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1、OA系统;数据迁移;人性化设计;人员培训Keywords: OA system; Data migration; The humanized design; Personnel training所谓OA,即办公自动化(Office Automation),是办公工作处理的自动化,它利用先进的技术,使人的各种办公业务活动逐步由各种设备、各种人机信息系统来协助完成,达到充分利用信息,提高工作效率和工作质量,提高生产率的目的。然而很多企事业单位的OA系统开发建设完成后,没有有效的措施保障系统的推行,引发使用者的抵触,或者只重视系统软硬件建设,忽视信息化本身对于信息数据的需求,忽视了信息的收集、整理与

2、利用,对数据、文档等资料的数字化转化没有引起足够的重视,使OA系统成为空壳,无法顺利应用实施。针对以上种种问题,本文拟从制度、数据、人员等方面对OA系统的实施提出一些建议。So-called OA, Office Automation (Office Automation), is the Automation of Office work, it USES advanced technology, make the person of various kinds of Office business activities gradually by all sorts of equipment

3、, various man-machine information system to help finish, to make full use of information, improve work efficiency and work quality, enhance the productivity. However many enterprises and institutions of the OA system development is completed, no effective measures to guarantee the implementation of

4、the system, cause the user, or only attaches great importance to the system hardware and software construction, the informatization itself to the demand of information data, ignored the information collecting, sorting and utilization of digital transformation of data, documents, data did not cause e

5、nough attention, make the OA system become a shell, cant smooth project implementation. In view of the above problems, this article from the system, the implementation of the data on the OA system, personnel, and the some Suggestions are put forward.1 建立健全规章制度,单位领导牵头推广,各部门协调配合1, establish and perfec

6、t rules and regulations, the unit leaders take the lead in the promotion, coordination of all departmentsOA系统往往涉及单位各个部门及人员,涉及面较广,其引入的新的管理理念和模式,很大程度上改变了员工传统的作业习惯,在推广过程中,难免要遇到各种阻力,因此,要从制度上、人员上加以保证。首先,通过将OA系统的实施制度化,制定OA系统运行的规定及一整套实施细则,明文要求系统的使用,尤其要切断非必要的传统纸质信息流转形式;同时,在人员方面,单位领导要带头坚持使用,不使系统卡在某些关键的审批环节,而

7、各部门之间也要充分协调配合,利用OA的信息共享平台,把行政管理和业务实施在OA平台上开展起来,以促进系统迅速、切实地应用起来。Unit of OA system often involves various departments and personnel, and a wide range of aspects, the introduction of new management concept and mode, greatly changed the traditional employees work habits, and in the promotion process, wi

8、ll inevitably encounter all kinds of resistance, therefore, should from the system, staff are guaranteed. First of all, through the implementation of the OA system institutionalization, develop OA system operation rules and a set of detailed rules for the implementation, expressly require the use of

9、 the system, especially to cut off the non-essential traditional paper-based information circulation form; Unit the leadership to take the lead at the same time, in the aspect of personnel to stick to, dont make the system card approval in some key links, but there is also a full coordination betwee

10、n departments, the use of OA information sharing platform, the office of management and business implementation in OA platform, so as to promote applications quickly and effectively.2 重视数据迁移与数据共享2 value data migration and data sharing信息系统建设中有一句老话,“三分技术、七分管理、十二分数据”。如今的OA系统建设的核心,就是要打破传统的信息孤岛现象,对数据资源进行


12、,从而能最大限度地减少使用者的重复劳动。In the construction of information system has an old saying, three points, seven points management, 12 data. Now at the heart of the OA system of construction, is to break the traditional information island phenomenon, the data resources for unified planning, and formulate the un

13、ified data standard and the establishment of the whole OA system sharing center database. In advancing the OA implementation process, the need to integrate the legacy of historical data, the old system is complex or non-standard, huge amount of data and the data is not complete or incorrect various

14、cases such as, if not to correct the existing data and migration, often make new OA system shell, unable to support the business smoothly. And sorting data of work are often time-consuming, therefore, suggested that set up specialized data project team, project alone, professional implementation. At

15、 the same time, aiming at the existence of enterprises and institutions in a business unit to simultaneously manage multiple sets of information system of information reporting, OA system as the basic daily work business platform, allowing users to easily customize various business processes and for

16、ms, and other systems for data integration, to generate all kinds of statistical reports; Provide good interface and convenient import and export of information data, which can minimize the users repeated work.3 充分运用人性化的设计与管理3 use humanized design and managementOA系统本身设计上要增加一些人性化的东西,比如领导工作繁忙,可将一些非关键的

