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1、A watch; walk B watch; to walk C to watch; to walk D to watch; walk10The policeman warned us _the busy street when the traffic lights are red.A dont cross l B not crossing C not to cross D cant cross11He studies hard in order to pass the final exam.A in order that B so as to C so that12I like watchi

2、ng others_their talents.A show B showing C to show D showed13How can I make my dream_true?A come B to come C coming D came14The Peoples Park is the best place_on weekends in Xiaogan.A to go B to go to C going D going to15Its fun_the talent show.A watch B to watch C watched D watches16They make the l

3、ittle boy_ the room every day.A cleans B clean C to clean D cleaning17Were made _ the words again and again.A read B reading C to reading D to read18Its going to rain. Remember _ an umbrella,A to take B taking C take D taking19Dont forget _ speaking English every day.A to practise B practising C pra

4、ctises D practise20- How about _hiking this Sunday? - Great! Id like _with you.A to go; going B going; to go C going; going D to go; goes21It is my first time the Great Wall and I am very_.A to see,interested B to see, interestingC seeing,interested D seeing,interesting22-How is your English study?

5、-Not too bad. But I have trouble _ English grammar.A learn B to learn C learning23When the teacher asks us _our hands, all of us _our hands.Aput up.raise Braise up.put up Cto raise.put up Dto raise up.put up24To keep , we need regularly.Ahealth; exercise Bhealth; to exercise Chealthy; to exercise Dh

6、ealthy;exercise25The old man prefers to _ rather than _ to have a picnic.A reading;going B read;to goingC read;go D to read;to go26He asked her _ the bag because it was too expensive.A to buy not B not to buy C not buy27My sister was afraid out at night,because she was afraid the dogs.A of going; to

7、 B to go; of C going; of D to go; to28Doctors advise old people in the open air on such hazy(雾霾的) days.Aexercise Bexercising Cto exercise Dnot to exercise29They are trying what is going on around the world.A look for B to look for C to find out D find out30Does John want talk show?A to watch B watch

8、 C watches D watching31Lets here,let him there.A sit,stand B to sit, to stand C to sit,stand D sit,to stand32We can have more events _ this _ money.A like; raising B to like; to raise C like; to raise D to like; to raising33It is necessary for us students _ the listening ability.A to improve B impro

9、ving C improve D improves34If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, “My dear, it must be terrible_!”A grown up B being grown up C be grown up D to be grown up35You told your father about the results of your final exams, didnt you ?No, I didnt dare _ him the truth that I didnt pass

10、 the English exam.A told B telling C to tell D to telling36I find _hard for me _the work in such a short time.Just try your best, dear !A its, finish B that, finish C it, to finish D it, finish37I wonder he will refuse his car with me.A that; sharing B that; to share C if; sharing D if; to share38Mr

11、 Smith told him the football match because of the exam.A to not watch B not watching C doesnt watch D not to watch39Though she often makes her little brother ,she was made by him this morning.A cry;to cry B to cry;cry C cry;cry D to cry;crying40Wet clothes are often up near a fire in rainy weather .

12、A hang;dry B hang;to dry C hanging;drying D hung;to dry41The physics problem is so hard.I really dont know .A what to do it B how to do itC what do it D how to do42Im very tired these days because of studying for the coming test.Why not _music? It can make you _A listen to; relaxing B to listen to;

13、to relaxC listening to; relax D listen to; relax43Not only Tom but also Millie donate some money to the children in need.A want B wants C want to D wants to44Its 8 oclock in the morning. Lets our class.A begin B begins C beginning D to begin45We are tired. Lets stop _ to _.A walk; rest B walking; re

14、st C to walk; resting D walks; resting46Please tell me _.A how to do B what to do C where to do D do what47Dont forget _ the lights when you leave.A close B closed C turning off D to turn off48When my little son was learning to walk, I often saw him _ down.A fall B fell C feel D felt49-Is the math p

15、roblem easy to_? -Yes,he is a good teacherA work out B work it out C be worked out D work out it50-Id love to go hiking with you, but I have much homework_.-If you dont go, _.A to do: so do I Bto do; nor will I Cdoing ; so will I Ddo; neither am I51You are so busy. What do you want me _for you?A do

16、B done C to do D doing52We would like _ music in our music lesson.A to listen to B to listen C listening to D listening53I like _. Do you want _ with me this afternoon?A to swim; swim B swimming; to swimC swimming; to swim D to swim; swimming54He doesnt like_, but he enjoys_.A sing; dance B to sing;

17、 to danceC singing; to dance D to sing; dancing55My sister doesnt like her new sweater. It makes her .A looks very pretty B look very fatC looks much older D look very good56My cousin_at weekendsA enjoy swimming B enjoys swimmingC 1ike swimming D likes to swimming57He wants _to Yunnan this weekendA

