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1、2 称呼( salutation)3 正文(body)4 结束语( complimentary)5 签名(signature)此外,书信有时还有附言(postscript)附件(enclosure)英文的书信根据要求有严格的格式, 下面阐述书信的具体格式要求。 写信的地址和日期写信人的地址和日期要写在信纸的左上角,地址在上日期在下。如果地址只有地名,可直接写成一行如: Shanghai Feb 6 , 2006 . 如果信是写信人或熟悉的朋友,则写信人的地址可以省。地址的排列顺序从大到小,日期写在后。 寄到国外的信,还要加国名。地址排列有两种:一种是左边对齐;另一种是左边每行右缩进一定距离。日

2、期的排列也有两种: 一种是日 月 年;另一种是月 日 年。 前一种形式中“月”与“年” 用逗号分开,并且“年”后无句号。 日期可用序数词,也可以基数词。列:1. 5 Shanghai Road2. 31st June ,2003-4-23. 21 Book ST , Woodside ,California ,USA 21st Feb ,19982. 称呼 收信人的称呼写在左上角,称呼因人而不同。在正式的信件中用冒号(:)写信熟悉的人用逗号(,)A Dear Sir :B Dear Jim ,C Dear Auntie ,3. 正文此为信的主体部分。从称呼的下一行写起,不能顶格,但只须空一个词

3、的位置。第二行与称呼起平。另起一段用同样的方式开始。4结束语英文信的结束语一般要写在正文的下方,另起一行。常见的结束语有:best wishes / regards! Good luck to you !Wish you success /good luck!Give my best wishes /regards to Hope to hear from you soon!常见的谦称:Sincerely yoursYours affectionatelyYours trulyRespectfully yours5. 签名它是书信的最后一部分,签在结尾下面,空一至二行,位置与正文相比靠左。英文

4、的书信格式:(1) 信端heading(2) 封内的信名inside name (3) 地址 address(3)称呼salutation(4)正文body of the letterkfhkfghlfdhkdgk;lf;lsdfkghd;lshkfkdf;fhkdkd;lfkfd;lkldk (5)结束语 complimentary(6)署名signature附件enclosure附言postscript实列根据你的笔友,请根据信的内容给笔友写一封回信要求:意思正确,语言流畅(你叫张华,家住丹东市山上路118号,邮编11808 ,日期2004年10 月22 号 15GardenerStree

5、t,APT.24 Allston , MAO1234USAOctober 8th 2005 Dear, I have not heard from you for a long tome ,How are you ? I have just finished the exams .Now I have time t write t you . Our teacher tells us that China is a large country .It has the largest population in the world .It is very far from the USA .It

6、 is on the other side of the world .Now the sun is shing brightly while I am wdriting to you .But perhaps you are sleeping in the dark night How interesting it is !I am becoming more and more interested in China .I wish to know more about your life . Could you tell me what kind of foood you ofen hav

7、e for meals ? Please write to me soon ! Best wishes to you ! Yours Johnson例1作业Dear Johnson, Thank you for your last letter ,I hadnt received a letter from you for a long time ,either .I miss you very much . You said you are interested in China. Our Country has changed a lot in the last few years .Sh

8、e is much better than what you think .China is getting richer and stronger .I really hope you can come to China one day . You asked me about my life and food .Now I have finished my exams .I did well in them .I am spending my holiday at home .I am very busy everyday. After I do my homework ,I watch

9、TV at home ,go to the cinema ,or go swimming with my friends. I am living a happy life. My favorite food is rice and fried chicken . I often have them for meals .Please write to me soon !YoursZhanghua Lesson 60-72关于日记的书写一、 日记的格式1、基本格式在日记的左上角从左至右依次写出月份、日期、星期、天气。下面写正文,有时在正文上方还可以写出标题(注;日记的时间一般不写年份)2、图例

10、;常见的几种书写格式例1 March 1 st cool weather Today 例2July 23 rd hot Today例3 Fri ,May 20th Fine My birthdayToday is my birthday例4 March 4th二、 日记的写作注意事项1关于表达日记一般都是作者用力表达自己心灵情感和记叙某件有意义事情的文章,因此写作一定要条理清楚,继续文的事情及对于这件事情的看法一定要选择正确的语言来表达,并尽量让文字美一些,这点跟中文的用法相同。2、关于文法 写日记一般都是记叙当天已经发生过的事情,因此大多数日记中一般过去式出现的多些,当然也不排除对与未来计划

11、之类的一些描述,因此日记中的事态一定要注意。无论发生过的还是未来的。要用一定篇幅描述一件事情就要保证时态正确,合乎文法,合乎逻辑。 日记中的陈述汪汪要提到某人说过的话,最好用简洁引语来表达,同样注意时态的呼应。同时要注意表达一个句子是词性的准确性。三、 范文范文1July 23 rd cool weatherFrom morning ,we had cool breezes , I read as usual in morning ,Kingsleys “HEROS” was very interesting .My brother James is ill ,but I hope he wi

12、ll soon get well 范文2July 31 st ,Thurs ,hot We are at last at uncles.After the noisy town life ,this place is strangely quiet .It is a little paradise .Cows,dogs and hens are all running freely .Many birds are singing in the woods behind the house .Uncle keeps a few cows. They give fresh milk for his

13、 family .Write a letter to my house tonight !(附,日记中通常I 类似的主语可以省咯。比如范文的最后一句话)四、 练习 写一篇日记叙述你想记录的事情,或谈谈你对着件事情的看法,字数200个左右五、 写作练习范文Sat Nov 19 th cloudy Fast friendship Today is the start of the weekend .It being summer ,I decided to spend a few hours in a department store to cool myself .Little did I kn

14、ow that I was heading for a very new experince .While I was walking around the store .I happened to see a foreigner ,trying to explain himself to a saleslady .I was curious about what was going on ,for the saleslady could not understand what the man was talking about ,so I just translated it back in

15、to Chinese .After the man got his message across ,he smiled at me .He then invited me to have something to eat with him . I tried to refuse ,but finally I gave in I felt good for being able to help him ,and talk with him .He said that he was a student like myself and he was touring Taiwan by himself .He told me too that he was just staying for a few more days .After we ate ,he thanked me and said goodbye .This is the first time I have met a foreigner .Although I will not be seeing him again ,it is good to be able to meet someone like him from another country .

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