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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译题 目 Knowledge management component inmanaging human resources for enterprises 在知识管理组件型企业的人力资源管理 作者姓名 专业名称 信息管理与信息系统 学科门类 管理学 指导老师 刘小豫 提交翻译日期 二一四年十二月 Knowledge management component in managing human resources for enterprises在知识管理组件型企业的人力资源管理14Abstract Both human resources and knowledge

2、are valuable assets for enterprises; therefore, effective management of these assets becomes inevitably critical for business success. While human resource management systems have been a research topic for more than two decades, knowledge management systems applied to human resource management are r

3、elatively new to both academia and industry. This study examines the use of knowledge management in a business environment such as human resource management. The evolution of information systems and information processing in the human resource management domain is presented, and a knowledge-based de

4、cision support system for human resource management is proposed.Keywords: Human resource management ;Knowledge management; Intelligent information processing ;Decision support system1 IntroductionEver since the computer technology was 摘要 人力资源和知识是企业宝贵的资产;因此,这些资产的有效管理不可避免的成为企业成功的关键。而人力资源管理系统是已经超过二十年的一

5、个研究课题,知识管理系统被应用到人力资源管理在学术界和工业界是相对较新的。本研究探讨知识管理在商业环境如人力资源管理的使用。在人力资源管理领域的信息系统和信息处理的发展提出了一个基于知识的决策支持系统,并对人力资源管理提出了建议。关键词: 人力资源管理;知识管理;智能信息处理;决策支持系统1引言自从计算机技术被开发和被应用到商业业developed and applied to business operations, business world had never been the same. Today, widespread use of the Internet in busines

6、s applications inspires drastic changes in business world 6, 20, 44. Early applications of computers basically focused on routine tasks such as in business transactions, accounting procedures, and inventory management 1, 33.More advanced information technologies (IT) have been used in decision makin

7、g process, knowledge management, business intelligence, expert systems, among others. The impact of IT on todays business is evident in at least two ways: (1) improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity; and (2) a transition to new practices in the way people create, organize, manage

8、, and operate an enterprise 68. As we all know, both knowledge and human resources are valuable assets for enterprises, and therefore, effective management of those.1.1 Human resource managementHuman resource management (HRM) practices have along history. Like many early business applications of com

9、puter systems, computerized human resource management focused on low level, routine tasks such as recruiting, record keeping, rewards andwages before the mid-1980s52. In 1984,务,商业世界从来没有相同的。今天,互联网在商业应用的广泛使用使商业世界急剧变化 6,20 ,44。早期的计算机应用基本集中在日常任务,如在商业交易,会计程序和库存管理 1,33 。更先进的信息技术(IT)已经应用在决策过程,知识管理,商业智能,专家系

10、统等等。在今天的商业影响中,至少在两个方面是显而易见的:(1)效率,有效性,和生产力的改善;和(2)过渡到新的行为方式的人创造,组织,管理,和经营一个企业 68 。1.1人力资源管理人力资源管理(HRM)的做法有着悠久的历史。像许多早期的电脑系统的商业应用,在上世纪80年代中期 52 以前计算机化的人力资源管理主要集中在低水平的日常任务,如招聘、记录、奖励和工资等。Fombrun et al. 19 became one of the first researchers who developed the concept of strategic human resource manageme

11、nt (SHRM) and started linking HRM functions with the overall organizational strategy. Unlike the early age HRM systems, SHRM mainly focuses on activities involving HR planning and HR policies, such as internal career opportunities, training systems, performance appraisals, profit-sharing plans, empl

12、oyment security, Voice mechanisms, decision making, and job definition 42,50, 52. SHRM made human resource management a more meaningful concept. In addition, SHRM perceives people as critical organizational investments, strategic resources and competitive advantages that determine the success and fa

13、ilure of an organization2, 3, 18, 34, 37, 43, 57.Therefore, human resource management has transitioned from task-oriented HRM to people-oriented SHRM. Due to large amount of information processed in this new type of human resource management, information technology inevitably plays an important role

14、 in the HRM domain 53. The evidence of human resource management systems evolving from managing fundamental routine tasks such as recruiting, record keeping, rewards and wages to more advanced1984,弗布伦 19 成为开发战略人力资源管理的概念的人之一,第一个研究(SHRM)开始连接管理功能与组织的整体战略。不像早期的研究主要集中在人力资源管理系统,包括人力资源规划、人力资源政策的活动,如内部职业机会,

15、培训,绩效评估,利润分享计划,就业保障,语音机制,决策,和工作的定义 42,50 ,52 。战略人力资源管理使人力资源管理变成一个更加有意义的概念。此外,研究认为人作为关键组织投资,战略资源和竞争优势,决定组织成败 2,3,18,34,37,43,57 。因此,人力资源管理已经从任务导向的人力资源管理转变为以人为本的战略人力资源管理。大量的这种新型的人力资源管理,信息处理,信息技术在人力资源管理领域 53 必然起着重要的作用。人力资源管理系统从管理基本的日常任务,如招聘,记录证据,奖励和工资提升为更先进的功能,如员工培训系统,绩效评估,利润分享计划,就业保障已在过去的几十年里目睹了。互联网技术的应用和商业智能、知识管理的新概念,使得信息系统的使用和信息处理人力资源管理的方式在过去的十年大大得到改善 10,14,45,54,60,6264,64,72 。在上世纪90年代中期,互联网成为商业业务可用的,电子商务的概念也就出现了。利用网络技术和信息技术的一般运行的业务功能,包括人力资源管理等,是 functions such as employee training systems,performance appraisals, profi

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