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1、3 Hans told a tale so vividly that you could see and hear toy soldiers marching and toy horse galloping. And he could make the most wonderful papercuts. These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense.汉斯讲故事非常好听,让你我能看到或听见玩具士兵们行军和玩具马飞奔的样子和声音,并且能做出最巧妙的剪纸。这

2、些剪纸今天被保存在安徒生博物馆内。这坐博物就在欧登塞他出生的房子中。4 Andersen remained single all his life. The good Collin family-three generations of them-became all the family he was ever to have. They all loved him, but they advised him not to write any more poetry and plays, and to try to get a government job. They talked as h

3、e later made the animals talk in his stories:” I tell you this for your own good,” said the Han to the Ugly Duckling,” you should learn to lay eggs like me.” In The Ugly Duckling Hans Christian told the story of his own life.安徒生终生未取。善良的科林一家,前后共三代人,是汉斯今后一生中惟一的亲人。他们都爱他,但是他们建议他不要再写诗歌和剧本了,而是要他去找一份政府工作。后

4、来他在故事中把他们所说的话通过动物说了出来:“我告诉你是为了你好,”母亲对丑小鸭说,“你应该向我一样学着下蛋。”在丑小鸭中,汉斯 克里斯琴讲述的是他的故事。5 When his first book of fairy tales was published in 1835, Andersen didnt think it would be successful, but children read the stories and wanted more. So, encouraged by their interest, he began what we know today as his g

5、reat work, for 37 years, a new book of Andersens fairy tales come out each Christmas. The books were full of everyday truth, of wonder, of sad beauty, of humor. Children and their parents had never read such tales before.1835年,他的第一部童话故事出版时,安徒生并没有想到它会取得成功,但是孩子们看过后还想到更多的童话故事。因此,在他们的兴趣的鼓励下,他开始了我们今日所知的伟

6、大工作。在37年里,每年圣诞节安徒生都推出一本新的童话书。这些童话故事中处处体现了生活水平的真谛,令人惊叹,给人以忧伤的美感,充满的幽默气息。孩子们和他们的父母以前人未读过类似的童话故事。6 Andersens tales are a poets way of telling us the truth about our selves. He looked deeply into the heart of things. Even in a childs toy lost in the street, he could see some story with the light of gold

7、 in it. All of us laugh at the humor of The Emperors New Cloths, but we remember the story every time men pretend to be something that they are not.安徒生的童话以诗人的方式向我们展示人类自己的真实面貌。他深入探索事物的本质。即使是丢在马路上的小孩子玩具,他也能从中发现具有金子般闪光的故事素材。皇帝产新装里的滑稽场面使我们哈哈大笑,但是每当我们看到有人煞有介事地装模作样时,我们自然想起了这个故事。7 Although he was now famou

8、s, he was more kind-hearted that ever. One day on the street he met a man who had once treated him badly. The old and unhappy man said that he was sorry for what he had done. Andersen forgave the man and comforted him. The prince who had told Andersen to learn a useful trade was now the King. He inv

9、ited the writer to his palace and told him that he might ask for any favor. Andersen replied simply,” But I dont need anything at all.”虽然他现在已经成名,但是他的心地更加善良了。有一天在街上,他碰到了一个曾经对他很坏的人。这位不幸的老人说他对以前所做的一切感到对不起。安徒生原谅并安慰了他。他们曾劝安徒生去学一门有用的手艺的王子现在已成为了国王。他邀请这位作家到。的宫中,告诉他可以提出任何要求。安徒生简短地答道:“但是我根本不需要什么。”8 He was alr

10、eady loved all over the world. The awkward figure and kind ugly face had become so famous that his friends, the children, recognized him wherever he was. His books were translated into many different languages and read all over the world. He was received at the royal courts of Europe and admired by

11、many kings.他已经受到全世界的爱戴。他那笨拙的体形,那张慈祥,但是难看的脸已经闻名遐迩,不管他在哪里,他的孩子们一下子就能把他认出来。他的书被译成许多种不同语言,在世界广泛传阅。他受到欧洲各宫延的款待,得到许多君王的青睐。9 The greatest writers of the day, form dickens to Victor Hugo, looked upon him as one of themselves. Among them, he at last learned happily that “it doesnt matter if you are born in a

12、 duck-yard, as long as you come from a swans egg”与安徒生同时代最伟大的作家,从狄更斯到雨果,都把他看成他们中的一员。在他们当中,他欣慰的得知:“出生在鸭圈中并不重在,只要你是一只天鹅孵出的蛋。10 Happiest of all was the day he returned to the “duck-yard,” nearly 50 years after he had left it. All Odense took part in the great celebration for the shoemakers son who was n

13、ow the prince of fairy tales. A great dinner was held in his honor. That night, hundreds of people came to his window and celled to him. What was then in his full heart that gentle heart that had been lonely for so long-was best expressed in his own words:” To God and man, my thanks, my love.”他一生中最高

