此速度 had rather. 宁愿 or rather 更精确地说,倒不如说 rather than 宁愿(而不) rather too 稍微一点 would rather.than 宁愿而不愿 rea

24、ch out 伸出手(或脚) react against 反抗;起反作用 react on 对有影响 react to 对起反应 get ready (使)准备好 by reason of 由于,因为 by reason that 因为,由于 refer oneself to 依赖,求助于 refer to sb. as 把称作 as regards 关于,至于 in regard toriga:d关于 with regard to 关于,至于 without regard to 不考虑,不顾到 regardless of 不顾,不惜,不注意 in relation to 关于,有关;与相比

25、on relief 接受救济的 rely on 依靠,依赖,依仗 remark on 评论,谈论,议论 be remarkable for 以而著称 reply for sb. 代表某人作答(或答辩) reply to sb. 回答某人 report on 报告;汇报(某事) report oneself 去报到,到去见某人 be representative of 代表 by request 应邀,应(听众)的请求 have respect for 尊重;考虑 in respect that 因为,考虑到 pay respect to 考虑,关心,重视 with respect to 关于,

26、至于 for the rest 至于其余,至于其它 rest on 依赖,依据;信赖 as a result 作为结果 as a result of 由于;作为的结果 result from 是(由)造成的 result in 引起,结果是;in return 作为回报,作为报答 in return for 作为的交换 revolve around 旋转;绕转 be rid of 摆脱,去掉 get rid of 摆脱,除去 ride down 骑马赶上;践踏 ride off 岔开去 ride on (让)骑在上面;依靠 ride over 骑马而来 all right 令人满意的;好,行 ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话 ring out 宣布离去 ring up 打电话 give rise to 引起;使发生;造成 at all risks 无论冒什么危险 on the road 在旅途中 take the road 出动,动身;走道路 take the road of 占先,居之上 call the roll 点名 roll around (时间)流逝 roll back 使退却 模板,内容仅供参考

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