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1、非线性分析模型结构行为的最终状态时,线性分析是一种传统的分析(阿尔多cauvia,1990)。一个sysmetrical筒中筒钢筋混凝土高层建筑如图2所示,三个三维(三维)季度模型采用有限元分析方法并考虑材料非线性。 a b c图1(a)变形形状的框架;(b)剪切变形形状墙;(c)变形形状结合框架-剪力墙2分析方法2.1描述模型该nlfea模型是一个16层钢筋混凝土筒中筒结构的高层建筑。楼层高度3.50m除底层搭高度。全筒模型对称,筒内7.50m7.50m包围外围的框筒22.50m22.50m。所有外围列被安排在4.5米中心到中心的大小,0.90m0.90m从一楼到10级和0.75m0.75m

2、列10级之后。拱肩梁尺寸250 mm宽和750mm高与周边柱形成外围筒。板的厚度和规格推定作为一个水平隔板传递侧向荷载以及垂直荷载。内筒是由方形穿孔剪力墙的厚度的350 mm和耦合束保持类似的剪力墙厚度与深度1000 mm。宇宙/米2(64 K版)使用有限元软件生成模型并进行后续的非线性静态分析。模型的理想化和域离散活力,最后模型如图2(a)是作为一个在本研究中最终的结果。图2(a)计划筒中筒式高层建筑 (b)三维修改模型2.2材料特性所有的元素都是由一个元素组即8节点等参六面体固态元件与材料性质如表1。参数混凝土的抗压强度,屈服应力加固,混凝土的密度,弹性模量弹性和泊松比符合学士学位bs81

3、10:1部分:1995、bs8110:2:1985。混凝土和reinforcementare分配作为一个复合材料anmodified弹性模量的假设1%个加固的结构因素。表1材料参数财产的价值抗压强度;fcu35 N/mm2 屈服应力;fy410 N/mm2弹性模量;E15.86 N/mm2加固1 %泊松比;v0.23混凝土的密度2400 kg/m32.3边界条件和加载边界条件在基础上设计了所有的自由度(6自由度),边界条件在迪scontinuous边缘被分配风速负荷在水平屋面44.44米/秒和负载分布均匀沿表面从底部到顶部建筑(处长3:第五章:2部分:1972)。活荷载3千牛/米2(b6399

4、 :1:1984)和永久荷载5.40千牛/米2板坯均匀分布的垂直荷载。2.4混凝土在压缩和拉伸性能图3材料模型X=线性拉伸硬化曲线max=故障点的压缩tu =故障点紧张(0.1cu)cr=0.1cu/弹性模量,欧共体t =紧张僵硬非线性应力应变关系采用的材料模型根据BC8110:部分2:1985如图3所示。峰值应力的0.8 fcu代表最大应力混凝土单轴应力状态。采用压缩应变最大应力为0.0022,极限应变为0.0035。破碎的条件定义是当cu达到指定值的极限应变和假设材料失去其强度和刚度特性。拉应力下混凝土,可以假定为线性,直到在其抗拉强度的0.1 fcu(marsono,2000)时发生破裂


6、步在表2被设置为50,因为实际弧步完成最终不知道最初的分析。初始负荷参数只适用在第一步的分析中,然后下一个负载参数将自动增加的修正牛顿算法。收敛公差必须被指定为分析步骤错误之间的解决方案。数值最大负荷参数1108最大位移0.2最大数量的弧步50初始载荷参数0.1收敛性0.013.结果3.1nlfea产出和结果的解释基本上在nlfea钢筋混凝土高层建筑结构,产出的主应力是导致目前失败的具体原因。混凝土破碎时达到最小主应力值,P3超过抗压强度(即0.8 fcu)而定义的数值时的最大主应力,小到抗拉强度(即0.1f cu)。张力裂缝方向被认为是垂直方向的主应力,小而破碎的方向是假定为下沉到主应力方向