18、to go B to going C going D go58Guangzhou, Shanghai and other big cities are exciting places _.A work B working C work in D to work in59Its very important _ us _ hard.A for; to study B of; to studying C for; studying D of; to study60You need _ warm clothes, or youll catch a cold.A to wearing B wears

19、C to wear D wearing参考答案1A【详解】句意:他的狗丢了,这使他感到悲伤。考查动词形式辨析题。make使/让,使役动词,多用make sb. do sth.结构,表示“让某人做某事”,可排除BD两项;feel是表感觉系动词,后接形容词。根据上文His dog was lost,可知sad符合语境,故选A。2B你的梦想是什么?我的梦想是当一个舞蹈家。根据不定式作表语;故选B3C我想在里面洗衣服,因为外面阳光是如此的强。根据would like to do sth想做某事;故选C4B我的父母经常告诉我不要吃太多垃圾食品,因为它对我们的健康有害。短语tell sb. not to

20、do sth.表示告诉某人不要做某事。根据题意,故选B。【点睛】tell sb.not to do sth是告诉某人不要做某事tell do sth是告诉某人做某事5A让我们一起做水果沙拉吧。考查动词非谓语。A. make动词原形;B. to make动词不定式;C. makes第三人称单数形式;D. making现在分词。根据Lets _ fruit salad together.可知,本句为祈使句,Lets do sth.“让我们做某事”,let是使役动词,后接不带to的不定式作宾补;结合选项可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。6B天气非常冷,他们决定呆在家里,考查动词固定搭配。根

21、据It was very cold. They decided _ at home.可知,本题考查固定搭配,decide to do sth.意思是“决定去做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故答案选B。7C你知道怎么照看你的花吗?首先这里用到短语“照看,照顾”look after;另外空前有特殊疑问词how, 所以用到特殊疑问词+to do 不定式的形式,意思是“怎么做某事”,故选C。8C请你给我一杯茶好吗?我愿意和你喝一杯茶。根据would后接动词原形; would like to do sth愿意做某事;9A我爸爸宁可在家看电视,而不愿意在商店里转悠几小时。根据would rather do s

22、th than do sth宁愿做某事,而不愿意做某事;故须A10C句意“警察警告我们,当交通灯变红时,不能过繁忙的大街”。warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事,故选C。11B为了通过期末考试他学习很努力。in order that“为了”,后面跟从句;so as to为了,后面跟动词原形;so that为的是,后面跟从句。原句中in order to意为“为了”,后面跟动词原形,故应选B。12A我喜欢看别人表演他们的才艺。根据watch sb do sth看过某人做某事,watch sb doing sth观看某人正在做某事;根据I like watching,可知经

23、常看;故选A13A我怎么使我的梦想成真呢?根据make sb do sth让某人做某事;14B在孝感在周末人民公园是最好的去处。根据不定式做定语修饰place,根据go to+地点 去某地;15B看才艺表演是有趣的。根据its+形容词/名词+to do sth做某事是怎样的;不定式做真正的主语;16B每天他们让这个小男孩打扫房间。make的用法:1 当make的意思是“做,制造”时,常用句型:make sth 例如:She can make kites. 2 make +宾语+宾补,make sb/sth +adj.意思是“使某人或某物处于某种状态”例如:The news makes him

24、happy. 3 make sb/sth do sth意思是“使某人或某物做某事”例如:Our teacher makes us read texts. 当 make的宾语与宾补之间的逻辑关系是动宾关系,用过去分词做宾补,例如:He raised his voice to make himself heard.17D我们被迫一遍又一遍地读这些单词。be made to do sth. 被迫去做某事,后面用动词不定式做宾语。故选D。18A天要下雨了,记住带一把伞。根据remember to do记住去做某事,remember doing sth记得做过某事;根据Its going to rain

25、可知是,记住带一把伞;19A不要忘记每天练习说英语。根据forget to do忘记去做某事,forget doing忘记做过某事;根据句意可知选A20B这个星期天去远足怎么样?很好,我愿意和你一起去。根据about介词,后用doing形式,go hiking去远足;would like to do sth愿意做某事;21A这是我第一次看见长城,我非常感兴趣。It is ones first time to do sth这是某人第一次做某事,名词前有序数词修饰时,后面用动词不定式作后置定语,故第一空为to see。interesting有趣的,描述事物;interested感兴趣的,描述人的感受。第二空主语I表示人的感受,故选A。22C你的英语学习怎么样?还不错。但是我在学习英语语法方面有困难。have trouble在有困难,后接动名词;根据句意语境,可知选C。23C当老师要求我们举手时,我们都举起手来。短语ask sb. to do sth.表示让某人做某事;raise our hands表示举起手来;短语put up表示张贴,举手;短语put up our hands表示举起手来。根

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