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1、A. It B. That C. This D. They5. Which of these two novels (小说)will you borrow? Ill borrow _ of them. Because they are very interesting. A. either B. all C. neither D. both6. This coat _ be Toms. He doesnt like the color at all.Amust Bmight Ccould Dcant7. Look! There is some paper on the ground. Lets

2、 _.Apick it up Bpick up it C. pick them up D. pick up them8. We often see Bob _ ping-pong in the park.Aplay Bto play Cplaying DPlayed9. Its our duty to prevent the environment _ being polluted.Aof Bfor Cfrom DIn10. We dont know _.Awhen was the hospital builtBwhen the hospital was builtCwhen is the h

3、ospital builtDwhen the hospital is built II.阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) A(山东省泰安市泰山区2014届九年级上学期期末学情检测英语试题)Some people say, “Extreme(极限的)sports are so dangerous. Why would anyone want to do them? ” But the danger is what makes them so excited. Keep reading to find out the most popular ones. Bungee jumping: Peopl

4、e on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China in 1996. Skateboarding: At first, this sport was called “sidewalk surfing”. Skateboarde

5、rs often jump high into the air, go down steps or slide(滑行)down rails on their boards. They wear baggy trousers so they can move more freely. Skydiving: This is probably the scariest extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually free-fall for a whil

6、e and then open a parachute to slow down for a safe landing. Snowboarding: This became a winter Olympic sport in 1998. People tie their feet to the board with special shoes. They dont use any ski sticks. Then, they ride down hills, jump high and do tricks. 1. What made bungee jumping popular all ove

7、r the world?AA history of hundreds of years. BJumping over a river in England. CComing to China in 1996. DJumping off a bridge in Britain. 2. In which sport do people jump from a plane?ABungee jumping. B. Skydiving. CSkateboarding. DSnowboarding. 3. Why do people wear “baggy trousers”?A. They have m

8、any bags on them. B. They make people move freely. C. They can hold many things. D. People wearing them can move fast. 4. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “parachute”?A. 直升飞机 B. 降落伞 C. 滑板 D. 飞艇5. Why do some people like to do the extreme sports?AIts exciting and safe. BIts dangerous but exci

9、ting. CIts scary but safe. DIts easy to learn. (2013咸阳学大教育中考英语模拟试题) BThe Dream It is everyones dream to work at home or not work at all. You can plan your own hours and work when you want to. There is no more rush hour and no hours that people waste when they get to and from a job every day. The Fac

10、t The fact is that this dream can be attained. You can stay at home, work when you want to and make money when you need to. There are plenty of opportunities for you to make money at home, just by using your computer and the Internet. Start Today! Educate yourself, look closely into all the opportun

11、ities and decide on what works best for you. It will not happen during one night, but you can make the decision today and start to make it happen today. How Could You Do It? Do you have a blog or a personal website like millions of other people? Are you using it to make money? Most of these blog and

12、 website owners are not. But you can do that! _ When you have your computer and the Internet working for you, your business will be working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will make money while you sleep, travel or do whatever you want to do all day long. Get Going There are many ways

13、 you can make money with your computer. And you can begin your stay-at-home businesses with just a little money. What are you waiting for?1. In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?A. Sports B. News C. Culture D. Business2. What does the underlined word “attained” mean

14、?A. broken B. realized C. lost D. found3. Whats the best title for Point ?A. Sleep 24 hours a day. B. Make Money Every Moment. C. Play All Day Long. D. Travel Around the World. 4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. People need a lot of money to start stay-at-home business

15、es. B. People can even use their blogs to make money. C. People can plan their own time when they work at home. D. People can make the best decision and start to make it happen today. 5. How is the passage organized?A. By using famous peoples words. B. By giving reasons only. C. By showing a topic a

16、nd giving solutions. D. By telling old stories. (2014深圳英语模拟试题)CA reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasnt aroundHeres our advice to herand to all kids who feel lonely sometimes Its hard when a best friend isnt aroundmaybe because she moved to a differ

17、ent school or a different classYou may feel lonely at break or lunchtimeYou want to have new friendsbut how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friendsBut remember, theres always room for more friends Start by looking around your classroomthink about which kids you

18、d like to play with at breakLook for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendlyOffer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to themInvite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroomWhen youre at break,walk over to kids you want to play withact friendl

19、y,and say “Hi,can l play, too?” or just join in If you have trouble doing this or if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friendsTeachers are usually pretty good at matching up friendsThe best way to make friends is to be a friendBe kind,be friendly,share,say nice things,offer to

20、 helpand pretty soon,youll have one,or two,or even more new friends. You might still miss that special best friendBut when you see each other, you can share something you didnt have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!1This text is written for Ateachers Bparents Cstudents Dvisi

21、tors2According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they Ahave trouble with their studies Bdont have their best friends aroundCneed their parents to be with themDare too young to look after themselves3The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 refers to Asharing your ideas B. talking b

22、efore many peopleCstudying better at school D. developing new friendship4Some kids need help from teachers to make friends because Athey miss their old friends a lotBthey have no time to stay with othersCteachers know who wants a new friendDthey are shy or not good at making friends5The expression “

23、feeling left out means“ ”in ChineseA受冷落 8被调侃 C挨批评 D遭攻击III. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) w X k b 1. c O m1. Its difficult for a person to deal with a group of(wolf). 2. He lost his bag. Luckily there isnt anything(value)in it. 3. The boy often feels(sleep)in class. 4. Look! Theres a monkey(jump)up the tree. 5. A

24、ll the children are having fun(play)games in the park. I.完成句子(共5题,计10分)1.这本书属于琳达的,因为在封面上有她的名字。 The book Linda, because her name is on the cover.2.一定有什么东西闯入我们社区的住户家中。 There something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.3.其他人认为它是为庆祝战胜敌人而建的。 Others think it was built to a over an enemy.4.我们的确知道他一定很勤

25、奋而且是伟大的规划者! We know they have been hard-working)and great planners!5.他可能在为即将到来的英语考试而学习。 He could for the coming English exam.V综合填空(共5小题,计10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容和已给出的首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。Last week, some strange events happened in Bell Tower neighborhood. People knew something m 1 have visited their homes, becau

26、se many of them heard noises outside at night and found some footsteps on the windows. However, they really had no i 2 what it was. Everyone in the neighborhood was unhappy and w 3 . Yesterday, the director of the local zoo was i 4 on TV. He said three monkeys escaped f 5 the zoo and visited Bell To

27、wer neighborhood. The monkeys snuck(偷窃)some food and chased after each other in the yard. Now, those three monkeys have been caught and sent back to the zoo. And Bell Tower neighborhood becomes quiet again. VI.阅读表达(2013东营市中考)Michael went back to Fullerton, his home town. His visit to Fullerton was v

28、ery special to him. 3.He was born there, he grew up there. But he hadnt been back there since he finished high school.He went to places he hadnt gone to in years. He walked through the park and remembered the days he had walked through that same park with his friend. He passed by the field where he

29、and his friends had played baseball every day after school. And he stood in front of the movie theater and thought about all the Saturday afternoons he had spent there, watching his favorite movie heroes and eating popcorn.4.He did things he hadnt done in a long time. He had some home-made ice cream at the ice cream shop. He rode on the merry-go-round in the park, and he went fishing at the lake. For a little while, he felt like a kid again.He saw people he hadnt seen in years. He visited several of his old neighbors. He said hello to the owners of the candy st

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