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1、听第二段对话,回答第7小题( )7. When does the plane arrive in London?A. 3: 15 a. m. B. 3:15 p. m. C. 3:45 p. m.听第三段对话,回答第8小题( )8. Where will they sit?A. In the first row. B. In the third row C. In the fifth row.听第四段对话,回答第9小题( )9. How does Toms father go to work?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By car听第五段对话,回答第10小题。( )1

2、0. What date is it today?A. October 10th B. September 10th. C. March 8th.听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题( )11. How many people are going to have a picnic?A. Five B. Four. C. Three.( )12. When are they going to meet?A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:45听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题( )13. Who does the man buy a coat for?A. his so

3、n B. his daughter. C.himself.( )14. What color does the man like?A. Black. B. Blue. C. White.( )15. What size does the man take for this coat?A. Size S. B. Size M C. Size L.C听独白。(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将最佳字母编号填写在题前括号内。独白听两遍。听第一段独白,回答第1620小题。( )16. The students are ta

4、lking about .A. spending the summer vacationB. spending the winter vacationC. spending the Christmas vacation( )17. Tony and Nick are going in the mountains.A. hiking B. camping C. bike-riding ( )18. Kelly is going to Hong Kong with her . A. friends B. sisters C. parents( )19. Ivy is staying in her

5、hometown for . A. a week B. two weeks C. three weeks( )20. wants to do something exciting.A. Mark B. John C. Sam听第二段独白,回答第2125小题。( )21. Halloween is on the in October .A. 29th B. 30th C. 31st( )22. Many children dress clothes on this special day.A. beautiful B. special C. clean( )23. Children can ge

6、t sweet and fruit from their .A.neighbours B. parents C. friends( )24. If the neighbour doesnt give any food, the children may put .on their windows.A. stones B. soap C. eggs( )25. Children like very much.A. sweets B. juice C.hamburgersD.听填信息 (共 5 分)你将听到的是三位同学的周末计划,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案写在相应题目的答题位置上。

7、短文听两遍。Weekend PlanSaturdaySundayMary Go shopping(28) homeworkEricHave lunch in a (26) restaurantHave a(29) with his familyJohn Watch a (27) match.Meet his uncle at the(30) station at 2:00 p.m一、语法填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A 31 boy in Chengdu found 0.5yuan and handed it in to the police.To the surp

8、rise of the boys family, 32 public good platform(公益平台) 33 him 10,000 yuan ($1,443) for his good practice.34 the help of a local government department(当地政府部门) and his mother, the boy spent the money 35 rice and cooking oil(食用油) for some30 street cleaners and thermos cups(保温杯) for police officers work

9、ing around the streets.The boy found the money when he played with another 36 in Music Square in the Longquanyi neighbourhood of Chengdu on October 23 and handed it in to a policeman nearby. The platform knew his good practice, and found 37 with the help of the local government. 38 October 30, peopl

10、e from the local government department helped the boy and his classmates 39 the rice and cooking oil to cleaners and thermos cups to police officers.Do not given up good things though they may be minor matters (勿以善小而不为). We 40 learn from the boy.( ) 31. A.six-years-old B. six-year-oldC. six year old

11、D. six years old ) 32. A. a C. theD. / ) 33. B.gave C.willgive D. give ) 34. A. At B. On C. With D. To ) 35. A. buys B. buyC. buying D. to buy ) 36. A.childs B. children C. child D. childrens ) 37. A. heB.hes C.his D. him) 38. A. In B. On C.AtD. To ) 39. sendB. sendingC. send D. se

12、nds ) 40. A. must B. mayC.canD.should三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)In some Western countries, many children do chores(家务) to get pocket money . They usually start to do this when they are ten years old.School students have to 41 and study for tests. They dont have much 42 time on weekdays. They often d

13、o chores at 43 .Young kids only do easy chores. So they dont get 44 money. 45 thats enough . Many of them 46 want to buy candy . And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog. When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want thing

14、s that are 47 than candy. So they have to 48 ! They often help their parents 49 the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals. Some jobs are a good way for kids to 50 new things. For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower (割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first.( )41

