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1、历年全国高考英语完形填空试题汇总及答案历年全国高考英语完形填空试题汇总及答案一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Christopher Garrett was an engineer with the U.S. Armys 10th Mountain Division. While serving in Afghanistan, Christopher was shot and 1 . He was hospitalized and then medically 2 . Christopher was 3 to b

2、e returning home to his wife, Brittany, and was looking forward to getting back to normal life. Soon, 4 , it became clear that normal was going to have a new 5 . Christophers 6 made things difficult. Things that had once come 7 to him-like mowing the lawn (修剪草坪) now seemed almost impossible. Even st

3、ill, Christopher was 8 not to let his injuries get the best of him. Even though he only had an old-fashioned, non-motorized push mower, he 9 to go out and mow the yard, working through the 10 until the job was done. It was 11 for Brittany to watch her husband go through this pain. When she saw Chris

4、topher threw himself down on the ground in tears one day, she ran to him, thinking he was 12 an emotional breakdown. When she got out to the yard, however, she saw the 13 of Christophers tears Sitting in the yard was a(n) 14 riding lawn mower. Attached was a note: I hope this 15 time for the things

5、that matter most in your life. Thank you for your 16 and for my freedom. A grateful American. Though the Garretts have no 17 who left the mower in their yard, it is clear a neighbor had seen Christopher 18 and wanted to help. That person may never know just how much the 19 meant to the Garretts, but

6、 for this couple it was life-changing. Christopher still has a long 20 ahead of him in the recovery process, but thanks to this generous stranger, the journey is now a little easier.1. A. caughtB. woundedC. trappedD. killed2. A. recoveredB. refusedC. retiredD. removed3. A. fortunateB. disappointedC.

7、 happyD. unwilling4. A. thoughB. thereforeC. meanwhileD. instead5. A. storyB. directionC. resultD. meaning6. A. disabilityB. strengthC. fearD. appearance7. A. steadilyB. quicklyC. naturallyD. easily8. A. forcedB. determinedC. astonishedD. persuade9. A. continuedB. preferredC. promisedD. intended10.

8、A. hungerB. sorrowC. painD. anger11. A. embarrassingB. unusualC. annoyingD. difficult12. A. sufferingB. imaginingC. overcomingD. performing13. A. sourceB. outcomeC. purposeD. power14. A. specialB. ordinaryC. strangeD. new15. A. takesB. savesC. occupiesD. leaves16. A. honestyB. serviceC. kindnessD. a

9、ttention17. A. doubtB. questionC. ideaD. way18. A. searchingB. complainingC. strugglingD. crying19. A. noteB. giftC. rewardD. solution20. A. lifeB. experienceC. waitD. road【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)C;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)A;(10)C;(11)D;(12)A;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B;(16)B;(17)C;(18)C;(19)B;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是

10、一篇记叙文,在阿富汗服役期间,克里斯托弗中枪受伤。Christopher很高兴能回到妻子Brittany身边,并期待着回归正常生活。但很快,“正常”就有了新的含义。曾经对他来说很容易的事情比如割草现在看来几乎不可能了。他为一台新的割草机痛苦。然而,不知道是谁把一台新割草机留在院子里,但很明显,有个邻居看到克里斯托弗的痛苦,想帮忙。克里斯托弗在恢复过程中还有很长的路要走,但是多亏了这个慷慨的陌生人,现在的旅程变得容易了一些。 (1)考查动词。A. caught“抓住”;B. wounded“使受伤”;C. trapped“诱捕”;D. killed“杀死”。在阿富汗服役期间,克里斯托弗中枪受伤。

11、故选B。 (2)考查动词。A. recovered“恢复”;B. refused“拒绝”;C. retired“退休”;D. removed“移除”。他被送往医院,然后从医学角度他退休了。故选C。 (3)考查形容词。A. fortunate“幸运的”;B. disappointed“感到失望的”;C. happy“高兴的”;D. unwilling“不愿意的”。Christopher很高兴能回到妻子Brittany身边,并期待着回归正常生活。故选C。 (4)考查副词。A. though“然而”;B. therefore“因此”;C. meanwhile“与此同时”;D. instead“相反,

12、反而”。但很快,“正常”就有了新的含义。前后是一种转折关系。故选A。 (5)考查名词。A. story“故事”;B. direction“方向”;C. result“结果”;D. meaning“意义”。但很快,“正常”就有了新的含义。故选D。 (6)考查名词。A. disability“残疾”;B. strength“力气,力量”;C. fear“害怕”;D. appearance“外貌,出现”。但很快,“正常”就有了新的含义。故选A。 (7)考查副词。A. steadily“稳定地”;B. quickly“迅速地”;C. naturally“自然地”;D. easily“容易地”。曾经对他

