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1、B. bringC. buyD. make6. A. sellB. feedD. catch7. A. olderB. busierC. youngerD. happier8. A. changeB. useC. takeD. wash9. A. subjectB. wayC. problemD. lesson10. A. whatB. whyC. howD. when2完形填空 As we all know that terrible day on September 11, 2001. I look back on 1 I was doing during those moments. A

2、nd I 2 , very clearly(清楚地), that I was in my 3 driving to work. When the first plane hit(撞击)the World Trade Center, I was 4 the radio, and the news came on. The 5 thing that came to my mind was it was just a(n) 6 . As I got to the office, I 7 the TV. And when we were talking, the second airplane hit

3、. We 8 believe it. What was 9 ? We went on watching those 10 coming from the TV. It was clear that we were under attack(袭击). What a morning! We all 11 the office; we all went to one of the workers home nearby. 12 we went on watching TV news, the president(总统)speaking the 13 pictures of the buildings

4、, and so on. Then the buildings started to 14 , one by one. We knew things were going to be very 15 from then on; I had a bad feeling about the future. 1. A. whichB. whenC. whyD. what2. A. decideB. rememberC. hopeD. imagine3. A. carB. busC. bikeD. train4. A. hearing aboutB. talking aboutC. listening

5、 toD. looking at5. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last6. A. predictionB. storyC. accidentD. murder7. A. turned offB. turned onC. got offD. got on8. A. needntB. shouldnC. couldnD. mustn9. A. happeningB. beginningC. doingD. playing10. A. gamesB. picturesC. personsD. planes11. A. visitedB. cleanedC. passe

6、dD. left12. A. AndB. SoC. TillD. If13. A. beautifulB. interestingC. expensiveD. terrible14. A. moveB. fallC. destroyD. fly15. A. safeB. excitingC. differentD. boring3完形填空 If you go into the forest with friends, 1 with them, If you dont, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do:S

7、it down and stay 2 you are. Dont try to find your friendslet them 3 you. You can 4 them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times. Stop!Then shout or whistle three times 5 . Any signals(信号)given t

8、hree times is a call 6 help. If you dont think that you will get help 7 night comes, try to make a little 8 with branches(树枝). Make 9 a bed with leaves and grass. When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Dont just walk away. Pick off small branches and dro

9、p them as you walk in order to(为了)go back again easily. When you are lost, the 10 important thing to do is to stay in one place. 1. A. speakB. talkC. liveD. stayB. whereC. asD. there3. A. findB. look forC. worryD. keep4. A. askB. helpC. tellD. wish5. A. tooB. alsoC. againD. more6. A. forB. withC. of

10、D. in7. A. atB. beforeC. untilD. after8. A. houseB. familyC. homeD. mother9. A. himselfB. itselfC. yourselfD. herself10. A. manyB. moreC. mostD. much4完形填空 We all know that the panda is the treasure (珍宝) of our country. Then how about its droppings (粪便)? They are treasure, too. How? The panda keeper

11、1 an adult panda with about 25 kilos of bamboo every day. Of that, the panda will eat about 11 kilos the most 2 parts. Because the panda cannot digest (消化) all the bamboo completely, its droppings 3 much of undigested (未消化的) bamboo. Can people make use of it? Sure, someone 4 in turning it into toile

12、t paper. In my opinion, its a great 5 , a panda keeper says. In the past, we just threw away the droppings 6 rubbish. But now workers come and take the droppings away. They use the droppings to make 7 . They also make notebooks and bookmarks. 8 , the paper doesnt sell well at the Panda Base. It is n

13、ot popular with 9 . Most of them wont buy it after they visit the Panda Base. A box of tissues (纸巾) is 43 yuan , they said. Thats quite 10 . If you see the tissues at the Panda Base, will you buy them?1. A. plantsB. agreesC. offersD. provides2. A. deliciousB. terribleC. excitedD. nervous3. A. depend

14、B. includeC. developD. explain4. A. mindsB. risksC. succeedsD. starts5. A. populationB. achievementC. objectD. protection6. A. fromB. acrossC. likeD. against7. A. sticksB. matchesC. bambooD. paper8. A. EvenC. AlthoughD. However9. A. touristsB. readersC. keepersD. kids10. A. freezingB. expensiveC. am

15、azingD. stupid5阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。 My mother told me that when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby in the world. Time passed, and I started to be a 1 and happy girl. Then, one day when I was five years old, my life 2 a lot. I had a high fever. The doctor gave me the wro

16、ng medicine 3 it brought me a lot of problems with my speech. So I couldnt speak. And the doctor told us I would 4 be able to speak well again or learn another language. However, my mom couldnt believe I lost my speech. She sent me to a lot of teachers. 5 , she found the right teacher, Nina, to help

17、 me make my dream come true. She was a very 6 person. She encouraged me and told me that I would speak again. The most amazing thing was that she taught me to read my 7 . I remember that I spent hours in front of the mirror and tried to repeat every word that I said. Imagine losing your speech and h

18、aving to learn 8 again. For me, it was like being hurt again. Yes, I was! I learned to talk and speak my mother languageSpanish. Now, I am studying English. I cant believe that I am learning another 9 . But, I am! I am crying because 10 here makes me feel happy, and it makes me 11 when I remember wh

19、at the doctor said to my mom, 12 will never be able to speak or learn another language.Ill always remember the beautiful words my mom said to me 13 I was a child and began to learn to speak again. You are fighting in a war. Trust yourself and try your 14 , and then you will get a beautiful medal for

20、 your success. You will achieve an impossible dream that people say you will never do. I believe 15 you, and you are my hero. Now when I am going to take every step in my studies and in my life, I try to think about my experience and be a thankful person.1. A. shortB. strongC. sillyD. sad2. A. chang

21、edB. improvedC. provedD. provided3. A. butB. yetC. orD. and4. A. everB. onceC. neverD. almost5. A. FirstlyB. SecondlyC. ThirdlyD. Finally6. A. niceB. tallC. oldD. rich7. A. eyeB. faceC. heartD. mouth8. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything9. A. wordB. sentenceC. languageD. subject10. A. liv

22、ingB. studyingC. cookingD. reading11. A. breatheB. flyC. smileD. shake12. A. IB. HeC. She13. A. whenC. afterD. until14. A. worstB. mostC. leastD. best15. A. atB. onC. inD. of6阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about 1 late for school. There were ma

23、ny people waiting in line at the bus stop, but most of them just stared (盯着) at their mobile phones, listening to music or going through the WeChat 2 . No one talked or laughed. 3 the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A

24、 boy 4 a bike caught my attention. He 5 beside the bus while waving his arm. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the 6 , but he 7 to stop until we reached the next stop. The bus drove fast, and the boy tried his best 8 up with it. It 9 that he was a little tired, but he still kept riding. And

25、he was carrying 10 over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, to our surprise, the boy ran up to the 11 of the bus. I heard an exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, anyone lose a suitcase at the bus stop? A woman on the bus shouted, Oh, dear! Its min

26、e. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase 13 . Everyone on the bus began talking about 14 the boy did, and the crowds of strangers suddenly became 15 to one another. Sometimes even something small can change the relationship among people a lot. What an unforgettable experience!1. A. beB. to beC. beingD. been2. A. in surpriseB. with excitementC. with happinessD. in silence3. A. BeforeB. SinceC. BecauseD. When4. A. onB. byD. under5. A. rodeB. was riddenC. was ridingD. is riding6. A. policemanB. boyC. driverD. other passengers7. A. hopedB. happenedC. refused

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