14、兴的一天是在离别后50年回到“鸭圈”的那一天。所有的欧登塞人都参加了为这个现在已经成为童话王子的鞋匠的儿子而举办的盛大庆祝会。以他的名义举办了盛大的宴会。那天晚上,成百上千的人来到他的窗前,呼唤他的名字。“感谢上帝,感谢大家。我的爱献给上帝,献给大家。”他的这句话最准确地表达了此刻他内心联翩的激情,这种激情是发自他长时间得不到理解的那颗善良的心。word list(单词表)attic n.阁楼,顶楼 view n.(从特定处看到的)景色 fund n.资金,现款vividly adv.生动地march v. 行进,行军 gallop v.(指马等或骑者)飞奔,奔驰papercut n.剪纸 p

15、ublish v.出版(书籍、期刊等)humor,humor n.(美/英)幽默deeply adv.深刻地heart n.实质,感情emperor n.皇帝kind-hearted adj.好心的,仁慈的unhappy adj.不幸福的,不愉快的happily adv. 幸福地,愉快地comfort v.安慰(某人)awkward adj.(动作或形态)难看的;笨拙的figure n.形态,体形court n.宫廷 day n.时代duck-yard n.鸭圈 swan n.天鹅 celebration n.庆祝 prince n.(某领域中的)优秀或杰出人物full adj.丰富的prop

16、er names(专有名词)jonas collin乔纳斯科林(人名)europe欧洲 dickens(人名) victor hugo维克托雨果(人名) useful expressions(常用短语)have a good view of清楚看到 make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 send sb. to school供某人上学 be full of充满 laugh at嘲笑 feel/be at ease with sb.与某人相处感到轻松惬意 ask for sth.请求或要求某物 translateinto把翻译成at last最后,终于 in turn轮流,依次

17、the president shook hands in turn with the people greeting e out出版 when will this book come out ?sothat如此以至于 she is so fat that she cant move easily. look upon as把看做I looked upon you as a close friend.John is looked upon as the best basketball player in his in sb.s /sth.s honour;be in honou

18、r of sb./sth. 向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪 念A party will be held in honour of the visiting president.Verb Pattern 3(动词句型)主语+系动词+表语(副词/介词短语)At last we were/got home.The birthday party will be at nine.The children are in the garden.Hans felt most at ease with children.One big fact that he could not see was right unde

19、r his nose.注意:用于这一句型的系动词主要有be,feel,get和keep.Questions on the Text(课文问题) did Andersen manage to go to school?Andersen made friends with a few kind people and one of his friends,Jonas Collin,collected funds from his friends to send Anderson to school. did he get on with the children of the six friends

20、?He got on well with them and he told them felt at ease with them and he told them stories.3.Have you read The Ugly Duckling ?What does the Hen often say to the Duckling?What did the Collin family often advice Hens to do ?What do you think of their advice Hen often tells the Duckling I tell you this

21、 for your own good. You should learn to lay eggs like me. The Collin family often advised Hans not to write any more poetry and plays and to get a government job. Their advice was very friendly and useful at that time.4.When was Andersens first book of stories published? And how was it received by c

22、hildren?Hans first book was published in 1835. Children read his stories and wanted to read more.5.According to the text how many books of fairy tales did he produce altogether?He wrote 37 books in his life.6.What kind of people does Andersen laugh at in The Emperors New Clothes?He laughted at the p

23、eople who pretended to be something that they were not. Andersen change a lot after he became famous?Give an example.No,he didnt He became even more kindhearted. He forgave the man who had treated him badly. He also comforted the man.8.Give a few examples to show that he was word famous?His books we

24、re translated into many diffenrent language. Children recognized him wherever he was. Dickens and Victor Hugo thought he was a great writer.9.Explain in your own words the meaning ofit doesnt matter if you are born in a duck-yard as long as you come from a swans egg.No matter what family you are bor

25、n into, so long as youve got ability and do your best you will succeed.(or: If youre a piece of gold, youll sooner or later shine in public.)10.How was Andersen,the writer?What do you thank of Andersen,the man?The people there enthusiastically welcome him. They had a big celebration and gave a great

26、 dinner in his honour. At night,hundreds of people went to his window and called to him.11.What do you think of Andersen, the writer? What do you think of Andersen, the man?As a witer, Andersen was a genius. He had great ability to write stories and he worked very hard at it . He never gave up writi

27、ng. As a man, he was very kind and forgiving. He loved books and children. do you think made Andersen a great writer?His interest, his strong will, kind peoples help and childrens encouragement made him a great writer.Written Work(笔头作业)Translate the following passage into English.将下列短文译成英语。安徒生将自己的经历

28、编成童话,把这些童话讲给朋友的孩子们听。由于他有讲故事的天才,故事讲的又非常生动,孩子们很喜欢他的故事。他的第本故事集出版后,受到孩子和家长喜爱,取得了极大的左转。这些故事充满了日常生活的真谛。然后是第本童话集的出版,接着第本。他一共出版了37本。这时,汉斯.安徒生已被公认为童话王子,而且是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。Andersen truned many of his own experience into fairy tales and told the tales to the children of his all liked his stories because Hans had a genius for telling stories and told them vividly. After his first book of fairy tales was published ,it was liked by children and their parents and was very tales were full of everyday truths. Then his second book of fairy tales came out ,Another followed. He published 37 in Hans Ander

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