7、P3。3.2横向位移载荷-位移响应的是在图4。最大横向位移103毫米在2268节点,其中位于顶部的水平模型如图7(乙)。最大负荷59.17千牛在记录点A。负载与横向位移图位移(米) 负荷系数=6.607千牛图4负载与横向位移图节点22683.3主应力在剪力墙轮廓的主应力小代表的最大张力(+我最大)和小三代表最高压缩(-我最大)。抗压强度采用这个模型是0.8fcu=0.835 =28牛顿/毫米2。图5(一)清楚地表明,剪切墙壁开始挤压转角处的剪力墙基础(2286节点)的压缩应力28.45牛顿/毫米2(即大于28牛顿/毫米2)。 第二十一步混凝土压碎1 压碎面积图5最小主应力等值线图的部分剪力墙基

8、础混凝土破碎步骤213.4主应力耦合梁应力分布和变形形状耦光束在水平1如图6所示。混凝土裂缝发生在角落的张力,节点3475元1489步15。主应力小的记录在4.106牛顿/毫米2其中超过0.1cu=3.5牛顿/毫米2。它是一个明显的迹象,张力的轮廓在对角的耦合梁跨中。另一种看法是压缩应力在两个角耦合梁中增加了增量分析,步骤终止在32步,这最大压缩应力达到19.38牛顿/毫米2这是较破碎应力,28牛顿/毫米2。 混凝土开裂的节点3475 元素1489P1=4 . 106 N/mm2(a) 节点2419, P3=-19.38 N/mm2(b)步骤15对角张力明显在跨中的耦合梁。开裂失效了。(P3.

9、5牛顿/平方毫米)步骤31最大压缩耦合光束角。(节点2419和节点3443)破碎的失败并没有出现在耦合梁。(p28牛顿/平方毫米)4.讨论4.1整体建筑行为四分之一模型提高了变形形状整体性,筒中筒高建筑如图7所示。变形形状产生双曲率挠度,这类似于一个变形组合框架和剪力墙。 风荷载 节点2688最大位移 风荷载季度模型建筑偏转悬臂梁 改性季度模型整体建筑偏转双曲率(a) (b)图7(a)变形模型 (b)变形修正模型提出的失效模式筒中筒高层建筑已经证明,整体模型的行为是绝对控制的压缩破坏而不是张力。提供依据的主应力的临界压缩区表明粉碎发生在剪力墙基础,因此整体机制的结构已成功地实现其极限承载力(在

10、31步)。利用最小应力等值线主应力整体改模型在步骤31,如图8所示。压缩区设在剪力墙和周边柱。 风荷载 压缩区的剪力墙 压缩在周边柱图8最小主应力的整体轮廓模型4.2耦合梁与剪力墙结果表明,剪切斜裂失效模式发生在所有连梁的整个高度。虽然是一个小弯曲裂缝角耦合梁。粉碎的混凝土剪力墙基本完成最后的失败。这是表明,总束强度大于壁强度。这可能是由于特大型耦合光束的相对大小的剪力墙,减少光束厚度导致混凝土压碎破坏。实际上,首选机制失败的多孔剪力墙,耦梁破坏前先取得剪力墙。建议梁的第一次失败之后,使墙负荷或振动,可观察到的梁损坏部分。5.结论该nlfea最终阶段使用的宇宙是有限元软件对三维模型地进行了成功

11、修改。该系统能够捕获所有的非线性行为的负载进展。然而,一个完善的模型可以进行有限元参数,从而验证结果与实验室试验结果尽可能相同。本研究结果可总结如下:(一)季度模型具有非线性行为到极限状态。(二)修改边界条件,通过分配约束在x方向的所有板的边缘,完全约束在墙底端被认为是适当的,在创造一个双曲率剖面预计在筒中筒模型。(三)nlfea在筒中筒建筑表现良好,使用非线性混凝土应力-应变曲线多达32步的非线性和产量的最终行为高层建筑。(四)模型其中包括全配置的剪力墙,发现是适当的建模的筒中筒高层建筑作为四分之一部分。因此,行为的耦合光束成功地提出了。Proceedings of the 6th Asia

12、-Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (APSEC 2006), 5 ?6 September 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE TUBE IN TUBE OF TALL BUILDINGS Abstract: The non-linear finite element analysis (NLFEA) has potential as a readily usable and

