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1、(Text 1)M: I got two tickets to the theatre. I think Ill use them when my cousin comes for a visit this weekend.W: Oh, I was planning a trip to the countryside this weekend.2. What day is it today?A. Friday. B. Wednesday. C. Monday.【答案】B(Text 2) What are you doing here today? T thought you were supp

2、osed to be out of the office on Wednesdays. I decided Id rather have Fridays off instead so I can hang out with Lucy.3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. A lab. B. A. professor. C. An experiment,(Text 3) Have you finished the assignment from Professor Smith? Im sure you didnt have mu

3、ch difficulty with that experiment. Well, yes, it wasnt all that hard, but I didnt expect it would take me most of the day. Most of the day? I spent two days in the lab before I finally finished it.4. What color pants does the woman like best?A. Grey. B. Brown. C. Blue.【答案】A(Text 4) Can I help you,

4、maam? Yes, Im looking for a pair of pants. Well, Id actually really prefer grey.5. Why is the woman looking for a new roommate?A. She doesnt like living with Lisa. B. Lisa is moving to New York.C. Alice has moved away.(Text 5) I need to find a new roommate. Why? Arent you getting along well with Lis

5、a? Oh, yes, Lisa is great, but shes found a job in New York, so she is moving there next week. Do you have anyone to recommend? Alice is looking for a room.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后 几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两

6、遍。听下面一材料,回答下列小题。6. What was the womans first job?A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. A teacher.7. What is the woman asked to do in the end?A. Get a degree in English. B. Prepare for an Interview.C. Send in a written application.【答案】6. B 7. C(Text 6) Good morning. Im calling about the job advertisement

7、in the paper yesterday. Ah, yes. Could you tell me a little about yourself? Yes. Ive been working in India as a secretary. Previous to that, I was at the University of Manchester. Ive got a degree in English. I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job? Well, I do hope that my career a

8、s a secretary will lead me eventually into management. I think the best thing for you to do is send in a written reply to the advertisement. Oh, I see. When we receive your application, we will arrange an interview for you.6. 略7. 略8. What problem are the two speakers discussing?A. The quantity of th

9、e instruction books. B. The quality of the telephone systems.C. The cost of delivering the products.9. What does the woman promise to do?A. Open and check all the packs. B. Send an engineer to do the repairs.C. Resend the instruction books.【答案】8. A 9. C(Text 7) Well, unfortunately, there is a proble

10、m with the order we received from you yesterday. There arent enough instruction books for all the telephones. Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Do you know how many packs have no instruction books? No, because we havent opened every pack, but several of the ones that have been opened have had no instructio

11、n books. Im very sorry for this inconvenience, Mr. Summerfield. This afternoon our engineer will send out the instruction books by express mail entirely at our cost, and they should arrive tomorrow or the day after at the latest. That would be great.8. 略9. 略10. What is the man probably doing?A. Desc

12、ribing his job. B. Introducing a museum. C. Recommending a tour.11. What do we know about museum educators?A. All of them are in their twenties. B. All of them are fresh graduates.C. All of them have work experience.12. What do volunteers do in the museum?A. Make apps. B. Give tours. C. Create activ

13、ities.【答案】10. A 11. C 12. B(Text 8) How would you describe your job*Sam?m a museum builder. I manage a team of people called museum educators. All of them hold graduate degrees in museum education, museum studies, or public history, and all have worked in other museums or historic houses before join

14、ing my team. What do museum educators do? Do you have volunteers to help with your work? Yes. We have a lot of volunteers giving tours. What else are you and your team doing? We are also creating two mobile apps, print and online books, and information and activities for our website and social media

15、 sites. Do you love your work? That goes without saying. Working in a museum was always my dream as a child.10. 略11. 略12. 略13. How do the two speakers know each other?A. They are in the same class. B. They are both teaching assistants.C. They work on the school magazine.14. Which question has the wo

16、man figured out?A. Question 10. B. Question 5. C. Question 3.15. What is the man going to do after dinner?A. Study for a biology exam. B. Go to swimming practice. C. Have a meeting.16. What will the two speakers together do tomorrow?A. Have lunch. B. Read the magazine. C. Work on the assignment.【答案】

17、13. A 14. A 15. C 16. C(Text 9) Hello? Hi, Sue. Its Bill Parker from your geometry class. Oh, hi, Bill. How are you? Fine, thanks. Listen, Im working on our assignment and I cant seem to figure out Question 10 and, uh. the teaching assistants out of town, so I was wondering if you could help me. Wel

18、l, I did the last one, but Im not sure its right. At least you finally figured it outI didnt get past the first three steps. Would you like to have coffee with me? We could go over all of the problems. Thats a good ideaI need help with Question 3. Im completely lost on that one. Are you free now? I

19、have swimming practice in a few minutes and then I have to study for a biology exambut I could meet you right after dinner. Uh, thats bad for meI have a meeting for The Signal. The what? The Signalyou know, the campus literary magazine. It comes out once a month. Oh, sorryI just came here this year.

20、ll give you a copy. In fact, Ill bring it when we meet. So, anyway, what about tomorrow. After lunch, maybe? Great. See you around one.13. 略14. 略15. 略16. 略17. What happened on Monday this month?A. Many schools were closed. B. Some government offices closed.C. Some cities were flooded.18. Which of th

21、e following returned to normal on Tuesday in Philadelphia?A. Flights. B. Grocery stores. C. Public transportation.19. Which place received the heaviest snow?A. New York City. B. New Jersey. C. Philadelphia.20. When were driving bans in New York City ended?A. On Monday afternoon. B. On Tuesday mornin

22、g. C. On Tuesday afternoon.【答案】17. B 18. C 19. B 20. B(Text 10) This past month, millions of people along the East Coast prepared for a big snowstorm. The National Weather Service said the snowstorm would bring heavy snow, powerful winds and coastal flooding starting Monday and lasting through Tuesd

23、ay.By early morning on Monday, the 26th of this month, city and town officials throughout the Northeast prepared people for the bad weather. Government offices around the Northeast closed on Monday. Many schools were closed on Tuesday, and in some cities, public transportation stopped entirely. For

24、the first time in 110 years, the New York City subway system was shut down before the storm arrived. More than 7,700 flights in and out of the Northeast were cancelled on Tuesday*and did not take off again until early this afternoon. People flooded grocery stores and supermarkets to stock up for the

25、 storm.Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey had been warned they could get one to two feet of snow, but New York City received just under 10 inches and Philadelphia got just an inch or so. Parts of New Jersey had up to 10 inches of snow. On Tuesday morning, public transportation in these places was

26、 up and running, and driving bans were ended.17. 略18. 略19. 略20. 略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Official SAT Study Guide: Second EditionProduct Details:Paperbacks997 pages Publisher: The College Board Publication date: July 21, 2009 Ed

27、ition description: Second Edition Book DescriptionThe Official SAT Study Guide; Second Edition features 10 official SAT practice tests created by the test maker. With about 1,000 pages and more than 20 chapters, its packed with the most up-to-date information that students need to get ready for the

28、test.Students will gain valuable experience and raise their confidence by taking practice tests, and by reviewing critical concepts, test-taking approaches, and focused sets of practice questions just like those on the actual SAT. Second Edition will help students get ready for the SAT with;10 offic

29、ial SAT practice tests, including 3 new recent exams detailed descriptions of math, critical reading, and writing sections of the SATtargeted practice questions for each SAT question type practice essay questions, along with sample essays and notes a review of math concepts tested in the exam test-taking approaches and suggestions that underscore important pointsfree online score reportseasy access to online answers and explanations at$ 10 discount on the book The Official SAT Onl

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