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1、The pattern of Chinas foreign trade has changed substantially since the founding of the Peoples Republic. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment requ

2、ired for the countrys industrialisation programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry. The Great Leap Forward of 1958-1959 initially produced gains in agricultural and industrial production, but subsequently resulted in serious economic imbalances. Economic problems were exace

3、rbated by three bad harvests (1959-1961) with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade对外贸易额 contracted during 1960-1962.自从中华人民共和国成立以来,中国对外贸易的模式发生了巨大的变化。20世纪50年代,中国向苏联和东欧国家出口农产品换取制造品和资本设备,用于侧重于重工业发展所必须的工业化项目。19581959年的“大跃进”最初在工农业生产上带来收益,但随后又导致了严重的经济平衡。三年自然灾害(1959-1961)加剧了经济问题,造

4、成1960-1962年间的国民收入和对外贸易额的减少。The withdrawal of Soviet economic and technical aid in the early-1960s caused trade to shift away from转移 the USSR and its Comecon partners(Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) towards Japan and Western Europe. A consistent theme of Chinas foreign trade policies has been

5、 the strong emphasis which has been placed on developing trade relations with the Third World countries.20世纪60年代,苏联经济和技术援助撤走,导致了中国与苏联及经互会成员国的贸易转向于日本和西欧国家的贸易。中国对外贸易政策的一贯宗旨是重视与第三世界国家发展贸易关系。The growth of foreign trade was disrupted扰乱 again during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) when agricultural an

6、d industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints限制 became more serious.“文化大革命”期间(1966-1976)工农业生产一落千丈,交通运输限制更加严重,中国对外贸易的增长再次中断。Foreign trade, which has a major role in the Four Modernizations programme, has grown rapidly over the past few years. A major trade agreement with Japan,

7、under which China exports coal and oil in return for industrial equipment and technology was signed in February 1978 .China also signed a long-term trade agreement with the EEC欧共体(European Economic Community) in 1978 while trade with the USA has increased rapidly in the wake of 继什么之后the normalizatio

8、n of diplomatic relations at the beginning of 1979. The Sino-USA agreement on trade relations, which came into force施行in February 1980, accords授予 China most-favoured nation treatment.最惠国待遇在实现四个现代化中起着很大作用的对外贸易在近几年发展很快。1978年2月于日本签订了一个主要贸易协定,根据这个协定,中国向日本出口煤和石油换取工业设备和技术。1978年中国也与欧共体签订了长期贸易协定,继1979年初与美国的

9、外交关系正常化以后,中美贸易发展迅速。美国遵照1980年1月25日生效的中美贸易关系协定给与中国最惠国待遇。Breakdown分类A commodity breakdown of Chinas trade shows that fuels 燃料accounted for 24 per cent of total exports in 1982, food products for 13 per cent, textile fibres and mineral ores for 7 per cent and manufactured goods (the most important produ

10、cts were textiles, chemicals and machinery and transport equipment) for 55 per cent. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic, strong emphasis has been placed on importing capital equipment in order to strengthen the industrial sector. But the leading categories of imports in 1982 were food, which

11、 accounted for 22 per cent of the total, light manufactured items with a share of 20 per cent and machinery and transport equipment with 17 per cent. 中国的贸易商品分类表明,1982年燃料占总出口的24%,食品占13%,纺织纤维和矿砂占7%,制造品占55%(最重要的产品是纺织品、化工产品、机械及运输设备)。自从新中国建立以来,中国一直重视进口资本设备以便加强工业部门。但是1982年进口的主要是食品,占进口总额的22%,轻工业产品占20%,机械和运

12、输设备占17%。During the past few years a major objective of the Chinese authorities权威、权力 has been to reduce减少 the proportion比例 of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products.A wide variety多样性 of industrial goods are now exported and Chinese capital equipment has been us

13、ed by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communications. 过去几年,中国当局的主要贸易目标一直是减少农产品出口的比例,增加工业和矿产品的出口比例。中国现在出口种类繁多的工业品,许多发展中国家采用中国的资本设备,用于农业、林业、轻工业、食品加工业、水保护、交通和通信领域中的建设项目。T

14、he Balance Shifts 收支平衡变化The US dollar value of Chinese exports increased at an average rate of almost 18 per cent per annum between 1978 and 1983, while imports increased by approximately 大约11 per cent per annum. As a result, the visible trade surplus有形贸易顺差rose sharply from US $ 1.4 billion in 1981

15、to US $ 4.4 billion in 1982 and US $ 3.7 billion in 1983. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the strong emphasis placed on exporting by Chinas economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official官方 recognition承

16、认 that foreign technology could play a major role in modernising the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain on the national economy. Grain imports have fallen sharply over the past few years - China became a net grain exporter in 1984 - and i

17、n 1983 the country started to export soyabeans and cotton. 1978-1983年建,中国出口额按美元计算,平均每年增长率近18%,每年进口额增长率约是11%。因此有形贸易顺差从1981年的14亿美元猛增到1982年的44亿美元,1983年是37美元。同期的出口比进口增长快得多,这不仅是因为中国的经济决策者十分重视出口,还因为许多工业项目推迟到了1979年。官方认识到,在中国经济走向现代化的过程中外国技术起着主要作用,这种认识导致1978年进口增长50%以上,给国民经济造成了不应有的重负。在过去几年粮食进口急剧减少1984年中国成为粮食净

