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1、- I gotcha, I gotcha. - Go around. Go back.他要撞毁他Hes gonna crush him.不是吧Come on!你不能这么干You cant do that!你得利用好你周围的环境Youve got to use whats around you.不不不 我已经在行星带那里逼住你了No, no, no. I had you all the way through the belt!你算错了小行星逼近你时You miscalculated your trajectory你自己的运动轨道relative to the incoming asteroid

2、.别给我说教 维京Dont lecture me, Wiggin!你作弊You cheated!游戏挺不错的It was a good game.谢了Thanks.再来一局Play again.抱歉Sorry.-要不明天吧 -看到了吗- Tomorrow maybe? - You see?他在制定策略上很有天赋s got a talent for strategy.他的谦虚可能是装出来的His humility could be false.避免与一个妄自尊大的人为敌Part of a strategy to avoid antagonizing an ego-driven opponent.

3、这么说来他就更聪明了Which makes him even smarter.他也许是天才He may be a genius,但我们需要其他人愿意追随的人 一名领袖but we need someone the others will follow. A leader.他单枪匹马可没法获胜He cant win on his own.那就看看他要怎么面对同龄人的排斥Well, lets see how he handles rejection.安德鲁维京Andrew Wiggin.安德Andrew Ender Wiggin,请去医务室报道please report to the infirm

4、ary.维京 请去医务室Ender Wiggin, to the infirmary.-你好 安德 -你好- Hello, Ender. - Hello.今天我们得把监控器取出来That nasty monitor is coming out today.请面朝下躺下Please. Lie face down.我被踢出项目了吗Am I off the program?我做错了什么吗Did I do something wrong?我对此无可奉告s not really for me to say.躺下Lie down.早些结束这边 你就能早些为以后做打算The sooner we get th

5、is done, the sooner you can move on.准备好了吗Ready?会很痛的This wont hurt a bit.立正A-ten-hut!前进Forward march!你想去哪儿 维京Where do you think youre going, Wiggin?被踢出项目了吧Washed out, huh?过来-把他弄进去 -你想要.- Get him in there! - Youre expecting.快来啊 骗子Come on, cheat.一对一 这次来真的One on one, for real this time.不玩游戏了No game.他现在没

6、有监控器了s got no monitor now.没错s right.没人看着你了 维京Theres no one watching you now, Wiggin.一对一吗One on one?那为什么你的小弟们架着我Then why are your boys holding me?-来吧 -来就来- Lets go. - Come on, man.给我躺着Stay down.我要杀了你 骗子m gonna kill you, cheat.该死Goddamn.别打了 安德Take it easy, Ender!你们可能想联合起来对付我You might be thinking of ga

7、nging up on me.但记好了 我是怎么对付想要伤害我的人的Butjust remember what I do to people who try to hurt me.他说我作弊He said I was cheating.说我因此才被踢出项目Said that was why I was off the program,-我一直踢他 -这无关紧要-and I kept on kicking him. -It doesnt matter.他倒下了我都没有停Even after he was down.他再也不会欺负你了ll never bully you again.我满脑子都在想

8、All I could think was,彼得会怎么做What would Peter do?我和他一个样 华尔m just like him, Val.不 你一点也不像他 安德No. No, you are nothing like him, Ender.不像谁Nothing like who?你不是有比赛吗I thought you had a game.下雨了Rained out.-他在哭什么 -我没哭- Whats he crying about? - Im not crying.我的监控器被取走了My monitors gone.现在我和你一样了Now Im just like y

9、ou.爸妈花了那么多钱才生下第三个孩子You mean that Mom and Dad spent all that money on a third,而他现在也被踢出了项目吗and now hes off the program too?别说了 彼得 他比我们俩坚持得都要久Stop it, Peter. He made it farther than either of us.退学生Hey, dropout.还记得怎么玩虫族和宇航员吗Remember how to play Formics and Astronauts?够了 妈妈呢s it! Wheres Mom?不 别去No,dont-

10、我跟你玩 -戴上面具- Ill play. - Put the mask on.你来当虫子You can be the bug.彼得 你疯了Peter! Youre insane!-别管我们 华伦蒂 -不 停下- Stay out of this, Valentine! - No! Stop it!好了 虫子 你先来 你先攻击All right, bug, you started it, you attack first.彼得 让我进去 Let me in!来啊来啊 反击啊Come on, fight back!终于抓到了个活的At last we got one of you alive!彼

11、得 住手我可以杀了你 就像这样You know, I could kill you, just like this.彼得 求你了Peter. Please.他们选中的应该是我I should have been chosen.据外太空情报Deep space intel shows us敌方飞船已展开部署that the number of enemy ships already deployed其数量是上次袭击的10倍is 10 times those we faced during the first invasion.虫族在重组并强化他们的舰队The Formics are rebuil

12、ding and strengthening their fleet.我们要么胜利 要么死亡We must conquer or die.拜托关掉电视 约翰Turn it off, please, John.为什么 你不想知道世界时事吗Why?d rather not know whats going on in the world?我们绝不能再次面对We must never again bear witness虫族首次入侵地球时to the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent people,那样的亿万人♥大&屠&杀&as we

13、did during the Formic invasion.我宁可你和你儿子谈谈d rather you talk to your son.要想生存下去Our survival demands total commitment就必须全面剿灭敌人to the destruction of the enemy.如果你想的话 我会离开If you want, Ill go away,这样你就不用因我而丢脸了so you dont have to be embarrassed.安德 没有人丢脸Ender, no one is embarrassed.我是第三个孩子 我本就不应该出生m a third