13、来说很容易的事情比如割草现在看来几乎不可能了。故选D。 (8)考查动词。A. forced“强迫”;B. determined“决定”;C. astonished“使惊讶”;D. persuade“劝说”。尽管如此,克里斯托弗还是下定决心不让自己的伤势压倒一切。故选B。 (9)考查动词。A. continued“继续”;B. preferred“更喜欢”;C. promised“许诺”;D. intended“打算”。尽管他只有一台老式的、非机动的推式割草机,但他还是继续出去割院子里的草,忍受着痛苦,直到割完为止。故选A。 (10)考查名词。A. hunger“饥饿”;B. sorrow“难过

14、”;C. pain“疼痛”;D. anger“生气”。尽管他只有一台老式的、非机动的推式割草机,但他还是继续出去割院子里的草,忍受着痛苦,直到割完为止。故选C。 (11)考查形容词。A. embarrassing“令人尴尬的”;B. unusual“不寻常的”;C. annoying“令人烦恼的”;D. difficult“困难的”。Brittany很难看到她的丈夫经历这种痛苦。故选D。 (12)考查动词。A. suffering“遭受”;B. imagining“想象”;C. overcoming“克服”;D. performing“表演”。有一天,当她看到克里斯托弗泪流满面地倒在地上时,她

15、跑向他,以为他情绪崩溃了。故选A。 (13)考查名词。A. source“来源”;B. outcome“结果”;C. purpose“目的”;D. power“力量”。然而,当她走到院子里时,她看到克里斯托弗坐在院子里哭的原因是因为一台新的割草机。故选A。 (14)考查形容词。A. special“特殊的”;B. ordinary“普通的”;C. strange“奇怪的”;D. new“新的”。然而,当她走到院子里时,她看到克里斯托弗坐在院子里哭的原因是因为一台新的割草机。故选D。 (15)考查动词。A. takes“拿走”;B. saves“挽救”;C. occupies“占领”;D. le

16、aves“离开”。我希望这能为你的生活中最重要的事情节省时间。故选B。 (16)考查名词。A. honesty“诚实”;B. service“服务”;C. kindness“善良”;D. attention“关注”。谢谢你的服务和我的自由。感激美国。故选B。 (17)考查名词。A. doubt“怀疑”;B. question“问题”;C. idea“主意”;D. way“方法”。虽然加勒特一家不知道是谁把割草机留在院子里的,但很明显,有个邻居看到克里斯托弗在挣扎,想帮忙。故选C。 (18)考查动词。A. searching“寻找”;B. complaining“抱怨”;C. strugglin

17、g“挣扎”;D. crying“哭”。虽然加勒特一家不知道是谁把割草机留在院子里的,但很明显,有个邻居看到克里斯托弗的痛苦,想帮忙。故选C。 (19)考查名词。A. note“便条”;B. gift“礼物”;C. reward“回报”;D. solution“解决方案”。那个人可能永远都不知道这份礼物对加勒特一家有多重要,但对这对夫妇来说,它改变了他们的一生。故选B。 (20)考查动词。A. life“生活”;B. experience“经历”;C. wait“等待”;D. road“公路”。克里斯托弗在恢复过程中还有很长的路要走,但是多亏了这个慷慨的陌生人,现在的旅程变得容易了一些。故选D。

18、 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 South Korean artist Young-Sung Kim has a very special talent - he can paint photographs. The old saying Ill believe it when I see it doesnt really apply to Kim

19、s art. You can stare at his unbelievable detailed paintings for hours and still 1 to tell them apart from photographs. The 43-year-old artist is so good at what he does, sometimes, he himself has trouble telling his 2 paintings from the photos. Once, he 3 sent the press (出版社) a photo he took, instea

20、d of the painting he did, 4 they looked almost the same. Most of Kims paintings show small 5 , and the artist admits that he has been 6 animals since he was a young boy, keeping them in his room and 7 them. Back then, the results of his hard work were far 8 the level of his recent works, but that on

21、ly made him want to become a better painter. I promise myself I would paint them 9 when I grew up, he said. 10 , his parents didnt support his decision to focus his studies on art, 11 that he wouldnt be able to land a good job. Their 12 only made him resolve (下定决心) to become a painter. Finally his f

22、amily 13 and allowed him to follow his dream. Kims parents made the 14 decision. Not only does Kim get to earn a living by doing what he 15 most, but he was highly 16 as one of the worlds realistic painters, earning between $ 10,000 and $ 130,000 per artwork. Kim paints for more than 12 hours a day