18、出口国-1983年中国开始出口大豆和棉花。(所谓贸易顺差是指在特定年度一国出口贸易总额大于进口贸易总额,又称 “ 出超 ”。)The pattern of foreign trade growth was reversed in 1984: the value of exports increased by 10 per cent, but imports jumped 38 per cent with the result that the visible trade account was in deficit by US $ 1.1 billion.The strong increase

19、 in imports last year is attributed to归因于 buoyant上升的 economic activity as well as to the success of the Governments trade and foreign investment policies.1984年外贸发展模式出现反向发展,出口值增长10%,进口值急剧上升到38%,结果有形贸易支出出现逆差,达11亿美元。去年进口的大幅度上升归因于政府的贸易政策和对外贸易政策的成功以及区域升温的经济活动。Direction of Trade 贸易方向Hong Kong is Chinas ma

20、jor export market accounting for approximately 26 per cent of total exports in 1983 (though much is re-exported to other destinations from there).Other important markets include Japan, with a share of 20 per cent in 1983, and the USA with approximately 8 per cent.The EECs share of Chinas exports has

21、 generally been around 11-12 per cent over the past few years (the leading export markets within the European Community are Germany and the United Kingdom), while the proportion比例 destined指定 for the Comecon countries declined from almost 15 per cent in 1978 to 6 per cent in 1983.The non-oil developi

22、ng countries (excluding Hong Kong) accounted for 23 per cent of Chinas total exports in 1983. 香港是中国的主要出口市场,1983年约占总出口的26%(尽管许多出口商品从那里再出口到其他地方)。其他重要的出口市场包括日本,1983年占20%;还有美国,占总出口近8%。过去几年欧共体占中国出口额大约11-12%(欧共体内主要的出口市场是德国和英国),出口到经互会国家的比例从1978年的约15%下降到6%。1983年非石油国家(不包括香港)占中国出口总额的23%。In sharp contrast鲜明对比t

23、he developing countries provided less than 15 per cent of Chinas imports in 1983.The most important suppliers among the industrial countries were Japan, with a share of 26 per cent, and the USA with 13 per cent.The EECs share in 1983 was 15 per cent and that of Comecon 8.2 per cent.1983年发展中国家给中国提供的进

24、口不到15%,与发达国家形成鲜明对比。工业国家中对中国来说最大的供应国是日本,占26%;其次是美国,占13%。1983年欧共体国家占15%,经互会国家占8.2%。The successful outcome to negotiations谈判 between Britain and China about the future of Hong Kong will strengthen加强 Sino-British relations and is expected to boost推动 trade between the two countries.A large British econom

25、ic and trade delegation代表团, headed by Lord Young, Minister without Portfolio不管部大臣, visited China in March.The value of Chinese exports to Britain, which rose rapidly between 1977 and 1980, declined in 1981-1982, but recovered strongly in 1983; imports from the United Kingdom followed a similar patte

26、rn相似的样式.The most important Chinese exports to Britain in 1983 were clothing, textile fibres, tea and food products while the leading British exports included iron and steel, machinery and transport equipment, scientific instruments, chemicals and textile fibres.中英关于香港未来谈判的成功将会加强中英关系并有望促进两国贸易。有不管部大臣杨

27、勋爵率领的一个大型英国经济和贸易代表团3月份访问了中国。中国出口到英国的总值在1977-1980期间迅速增长。1981-1982年间下滑,但1983年恢复很快;从英国的进口基本上也是一样。1983年中国出口到英国的最重要的物品是服装、纺织纤维、茶叶和食品;英国的主要出口商品包括钢铁、机械及运输设备、科学仪器、化工产品和纺织纤维。Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry国内的工业, but the need is for technology of

28、 varying不同的degrees of sophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West.中国政府重视向国内的工业引进先进的的技术,但是需要的是各种各样的高精尖技术,而不一定是西方人所理解的先进技术。Reserves Rise 储备增加There are no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance of payments收支平衡, but the size o

29、f the visible trade surplus(过剩的) during 1981-1983 and a pronounced显著的 increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current account经常项目has been in surplus over the past few years. 关于国际收支的无形贸易收支目前还没有官方统计资料,但是1981-1983年间的有形贸易顺差规模以及公布的旅游收益增加表明,在过去几年中经常项目一直是顺差。Foreign exchange reserves have risen r

30、apidly from approximately US $ 2.5 billion at end 1980 to US $ 17.0 billion sufficient充分的, 足够的 for approximately eight months imports) by October 1984. Approximately US 12 billion of the countrys reserves are held by the central bank, the Peoples Bank of China, while the balance is controlled by the

31、 Bank of China which specialises in foreign exchange business. Individual cities must try to balance their foreign exchange earnings and requirements, but there is some scope余地,机会 for purchasing购买 additional foreign exchange with Renminbi yuan.The authorities权力部门 are willing to permit a run-down in

32、the countrys international reserves over the next few years as a means of accelerating the introduction of foreign technology. 外汇储备从1980年底的近25亿美元迅速上升到1984年10月的170亿美元(足以用于近8个月的进口)。约120亿美元的外汇储备由中央银行及中国银行拥有,剩余部分由专门从事外汇业务的的中国银行控制。各个城市必须平衡各自的外汇盈余和所需,但是允许用人民币购买额外的外汇。政府愿意在未来的几年中允许减少国家的国际储备,作为加速引进外国技术的一种途径。China has shown a much more flexible

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