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1、 make the most of 充分利用29. make / earn some money 赚钱 30. make an excuse 找借口31. make a change 改变 32. make (good) sense 讲得通, 有意义33. make sense of= understand 34. make up ones mind to do sth. 决心做某事35. make trouble 滋事生非 36. make a list of 列清单37. make a good impression 留下好印象 38. make ones way 一路前进39. take

2、 a step 迈步 40. take steps/ measures/ action 采取措施41. take sb. / sth. seriously 42. take your time 慢慢来43. take medicine 吃药 44. take a holiday job 假期打零工45. take a bus/ train 46. take ones chance 冒险;碰运气47. take a chance冒险;碰运气 48. take a chance/risk 冒险try ones fortune/ luck碰运气) 49. take a doctors degree

3、获博士学位50. take ones order (侍者给客人)点菜 51. take/ attend a course/ class 参加课程的学习/上课52. take ones advice 接受某人的意见;follow ones advice听从某人的意见;seek ones advice = ask sb. for advice征求某人的意见 53. take leave 告辞;离开54. take sb/ sth. as a example/ take sb./ sth. for example 以为例55. take / show/ feel (an) interest in 对

4、感兴趣B. make/ take 类1. make / take a holiday 2. make / take a note ofC. take /have类take a seat / walk / rest/ break / rest/ picnic/ bathhaveD. do 类 1. do sb a favour = do a favour to sb. 2. do sb/ sth harm = do harm to sb/ sth3. do a good deed 4. do some (a lot of) walking/ shoppingE. go 类1. go for a

5、walk/ ride/ swim/ 2. go shopping/ climbing/ swimming/ sight-seeing 3. go boating/hikingF. 其他类1. mind/watch your step 走路小心 2. leave a message 留下口信3. take a message 稍口信 4. get the message 明白对方的意思5. attend school / a meeting 上学、开会 6. tell a joke 讲笑话7. have a class 上课 8. give a class 授课9. answer the doo

6、r / bell / phone 开门/接电话 10. answer the letter= reply to the letter 回信11. break the law 违法 12. break a record 破记录13. set a record 创记录 14. hold a record 保持记录15. break ones promise 违背诺言; make a promise许下诺言; keep ones promise =keep ones word信守诺言); carry out ones promise 实践诺言16. achieve success/ ones goa

7、l/ ones purpose取得成功/ 达到目标17. wear long hair /moustache / a flower留长发/留胡须/戴花18. wear a big smile挂着灿烂的微笑 19. lose ones way 迷路 20. do ones lessons /homework 做功课/作业 21. do/ try ones best 尽最大努力 22. feel ones way 摸索着前进 23. shake ones head 摇头 24. earn ones living=earn ones bread =make ones living make/earn

8、/ get/ gain a living 谋生25. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 26. save ones life 救命27. take ones time慢慢来 28. follow ones example 效仿某人 29. follow ones dream 追随梦想 30. lose ones head 冲动;失去理智31. lose ones way 迷路 32. struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来33. use ones brains 动脑筋 34. lose ones heart (to sb.)=fall in love with sb

9、. 35. lose heart/ courage失去信心 36. dress oneself 自己穿衣 37. come to oneself 恢复知觉 38. devote oneself to 致力于 39. enjoy oneself 过得快乐 =have a good time 40. excuse oneself 为自己辩解 41. explain oneself 说明自己的意图 41. feel oneself 觉得正常 42. help oneself to 随便吃,随便用 43. make oneself at home 别客气 44. find oneself in/ at

10、发觉自己来到. 45. say to oneself 心里想= think to oneself 46. talk/ speak to oneself 自言自语 47. seat oneself 坐下 48. teach oneself自学 49. come to a stop 停下来50. come to an end 结束 51.bring to an end= put an end to结束52. come to / arrive at/ reach/ draw a conclusion 得出结论53. come to / arrive at/ reach an agreement 达成

11、一致意见54. burst into tears / cheers/ song / laughter 突然大哭/欢呼/ 唱起歌来/ 大笑55. burst into the house 快速进到屋子里来 56. expect sb等待某人到来 57. expect a letter 等信/ 期盼来信 58. set up a school 创办学校 = start a school59. found a school 出资办学 60. carry on a conversation 进行会话61. meet challenge 迎接挑战 62. meet / satisfy the need

12、满足需要63. carry on the business 做生意 64. carry out an experiment= conduct/perform/ do an experiment 做实验65. explain oneself 说明某种行为的理由 66. express oneself 表达自己的意思67.teach sb. a lesson给某人以教训 68. fix ones eyes on 专注地看69. pay attention to =take notice of 注意 70. fix ones attention on 集中注意力于71. attract / catc

13、h / draw ones attention = catch ones eye 引起某人的注意72. play/ act the role /the part of 扮演角色73. play an important part / role in 在. 中扮演重要角色/ 起重要作用74. contain /hold 5 litres of water 容纳5升的水75. hold/ seat 100 people 容纳100人76. set/lay the table 摆桌子 77. collect / gather flowers 采花 78. collect / raise money

14、筹钱 79. collect ones senses 集中注意力 80. collect ones thoughts and ideas 集中思想和意念 81 . enjoy success 获得成功82. pay sb a visit/ pay a visit to sb/ some place. = visit sb/ some place 拜访某人、 参观某地83. set sb. an example = set an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样附注几个值得注意的表达84. I can read your mind 我知道你想什么85. My heart sank.