23、17 on weekend, but he is never completely 18 with his work. He scores his artworks on a 100-point scale (级别), but almost 19 of his paintings have scored above 90 points. Kim hopes to 20 himself and get as close to that 100-point mark as possible.1. A. happyB. unwillingC. unableD. eager2. A. abstract

24、B. realisticC. traditionalD. modern3. A. mistakenlyB. naturallyC. surprisinglyD. secretly4. A. unlessB. thoughC. becauseD. when5. A. kidsB. toysC. plantsD. animals6. A. interested inB. troubled byC. afraid ofD. careful with7. A. feedingB. trainingC. studyingD. painting8. A. belowB. aboveC. nearD. be

25、yond(超越)9. A. perfectlyB. carefullyC. seriouslyD. elegantly10. A. StrangelyB. UnfortunatelyC. LuckilyD. Normally11. A. expectingB. imaginingC. fearingD. suggesting12. A. attitudeB. decisionC. arrangementD. suggestion13. A. gave inB. got awayC. helped outD. calmed down14. A. finalB. hardC. rightD. un

26、wise15. A. lovesB. missesC. needsD. hates16. A. hiredB. regardedC. representedD. remembered17. A. evenB. seldomC. yetD. just18. A. boredB. patientC. angryD. happy19. A. noneB. someC. manyD. all20. A. enjoyB. betterC. teachD. support【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)D;(6)A;(7)D;(8)A;(9)A;(10)B;(11)C;(12)A;

27、(13)A;(14)C;(15)A;(16)B;(17)A;(18)D;(19)A;(20)B; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了韩国画家Young-Sung Kim的成才经历以及他的作品。 (1)考查形容词。句意:你可以盯着他令人难以置信的画看上几个小时,仍然无法将它们与照片区分开来。A. happy“快乐的”;B. unwilling“不情愿的”;C. unable“不能的”;D. eager“渴望的”。根据上文呢知,Kim有一个非常特殊的天赋,他会画照片。眼见为实在他的身上已经不适用,由unbelievable可知,这意味着人们不能将他画的照片和拍摄的照片分开。故选C。 (2)考

28、查形容词。句意:这位43岁的艺术家非常擅长画照片。有时,他自己也很难从照片中分辨出自己的写实画。A. abstract“抽象的”;B. realistic“现实的”;C. traditional“传统的”;D. modern“现代的”。根据下文“he was highly 16 as one of the worlds realistic painters”中的realistic可知,他是一名写实画家。故选B。 (3)考查副词。句意:有一次,Kim错误地给出版社发了一张他拍的照片,而不是他画的画,因为它们看起来几乎一样。A. mistakenly“错误地”;B. naturally“自然地”;

29、C. surprisingly“出乎意料地”;D. secretly“秘密地”。根据“they looked almost the same”可知,他画的照片和拍摄的照片很相似,因此才会弄错。故选A。 (4)考查连词。句意:有一次,Kim错误地给出版社发了一张他拍的照片,而不是他画的画,因为它们看起来几乎一样。A. unless“除非”;B. though“尽管”;C. because“因为”;D. when“当时”。空格前后两句是因果关系,选择because合乎语境。故选C。 (5)考查名词。句意:Kim的大部分画作展示的都是小动物。A. kid“孩子”;B. toy“玩具”;C. plan

30、t“植物”;D. animal“动物”。根据下文的“he has been 6 animals”可知,他的画作以小动物为主题。故选D。 (6)考查形容词短语。句意:这位艺术家承认,他从小就对动物感兴趣。A. interested in“对感兴趣”;B. troubled by“受到打扰”;C. afraid of“害怕”;D. careful with“对小心谨慎”。他的画作以小动物为主题说明了他对动物感兴趣。故选A。 (7)考查动词。句意:Kim把小动物放在自己的房间里然后去画它们。A. feed“喂养”;B. train“培训”;C. study“学习”;D. paint“绘画”。根据上文

31、“Most of Kims paintings show small 5 ”可 知,他以动物为目标来“绘画”。故选D。 (8)考查介词。句意:小时候,Kim画作的水平远远低于他最近的作品,但这使他想成为一个更好的画家。A. below“低于”;B. above“高于”;C. near“接近”;D. beyond“超越”。根据“that only made him want to become a better painter”可知,小时候的他画画的水平不及现在,选择below合乎语境。故选A。 (9)考查副词。句意:Kim说:“我保证长大后会把它们画得完美。”A. perfectly“完美地”;B. carefully“认真地”;C. seriously“认真地”;D. elegantly“优雅地”。小时候他画画的水平不及现在,但他想变得更优秀,因此他做出许诺,长大后要画得“完美”,故选A。 (

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