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1、冠词/不定冠词: 不定冠词: a/an 表示某一个 a辅音开头的名词前 an元音开头的名词前 an + apple 、orange、 egg、 elephant、 insect 、umbrella、 old、 hour、 honest 定冠词:the表示特定的这个或那个 the sun定冠词the用于特指、独一无二(the sun)、形容词最高级、序数词、海洋江河山脉岛屿等专有名词(the Yangze River)、方位词、乐器(play th piano)、时间(in the morning) 零冠词:球类运动(play football)、时间(at night)、季节月份星期(in s

2、pring ,in September, on Monday)、名词复数: 一般情况 ,单词变复数只需加 s,如bookbooks, friendfriends; catcats 凡是以s、ss, z、x、ch、sh或o结尾的词,后面只需加es。如;busbuses; foxfoxes;等。 结尾以y ,而y之前是元音字母的话,只需加s 就行了。toytoys、boyboys.如果y前是辅音,去y加ies 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves。例:knifeknives; lifelives; leafleaves。反例:roofroofs 以o 结尾的词,有生命加es

3、如;potato- potatoes。但没有生命的加s (除个别特殊的) 不规则变化单词child-children tooth-teeth manmen womanwomen mousemice footfeet 单复数相同的词;fish sheep deer 如果是不可数,列如液体,粉状的没有单复数形式。如water milk jam meat flour rice power paper cloud honey sugar rice bread salt air juice pepper grass work 反义词:down - up open close come go ask an

4、swer hot cold cool warm dry wet young old new old tall short high-short good-bad yes-no fat-thin white-back big-small left-right smooth-rough hard-soft in-outon-under black-white come-go sit down-stand upthis-that these-those同音词:see sea know no there their deer dear pear pair where wear meat meet bu

5、y by - byewrite right for four sun son hear-here flower-flour our hour be bee week - weaktwo-too-to eye-I pear pair whole holeweather whether mail male steal steeltail tale hair hare arent aunt father fartherone won through threw would wood new knewwhose whos its its ours - hoursThere be句型:跟be动词解释差不

6、多,只用看be动词后紧跟着的名词是单数还是复数了。紧跟的是单个或不可数则用is,紧跟的是多个则用are用法:There be句型一般表示地方或存在某物。动词be的单复数形式要跟There be之后的主语保持一致,并且根据就近一致原则来变化。句子结构:主语 谓语 宾语主语;指人、事件或事物等,是一句话的中心。谓语;描述主语是什么、做什么事或主语有什么感受等。主语和谓语的位置;习惯上主语在句前,谓语在后,但有时会例外。主语一般是名词或主格代词;谓语一般是be动词或动词;宾语一般是名词或宾格代词句子时态表示现在情况的有一般现在时和现在进行时。动词的形式;动作可以在不同时段发生,如:现在发生、过去发生

7、、现在正在进行中和动作已经完成等。动词的形态要跟随动作发生的时间而改变,称时态。标点符号;写文章时,标点符号是不可缺少的。一般现在时谓语是系动词be(表示是): am:主语I后用, I am。 Are: 主语是1)两个以上的物品有生命的2)you we they those these时用 is: 主语是 1)单个物品或单个有生命的或不可数的2)he she it this that时用 【当堂反馈】1*根据音标读背UNIT3 UNIT4 的单词在规定时间内背完之后默写一名学生_ 一名护士_一名男孩_ 一名医生_一棵树_一名女孩_一所学校_爬树_我们的_你是对的_打扰一下_过来 _ 在那边_祖

8、父_大眼睛_大嘴巴_晚上好_ 在晚会上_短头发_让我们快点 _一个鼻子 _ 1条白色短裙_ 在小汽车里_一名警察_ 一名工人_一名女警察_一名厨师_一名男服务员_一位农民_一名女服务员_一名驾驶员_工作_苹果_橘子_香蕉_桃子_葡萄_菠萝_西瓜_梨_一、判断划线部分读音是否相同,打“”或“”。12% 1. tree dress ( ) 2. black jacket ( ) 3. three there ( ) 4. worker woman ( ) 5. cook book ( ) 6. dog brother ( )二、根据中文写单词。(10%)1.买一些葡萄 2.这些学生 3.她的朋友

9、4.穿一件白色毛衣 5.他们的职业 e down many kilos 8. which one 9.lets hurry 10.the woman with long hair 三、选择填空。()1.The boy _ a big nose is new here. A.with B. in C. on )2.Are you a teacher? No, _ _. A. I am B. Im notC. Im)3. I can see the girl _ the tree. B. with C. on )4. _ that girl?Shes Yang Ling.Wh

10、osB. Whose C Whats)5.The girl is_ the red sweater.on B. in C. with)6. Its nine oclock. Its late _ the party A. toB. for C. in () 7.He is your mothers father. Hes your . A father B grandfather C sister) 8. -Can I help you? -Some , please. A pears B: pear C: a pear ) 9. _ is your sister Helen. A. He B

11、. You C. She) 10.-Its cold today, it? A is B isnt C arent四、按要求改写句子 (5%)1. This is a green apple. (改一般疑问句)_ 2. These are some peaches. (对划线部分提问) 3. Helen is twelve. (对划线部分提问) _ 4. They are drivers. (改一般疑问句) _ 5. That is an English teacher. (改成复数)五、 从B栏中选出A栏中句子的答案。(8%)A( ) 1.Whats your name?( ) 2.Nice

12、 to meet you.( ) 3. Were late for the party.( ) 4.Whats her job ?( )5.What are these?( ) 6.How old is he?( ) 7.Good evening. ( ) 8.Whos that boy? B A. Nice to meet you, too.B. They are applesC. Hes one.D. Yes. Lets hurry.E. My name is David.F. Shes a waitress.G. Hes Mike.H Good evening.六、把下列单词连成句子。(

13、5%)1you, are , a , nurse (?)_2. are, how, you, old (?3. your, boy, brother, is, that (?4. job, whats, your (?5. trees, dont, again, climb (.)七、看图完成对话。1. A: Is she a _ ? Yes , she is . A: _ _ is she ? _ thirty .2. A: Can I _ you ?B: Id _ some _ ,please . _ _ kilos ? _ kilos .八、阅读理解.(10%)Ben: Lets go

14、to Nancys birthday(生日) party, Mike .Mike: OK, Ben. Whos the boy with big ears? Hes Nancy brother, David. Oh, look at the girl in the white skirt. Is she Su Yang? Yes, she is. .And the short boy is Wang Bing. He is twelve. Oh, I see. Now, its six oclock. Lets go. OK.根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1.David is the

15、boy with big ears.( )2 Su Yang is in the white sweater.( )3.Wang Bing is short.( )4.Mike is twelve.( )5. Its seven oclock.教研组长(签字) 校长(签字)课后反思本次课后作业学生对本次课评价:+(105):老师备课特别充分,讲课特别生动,上课特别有效。 A(99):老师备课很充分,讲课很生动,上课很有效。 B(80):老师备课比较充分,讲课比较生动,上课比较有效。 C(50):老师备课一般,讲课一般,上课一般。 D(0):老师备课混乱,讲课水平低,上课没有效。学生签字:教师评定:1. 学生上次作业评价评价:2. 学生本次上课情况评价:教师签字:

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