14、. I should never have been born.不 我们想生下你的 安德No. We wanted you, Ender.我们只是需要许可We just needed permission.约翰 说句话啊John, please say something.那个项目非常困难 安德Its a tough program, Ender.他们带我来到这个国家时When they brought me to this country,竞争还没现在激烈 我都没能通过there was less competition. And still, I didnt make it.你没什么好羞愧

15、的You have nothing to be ashamed of.没必要Nothing.传感器报&警&Sensor alert.前门 请告知您的姓名Front door. Please state your name.希伦格拉夫上校Colonel Hyrum Graff,国际舰队 训练部主管Director of Training, International Fleet.这是我的同事 安德森少校This is my colleague, Major Anderson.我们能进来吗May We?你为什么一直踢他Whyd you keep kicking him?你已经赢了d already

16、 won the fight.-你觉得乐在其中吗 -没有- Did you enjoy it? - No.那为什么 告诉我 孩子Then why? Speak up, son.打倒他只是第一场战斗Knocking him down was the first fight.我想赢得接下来的所有战斗I wanted to win all the next ones too.这样他们就再也不会烦我了So theyd leave me alone.安德 你应该向大人求助Ender, you should have asked a grownup for help.胡说 他能打赢他自己的战斗Nonsen

17、se. He can fight his own battles.上校 很显然他被欺负了Colonel, he was obviously being bullied-他只是在正当防卫 -孩子-and he defended himself. - Son.我想在我们的项目中给你一席之地d like to offer you a place in our program.可是你们取走了我的监控器But you took away my monitor.评估的最后一步The final step in our evaluation都是要看看监控器取走后你们的反应is always to see w

18、hat happens when the monitors removed.那他通过了吗And he passed?他把一个孩子打进了医院He put a child in the hospital.关键不在于他干了什么s not what he did.而在于他的动机 这是战术s why he did it. It was tactical.一个能避免未来冲突的策略A strategy to stop future attacks.安德 你可以不接受Ender, you dont have to do this.我要单独和安德谈谈Ender and I should have a priva

19、te conversation.-绝对不行 -恕我直言 先生- Absolutely not! - With all respect, sir,你没法阻止我you really cant stop me.上次虫族差点The Formics might have wiped us out让我们灭绝the last time, you know.拯救我们的是一名伟大的指挥官A brilliant commander is the only thing that saved us.马泽雷汉Mazer Rackham.我们需要你这样的头脑 安德We need minds like yours, End

20、er.小孩子比成人更善于整合复杂的信息Young people integrate complex data more easily than adults.监控器还会装回来吗Will the monitor be reinstalled?不会No.你毕业了re graduating.你将进入作战学院To Battle School.保留个人隐私权Privacy rights restored.如果有一丝可能 你能够If there is a chance that, because of you,让虫族再也不来袭击我们the Formics might leave us alone fore

21、ver,那我必须请你跟我走then I have to ask you to come with me.这也是我出生的意义 对吗s what I was born for, right?华伦蒂太善良了Valentine was too compassionate没法去作战学院for Battle School.我哥哥彼得被逐出项目My brother Peter washed out因为他太残暴because he was too quick to violence.格拉夫上校说如果我要成功Colonel Graff said I need to find a balance就得找到这些感情中

22、的平衡点between those emotions if I were to succeed.和他们坐一起Join the others.去吧Go on.-你迟到了 -非我所愿- Youre late. - Out of my control.我是安德m Ender.安德终结者Ender?这是什么名字啊What kind of name is that?你叫什么Whats your name?小豆子Names Bean.Bean?在街上长大 连个豆子都不如Grew up on the streets. Not worth a bean.五秒倒数T-minus five seconds and

23、 counting.四 三 二 一Four, three, two, one.我的天Oh, my gosh!我想.m gonna be.袋子 给他袋子A bag! Give him the bag!Are you serious, man?扎紧袋子Close the bag!你没事吧You all right?你在干什么 维京What are you doin, Wiggin?没什么 长官Nothing, sir.有什么好笑的吗Something funny?我在问你 新兵I asked you a question, Launchie!长官 你漂浮的姿势Sir, the way youre

24、floating.是水平的 我觉得很好笑Horizontal. I thought that was funny.是吗 为什么Really? Why?因为在零重力条件下 没有上下之分Because in zero gravity, there is no right side up.您可以认为自己是垂直的而我们是水平的You may think youre vertical and we may be horizontal.这好笑吗Is that funny?不好笑 长官Sir, no, sir!不 很好笑Yes, it is.阿莱 你明白他说的吗Alai, do you know what

25、hes talkin about?-明白 长官 -不 你不明白- Yes, sir. - No, you dont.目前为止 这艘火箭中s only one kid on this launch只有一个孩子有点脑子with any brains at all so far.那就是安德And thats Ender Wiggin.所有新生All new arrivals跟随黄色指示灯去你们的宿舍follow the yellow lights to your accommodations.黄色指示灯The yellow lights.长官 你让他们讨厌我Sir, you made them hate me.我告诉他们你是最棒的I told them you were the best.我们需要一个凯撒大帝We need a Julius Caesar,-一个拿破仑 -我们希望那是你-a Napoleon. - We hope that will be you.凯撒被他的亲信暗&了Caesar was assassinated by the people he trusted.而拿破仑最后也失败了And Napoleon lost in the

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