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1、Ahave Bhad Care having Dwere having11 Shh, dont make noise! Mrs. Smith _ the latest news in the studio. Im sorry about that.Apresents Bpresented Chas presented Dis presenting12Now ABC Cinema on Forest Road _ the old film called Roman Holiday.Ais show Bis showing Cis showed Dis on13Candy, could you p

2、lease help me do the dishes?Sorry, Mom. I _ my homework.Ado Bdid Cam doing Dhave done14Excuse me. I really need to go now. My children _for me at school.Aare waiting Bwaits Cwait Dwaited15Youd better not disturb Kathy now as she _ her speech for tomorrows meeting.Ais preparing Bwill prepare Cwas pre

3、paring Dhas prepared16May I use your computer?Sorry, I _ on it.Awork Bworked Chave worked Dam working17 Hurry up, Mary. The movie has already been on for ten minutes. Wait a moment. I _ some snacks in a shop.Abuy Bbought Cam buying Dhave bought18Tom, wheres dad?Oh, he _ the flowers in the garden.Awa

4、ters Bis watering Cwatered Dhas watered19You look absent-minded. _you _someone?Yes. An old friend of mine is coming. We havent seen each other for a long time.ADo; expect BAre; expecting CWere; expecting DDid; expect20 Tom, where is your little sister? She _ in the backyard now.Ais playing Bwill pla

5、y Cplayed Dplays21 Tina, the TV show has already been on. Come and watch together. Wait a moment. I _ coffee in the kitchen.Aam making Bhave made Cmake Dmade22Youd better not go this way. The workers _ the road. Ahave repaired Bare repairing Crepaired Dwill repair23 Hi, Tom. I cant find David anywhe

6、re. Do you know where he is?Oh, he _ for tomorrows exam at home.Aprepares Bis preparing Chas prepared Dprepared24My father _ Beijing next week.Aleaves for Bis leaving for Cleft Dleaves25Where is your mother, Kitty?She _ dinner in the kitchen.Acooks Bcooked Cis cooking Dwill cook26How do you find you

7、r company?A little worried. We _ ground as a leader in the field of IT with the others speeding up development.Aare losing Bwere losing Clost Dhave lost27I cant hear you. I _ to an English speech.Aam listening Blisten Cwas listening28I _ a book report now. Can I talk to you later?No problem.Awrite B

8、wrote Cam writing Dwas writing29Where is your father, David?He _ the car in the garden.Awill wash Bwashed Cis washing Dwas washing30Dont make any noise, Jim! Your little sister _ now.Asleeps Bslept Cis sleeping Dwill sleep31Joe, answer the phone for me. I _ how to make dumplings in the kitchen.Alear

9、ned Bam learning Chave learned Dlearn32 Dad, I cant work out this math problem. Can you give me a hand? Wait a moment. I _ on the phone.Aam talking Bwill talk Cwas talking Dhave talked33 Tom, whats your sister doing? She _ her homework in the study.Adoes Bwill do Cdid Dis doing34 Where is Tom? Look!

10、 He _with the teacher over there.Atalk Btalks Ctalked Dis talking35 Amy, can you answer the door? I _ the room. Im coming, Mum.Aclean Bcleaned Cam cleaning Dhave cleaned36Sorry, you cant take the eraser away, Tony. I _ it.Ahave used Bused Cwas using Dam using37 Ruby, can you help do the dishes? Just

11、 a moment, Mom. I _ the flowers.Awater Bam watering Cwatered Dhave watered38Mum _ fish in the kitchen. It smells so good.Acooks Bis cooking Cwas cooking Dwill cook39Maggie, could you help pick up the phone? It _.OK, Mum.Arings Brang Cwill ring Dis ringing40Be quiet. Your brother _ classes online.Aha

12、s Bis having Cwill have Dhad【参考答案】1A【详解】句意:奶奶正在做晚饭。我们去帮助她吧。考查动词时态。根据“Lets go and help her”可知,此处指让我们去帮助正在做晚饭的奶奶,故为现在进行时,其结构为am/is/a解析:A根据“Lets go and help her”可知,此处指让我们去帮助正在做晚饭的奶奶,故为现在进行时,其结构为am/is/are doing。故选A。2B妈妈在哪里?她正在厨房做饭。cooks烹饪,一般现在时;is cooking烹饪,现在进行时;will cook烹饪,一般将来时;cooked烹饪,一般过Bcooked烹饪,

13、一般过去时。根据句意问句询问妈妈现在在哪里,可知是现在进行时,表示妈妈正在做饭。故选B。3C去看电影怎么样?有部叫嗨,妈妈的新电影。现在不行,我在帮我弟弟托尼学英语。根据前句“Not now”语境可知,后句的动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成C根据前句“Not now”语境可知,后句的动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式为be doing;主语“I”是第一人称单数形式,故助动词应用am;help的现在分词是helping。故选C。4C动物园管理员很担心,因为游客数量越来越少。考查动词时态和the number of的用法。根据前句“The zoo keeper is worried”的语境可