13、 reliable means for analyzing of civil structures with the availability of computer technology. The structural behaviors and mode of failure of reinforced concrete tube in tube tall building via application of computer program namely COSMOS/M are presented. Three dimensional quarter model was carrie

14、d out and the method used for this study is based on non-linearity of material. A substantial improvement in accuracy is achieved by modifying a quarter model leading deformed shape of overall tube in tube tall building to double curvature. The ultimate structural behaviors of reinforced concrete tu

15、be in tube tall building were achieved by concrete failed in cracking and crushing. The model presented in this paper put an additional recommendation to practicing engineers in conducting NLFEA quarter model of tube in tube type of tall building structures. INTRODUCTION Tube in tube concept in tall

16、 building had led to significant improvement in structural efficiency to lateral resistance. In its basic form, the system comprising a central core surrounded by perimeter frames which consists of closed spaced perimeter column tied at each floor level by spandrel beams to form a tubular structure.

17、 Usually these buildings are symmetrical in plan, and their dominant structural action take place in the four orthogonal frames forming the perimeter tube and in the central core (Avigdor Rutenberg and Moshe Eisenberger, 1983). Under the lateral load, a frame tube acts like a cantilevered box beam t

18、o resist the overturning moment and the central core acting like second tube within the outside tube. In order to get the more accurate result of analysis, the central core may be designed not only for gravity loads but also to resist the lateral loads. The floor structure ties the exterior and inte

19、rior tubes together to make then act as a single unit and their mode of interaction depending on the design of floor system. No torsion effect was considered in this study, thus the floor system is effectively pin jointed to allow horizontal forces transmission before primary vertical structural ele

20、ments of the building. Combining shear wall and frame structures has proven to provide an appropriate lateral stiffening of tall building. As the shear wall deflects, shear and moments are induced in connecting beam and slabs which later induced axial forces in walls. The perimeter frame and the cen

21、tral wall act as a composite structure and deformed as in Figure 1. The lateral force is mostly carried by the frame in the upper portion of the building and by the core in the lower portion. The deflected shape has a flexural profile in the lower part and shear profile in the upper part. The axial

22、forces causing the wall to shed the frame near the base and the frames to restrain the wall at the top. The main purpose of this study is to predict the ultimate failure behavior of overall reinforced concrete tube in tube tall building. Hence, non-linear analysis has to be carried out in this study

23、 for better understanding of failure mode. Non linear analysis is a modelling of structural behavior to the ultimate state while linear analysis is a conventional analysis that does not pretend to be accurate (Aldo Cauvia, 1990). A sysmetrical tube in tube reinforced A-161concrete tall building as s

24、hown in Figure 2, three dimensional (3D) quater model was implemented with finite element analysis method and take into account material non linearity. ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) Figure 1 (a) Deform shape of frame; (b) Deform shape of shear wall; (c)Deformshapeofcombineframe+shearwallMETHOD OF ANALYSIS Descr

25、iption of Model The NLFEA model is a 16 stories reinforced concrete tube in tube tall building with typical storey height of 3.50m except ground floor is 6.0m heights. The full tube model is symmetrical in both axes in plan. The internal tube 7.50m x 7.50m is surrounded by perimeter frame tube 22.50

26、m x 22.50m. All perimeter columns were arrange closely spaced at 4.5m center to center with the size of 0.90m x 0.90m from ground floor up to level 10 and 0.75m x 0.75m column after level 10. The spandrel beams are dimensioned 250mm thick and 750mm depth and tied to the perimeter column to form a pe

27、rimeter tube. The thickness for slab is 175mm and presumed to act as a horizontal diaphragm to transfer the lateral load as well as vertical loads. The internal tube is formed by square perforated shear wall with the thickness of 350mm and the coupling beam is kept similar as thickness of the shear

28、wall with the depth of 1000mm. COSMOS/M 2.0 (64K Version) finite element software is used to generate the model and perform subsequent non linear static analysis. For modelling idealization and domain discretization viability, only a modified quarter of tube in tube tall building is modelled in view of symmetrical and to cater limitation of COSMOS/M. After several attempts of NLFEA Run were performed out, the final model as indicated in Figure 2(b) was adopted as a final result in this study. A-162Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Structural Engineering and Cons

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