15、A .play games B .go home C . do homework D .get a job( )42.A .busy B .free C .happy D .easy( )43.A .Fridays B . weekdays C . weekends D .Mondays( )44.A .much B .many C .few D .little( )45.A .So B .Because C .And D .But( )46.A .ever B .never C .even D .only( )47.A .cheap B .cheaper C .more expensive

16、D .expensiver( )48.A .work out B .work harder C .study harder D .work up( )49.A .to wash B .washing C .wash D .washes( )50.A .hear B .see C .learn D .get 四、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) AIt is hard to be a farmer. Cold weather can kill your plants.Bugs (虫子) can eat your plants. Weeds (杂草) can hurt

17、 (伤害)your plants. Your plants may need more rain than they get. Fruit and vegetables can go bad before you sell them. Some people say farmers can solve all these problems with GM food (转基因食物).What is GM food? All living things have DNA. DNA tell show living things grow. These days, people can change

18、 (改变) the DNA that tells how food grows. When people change the DNA of the food, it is called GM food.Some GM food can grow in cold weather. GM food can stop bugs from eating it. GM fruit and vegetables can stay longer. One day, GM food may be able to grow in dry land in Africa. It will feed people

19、who do not have much food.But there is a lot we do not know about GM food. Will GM companies help poor people grow food? Or do GM companies just want to get rich? Does GM food kill bugs we need, like butterflies? Does GM food make birds sick? Does GM food make people sick? We do not know. There aren

20、t enough tests on GM food.Do you think farmers should grow GM food?( )51. What makes farmers feel hard according to the passage?Bugs eat plants.Weeds hurt plants.Plants are cheap to sell.Plants cant get enough rain.They are busy growing plants.A. B. C. D. ( )52. What does all living things haveA.GM

21、B.BNA C.DNA D.GMA( )53. What does Paragraph 2 mainly (主要) talk about?A. What DNA is. B. What GM food is.C. How to grow plants. D. How to change DNA.( )54. From the passage, we can know .A. GM food can kill all kinds of bugsB. GM food can grow very fastC. GM food may grow in dry land in AfricaD. GM f

22、ood may stay very short( )55. The writer writes the passage to tell peopleA. GM food is good B. GM food is not usefulC. to learn about GM food more D. to try to grow more GM foodBMany schools like to plan school trips for the students. The school teachers know that students sometimes need to learn o

23、utside the classroom. Studying and learning is more than books!Some school trips let students see more about nature(自然). The students visit zoos, mountains, forests or sometimes farms, for example. The teachers want the students not only to know about nature, but also to learn to love it and take ca

24、re of it.Other school trips are for students to learn about their city or interesting jobs. Some schools take students to visit a police station or a fire station. Other schools go to a hospital or a newspaper office. These kinds of school trips help students learn about jobs and help them to be tha

25、nkful to the people who work in their city.Students usually love school trips!They can go out of the classroom and have some fun. The teachers know that students can learn a lot when they have fun. School trips can pleaseboth teachers and students!( )56.Why do schools plan school trips?A. Because st

26、udents are tried with books.B. Because teachers are tried with teaching students in the classroom. C. Because students sometimes need to learn outside the classroom.D.Because schools know little about studying and learning.( )57.From school trips, students can to love nature B.about natu

27、 to take care of nature D.A, B and C( )58.Whats the purpose(目的) of school trips to see their city or interesting jobs?To learn more about mountains. B.To visit old people in hospitals.To help people in the office. D.To learn about jobs and be thankful.( )59.What does the underlined word “plea

28、se” mean?使.愉悦 B.请求 C.邀请 D.使.厌烦( )60.Whats the main idea of the passage?School trips can help students learn more.B.Students like to learn more about nature.School leaders know about their students.D.Students usually love school trips.C配对阅读。左栏是五位同学的个人偏好,右栏是七个学校选修课的介绍。请为每个人选择合适的选修课。( )61. Tom is a student who likes history very much. He is really interested in Chinese history. He would like to listen to those interesting old stories.( )62. Jennys hobby is drawing. She draws pictures every day. She says she likes going out and drawing some pictures o

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