14、知,后句动作应是根据前句“The zoo keeper is worried”的语境可知,后句动作应是正在进行,故时态应用现在进行时,构成形式为:be doing,故排除A、D项;the number of,表示“的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,故排除B项。5C听!鸟儿在窗外的树上快乐地歌唱。考查现在进行时。句中“Listen”是现在进行时态的标志词,其结构为am/is/are+动词现在分词,主语“The birds”是复数,be动词句中“Listen”是现在进行时态的标志词,其结构为am/is/are+动词现在分词,主语“The birds”是复数,be动词用are,故选C。6C我现

15、在必须离开了,我哥哥正在外面等我。考查现在进行时的用法。根据“I must leave now.”可知,我哥哥现在正在外面等我,时态是现在进行时,结构:am/is/are+am/is/are+动词ing,主语My brother是第三人称单数,故be动词用is。7B你好,我可以和吉姆讲话吗?对不起,他正在开一个重要的会。根据“now”可知要用现在进行时,其结构为be doing。主语he后接be动词is。8B噪音来自那群男孩。他们正在开派对。根据前句“The noise comes from the boys.”语境可推知,后句中动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式根据前句“The nois

16、e comes from the boys.”语境可推知,后句中动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式为be doing;主语“They”是复数形式,be用are;have的现在分词是having。故填B。9D贝蒂不能和我们一起玩纸牌游戏。她正在打扫教室。根据句意可知,贝蒂不能加入我们是因为她正在打扫教室,强调此时此刻正在做什么,用现在进行时(am/is/are doiD根据句意可知,贝蒂不能加入我们是因为她正在打扫教室,强调此时此刻正在做什么,用现在进行时(am/is/are doing)。故选D。10C请保持安静。他们现在正在开会。考查动词时态辨析。now现在,是现在进行时的标志,需用be

17、 doing结构;主语students复数人称,be动词用are,故选C。11D嘘,别出声!史密斯太太正在演播室里播报最新消息。 对此我很抱歉。presents动词第三人称单数形式;presented表一般过去时;has prehas presented表现在完成时;is presenting表现在进行时。根据上文“dont make noise”可知,不让出声是因为史密斯太太正在播报最新消息,应用现在进行时,故选D。12B现在,位于森林路的ABC电影院正在放映老电影罗马假日。根据句中“Now”及句意可知,句中动作表示正在进行,表达“正在播放”应该用现在进行时,其构成是am/is根据句中“No

18、w”及句意可知,句中动作表示正在进行,表达“正在播放”应该用现在进行时,其构成是am/is/are doing。13CCandy,你能帮我洗碗吗?对不起,妈妈。我在做作业。根据语境可知,此时不能帮妈妈洗碗,是因为正在做作业,应用现在进行时,构成形式为:be doing。故14A请原谅我。我真得要走了。我的孩子们在学校等我。由“I really need to go now. My childrenfor me at school”可知由“I really need to go now. My childrenfor me at school”可知,因为孩子们正在学校等我,所以我真得要走,故本句

19、为现在进行时态。15A你最好现在不要打扰凯西,因为她正在为明天的会议准备演讲。考查时态。prepare准备;is preparing现在进行时;will prepare一般将来时;was prepawas preparing过去进行时;has prepared现在完成时;根据时间状语“now”可知,句子时态采用现在进行时。16D我可以用你的电脑吗?对不起,我正在用它工作。根据答语“Sorry, I on it.”的语境可推断出,动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式为be do根据答语“Sorry, I on it.”的语境可推断出,动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式为be doing;主

20、语“I”是第一人称单数形式,be用am,work的现在分词是working。17C快点,玛丽,电影已经开始十分钟了。等一下。我在商店里买一些零食。buy一般现在时;bought一般过去时;am buying现在进行时;have boughave bought现在完成时。根据语境及wait a moment可知,玛丽在电影开始时正在商店买零食,故此处应为现在进行时。18B汤姆,爸爸在哪儿? 喔,他正在花园里的浇花。考查动词的时态。waters一般现在时;is watering现在进行时;watered一般过去时;has watered现has watered现在完成时。根据问句“Tom, where”可知,答语“他在浇花”应是现在进行时。19B你看起来心不在焉。你在等别人吗?是的。我的一个老朋友要来了。我们很久没见面了。考查句子的时态。A是一般现在时;B是现在进行时;C是过去进行时;D是一般过去时。根据上文“根据上文“You look absent-minded.”可知是询问现在做的事情,此句时态是现在进行时。根据“An old friend of mine is coming.”可知此人正在等某人。20A汤姆,你的小妹妹在哪里?她现在正在后院玩。根据问句“where is your little sister”及后面的now可知,此处强调动作正在进行,应该用现

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