15、我的心往下沉。86. He is a heavy smoker. 他抽烟多。87. The traffic is very heavy. 路上很堵常用的一词多义A类- 14个多含义的常见动词(work,share也兼作名词)1. developDevelop a new model研发新模型;develop a good habit培养好习惯;develop/exploit the natural resources开发天然资源; develop a cough咳嗽起来develop a film 冲胶卷2.recover recover what was lost 找回丢失的东西; reco

16、ver ones sight/ hearing恢复失视力/听力recover ones strength 恢复元气; recover from ones illness病后复原; recover from ones astonishment 惊魂已定3. settlesettle the argument 结束争论; settle the disagreement 解决分歧; settle / solve the problem 解决问题; settle the matter解决事情; settle down (使) 镇静;(使)平静; (做vi 时= calm down)settle on

17、the branch 停于树枝上; settle in 迁入新居;从事新的工作; settle oneself in an armchair在扶手椅上休息4. covercover an area of 占地面积.; cover the loss 弥补损失; cover the event/ conference 报道事件/ 大会; cover our expenses 够开支; cover the young man from the mans blows 用身体护住年轻人不致被那人殴打; cover 10 miles 走了1;英里; cover a wide field 涵盖很广的领域5.

18、 strike:n. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,罢工,(灾难等)袭击/降临;袭击;划燃;突然想起1) The car ran out of control and struck / hit a tree. 汽车失去控制,撞在树上。2) The union struck for better work conditions. 工会为争取更好的工作条件而罢工。 3) It was not long before tragedy struck again. 没多久,灾难又再次降临。4) Enemy troops struck just before dawn. 敌军在拂晓前发起了进攻。5) The

19、 little girl struck a match and tried to keep herself warm. 小女孩划了根火柴想让自己暖和些。6)The clock struck 12 0clock 钟敲12 点了。7)Ive struck on a plan for solving the problem. = A plan for solving the problem struck me. 我突然想起一个解决这个问题的办法。6. bearbear a heavy load 负重担; bear wounds 有创伤; cant bear忍受不了 cant bear的用法:t be

20、ar sb. / sth. cant bear to do sth., cant bear sb. doing sth.)。例如:1) Oh, I cant bear that man-he really irritates me! 我无法忍受那个人他真的很让我生气。2) Please dont leave me all alone, I couldnt bear it. 不要拉下我一人,我受不了。3) He cant bear people smoking while hes eating. 他受不了吃饭的时候别人抽烟。4) Alison couldnt bear to leave and

21、cried all the way to the airport. 就要离开了,Alison很难过,一直哭到机场。联想:t stand,常用于cant stand sth./cant stand doing/cant stand to do/cant stand sb. doing sth.通常用于口语: 不能忍受(某人、某物、做某事):7. treat n. 宴飨,款待 v. 视为,对待,处理,探讨,治疗。1) This meal is my treat, so put your money away. 这顿饭我请客,你把钱收起来吧。2) Smoked salmon, what a trea

22、t! 吃熏大马哈鱼那可太棒了!3) This boy is being treated for a heart condition. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。4) My mother always treats us like children. 我妈妈总把我们当孩子看待。5) This delicate glass must be treated with care. 这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。6) The documentary treated the question in some detail. 这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度。7) We were treated to the

23、 unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV. 我们有幸目睹首相上电视一展歌喉的难得场面. 8. beat vt. & vi. 打赢 (其宾语是“对手”= defeat );敲打;(心脏等)跳动。1) We beat them by a score of 2 to 1. 我们以2比1打赢了他们。2) You cant beat us at the game. 你们不可能打败我们的。3) His heart is still beating. 他的心脏还在跳。4)Who is beating the drum? 谁在击鼓?比较:win “获

24、胜”, 其宾语是“比赛”、“竞赛”或“奖品”等。We have won the match. 我们胜了这场比赛。Li Ming won the first place. 李明得了第一名。9reachvt.1) 伸展,伸出:(将身体的一部分)伸展开或拉开;延伸: He reached out an arm. 伸出一只手臂The property reaches the shore. 地产一直延伸到岸边 2) 伸出,够到,触及:伸出或展开来触摸或抓住: I couldnt reach the shelf. 没法够着书架3) 达到,得到: reach a conclusion得出一个结论;reach

25、 their destination.到达他们的目的地 4) 取得联系,沟通: They reached us by telephone. 他们通过电话找到了我们。5) 影响,左右; 成功地对产生影响: No one seems able to reach her anymore. 看起来没有人能够再对她产生任何影响 6) 传达:最大限度地发射出去: A distant cry reached our ears. 我们听到从远处传来一阵哭声 7) 合计,累计:总计为或总数为: Sales reached the thousands. 商品卖出了数千件 8) 传递【非正式用语】:抓住然后传递给另

26、一个人: Reach me the sugar. 把糖递给我 vi1) 伸出:伸出或延展某物,伸手碰到,伸手去抓:尽量抓到或触到某物: reached for a book. 使劲够一本书 2) 延伸:在时间或空间上有延伸度: a coat that reaches to the knee长及膝盖的大衣;; a career that reached over several decades. 一项干了几十年的事业 n. out of/ beyond ones reach 某人够不着;within ones reach 某人够得着10. make. 1. 做;制造;建造: Mary made

27、a paper boat. 玛丽做了一只纸船。2. 作出(某种举动) : I didnt make any promise. 我没有作出任何承诺。3. 使得;使.做.: His jokes made us all laugh. 他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。4. 到达;赶上: We just made the last bus. 我们正好赶上末班公交车。5. 获得,挣得;赢得: He makes $1,000 a month. 他每月挣一千元。6. 认为;估计,推算: I make the distance ten miles. 这段距离我估计是十英里。7. 总计;等于 One hundred centimeters make one meter. 一百厘米等于一米。8. 准备;整理;布置: make the bed 铺床9. 引起;产生: He made her many enemies. 他树敌

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