17、流程交由其他岗位掌握进度,在审批的界面可以设定一些常用的审批语言,以供简单点击选择,从而可以尽量简化审批流程;比如对于有些使用者在电脑操作上不是很在行,可以配合使用手写板;在内部短信、邮件功能上可以设定自定义群组,实现短信、邮件有针对性的群发。而随着3G移动网络的部署,移动OA系统可将原有OA系统上的公文、通讯录、日程、文件管理、通知公告等功能迁移到手机,让用户可以随时随地进行掌上办公。这些人性化的设计能让用户体会到信息化带来的便利,从而更乐于接受系统。OA system itself to add some humanized design, such as the leadership j

18、ob is busy, some non-critical processes can be passed on to other jobs to master schedule, the examination and approval of the interface can be set for examination and approval of some commonly used language, for a simple click on the option, which can simplify the approval process as far as possibl

19、e; Such as for some users on the computer operation is not very good, can cooperate to use tablets; On internal message, mail function can be set custom groups, realize the SMS, targeted emails. As the deployment of 3 g mobile network, mobile OA system to OA system on the original documents, contact

20、s, calendar, file management, announcements, and other functions move to mobile phones, let users can be hand-held office anytime and anywhere. The humanized design can let user realize informationization brings convenience, and far more comfortable with the system.可以通过分布实施系统进行人性化的管理,从易到难启动各个功能模块。先选

21、择一些最为常用的、非常必要的、容易推广的功能和设计相对简单的工作流程作为初期实施功能,如信息发布等。而一些复杂的流程及辅助办公性质的如车辆管理、会议管理、资产管理、图书管理、办公用品管理、表单管理等模块,可以在系统应用良好的情况下再逐步地开放给用户,弱化用户对新系统的抵触情绪,以确保实施和推广的效率。Can be distributed implementation of the humanized management system, from easy to difficult start each function module. To choose some of the most c

22、ommonly used, is very necessary and easy to promote the function and design of relatively simple workflow as early implementation of the function, such as information release, etc. And some of the complex process and auxiliary office properties such as vehicle management, meeting management, asset m

23、anagement, books management, office supplies management, forms management module, can be applied to the system under the condition of good again gradually open to the user, weakening the user resistance in new system, to ensure the implementation and promotion of efficiency.4 要进行全面的用户培训4 to a compre

24、hensive user training网络化的OA系统使得几乎人人都可能成为OA系统的用户,对用户的培训决定了OA软件的使用程度,用户培训是成功实施OA系统的重要因素。培训可采用授课和现场培训的方式进行,针对不同的管理层级(高层管理人员、中层骨干管理者和普通用户),不同的用户权限(系统管理、业务管理、行政管理)制定相应的培训方案。通过对OA理论、OA软件系统功能、使用操作、数据采集等方面的内容进行不同层次的培训,使用户明确OA原理、相关管理理论和具体的OA实施方法,从而提高人员的技术水平和素质。最重要的是,要通过培训提高全员对实施OA项目根本意义的认识,提高积极性和主动参与意识,提高和增强

25、全员的信心和热情,使所有员工都能尽快地进入角色。Network OA system that almost everybody could become users of OA systems, for the user training determines the extent of the use of OA software, user training is an important factor in successful implementation of OA system. Training lectures and on-site training manner, can

26、be adopted according to different management layers (top managers, middle managers and backbone and ordinary users), different user permissions (system management, business management, administrative management formulate corresponding training plan. Based on theory of OA, OA software system function

27、, using the content of the operation, data acquisition, etc for different levels of training, the user clear principle of OA, the related management theory and concrete implementation method of OA, and so as to improve the technical level and quality of personnel. Most important of all, through trai

28、ning to improve the overall understanding of implementation of the OA project is all about, improve enthusiasm and active participation, improve and enhance confidence and enthusiasm, all of our employees makes all employees can enter the role as soon as possible.5 结束语5 conclusionOA系统实施时需要重点关注的有制度的保

29、证、数据的支持,并辅以一些人性化的设计与管理,实施全面的人员培训,让OA系统能真正融入企事业单位日常工作中,达到提高内部工作效率、节约运营成本、规范企业管理、提高单位竞争力,加强员工凝聚力的作用。OA system implementation need to focus on when with system security, data support, supplemented by some humanized design and management, implement comprehensive staff training, let the OA system can truly blend in enterprises and institutions in the daily work, internal to improve work efficiency and save operating costs, standardize enterprise management, improve the competitive ability of the unit, strengthen the cohesion of the employees.

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